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Beyond Bigelow & BAASS, After AATIP and on To the Stars...

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posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: IMSAM
Ttsa roasting by the paraddigm group basset et all,Dont like the paradigm group but i agree with their article here


Here's another snippet. Doesn't seem as if Basset realizes the apparent dichotomy here. Of course he's worked long and hard in the field and he's apparently understandably happy just to see the topic being addressed in a more public way.

These "MIC" folk, however, are unlikely to be bucking the official genetics that spawned them--and continue to employ them--and therein lay my own problems with this.

PRG fully expected this initiative to be heavily scrutinized and criticized, and has tried to impress upon the public the complexity and degree of difficulty in putting together this unprecedented effort from within the military/intelligence complex (MIC).

Seven decades of government imposed embargo on confirming the extraterrestrial presence created considerable distrust and frustration particularly with those researcher/activists quite familiar with the evidentiary basis underpinning the reality of the phenomena. Many other actions by political leadership in concert with the MIC over the same period have added to this distrust.

A retrospective of how "whistleblowers" are handled and treated would seem to negate what we're seeing with TTSA.

edit on 10-7-2019 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: The GUT

Well, there is a strange historical correlation with alleged Disclsoure attempts and political disaster:

JFK (early 1960s - lots of Disclosure rumors) - Assassinated
Nixon (early 1970s - Emenegger film, alleged disclosure plan, etc) - Watergate, resignation
Carter (late 70s - UFO Sighting, Roswell resurfaces) - One term president, hostage crisis
Reagan (early 80s) - Assassination attempt
Bush I (late 80s UFO Cover Up Live, etc.) One term president.
Bill Clinton (Rockefeller Initiative, 90s UFO media explosion) scandal, impeachment
Hillary Clinton (2016 Promises Disclosure) HumilIating defeat, historical upset

Of course there is much much more to each of these stories than UFOs. But perhaps the Trickster or whoever controls the UFO story didn't like the direction things were headed in.

No wonder Bush II, Obama and Trump just shrugged the UFO question away.

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: IMSAM

Btw heres his yt videos talking on ttsa fear mongering.

Rough transcripts follow

-was impressed with how well was rendlesam handled and that some things were disclosed that werent anywhere else???!?

as per usual dolan dosent butt heads with anyone and tries to keep distances from everyone,i mean hes being diplomatic

Thanks IAMSAM, i was going to do this so you saved me a job!

edit on 10 7 19 by Diaspar because: (no reason given)

edit on 10 7 19 by Diaspar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Diaspar

For some reason it didn't capture what i posted after IAMSAMs quoted post in the above. Glitch maybe.

Anyway, he's what i responded with:

"Thanks IAMSAM, i was going to do this so you saved me a job!

The only thing i would add on Rendelsham is that Dolan did say John Burroughs was not happy with how it was portrayed.
But then goes on to say "they didn't do a terrible job" and then to say "it was a well done show". All a bit contradictory.

However, i think that was because exactly as you point out - doesn't want to butt heads and he's being diplomatic
(i definitely got that impression when listening to him).

He seems to me to be very much on fence overall, which is his prerogative of course, and that allows him to go either way later on depending on what comes out of 'The Threat Spreading Agency' *cough* TTSA later on.

(Credit to Guest101 for 'The Threat Spreading Agency')"
edit on 10 7 19 by Diaspar because: (no reason given)

edit on 10 7 19 by Diaspar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: coursecatalog
No wonder Bush II, Obama and Trump just shrugged the UFO question away.

Which left us with SERPO; O'Hare; the ongoing Alien Autopsy until the mid-2000s; Stephenville (near Bush II's Crawford ranch), and... erm... TTSA.

Overall, comparatively speaking, not much for Presidents to get excited about.

edit on 10-7-2019 by ConfusedBrit because: Wrong Bush

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Diaspar

(Credit to Guest101 for 'The Threat Spreading Agency')

It's a good one, but your National Security State obviously poses a threat. And so does forever warfare, I'm with Eisenhower on that note. And they actually mentioned this a few times, even in this remarkably shallow and cheesy mainstream production.
It's not exactly a strict alien threat agenda when you think about it, or is it?

This could be THE paradigm shifting event in human history, hence a possible threat for our status quo. I would simply laugh off he whole ordeal if they didn't mention this tangent, but they did.

Lighten up! A TTSA tictac cruise ship at the edges of our Milky Way might be a thing one day. WTF do we know anyway.

edit on 10-7-2019 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: Guest101

I’ve posted many times what you’re saying

That is that TTSA is nothing new and that everything their trying to do has been done, has been said, and that all they can do is do it over.

