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East coast of Australia to be hit with Tsunami before 2025

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posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: LSU2018

Is there a special signal or something?
Like the bat signal?
Some kind of special alarm only the aborigines can hear?

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: Rewey

Academics who says they are academics! and only be Sorry If you understand what is going on with these people I'll give you a little background that maybe you will not understand.

These academics are the same people that go to universities that take oaths to serve these Unis after they have left, like Oxford, Cambridge and Yale what about Goulburn Uni In Australia Is that where some of your Academics come from?

There are bad things going on at these places and you should never trust the word of any of them I know what they are doing to the students In order for them to turn these people against society.
Yale is where the Skull and Bones branch Is and Is definitely connected to Oxford through the Bollinger club both Catholic.

The Jesuits & other Catholic fronts have a program of targeting highly Intelligent Individuals and then using them to Infiltrate organisations, governments, trade unions & other religions to carry out criminal activity that Is happening against the Australian people and the rest of us on this planet.
Have a look at Jesuit Bill Shorten Australia's next Prime Minister He has been Investigated for Pedophilia and duly found that he wasn't doing anything by Australia's police force which has many Catholic's In and Is without a doubt being used to protect the crimes that the catholic's are carrying out against the Australian people.
Bill was a terrible trade union leader who completely screwed over the members of the trade union he was running this Is being carried out by the Jesuits all over the world.
How he can even be considered as a Prime Minister Is astonishing and he should be forced to take a lie detector test to find out If the police covered up his crimes just like they did with George Pell, the Salvation Army and ABC TV to name just a few.
The ruling class families virtually all of whom are Catholic are breeding humans In order to disrupt society as well as controlling the upper positions throughout society.

This Is not about one odd story this Is about a bunch of pyschopaths that run our planet and think human life is free for them to do what they like with they create lie after lie so most people do not have a clue what to believe.

Now the real Academics are like Alf Henrikson his research that went through the proofs and manuscripts that have been kept for the last 4 thousand years of our official history shows a slightly differnet history to what Is spouted out of your academics mouths. His book Is called Throughout the Ages. and you will see a bit of a gap In what your Acadermics say and the official records that are kept.

You are trying to say that the original people with no Interest In the western way of life are going out of there way to lie when It can clearly be seen that the people you take as being truthful are not of sound mine and are connected to an agenda that I don't think you would approve of.

It took England 50 years of trying to settle In Australia before they succeeded virtually no one survived the sheep could not eat the grass and there was very little food for the English so how a historian can tell you how many the English murdered Is an absolute Impossibility as do you really think the English government would keep a record

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Rewey

yeah I tried to look at the map but google would not let me

I clearly said The Aboriginies have all moved Inland because a Tsunami comes in and covers the East coast
what has a map got to do with ?

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: jinni73

could you elaborate on how this was accomplished?
did they walk or take a bus?
how were they contacted?
a signal or alarm?

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: jinni73
a reply to: Rewey

It took England 50 years of trying to settle In Australia before they succeeded virtually no one survived the sheep could not eat the grass and there was very little food for the English so how a historian can tell you how many the English murdered Is an absolute Impossibility as do you really think the English government would keep a record

Four thousand years of manuscript of Australian history? Uh huh.

As for your claim about taking 50 years to settle Australia, that's more garbage. I was a former history teacher, and my sister is a professor of history. I have plenty of documents and gazetted maps from the earliest days of colonisation which prove you wrong. I've used some of it in a masters thesis and a PhD thesis.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: jinni73

For example, here's a map of the Swan River Colony, now Perth, dating from the early 1830s. The Swan River Colony was established only a couple of years earlier in 1829. Yet already private land holdings for farms are established and in private ownership.

Perth was 3500km from the eastern states colonies, and was quite literally the most isolated place on earth, yet farms were established straight away. Also, Perth didn't get any convict labour for several decades after the colony was established - it was only available for free settlers.

You can still go into the state library and read the gazettes and newspapers of those days on the microfiche.
edit on 22-1-2019 by Rewey because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: jinni73

Also, there were hundreds of aboriginal tribes and languages (many of which were often at war with each other). They didn't have one unified history about icebergs and tsunamis.

Also, it was awfully nice of your contacts in NSW to hook you up with a tribal group from 'the middle of Australia'. Which tribal group was it, and which language did they use?

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: jinni73
a reply to: Rewey

yeah I tried to look at the map but google would not let me

I clearly said The Aboriginies have all moved Inland because a Tsunami comes in and covers the East coast
what has a map got to do with ?

Because not only is the ice shelf thousands of kilometres away, it has pesky things like "New Zealand" in its path.

Do the Maoris know as well???

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: jinni73
a reply to: Rewey

yeah I tried to look at the map but google would not let me

I clearly said The Aboriginies have all moved Inland because a Tsunami comes in and covers the East coast
what has a map got to do with ?

