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TH3WH17ERABB17 -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -XV-

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posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: Moravec

Thats a divided shield (Trumps tie?) on Perry.
Pelosi's pendant might have had a double headed eagle?

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: Moravec
a reply to: dashen

It looks like a green wreath with an iron eagle inside of the flag on Perry's lapel. Can't quite discern but these pictures have better resolution 1 & 2

DOE logo overlaid on the flag.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: Slichter

Dashen pointed out it's the emblem of the department of energy on Perry and Pelosi is wearing the mace of the house of representatives. Which makes sense since he is secretary of energy and she is speaker of the house.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: dashen

DOE is where the Q group is with the Q clearance, right?

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 09:44 AM
Adam Schiff mysteriously delays the Cohen closed-door hearing. Moves it from 2/8 to 2/28.
Cohen reports to prison for 3 years on March 6th.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
Man, what a great speech from POTUS last night. The best State of the Union I can ever remember watching. The Dems display was pitiful, and I changed the channel as soon as Trump was done speaking, so I have no idea how Abrams did (poorly Im sure).

One reason I know the speech was great is that my wife, who is a notorious Trump hater, was actually agreeing with most of what he said, and condemning all the Dems in the audience for how they were behaving. She was actually getting pissed at the disrespect. So, I think The Donald may have made some serious headway with Independents and Dems last night.

Definitely the first time I have ever heard the entire Congress break out in USA USA USA chants, and sing Happy Birthday to someone. If the Dems would just give up their ridiculous Resistance and actually work with this man, there is absolutely NOTHING we cannot accomplish.

God Bless You, and God Bless the United States of America.

I agree and i would give him a 90 out of 100. The sad part is that the missing 10 is so toxic that it is engulfing the rest of his efforts to lead. Too bad he can not back off on the wall fight and just double down on apprehensions inland. Also it seems he needs to find a different set of 300 appointments that are in wait for a vote to be approved. Get your own base potus.

Honestly it would not take much for a good damage controlman to get his approval rating up around 60 or 70%. As it stands he is still tanking cause that 10 is dragging him down.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: UncleTomahawk

Is he really tanking though? 72% (if you trust polls, I am dubious) of the people who watched the SOTU last night agreed with his stance on immigration. Its not a radical idea to build a secure border fence/wall/whatever. Like he said last night, most of the people in that room had already voted for a border barrier in the past. Its just common sense.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

A similar percentage of viewers loved his speech overall. Only ~20% of those polled (by CNN, no less) disapproved of the SOTU speech.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Moravec

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 10:23 AM
The thing about the people who voted for walls in the past is that the majority of those walls are now in place. Very few people want a wall from sea to sea and such only puts the problem on texas shoulders cause no wall can be built on the border there but has to be miles away.

10% of trumps stances are becoming his downfall. He needs to get his own base.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: UncleTomahawk
The thing about the people who voted for walls in the past is that the majority of those walls are now in place. Very few people want a wall from sea to sea and such only puts the problem on texas shoulders cause no wall can be built on the border there but has to be miles away.

10% of trumps stances are becoming his downfall. He needs to get his own base.

Thats not really the plan anymore, and nobody is asking for a concrete wall from "sea to shining sea". Its going to be a see thru slated steel fence, in the most trafficked, most sensitive areas. Of course there are some spots along the border where nature takes care of it for us, and some places where there is already a fence. The places where fences already exist will be upgraded with the newest tech.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: UncleTomahawk
The thing about the people who voted for walls in the past is that the majority of those walls are now in place. Very few people want a wall from sea to sea and such only puts the problem on texas shoulders cause no wall can be built on the border there but has to be miles away.

10% of trumps stances are becoming his downfall. He needs to get his own base.

Literally none of this is accurate.

