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Brexit, Today is the Vote!

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posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

We would need to start with the House of Lords as well as the Commons and to be quite frank, probably the entire rest of The City of London financial district, considering it is essentially an entire other nation in itself that wags the bastards tail really.

Enough will never be enough for there type, but there is your cabal right there, entrenched protected since the time of the Knight Templars, and if truth be told possibly long before.

The knock on effect to the rest of the financial world however, world like watch dominos fall, which is why true change and revolution will never happen i suppose.

At least not without blood.
edit on 11-2-2019 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Of course it includes The House of Lords....and the Senior Servants and mandarins who wield enormous amounts of influence and power.
It includes senior Judiciary, Police, Military, Clergy etc who all seek to maintain to status quo at our expense.

But it requires the people to set aside the petty differences that they so effectively exploit and unite in turning this great union of nations into something we can ALL be proud of and what we ALL deserve.

If it takes blood....then so be it.....enough is enough.
And if it takes a period of hardship for the long term gain then so be it as well.
We've faced greater hardships than Brexit and come through it. If we'd viewed Brexit as an opportunity for change instead of bickering and arguing with each other we could have seized the moment and forced change.....the moment may have's up to us make sure it hasn't......

But who is prepared to go the extra mile and actually do something instead of whinging, moaning and arguing with each other whilst they piss themselves laughing and continue taking us all for a ride?

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Here is the thing mate, do you really think the millennials are up to the task at hand?

The majority of the poor sods will be lucky to be able to make the downpayment on a house, or even move out there parents homes before they are 30.

Do you really see them being willing to bear these hardships you speak of for even a little while, nevermind overthrow the tyrannical bastards that really run the show?

Fact is these people are weaker, fatter, and more feeble minded than the generations that have come before, and by design no less.

That extra mile requires resolve and determination. Those poor sods will be lucky to make it through the day nevermind seize the day.

Hope I'm wrong all the same.

And good luck to them because they are going to need it in spades.
edit on 11-2-2019 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Here is the thing mate, do you really think the millennials are up to the task at hand?

Not at all mate.
They are the produce of the deliberate and targeted dumbing down of the education system and MSM.
When allied with the intrusive nature of the PC Brigade they've produced a generation of neutered, molly coddled individuals completely unprepared to handle the realities of life.

I believe this has been part of an agenda to produce a nation of drones incapable of individual thought and fully compliant to the whims and directives of an all controlling elite.

Unless we do something about it soon - very soon - I fear it will be too late.....hopefully I won't be around to see it.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Well "they" seem to have us all by the goolies, and they don't look to be up for letting go anytime soon.

People are more interested in the next £999 iPhone than they are with what's transpiring outside there own windows.

Seems to me a 1984 type V is for Vendetta Britain is in the post.

But as long as we are "Strong and Stable" eh?

I mean if they scream it long enough and loud enough the people are apt to believe the bullcrap, and they are, and they do.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: andy06shake

Here is the thing mate, do you really think the millennials are up to the task at hand?

Not at all mate.
They are the produce of the deliberate and targeted dumbing down of the education system and MSM.
When allied with the intrusive nature of the PC Brigade they've produced a generation of neutered, molly coddled individuals completely unprepared to handle the realities of life.

I believe this has been part of an agenda to produce a nation of drones incapable of individual thought and fully compliant to the whims and directives of an all controlling elite.

Unless we do something about it soon - very soon - I fear it will be too late.....hopefully I won't be around to see it.

Here's a thought...

A generation suseptible to influence and incapable of individual thinking?

Why do you think there is such a scramble to shut anyone up that is not the MSM etc? One single good speaker is all it will take.
edit on 11-2-2019 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 01:43 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: 83Liberty

And that vote counts for very little if anything at all.

Westminster rule has proven, if nothing else, that our notion of what constitutes the democratic process of politics in this nation is nothing more than a jail cell where we cannot see the bars.

