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Senate committee finds no russian collusion

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posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: Maroboduus

Blah, blah, man bad.

That's all I get from you.

Of those 20 people, how many are American? And of those Americans, how many indictments have anything to do with COLLUSION?

I'll wait.....

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Pyle

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: Sillyolme
Again not exctly the exoneration you are claiming it to be. LOL.

But investigators disagree along party lines when it comes to the implications of a pattern of contacts they have documented between Trump associates and Russians — contacts that occurred before, during and after Russian intelligence operatives were seeking to help Donald Trump by leaking hacked Democratic emails and attacking his opponent, Hillary Clinton, on social media.

So now they're calling WikiLeaks "Russian operatives"?

Where have you been? People have been saying that since Assange went on to have a show with RT years ago.

They would be the idiot people saying that.
Larry King has a show on RT. Is he a Russian spy too?

Them being idiots doesnt change that these things have been there the whole time and not some new claim or diversion.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 07:07 PM
In shocking turn of events; Republican's find other Republican innocent of everything, ever.

At this point, it doesn't matter to the 'great minds' of ATS. Trump could be in a video taking a bag full of money from Putin and it would be applauded by the people here as a genius move to 'stick it to the libruls.'

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: links234
In shocking turn of events; Republican's find other Republican innocent of everything, ever.

At this point, it doesn't matter to the 'great minds' of ATS. Trump could be in a video taking a bag full of money from Putin and it would be applauded by the people here as a genius move to 'stick it to the libruls.'

Nah, that is just your sour grapes projecting for you. If anti Trump folks can find a reason to demean Trump supporters and justify it with make believe scenerios, it raises their low end self esteems a bit, like endorphins can do. Since "She" lost the election, anything helps.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

'She' should probably be in jail but Trump can't even do that right.

Listing all the horrible things about Trump would take too long and isn't appropriate for this format. Today he lied about his crowd size (again), a BBC reporter was attacked by a Trump supporter and it's only Tuesday. The government is scheduled to shut down in three days and Trump still doesn't get a wall.

Notice how the slogan has become 'FINISH THE WALL' as if it even started to be built in the first place.

"What you see with your eyes is not real!" The President insisted, "What you hear with your ears are lies meant to harm you!"

It's like we're living in a dystopian novel.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 09:36 PM
You can sense the despair and desperation from Dem Senator MARK WARNER and his partner in crime and hate, CNN.

Warner still thinks there was Trump-Russia collusion:

It will soon be revealed that Mark Warner has broken federal laws. He knows this, and is grasping at anything to get rid of President Trump.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 09:39 PM
Sure is quiet in here.

Where are all the usual suspects at?

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

That was impressively speedy.
But what does Adam Schiff know?

He knows what goes on in the Standard Hotel in LA.

He should be waterboarded until he spills his guts.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: Carcharadon

Waiting on bueller, er Mueller's report. That is not coming out for the public.

2019 has not been kind too the left. I'm getting fat on popcorn

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: thedigirati

This life-long friend of Mueller says that he doesn't issue updates or final reports. He just indicts until he's done with a case, then moves on to the next assignment.

(post by proximo removed for a manners violation)

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: Bluntone22

What about the FBI and the CIA? The GOP led senate is not a true reflection of the facts. Sorry. May as well be Devin Nunes.

You dont think Mueller has contacted the FBI/CIA for what they have?

You've been praising Mueller since day 1.

You've been posting anti trump crap screeching about his impeachment since 2016

I have no doubt when 0 collusion is discovered, you will then cry to the moon about how the investigation was rigged and Trump impeded Mueller.

You are deluded.. always have been, always will be.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: Carcharadon
Sure is quiet in here.

Where are all the usual suspects at?

Avoiding cognitive dissonance.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: Carcharadon

lol I know right? I really don't understand the left mentally at all. I'm a die hard Patriot, in another life I would have been in the Marines I only care about the greatest country on Earth the USA. For 2 years straight I've had 2 Trump flags and an American flag flying in my front yard.

