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Trump's plan to reopen government and fund border security

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+15 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 07:58 PM
From the WH:

a reply to: chr0naut

RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT FUNDING: The bipartisan and common sense legislation proposed by President Trump will reopen our government and secure the border.

$5.7 billion to fund a steel barrier system, including embedded investments in technology and roads, on our southern border in the priority areas cited by Border Patrol.
This is in addition to the more than 115 miles of barriers already built, replaced, or contracted under President Trump.
$805 million for technology, canines, and personnel to help stop the flow of illegal drugs, weapons and other contraband. This includes:
$675 million for drug detection inspection technology to help secure our ports of entry.
$130 million for canine units, training, personnel and portable scanners to help deter and detect smuggled narcotics, weapons, and other dangerous materials.
$800 million dollars in humanitarian assistance, medical support, and new temporary housing.
$782 million to hire an additional 2,750 border agents, law enforcement officers, and staff.
$563 million to support our immigration court system, including hiring 75 new immigration judge teams to reduce the immigration court backlog of 800,000 cases.

It goes on:

BIPARTISAN SOLUTION: As part of President Trump’s willingness to compromise to reopen the government, he is proposing to grant provisional status to current DACA and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients.

Provisional status will be granted for three years for current DACA recipients, covering 700,000 illegal immigrants brought here by their parents at a young age.

This status will give them access to work permits, social security numbers, and protection from deportation.

Provisional status will be granted to certain current TPS recipients for three years, providing 300,000 immigrants whose protected status is facing expiration more certainty as Congress works on a larger immigration deal.

IMMEDIATE CRISIS: President Trump’s proposal would solve the immediate security and humanitarian crisis at our southern border, but would not solve all of our immigration challenges.

America faces an immediate humanitarian crisis from our unsecured border.

According to a 2017 Doctors Without Borders Report, more than 30 percent of women are sexually assaulted on the trek to the border.

On average, the United States Border Patrol refers approximately 50 individuals to a hospital or medical provider, including children who cross the border in need of medical attention.

The number of families and unaccompanied children crossing the border illegally has grown dramatically in recent months. This past December, Border Patrol apprehended 32,284 families and unaccompanied children. Just six months prior, Border Patrol apprehended only 13,164 families and unaccompanied children.

The country still faces serious immigration issues that need a permanent solution, including interior enforcement, asylum reform, worksite verification, the 11 million people living in the country unlawfully, and moving toward a merit-based immigration system.
Once the government is open and the immediate crisis is addressed, President Trump will hold weekly bipartisan meetings to reform our immigration system.

Looks like the claim that Trump is only focused on the wall is yet another media-perpetuated myth. He has put forth a comprehensive plan to reform border security and the immigration system in the US.

Where is Nancy Pelosi?

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: JBurns

Is this not what was presented to him earlier?
I don’t know for sure but this does seem like a solution that has came across his desk already.

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

You would be wrong. It was his offer very early in his administration made by Trump to Chuck Schumer in January of 2018. It was met with smiles at first and then Chuck and Nancy turned it down. It was a much better offer than they first asked for. This offer made today goes even further. No deal has ever been presented by Democrats, only 30 second sound bites. This has nothing to do with they want, only to deny Trump of anything he can claim as success.

Make sure to read the date of the article as it's from last year when he made a similar proposal to todays.

That's a major gift from the administration any way you look at it. Democrats were hoping to come out of these eventual negotiations with protections for about 800,000 people. But without even presenting a counteroffer, they're being offered protection for 1.8 million.

That's an article from CNBC explaining why Democrats should take the deal. They turned it down as we all know which again brings us to another shut down and another offer that's even sweeter and again they turn it down. So NO it's not an offer that passed Trumps desk before. Today's offer is similar to his earlier offer which was turned down just like todays

Second, the demands President Trump makes in return for that massive amnesty expansion aren't as harsh as they look from the headlines. We already know there is at least some Democratic support for the $25 billion the president wants for border security and an enhanced border wall.

edit on 1/19/2019 by DJMSN because: Addition

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: JBurns

So now....

He has shown that he is the adult in the room, is willing to make a deal and has put it in the Democrat's laps.

He has been sitting in the White House for the shutdown to make a deal, while the Democratic leaders have been bouncing all over the planet.

His attempts to negotiate a deal have been turned down before the Democratic party even hears them.

Let's just call this what it is... the face of #Resist.

Hearing personally a lot of blowback from my liberal/left family about this now... they think Nancy is being "childish".

Let's see now how much longer she can keep that gavel she craves.


posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 10:22 PM
I feel this thread will die solely because the right has been pointing this out ad nauseum, and the left has little ammunition left... This president is trying to work together. Understand that.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: JBurns

It seems like a fair proposal.

