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Canadian teacher allegedly threatens to punch MAGA hat wearing student

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posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
TSS......Trump Support Syndrome.
Symptoms include the driving need to find each and any little alleged story about anyone, anywhere who sees Trump as a buffoon and has the gall to mention it out loud.

So your story above was a story told by a student to his father who then called into an AM talk radio program to spread the news. Can we smell any agenda with that?

What chances are there that this 9th grader is a lot like his father. Wearing a political had from another country. Just how are we to suppose that this kid from Moosejaw developed his interest in American politics and debate. What chances are there that he got it from his father.

The kid wears the had to incite attention and what ever comes with it. It's not like he is campaigning for Trump or supporting his bid for re-election as he hangs out with other young teens who live in Canada. I mean maybe so huh? But likely he was looking for attention as a rebel, which , according to him and the story he told his father happened.

Good old dad then figures he has a little nugget here and calls into the local AM talk radio to blast out the story and get a little fame for himself. I mean come on here. What chances are there that this went down just as repeated to the father who repeated it to the talk radio.

And just a hat? JUST A HAT????.. i beg to differ. It is a garment made out of RED fabric. Red, the color of American conservatism. THe slogan on the hat. MAGA, the officlal slogan of a political movement in the United States. That hat is a symbol, and I would now say an iconic symbol of transitional political and social angst. That ''hat'' is now a visible statement of Trumpian politics. Look to any Trump rally and see huge groups of people wearing that hat. Just because it is only a hat? Come on, lie to me some more. Those people wearing that hat are not wearing it just because it is a hat, but rather to demonstrate that they are part of a crowd of loyal Trump supporters. That hat is a tool of political ambitions.

Calling it ''just a hat'' worn by a teenager in Canada seeks to minimize any possibility of of intent on the part of this kid and make him out to be an innocent victim of anti-Trump hysteria.

so would it be cool to punch anyone with an "I'm with her" bumper sticker? If not, why?

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: Krakatoa

That is really the crux of the issue here. And if you notice the title, it does say, "alleged"....intentionally since it has not been proven. However, given the actual confirmed examples of this type of TDS behavior, it is worth discussion. Albeit, more level headed and civil than it has degraded to here so far

Well, you and I seem to have had a conversation with out so much degradation so at leas there is that. Yes, you did point out the alledgedness of the story and for the most part that was what I was attempting to point out, that it is alleged. It does seem to me that round here, alleged so often seems to be taken as realtiy, you know?

I understand. Thanks for a civil conversation on this topic. I only wish others here kept it to that level.

And, assigning something to an object is entirely in the eye of the person. It is always a personal thing. A flag, typically and historically represents the people of a nation. And. to others it represents an oppressive regime and actions that resulted in the killing of many people, past present, and future. However, assigning a negative set of values to this hat, in this case, has no historically accurate set of real cases....other than the violence against those that wear it today.

So, to stop the violence, I say, it's just a hat people....just a hat.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:01 PM

Times sure have changed. This never would have happened when I was in school, many moons ago. Back then, every hat had two options, bagged or tagged. Your butt hit your seat, your hat was in your bag, or it got tagged (confiscated, name attached, collect from the admin office at end of day).

No muss, no fuss. All hats treated equal....toques too.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: peck420

Times sure have changed. This never would have happened when I was in school, many moons ago. Back then, every hat had two options, bagged or tagged. Your butt hit your seat, your hat was in your bag, or it got tagged (confiscated, name attached, collect from the admin office at end of day).

No muss, no fuss. All hats treated equal....toques too.

Thanks for stating that was history up there in school. I personally advocate that, and a clear statement of NO hats worn indoors, period.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: Krakatoa

I'm just talking in general

And the hat is more than just a hat.
It has become a political symbol of the right.

And if a teen from another country is wearing it he is trolling.

It's only lulz when trump trolls though

Liberal media made it into the symbol it's seen as. To Trump supporters, it's just a hat that shows support for the candidate they voted for. No different than a shirt that said "hope and change" back in Obama's years.