You might want to have your friends put the word out again. I think they left out the aboriginals living around Eden, NSW.
Incase you are wondering why this is a problem look it up on a map.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 07:28 PM
Can a tsunami bend around corners ? not sure about that one.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 07:28 PM
Can a tsunami bend around corners ? not sure about that one.

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: Rewey

OK I'll bite.
Here Is the map where new zealand Is the tiny little dot in green to the right of the path between australia and antarctica. An ice shelf broke off Antarctica which weighed a trillion tonnes a little while back so The tsunami that the abos predict will drop Into the water and travel directly along the coast the wave can be 200 kilometers long according to the national research council of England.

Tsunamis are long, powerful waves that are created by sub-sea earth movements – earthquakes, land and ice slips, meteor strikes. But not all Earth movements create these waves, many give little or no effect. A tsunami occurs because the water mass of the ocean is displaced and, much like throwing a stone into a pond, waves are generated. The displacement in a tsunami creates a wave which is very long – up to 200 km (125 miles). These waves travel in a very predictable way that is determined by the water depth. Anyone with a calculator can predict its speed (square root of 9.81 times the water depth) so in the deep ocean at 5,000 m this is 221m per second, about 800 km an hour (500 mph) – the speed of a jumbo jet. In spite of this speed and power, out at sea the wave is usually less than one metre high. It would take about 15 minutes to pass a boat and would be barely noticeable. As the wave hits the shoreline it rapidly slows to about 50 km an hour (30 mph) but the back of the wave is still travelling faster in deeper water and so is catching up with the front – a water traffic jam is taking place. The water has to go somewhere, so it goes up, building a wave of 10, 20, even 30 metres in height (some 30 to 100 feet). This wall of water finally arrives at the coast travelling at 30 to 50 km/hr (30 mph) causing massive destruction.

Some will tell you that there are still Aboriginies on the East coast these are not looked at as the real ones by the real Aboriginies that live In the middle of Australia and other parts Of Oz
Aboriginies cannot drink alcohol due to the lack of the enzyme Alcohol Dehydrogenase (they won't even eat ripened fruit because of the alcohol content)
If you want to get scientific and you should as little pieces of confirmation allow us to see the whole picture We hybrids have this enzyme the hybridisation by saturns aliens (have a look at the catholics original Saturnalian religion then check say the 1215 council of Lateran and the catholics repeatedly say they will never ever change their original religion they turned christian In the year 380 AD

The picture of Adam and Eve Is titled and represents The Fall of Man NOTE many people don't understand the message hidden In plain site.

This picture clearly shows us that the fall of man is due to us eating food, alcohols detoxification point Is In the brain for us to be able to eat food the stomach requires bacteria that digests our food for us these bacteria produce half a pint of alcohol a day which the enzyme removes, any extra then the brain cells remove the alcohol by exploding the feeling of getting drunk we all enjoy Is actually the feeling of our brain cells exploding.

Do the Maoris know as well???

Maoris only date back to about 1250

Anyway I have now had this pretty much confirmed by a reaction I got last night and It seems that Australia needs to build a wall and Introduce Lie detecting for all the people In positions of power as they are screwing the Aussies over why are the military not doing this, blatant mass pedophilia going on and now they are trying to sacrifice 10 million people plus people.

Oh and China I suggest to get back at the Catholics you Introduce free energy Its the only way you can clean your country up and get back at the Catholics for destroying your country. you can't fight God and nor can the devil.

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: Rewey

Yes the Aboriginies are the original humans and they have been here for 500 million years so they have bred some what In that time but they all adhere to Gods laws they know the truth as they are one of the original 13 tribes can't remember their name now but I forget more than I remember sure It began with G
THAT'S the problem when some Idiot puts gold In your mouth !!!!!!!! and no this last line Is not at you Rewey

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: jinni73

Ok, i will also bite. Can you please explain how a floating ice shelf breaking off a larger ice shelf will cause a tsunami? Or, to put it another way, when your ice melts in your drink, do you get little waves lapping around your glass? I know i don't.........

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: jinni73
a reply to: Rewey

Yes the Aboriginies are the original humans and they have been here for 500 million years

Eh? Humans (in any form) have only been around for about 6 million years, modern humans (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) for around 200'000 years. Humans and Chimps only split between 4 and 8 million years ago.

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: Rewey

Four thousand years of manuscript of Australian history? Uh huh.

We only have four thousand years of wriiten history since the book burning In Greece that's all across the world.
must have written It wrong, we have no written records before that time.