The only thing interesting about TTSA is the present positive MSM press they garner.

The other ONLY interesting aspect of TTSA was TDLs original intimation that they would DISCLOSE

That clearly hasn’t occurred THEREFORE

I ask publicly


edit on 10-7-2019 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

your National Security State

Not sure what to make of that since you don't know where i'm from, unless you are saying all pose a threat?

It's not exactly a strict alien threat agenda when you think about it, or is it?

Who knows with these guys exactly what their agenda is. This could be anything from CIA Psyops to small disclosure of something much larger and "paradigm shifting" to all done for dramatic tv production reasons, which ultimately means nothing more than for $$$

The way this show has gone, my money (what little i have) is on the later. Their recent Share Offering would point to this too.

But i will try to remain hopeful and open minded just in case...

WTF do we know anyway

From this show, very little.

But i realize you were saying this on a much grander scale. I agree.

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 03:11 PM

The other ONLY interesting aspect of TTSA was TDLs original intimation that they would DISCLOSE

That clearly hasn’t occurred THEREFORE

I ask publicly


That would imply TTSA is over and done with. They are not.

Last of the non-fiction books comes out next year. They have a timetable, for whatever they are doing.

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: Diaspar

Not sure what to make of that since you don't know where i'm from, unless you are saying all pose a threat?

Yes. They do, all of them.

all done for dramatic tv production reasons, which ultimately means nothing more than for $$$

With this kind of editing and general jumpiness I'm thinking emotional programming, essentially full blown mind control. After this "disclosure" I could be even more confused than I was before, if that would be possible. lol.

But i will try to remain hopeful and open minded just in case...

Kudos to you! Not an easy task with all those... errr... "hickups" at play.

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 03:27 PM

Who knows with these guys exactly what their agenda is. This could be anything from CIA Psyops to small disclosure of something much larger and "paradigm shifting" to all done for dramatic tv production reasons, which ultimately means nothing more than for $$$

Do you think if they had anything new or “ paradigm shifting” they wouldn’t have disclosed it yet?


Last of the non-fiction books comes out next year. They have a timetable, for whatever they are doing.

I don’t believe they have any timetable.

I don’t believe they have anything at all

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Who knows with these guys exactly what their agenda is. This could be anything from CIA Psyops to small disclosure of something much larger and "paradigm shifting" to all done for dramatic tv production reasons, which ultimately means nothing more than for $$$
Do you think if they had anything new or “ paradigm shifting” they wouldn’t have disclosed it yet?

I think this was meant for me rather than Guest101

I was just listing out a small number of possibilities of motive and agenda.

My current opinion was

for dramatic tv production reasons, which ultimately means nothing more than for $$$

But here's another possibility:

All these guys (TTSA) have an absolute and genuine interest in the phenomenon and want nothing more than to "disclose" everything they have, but they are bound by other entities and the production and final editing is out of their hands, so what we see ends up being somewhat deceptive and amateurish.

As i said, not my current opinion but time will tell Willtell...

i will try to remain hopeful and open minded just in case...

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Do you think if they had anything new or “ paradigm shifting” they wouldn’t have disclosed it yet?

With all those NDAs signed, how could they?

More awareness regarding the National Security States could mean more water on that mill, right? Manning and Wikileaks are only the beginning, SAP eyes might be watching this as we speak. And grooming a culture for safe leaks would be the only alternative to waiting for 2050, if Astr0 was on to something...

Black Budgets and Shadow Courts are a fcking threat in my book. And when we need casual advertisement-style mind control, cable-TV production value and TDL to bring the point across: so be it.

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

if Astr0 was on to something...

Oh boy, there's one thread that i wish was/is true
almost certainly naively on my part, but hey i love sci-fi and that thread was, at the very least, a great story well executed.

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: Diaspar

The Gary McKinnon story in a nutshell. It's my working hypothesis for now, took me a while to get there tho. And a Black Triangle slowly hovering above my head.

Triangles of Woo.

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Sent you a pm to avoid off topic discussion.

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 04:49 PM


Last of the non-fiction books comes out next year. They have a timetable, for whatever they are doing.

I don’t believe they have any timetable.

I don’t believe they have anything at all

Well this is not exactly a question of belief. Next non-fiction book is slated to be published next year.

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

In order to best "reach" my demographic, they shouldn't use a celebrity at all. Credibility is lost immediately.

To me the whole need to reach out to a very specific and very US-centric demographic was also a rather strange decision. Recruiting a middle aged third generation punk singer seems strange too. We do know George Knapp was 'mentoring' DeLonge back pre-TTSA due to Wikileaks....In his best English Tom emailed John Podesta...