The problem is that one of the bastard political parties always wins, and they are all simply spouting the same rhetoric only with slightly different wrapping paper.

I totally agree but at least we won't have a further undemocratic institution (the EU) to rule us as well. Also the differences between Labour and the Conservatives are wider than they have been for decades with Corbyn/McDonald leader of Labour, so at least we get some choice (both crap in my opinion though). We need to scrap first past the post, that will see real positive change for our democracy.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 02:08 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn

But it requires the people to set aside the petty differences that they so effectively exploit and unite in turning this great union of nations into something we can ALL be proud of and what we ALL deserve.

If it takes blood....then so be it.....enough is enough.
And if it takes a period of hardship for the long term gain then so be it as well.
We've faced greater hardships than Brexit and come through it. If we'd viewed Brexit as an opportunity for change instead of bickering and arguing with each other we could have seized the moment and forced change.....the moment may have's up to us make sure it hasn't......

But who is prepared to go the extra mile and actually do something instead of whinging, moaning and arguing with each other whilst they piss themselves laughing and continue taking us all for a ride?]/b]


posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn

Not at all mate.
They are the produce of the deliberate and targeted dumbing down of the education system and MSM.
When allied with the intrusive nature of the PC Brigade they've produced a generation of neutered, molly coddled individuals completely unprepared to handle the realities of life.

I believe this has been part of an agenda to produce a nation of drones incapable of individual thought and fully compliant to the whims and directives of an all controlling elite.

Unless we do something about it soon - very soon - I fear it will be too late.....hopefully I won't be around to see it.

As usual you have hit the nail in the head. I was reading Peter Hitchins

column and he had been booked to speak at some University which he

does without charge from time to time. Only to have some militant

student board cancel it because they didn't agree with him or the subject.

Now whether you agree with someone or not surely students should be

exposed to all angles so that in *real life* the are able to make calculated

decisions of their own, and not become conveyor belts of mindless robots?

Are our children being educated or indoctrinated?

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 03:22 AM
Im still ok with burning it all down if you all are !

millenials cant and wont take physical action of any sort, as they would risk not having enough time to update their social media if they are protesting or they'd rather just turn it into a # meme or cry about it , or cry about something that doesnt directly effect them but they feel they need to champion it socially to gain acceptance of their fellow millenial !

Cant take a selfie whilst you throw a molotov !

if brexit is going to be us vs them , then Id rather have anarchy for 10 years than another 10 years of conservative austerity!

whilst most of us are all like minded and want actual change and a decent society to live in
which is fair for all , most of us all still support the system in some way or another.
In my opinion we need to get rid of it like an alien spore in your ventilation system
we need to burn it out !

purge the xenos

of course if there is a non violent way to overthrow a system of corporate government control then lets hear it , because in my mind the only way this stops is if , government stops , no more party politics , just a government for the people.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Universities used to be seats of learning, where the accepted was challenged and new ideas and theories were encouraged, investigated and developed.
Now they are nothing but a pale shadow of that ideal....only the politically correct is allowed, safe places are the norm for the snowflakes and worthless degrees are handed out like confetti to many who gain both a false sense of their own importance and are completely unprepared for the realities of life outside of their safe little bubble.

Part of some sort of dumbing down process?
I believe so.

I have no proof to support that, just an opinion having observed social changes over 50 plus years.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: andy06shake

Of course it includes The House of Lords....and the Senior Servants and mandarins who wield enormous amounts of influence and power.
It includes senior Judiciary, Police, Military, Clergy etc who all seek to maintain to status quo at our expense.

But it requires the people to set aside the petty differences that they so effectively exploit and unite in turning this great union of nations into something we can ALL be proud of and what we ALL deserve.

If it takes blood....then so be it.....enough is enough.
And if it takes a period of hardship for the long term gain then so be it as well.
We've faced greater hardships than Brexit and come through it. If we'd viewed Brexit as an opportunity for change instead of bickering and arguing with each other we could have seized the moment and forced change.....the moment may have's up to us make sure it hasn't......