I watched Trump's elpaso rally and I honestly couldn't find a single thing wrong with what he said. He just wants what's best for this country period. And I truly try to watch objectively. It really doesn't make sense why the left is so hard headed.

Everyone knows damn well Trump had nothing to do with Russia. The Mueller probe will hopefully end soon enough. But I honestly think they will drag it out until next election, so they can say ooo there was no Russia collusion but look at this look at that ect...

Aaahhh despiration.. the ultimate flattery

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: links234
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

'She' should probably be in jail but Trump can't even do that right.

Listing all the horrible things about Trump would take too long and isn't appropriate for this format. Today he lied about his crowd size (again), a BBC reporter was attacked by a Trump supporter and it's only Tuesday. The government is scheduled to shut down in three days and Trump still doesn't get a wall.

Notice how the slogan has become 'FINISH THE WALL' as if it even started to be built in the first place.

"What you see with your eyes is not real!" The President insisted, "What you hear with your ears are lies meant to harm you!"

It's like we're living in a dystopian novel.

You really can't see how you are twisting things can you.

Trump is getting his wall - you still don't get it. Just because he agrees to take the budget deal does not mean he doesn't get the wall. He is taking the pittance they are giving him, and then will call the emergency and get the rest built.

We have 600 miles of wall - and yes some has been built by the Trump admin. Finish the wall is 100% an accurate statement.

I do not understand why you fools keep saying he is lying about his crowd size - because you choose to ignore photographic evidence and believe the BS the media feeds you haters.

You TDS suffering fools have been wrong about Trump 100's of times, but you still refuse to see the truth. You have and are being lied to about him, and you suck up the hate they spoon feed you gladly.

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: links234

Oh my, so much misinformation and flat out lies. You'd make trump proud.

Today he lied about his crowd size (again)

LOL that's what you're going with? He lied about crowd size! Oh noes! How will we ever recover. We all saw the two rallies, trump had AT LEAST 10x the number of people there, probably 20x.

a BBC reporter was attacked by a Trump supporter and it's only Tuesday.

While this could possibly be true, how do you truly know he's really a trump supporter? Especially after the Robert Creamer video? But more importantly, why is this inappropriate? It's ok to legalize infanticide but to be mad at the press for being a bunch of lying scumbags is a bridge too far? lol ok.

The government is scheduled to shut down in three days and Trump still doesn't get a wall.

The deal they've tried to push has funding for 55 of the 68 requested miles of wall.

Notice how the slogan has become 'FINISH THE WALL' as if it even started to be built in the first place.

The wall is being built... do a little research. There are already 650 miles of border wall (trump has proposed an additional 350 miles) 40 miles were built in the last 9 months. At least 55 more will be done by this time next year. But if trump goes the emergency route, he'll have hundreds of miles built by the next election.

"What you see with your eyes is not real!" The President insisted, "What you hear with your ears are lies meant to harm you!" "

Are you really pretending that the media doesn't create fake news, less than three weeks after covington? You're right it's like a dystopian novel, the problem is you're one with "the state" in this dystopian novel. You believe propaganda and refuse to see reality even when it slaps you in the face.

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: Dfairlite


Jimmy Kimmel must get his information solely from FAKE NEWS (Which is 90% of the MSM).


posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: Dfairlite

Just to add to your great post. There was over 10,000 people in attendance (capacity) and more importantly....


Honestly links234, your going to stick with "he lied about his crowd size"??? Really??

Out of curiosity how much did you pay for your shovel? I've never had to buy a shovel that I dug my own grave with. I'm curious how much they cost.

Please remember we are average Americans writing this 10 beers in on a weekday night at 1:42am and we are still running circles around you.

Really???? He lied??? Wtf lol. Close your account make a new one you lose.

Jeez that was too easy, your welcome ATS

(post by Pyle removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 01:32 AM
Who They Gonna' Blame.


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