I've been hearing a lot of worrying stories about the shutdown, now that normalcy is somewhat restored it's time end the bickering and enter bipartisanship.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 10:54 PM
McConnell says the Senate will vote next week on the proposal presented by President Trump today.

Even though he announced this 6 hours ago, none of the liberal MSM outlets are reporting it, even though it's BIG news.

If the Senate passes the plan, the House will then vote.

Pelosi delivered an 8 hour "Dreamer Advocacy" speech on the House floor in 2018.

As Speaker, will she now tell House Democrats to reject President Trump's plan to give "Dreamers" 3 years of protection from potential deportation, just to prevent construction of a border wall that protects Americans?

House rejection would continue to keep 800,000 government employees from receiving their paycheck. If they are not paid this coming Friday, it will mean a full month without receiving compensation.

President Trump's offer:

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: JBurns

If I was Trump I would give the Dems nothing now.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: JBurns
a reply to: Lumenari
a reply to: sine.nomine
a reply to: carewemust

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: Cassi3l

I don't understand the reference.

Was there a point you were trying to make that you can articulate?
edit on 19-1-2019 by sine.nomine because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: sine.nomine

It's how many days the gov't has been shut down.

Apparently there is a need to post it more than, you know, everywhere else on the internet.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:48 PM
Nancy doesn't care about the wall. This sint about Trump getting a win, directly at least.

This is about 2020.

The Dems fear Trump will be unbeatable in 2020 having secured nearly everything he set out to do.

I don't think they have a chance in 2020 regardless, but I'm almost certain that's what this is about. It's not just that Trump gets a win, it's that he has shown the world he truly is the best person for the job.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: JinMI

I see. Thanks for the clarification. Clearly it's Armageddon outside. Libs are vacationing out of the country, but it's the president's fault. The one guy trying to compromise. Dems have gone off the deep end. It's kind of crazy to realize Trump was the most reasonable candidate after all, lol.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: highvein
a reply to: JBurns

If I was Trump I would give the Dems nothing now.

The Democrats will look even more callous if the Pelosi-led House votes down Dreamers, and Protecting Americans, and Re-Opening the government.. all at the same time!

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:56 PM
Should just set up a Tesla death ray set to the fun setting.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: sine.nomine

The left is finished,i don't know what kind of blue wave the liberals were talking about a while back but at this rate i do see the potential for a red wave.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 12:56 AM

originally posted by: Cassi3l
a reply to: JBurns
a reply to: Lumenari
a reply to: sine.nomine
a reply to: carewemust

Send that to Pelosi to put out, she's good at blowing things off.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: AtlasHawk
a reply to: sine.nomine

The left is finished,i don't know what kind of blue wave the liberals were talking about a while back but at this rate i do see the potential for a red wave.

I am thinking ballot stuffing, allows cheating. The overvoting by 25% more than the voter role type of things needs thorough debunking or if not tru then verification that is undeniable. We can't allow this election after election without anyone getting at least a court trial to explain why we violate elections laws and use tainted ballot boxes (Michigan anyone?).

"Thar's someone of them that's been a'cheatin us folk" as I once recall badly perhaps from an Andy Griffin episode of the distant TV past.

edit on 20-1-2019 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: carewemust


I'd like to see us do right by the dreamers who have followed the program and obeyed our laws. IMO, it isn't their fault their parents brought them here illegally as children and provided they stick with the program I think giving Congress time to pass legislation legalizing these folks is the right thing to do

Either way its a major PR win for Trump, with an group and issue that is widely popular (the Dreamers)

These are good kids, some now men and women who joined our work force as productive tax payers and others who are still going to school to learn necessary skills

And like you said care if Pelosi and Dems smack Trump's hand down it is only going to make them look worse. I hope they don't leave the Dreamers hanging high over some petty political policy difference
edit on 1/20/2019 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: highvein

I tend to agree, but taking this action would be giving the Dreamers something not necessarily the Dems. It may highlight/emphasize how they were playing politics with the future of these folks, especially if Trump takes unilateral action to protect their temporary status (until Congress can pass a law hopefully giving most Dreamers a pathway to stay provided they continue following our laws etc... they are good kids)

Trump wins on this situation either way. After all, it is Obama who left their status up in the air to begin with. And Dems have allowed them to remain in limbo for 2 years, unsure what to do next and without many options. I sure don't support amnesty, but one can hardly hold these kids responsible for the decisions their parents made a decade ago

Protecting the Dreamers is important to me as a voter. If nothing else, Trump's action on the matter would demonstrate his compassion in the face of endless lies. And his selflessness by putting the Dreamers ahead of the left's petty politicking. He can still build the wall via a national emergency, funds re-allocation or via other means (such as eliminating the EPA and re-allocating that existing money entirely) or even by shuttering entire agencies or departments and auctioning off their assets to the lowest bidder.
edit on 1/20/2019 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

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