Feb 14th 2016...

...Because of his [Knapp's] maturity on the topic, he is consistently given important information to help communicate. He helped me create my thesis (3 Sekret Machines NonFiction Books Coming out after the Novel) and that thesis is what gained my friendship with The very important General from Wright Patt that was on our call...


I think there is a clue there that for whatever reasons someone saw Tom's usefulness in the middle of this decade. As we now know McCasland and Carey seem to have stepped down and fell silent. No so called investigative journalists ,including Bender, Keane and Knapp, seem interested in trying to contact them about their early involvement and pursuing that part of the story. Even though it's a matter of public record.

Why not? There's a conspiracy of silence there isn't there?

As a side note.. for those of you who are dissatisfied right now with how things have gone.. I must ask again.. what do you want?

I think we expect far better analysis than TTSA were able to offer. What a waste of $22m AATIP seems to be if Zondo has to go around the USA collecting statements after he's retired.

We want more than anecdotal evidence, stories and repetition of old UFO mythology. Telling us UFOs exist is not news. It's an obvious play on words because to many people 'UFO' means alien spacecraft.

These same linguistical tactics are repeated over and over to convince people....But they don't prove anything in hard scientific terms.

None of these arguments are valid in that respect. I think many of us here have been through that phase in our lives and eventually come to realize our errors of judgement.

But these arguments remain the fall back position of those who want to promote belief, or simply do believe....

■ The sheer volume of sightings means at least some seen have to be extra-terrestrial craft.

■ Important people (Jimmy Carter for example) have seen a UFO. So there must be some truth there.

■ Heroic astronauts like Edgar Mitchell and politicians like Paul Hellyer have been told ET exists. Who would lie to them?.....

■ The Universe is so large that we are surely not the only space faring species out there (forgetting we haven't been much further than our own doorstep)

■ The majority of educated people now believe in the existence of aliens.

■ Many UFO witnesses are highly trained observers....

■ Why would this person lie about seeing an ET spacecraft?

■ This person is rich they are surely not in it for the money?

It all shows that ufology is still not a scientific endeavour but something belief driven.

You guys are looking only at what has been said/shown and given no credence to what is inferred.

When someone with a high security clearance leaves the govt and tries to further along disclosure, it means they have see and learned things they can't tell us about.

Elizondo can't just come out with evidence and say exactly what he knows and disclose everything. It's classified.

Did Elizondo ever leave the government? He says he did? But what proves who he really is or indeed was?

There is even a grammatically incorrect letter that appears to confirm he took 'differed' [sic] retirement. This was 'leaked' via Chris Mellon's website. So much for Mellon's credentials as TTSA's National Security Affairs Advisor when he leaks the Director of Global Security & Special Programs [Elizondo's] own documents!

Zondo still maintains he has top secret clearances.

How can that be?

Any such clearances expire once you leave service unless you carry on as a contractor or in a new government role don't they?

All I can say is that after all the hype we are still no further down the road than we probably were in the mid 1950s.

The inclusion of Puthoff on TTSA's team is also a huge red flag. He was one of the gang involved in spreading the faked SERPO story over a decade ago.

It takes a while to catch up with all the false lore and myths down the years. It also takes as long to recognise the charlatans and deceivers that are about. It's hard to believe it all because the conspiracies of conspiracy are layered deep.

What I am certain is that I won't convince you of anything. It's human nature to tend to believe something at face value unless our suspicions are already aroused. You have to question your own belief system. If you don't then all you will ever do is defend it.

edit on 10/7/2019 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: Sublant

I respect Dolan very much, he has earned it in the last 20 years.

I'd agree to a point. That is up until the last few years.

Dolan's two UFOs and the National Security State books are brilliant reference sources for anyone interested in ufology. Sadly they end in the early 90s and he has, as yet, chosen not to complete a third volume for his own reasons. He seems to have chosen a path of commercialising his brand. He signed up with a PR agency Pursuing X and got himself a new wife.

Ever since he got involved with his new wife i've noticed a straying towards the fringes. I am sure there are benefits to his marriage beyond what we see in public so don't doubt their devotion to each other. But what I've seen develop in these last few years is that the Dolans are rapidly becoming more and more like the John and Yoko of ufology.

edit on 10/7/2019 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Jul, 10 2019 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: mirageman

And that sums up ufology in one superb post.

It's almost as if the UFO party's over in the TTSA thread.

Right, then... hmmm... loads of empty Greer Beer bottles strewn about the thread - I'll clear them up... loads of empty pizza boxes, too - messy sods this lot...

... Anyone want this Bigelow Face-Mask? Scary, but great for Halloween and getaway drivers...

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