But I appreciate your opinion.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

Q clearance is a DOE clearance. Q group is NSA office of traitor Hunters.
Q group would likely need q clearance in order to perform their duties

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

You can't Electrify a Giant concrete wall.
A giant slotted metal barrier however .......
edit on 2 6 2019 by dashen because: Wall street

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: AgarthaSeed

originally posted by: UncleTomahawk
The thing about the people who voted for walls in the past is that the majority of those walls are now in place. Very few people want a wall from sea to sea and such only puts the problem on texas shoulders cause no wall can be built on the border there but has to be miles away.

10% of trumps stances are becoming his downfall. He needs to get his own base.

Literally none of this is accurate.

But I appreciate your opinion.

Its fact.The current walls we have were voted on. There have been some votes for walls that passed but never got built also.

In texas they can not build a wall in the river flood plain. All people have to do is step foot on us soil to be subject to the jurisdiction of. so a wall that is not on the border does not get the job done and would become a hot spot for caravans if everywhere was walled of on the border.

On a side note i remember on the hannity show yrs ago perry and hannity were talkin about the need for a figure like Q before Q came about. It is out there somewhere.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe

originally posted by: UncleTomahawk
The thing about the people who voted for walls in the past is that the majority of those walls are now in place. Very few people want a wall from sea to sea and such only puts the problem on texas shoulders cause no wall can be built on the border there but has to be miles away.

10% of trumps stances are becoming his downfall. He needs to get his own base.

Thats not really the plan anymore, and nobody is asking for a concrete wall from "sea to shining sea". Its going to be a see thru slated steel fence, in the most trafficked, most sensitive areas. Of course there are some spots along the border where nature takes care of it for us, and some places where there is already a fence. The places where fences already exist will be upgraded with the newest tech.

Well of coarse we know this but how you gonna get plan b to work if no one else understands?

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: CoramDeo
a reply to: pavil

This is open to anyone, but did you all catch the irony of the hall breaking, spontaeously, into song when they sang Happy Birthday to Judah, the holocaust and Pittsburg shooting survivor at one point; then, later in the speech, many of the same folks who were just a short time earlier celebrating birth sat stone faced as POTUS railed on NY and VA (there are more to come) over abortion, and how the life of children is precious and needs to be protected.

The juxtapostion of the two responses is striking.

That's somethig you can't plan, unless...


Good Catch. Every time you thought the Dems were going to just sit, Trump would offer up a statement that they had to clap for. "How about those lower drug prices?" , "Record low unemployment for African Americans", "Who doesn't love a picture of a kitten?". It was funny to see some Democrats sitting on some of the statements when all their Democratic allies were standing and clapping.

They didn't know what to not clap for, in that way, Trump was really doing some Aikido/Judo on them, keeping them off-balance.

edit on 6-2-2019 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan
a reply to: PokeyJoe

A similar percentage of viewers loved his speech overall. Only ~20% of those polled (by CNN, no less) disapproved of the SOTU speech.

Yeah and CNN was trying to play it off as only republicans watching the speech. CNN's own poll was trying to be discredited by CNN themselves. You can't make that stuff up.

I have to imagine the talking heads on CNN last night were having a hard time with the spinning the SOTU speech and pumping up Abrams one.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Adam Schiff mysteriously delays the Cohen closed-door hearing. Moves it from 2/8 to 2/28.
Cohen reports to prison for 3 years on March 6th.

They keep hoping that Mueller will come through for them. From all accounts, it's wrapping up and its probably done all it's going to do. Catching Cohen, Manafort and Stone isn't exactly high level sleuthing. Not like any of those people are angels.

I have a theory on Cohen, but it remains to be seen if it will pan out.

posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: dashen
Rick Perry Was designated this years SOTU "DESIGNATED SURVIVOR"

well that settles it for me.

secretoftheblueapples was right.

Rick Perry is Q.

welcome to the Twilight Zone

What is that on Perry's lapel lol???

Plus the Department he heads....... Lord help us all if that is the case.

I will say that Perry has kept a pretty low profile this Administration. I half expected him to do something stupid and he hasn't done that, so he has exceeded my expectations.

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