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Irish Yellow Vest Journalist Beats YouTube Censorship

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posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 03:30 AM

Gemma O'Doherty is an Irish investigative journalist, known for her work in exposing alleged corruption in the country's criminal justice system and police force . . . was Chief Features Writer at the Irish Independent . . . She sought a nomination to stand for the presidency in the 2018 election . . .

She's also a YouTuber whose channel got shut down, so she went to the Google headquarters in Dublin and refused to leave until they'd promised to reinstate her channel.

Even when she wasn't an official candidate people voted for her.

Gemma O’Doherty joined us live to discuss receiving ‘votes’ across the country during the Presidential Election count and the birth of a new anti-corruption grassroots movement.

. . . the spoiled votes scrutinised at the Aura Lesiure Centre in Letterkenny had Ms O'Doherty's name on them and a box to the right of her name which was ticked in her favour.

Prior to Friday's vote a campaign group in Donegal called on people to spoil their vote in the election and indicate their support for Gemma O’Doherty in so doing. They claimed the undemocratic selection process denied Ms. O’Doherty the opportunity to run for President.

YouTube censorship is unreasonable and biased.

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 03:48 AM
Google/CIA demands we all play by their rules. Free speech is only free if you are spouting their propaganda.. No Sh!t !

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 05:24 AM
Information Propaganda is power.

Money talks and...honesty/objectivity (not BS) walks.


posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 07:34 AM
It’s a shame what conservatives need to do to be heard these days. The liberal bias of social media giants should be the subject of anti-trust suits until they get some justice.

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 11:36 AM
Of course some things should be censored on YT, who wants to see kiddie porn or isis recruitment videos. Or calls for the slaughter of certain people. Censorship should be general and include or exclude those things that are in general accepted by anyone lawful.

However how do they actually justify their propaganda censorship? Can it even be explained apart from being deliberate propaganda?
Some say they can do what they want because they are a private company. But not of they started as a platform for free speech and once you are hooked on this amazing well of knowledge do they start to feed you only their version of the truth.
Surely there must be a law against just that?
Especially when there are no other equal alternatives.

How is it that a fascist propaganda machine is allowed to do that, after all history has taught us?
One thing I learned is that history will repeat itself because people don't realise that the tyrants change not only their clothes but shapes and platforms too.

It is no good to wait for a mustachioed guy with a side parting, he's gone. You have to adapt to recognise the new tyrant.
But too many people can't do that. If it's not literally hitler, then they think they are safe. When in fact he has just changed form one man to several social media platforms and pink haired SJWs. Still the same in principle though but hard to recognise.

edit on 13-2-2019 by Hecate666 because: (no reason given)

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