That is all it is. It is a symbol of support for the president and the job he is doing. There is no racism or hate involved at all. I don't care how much BS is spewed about it meaning that - it does not mean that.

This whole thing is so insane. Maybe Trump supporters should start going up to people with Bernie paraphernalia and start calling them serial killers, or drug cartel members.

It would have just as much basis in reality - I'm sure there are a few Bernie supporters who actually meet that criteria, so it's fine to paint them all like that right? Isn't that the logic the left is using?

This is just madness. The more and more we feed into these crazy people delusions the more dangerous they become.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Krakatoa adult treating a 9th grade student (that is about a 12-13 year old child) like this? Encouraging other of his peers to shame him??

9th grade would be 15-16.
Still no excuse to bully a child or to encourage other students to bully them.

Wonder what he does to the kids who wear rock band tshirts he doesn't like?
Still surprised to see this from a Canuk tho.

12 is too young unless it's a Doogie Houser kid, but my wife was 13 in the 9th grade and I was 14. Still kids nonetheless. Had any of the teachers at my school pulled a stunt like this, assuming it's true, they would have been fired and the parent of the kid would've beat the teacher's ass.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Breakthestreak

No. They're obviously racist. But you maybe don't get it? Call your leader, if you ask him nicely he maybe lets you lick his feet. Because you're such a good boy and defend him...
Is it daddy issues? Or why do you need a strong man to blindly follow?

What's racist about them? Calling a criminal an animal isn't racist. Thinking obama was born in Kenya isn't racist. Calling a third world shthole country a shthole isn't racist.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: okrian

originally posted by: Breakthestreak

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
a reply to: WalterTilley

Prove it happened. Some anonymous guy calling into a political radio show with a clear agenda is not proof enough for me. I could literally call the same exact show and claim my kid was harassed for wearing an Obama shirt.

‘Not proof enough’ for a leftist that ALWAYS jumps the gun and rushes to support LIES that are spewed by leftist media.

Now THAT, is funny.

And 2019 is already FULL of leftist media lies that were IMMEDIATELY supported by low-iq imbeciles who NEVER require ‘proof’ before blindly believing very very obvious false stories.

But I agree, this may not have happened. Certainly FAR more believable than anything I’ve ever heard coming from camp-left.

This isn't the mudpit dude. Try to keep your constant flow of insults and name calling contained... unless it's your general plan to continuously shed a poor light upon right-wing anger.

Oh please. Quit whining. He didn't single anyone out. Grow some thicker skin.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Krakatoa adult treating a 9th grade student (that is about a 12-13 year old child) like this? Encouraging other of his peers to shame him??

9th grade would be 15-16.
Still no excuse to bully a child or to encourage other students to bully them.

Wonder what he does to the kids who wear rock band tshirts he doesn't like?
Still surprised to see this from a Canuk tho.

12 is too young unless it's a Doogie Houser kid, but my wife was 13 in the 9th grade and I was 14. Still kids nonetheless. Had any of the teachers at my school pulled a stunt like this, assuming it's true, they would have been fired and the parent of the kid would've beat the teacher's ass.

I was just going by the age I was at that grade.

Who knew....

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: Breakthestreak

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
a reply to: Breakthestreak

What am I defending?

Leftist propaganda. You know, ACTUAL racism and bigotry.

In EVERY thread you appear. You defend leftist hate.

The left has failed. Miserably. I imagine a third party will be well ahead of the dems this next election. The ‘side’ of bigotry and racism is the ‘wrong’ side.

You might want to stop defending them at EVERY turn.

It's no different than the way democrats acted in the 1960's. Bigotry, racism, hate, bullying.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: Breakthestreak

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: BelowLowAnnouncement

No, my opinion is not wrong, rather yours is either myopic or willfully ignorant of anything other than the simplist of notions.

I am not saying that the hat is racist, it is not. And I am not saying it is transphobic, it is not. But what I am saying is that it has been turned into a symbol of all things Trumpian and hence a symbol that stands for the core of the Trump agenda. It was his campaign slogan for crying out loud and it is worn proudly by thousands of Trump voters. It was turned into a symbol not by the left but by the right. Attempting to claim that wearing that hat as only a hat is one more little ploy to promote the image of Trump people as ''victims''. Are you a victim? If not then quit whining about ''it's just a hat''.