I think maybe we are getting our wires crossed
England went to Australia to breed sheep and grow cotton I was told It took 50 years In order for them to achieve sorry the official history states 42 years the sheep could not eat the grass and the English did not know how to survive this new country and many died aside from being killed by the ruling classes like Macquarie,
Cook was first and went there In 1770 with Cook although the Dutch as well as the Portugese were there before the English got there. The first cotton shipped back to England was In 1830 after bringing cottonseed In 1788 A friend of mines ancestor opened the first pub In Perth (I think It was Perth or maybe western Australia but I know he Is quite proud of this achievement LOL as we are talking about different sides of the country)

The English settled on the East coast you are referencing something on the west coast 60 years after cook went there. Macquarie got there In 1810 and was killing the prisoners whilst he was building the churches and stuff
aside from macquarie many convicts/labourers were building the road to the blue mountains which many of the labourers died due to terrible conditions and being overworked.
So we know they tried to start growing cotton in 1788 and the first cotton shipped back to England was 3 bags In 1830 that's not a lot of Cotton In 42 years Is It

so do you have any maps of settlements for the east coast say between 1788 and 1810

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Flavian
No they lie to us we have been here 500 million years, from the Cambrian explosion, blavatsky (Eastern Star) writes in one of her books we been here 300 million years and a Jesuit priest told me they get taught 500 million years.
Basically god made this third dimension because we do not have free will where we are from (lets call it the fourth dimension)
we are a soul in an animal body we only need to drink rain water and we choose when we die this is why teh Adam and Eve story tells people about living for a thousand odd years as thats how long humans used to live for, as long as your intentions are pure you can go and live with the aboriginies and learn all about this.
We all agree with God 3 laws do not kill steal of injure another human all men are equal there are no borders you can research this in regard to abraham lincoln and common law and there are 3 sentences you will learn and use In reply to the judge as he is not allowed to have any authority over you therefore he cannot put you in jail. The Idea of a king or queen Is Satanic.
basically we all agree to everything that happens to us before we come here apparently we all have thousands of lives and have to repeatedly learn our lesson until we get enough understanding In order to enter heaven
so all these psychopaths that think just because they do not feel anything in regard to inflicting pain on others are going to have quite a shock later down the line as the situation will be reversed In future lives.

The 13th tribe did not materialise here and are known as the Dragons which Is why worship of these entities can be found all over the world, there Is no official explanation of why Dragon worship and paintings are found all over the world

If you look at the number 13 you can see various clues that point to this Information as well as the reference to the 12 tribes, we know about the 13 months of the year which was changed by the catholics down to 12 there are 13 moon cycles 13 is the number of completion In christianity. and I'm sure there are others people can name.

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Flavian

When a 1 trillion tonne lump of Ice shears off a bigger lump of Ice you get wave displacement

Tsunamis are long, powerful waves that are created by sub-sea earth movements – earthquakes, land and ice slips, meteor strikes. But not all Earth movements create these waves, many give little or no effect. A tsunami occurs because the water mass of the ocean is displaced and, much like throwing a stone into a pond, waves are generated. The displacement in a tsunami creates a wave which is very long – up to 200 km (125 miles). These waves travel in a very predictable way that is determined by the water depth. Anyone with a calculator can predict its speed (square root of 9.81 times the water depth) so in the deep ocean at 5,000 m this is 221m per second, about 800 km an hour (500 mph) – the speed of a jumbo jet. In spite of this speed and power, out at sea the wave is usually less than one metre high. It would take about 15 minutes to pass a boat and would be barely noticeable. As the wave hits the shoreline it rapidly slows to about 50 km an hour (30 mph) but the back of the wave is still travelling faster in deeper water and so is catching up with the front – a water traffic jam is taking place. The water has to go somewhere, so it goes up, building a wave of 10, 20, even 30 metres in height (some 30 to 100 feet). This wall of water finally arrives at the coast travelling at 30 to 50 km/hr (30 mph) causing massive destruction.

As well as the Aboriginies were telling people that there was a wave coming In and that they have all moved Inland (the Aussie government discovered this tribe living In the middle of Oz a few years ago and flew out to them and gave them a heap of money and told them they had to use It)
I also had a reaction last night which I normally only get when I hit a nerve LOL
when I gave the Info to Anonymous that started operation deatheaters I had the devil jump Into my dream the dream world Is where you get attacked when they find It difficult to get you In the physical world You have no idea what I go through In order to write this stuff I've had 30 attempts on my life so far. I'm not expecting It to stay at that number either haha

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: jinni73

No, you really don't. When a floating lump of ice, irrespective of size, breaks off another floating lump of ice, you get non existent to extremely minimal displacement waves.

If the ice broke off land and collapsed into the sea, then you would get a big localised displacement wave.

That is not the case with ice shelves though as they are already floating. It is basic physics.

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: jinni73
a reply to: pheonix358

I lived there for 5 years I got Invited to go and live with the Aboriginies In the middle of Australia. I also get given certain pieces of Information from Individuals because they know I know my stuff.

G'day Jinni,

I spent a lot of time in Central Australia with many of the different folk there. I have family living in the center. I would be interested to know where you visited and where you lived at the time. You must know my family and have a 'skin' name.

Kind regards,


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