But who is prepared to go the extra mile and actually do something instead of whinging, moaning and arguing with each other whilst they piss themselves laughing and continue taking us all for a ride?

i fully agree.

this layercake needs a good thorough looking at for the benefit of all the people.


posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: sapien82

....because in my mind the only way this stops is if , government stops , no more party politics , just a government for the people.

Couldn't agree more.

Just sick of the whole charade and the shower of #e who have been taking the piss out of us for far too long.

But nothing will change....we're all either too busy bickering with each other or choose to be ignorant of the reality that surrounds us.
And very, very few people are actually prepared to do something real about effecting positive change.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 04:13 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: eletheia

Universities used to be seats of learning, where the accepted was challenged and new ideas and theories were encouraged, investigated and developed.
Now they are nothing but a pale shadow of that ideal....only the politically correct is allowed, safe places are the norm for the snowflakes and worthless degrees are handed out like confetti to many who gain both a false sense of their own importance and are completely unprepared for the realities of life outside of their safe little bubble.

Whilst I agree with you, the Tony Blair call that every one needed a university

education has created *big Business* where I live the huge blocks of student

accomadation has taken over the surrounding edges of the city.

Then there are the loans which will never get paid back, and then there are

people with degrees doing jobs which lets face it dont need a degree to so!!

Now here is a real beef I have about the student fees..... My grandaughter is

in her final year as a paramedic for which 50% of the time from the first year

is spent on placement (in the 'old' days it would have been called apprentice-

ship.) On these placements they dont just follow they actually do the work.

She has done CPR and actually delivered a baby on her first placement, she

does 12 hour shifts and doesn't even get a token payment.Which means the NHS

is getting employees for free! She also has a part time job to help with her living


Surely in cases like these either reduced fees ...... or some sort of salary earned?

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 05:19 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
Im still ok with burning it all down if you all are !

1st, there must be some violent chaos?

Id rather have anarchy for 10 years than another 10 years of conservative austerity!

I'd rather have anarchy forever.

whilst most of us are all like minded and want actual change and a decent society to live in
which is fair for all , most of us all still support the system

Govt and media have been very successful in convincing the electorate that govt is good and no govt is bad.

of course if there is a non violent way to overthrow a system of corporate government control then lets hear it , because in my mind the only way this stops is if , government stops , no more party politics , just a government for the people.

As if govt are needed for anything other than running the infrastructure!

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: eletheia

If she does the job she should receive a salary imho.

I remember my apprenticeship, the journeymen give you the worst jobs and you got paid a pittance compared to the rest.

Crap rolls downhill, unfortunately.

As to the student loans and people with degrees working in the likes of McDonald's, i totally agree that it's simply a complete waste.

Education should have remained free in this country, but chance would be a fine thing indeed.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: eletheia

My wee cousin Jennifer had just finished her nursing degree in Wales and she has told me all about the ills of the NHS there, and my downstairs neighbour works as a night nurse in the Victoira general in southside glasgow , she has some pretty eye opening stories about the NHS as well
and they both say its a result of cuts!

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: eletheia

If she does the job she should receive a salary imho.

Quite..... she has six months before she qualifies yesterday she left home just

before 10 am. In the evening they were called out to a resturant in the town

where someone was having an anaphylactic fit, she had to insert the meds

via a canular with all the diners looking on and take him into hospital (blue

lights) Her mentor was with her but she had to do it all herself, she arrived

home after 10 pm....... 12 hour shift currently doing it three or four days a

week, on top of which she has dissitations and studying to complete her

degree, and a part time job too.

I think its scandalous she doesn't even get basic hourly wage for that. '

Education should have remained free in this country, but chance would be a fine thing indeed.

In this case not only is she paying for her education....... she is working for free.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 01:03 PM

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