“The core of the Trump agenda” is a good thing.

Assigning hate and bigotry to the “core of the Trump agenda” is a media-manipulation exercise that trapped the low-iq media followers, and no one else.

As you point out in another reply

It’s a great hat with an even greater message.
What is symbolises is great and noble.

Interesting that most of the replies I have received from from others here is ''it's just a hat'' and calling me out for seeing it as anything else.

And I agree with you that for many of those who wear that hat, that is just what it is, a declaration of their own noble intentions. Yet we should also recognize the pavement on the road to hell. Not saying that exactly but just making an observation on good and noble intentions.

I agree that the Tea Party movement was based on these good and noble intentions. Yet to my mind that party has been usurped. That party was looking for a leader, one who could move that whole assembly of good and noble intentions forward. Ron Paul was the defacto guy at the time and I voted for him a number of times. After he stepped aside though it seemed to me that those who rose up espousing those T Party goals within the Republican Party were only copies and pretend espouse rs of those principles.

In the face of Clinton's machine there was a desperation to to avoid the forboding liberal clamp down that had been expected on the horizon for a long time. I see that. But what I also see is that those good and noble intentions coupled with the dearth of real leaders and the existential concerns of so many on the right brought about a vulnerability to the very demographic you suggest above.

To me, Trump is a salesman. He is a charlatan. He is a con artist who has conned a whole segment of good and noble people into believing that he is their answer to their fears of totalitarianism from the left.

My hope then is that the Republican Party can wake up to this, though I find it a long hope on my part, and toss this guy out and find another who truely holds those values of good and noble intentions themselves rather than this self serving ego maniac.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: TinySickTears

It is a hat. If you as a person are upset by a hat there is a lot more wrong with you than just attacking someone over a hat.

It does not matter no one other than someone who supports Trump wears it. So, I don't like the Red Sox. So, should I walk up to anyone with a Red Sox hat on and beat the # out of them. because according to your logic and others it is a statement. They are proud of the Red Sox I think they suck. Hey, I'm gonna beat his ass.. ignorant # right there.

So, a statement of what? Support for a president. That is it.

Same thing with sports teams. Support of a team. That is it. I mean, in pro sports, there are convicted felons all day so should be ban them because it is promoting that being a felon is ok?

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Breakthestreak

I gave a few examples you said they are not racist without providing an explanation how they're not. Just because a bootlicker says Donald "grab'em by the pussy" Trump's remarks are not racist doesn't make it so.

You've been asked several times how they were racist. You can't come in here, spew lies, and then cry for people to prove you're lying. It doesn't work that way, and you were just talking about reality a couple hours ago. Pitiful.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
Why in the wide world of sports was a Canadian child wearing a MAGA hat in the first place? Second place, you know... this is one of those issues where my fellow Trump supports should probably STFU and use their brains before they opine. If this had been a kid in an American school wearing a Mexican flag hat or Canadian hate and the American teacher had made them remove the hat, we'd be cheering it (and rightfully so). Same for Canada... Canadian children don't need to be wearing MAGA hats.

Star for the Blazing Saddles reference.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Breakthestreak

Because you say so? No. They are racist. Again: explain Why you think they're not?

To call humans from a different country animals is not racist? Wow. That's the best you got?

Bootlicker is the opposite of what people should be. Critical independent free... But you don't know what a single one of those words means right?

He didn't call Mexicans animals. He called the criminals sneaking over here animals. Maybe if you paid attention you wouldn't sound like a broken psychological projector.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: whyamIhere

I don't hate the hat. It's a hat, right? But let me ask you this. Is Old Glory just a flag? I mean after all it's just fabric, made in manufacturing plants either here or in China, shipped by the box full and sold in various outlets. Right? Just a flag. But there are those who say that once someone has bought it it must be treated as something else, something that deserves respect, that needs to be hung in such and such a manner and taking down and certain times and hung at half mast at others. It must not touch the ground and it must be folded away for storage in a specific manner. Yes or no.

And at large events where it hands are not all the people supposed to stand, place their hands over their chests and recite a special pledge to it? It's just a freeking flag for crying out loud.

But no it is not. It is a symbol, just like the Trump Maga hat, just more so. Remember back after 9/11 when it became the norm that must not ignored by any one to wear the little American flag pin ? Public figures HAD to wear it or they were shunned. Likewise wearing of hat assures acceptance at all Trump rallies.

And just what do you find about my earlier post that sounds ridiculous? Care to expand on that or would your rather just toss out a quick zinger.

Terry, what I find ridiculous is you assigning meaning to a hat.

It’s a hat. Not a flag or anything else just a red hat.

You are the one assigning meaning to a red hat.

I’ve seen green MAGA hats, you despise them too ?

I think you despise the hat because of your hate for Trump.

You can feel any way you like.

But, don’t insist I except your assigning meaning to the hat.

Thanks for getting back. Like I mentioned earlier I don't hate or dispise the hat, what ever color, though you might admit that it is predominatly red.

And to the meaning of the hat, it is not me who assigned meaning to the hat but rather the wearer of the had that assigns meaning to it. If you knew me better you would know that I do not wear apparel with any emblems at all. Not even manufacturing logos as I see them as not just apparel but as well, advertising for the company that made that piece of clothing. I don't use myself as advertising for anything.

Wearing a maga hat or a Che hat is just that advertising our political affiliations. This is what wearers of that hat are doing, advertising their beliefs to the world. And in the case of wearing one into a classroom where no one else is wearing one is a statement of political dissension, especially when that student, according to his father enjoys political discussion and debate on issues in another country. In this case it was that kid who assigned ''meaning '' to his simple hat and response opened himself up to the ''meaning of that symbolic hat'' to others who also see it as symbolic.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: Breakthestreak
To call someone from another country an animal, is racist.

Now I’ve heard it all.

Country of origin does NOT denote race. It’s called ‘nationality’, not even remotely related to ‘race’


According to Webster, a bootlicker is someone who is overly respectful. As usual, another liberal ninny uses a word he doesn't understand.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Breakthestreak

No. They're obviously racist. But you maybe don't get it? Call your leader, if you ask him nicely he maybe lets you lick his feet. Because you're such a good boy and defend him...
Is it daddy issues? Or why do you need a strong man to blindly follow?

What's racist about them? Calling a criminal an animal isn't racist. Thinking obama was born in Kenya isn't racist. Calling a third world shthole country a shthole isn't racist.

He knows that.
But the hivemind demands he parrots the narrative.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Breakthestreak

Okay I call all Americans morrons than. Because you have proven they are and it's okay, because you say it's not racist. How stupid are you, bootlicker?


What is a morron?

Calling Americans "morons" isn't racist. You're misusing that word as bad you're misusing "bootlicker."

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire

originally posted by: Breakthestreak

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: BelowLowAnnouncement

No, my opinion is not wrong, rather yours is either myopic or willfully ignorant of anything other than the simplist of notions.

I am not saying that the hat is racist, it is not. And I am not saying it is transphobic, it is not. But what I am saying is that it has been turned into a symbol of all things Trumpian and hence a symbol that stands for the core of the Trump agenda. It was his campaign slogan for crying out loud and it is worn proudly by thousands of Trump voters. It was turned into a symbol not by the left but by the right. Attempting to claim that wearing that hat as only a hat is one more little ploy to promote the image of Trump people as ''victims''. Are you a victim? If not then quit whining about ''it's just a hat''.

“The core of the Trump agenda” is a good thing.

Assigning hate and bigotry to the “core of the Trump agenda” is a media-manipulation exercise that trapped the low-iq media followers, and no one else.

As you point out in another reply

It’s a great hat with an even greater message.
What is symbolises is great and noble.

To me, Trump is a salesman. He is a charlatan. He is a con artist who has conned a whole segment of good and noble people into believing that he is their answer to their fears of totalitarianism from the left.

Why don’t you just say that up front ?

Instead of insisting a hat means the same thing to everyone.

At least I can respect open disagreements...

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