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Why I like tobacco snuff.

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posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 09:23 AM
I have a penchant for tobacco snuff.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but with snuff, you can pull any residue out of your nose, along with your hangover.

Is that gross?
(Sorry for those who identify as ladies).

I wish I could pull the smoke residue out of my lungs like that.

And snuff was once the preferred method of imbibing tobacco.
And nobody ever got cancer.

They sell it everywhere where tobacco is sold.
Strangely you never see people using it.

Does anyone else dig snuff?

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 09:23 AM

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 09:41 AM
I guarantee that will give you cancer.

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: halfoldman

I've smoked enough to send a smoke signal, but I've never heard of snuff, in dimension X we call it dregs.

It is carcinogenic-but don't grow it, you'd get a larger fine then growing cannabis I assure you. Why? because tobacco can be taxed.

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: halfoldman

People don't do it because it's become more and more taboo with time. Spitting alone is taboo and gross as soon as you get to more densely populated areas, as is smoking becoming, so snuff is just.. gross. Try getting a girlfriend with that habit, lol. Not that getting a girlfriend should necessarily influence your choices and behavior but.. hey, if you felt the need to have one, let's put it that way. Otherwise? Game on. I have some questions about it as I've never tried it.

How long do you have to keep the pinch of snuff between your lip and gum to start getting a good amount of nicotine in your system? Do you feel the effects differently versus smoking it? Stronger, more subtle, etc. Would you say it lessens or worsens the addiction? Do you find yourself with intense snuff cravings a few times a day on the level of a cigarette habit? Is it more controllable, used less often? Maybe it's bad for business too.

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 10:24 AM
Chewing tobacco was bad enough. That #'s horrible. It makes your lip and gums numb. I can only imagine snorting tobacco probably feels worse. Also, i'm just kind of against putting drugs up my nose in general.

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 10:27 AM
I tried snuff in high school once, burned my nose, my eyes welled up and my head took off.
It was an interesting experience. Not for me however.

a reply to: halfoldman

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: halfoldman

When we were about 14, me and a mate were helping these old dudes out setting up the village fireworks display (it was a different era, they even gave us a bunch of flares to play about with lol), and they were using snuff.

After they explained what it was, me and my mate were like 'hang on, we can't smoke in class but they said nothing about 'snuff', and that was that, for about a month until we got sick of it we would have what we considered a 'cheeky ciggie' in classes at school and feel dead proud of ourselves for skirting the system, lol šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: halfoldman

It is carcinogenic-but don't grow it, you'd get a larger fine then growing cannabis I assure you. Why? because tobacco can be taxed.

I'd be amazed if the regular copper could even identify tobacco plants, to be honest; it's definitely not as distinctive as cannabis.

Our governments parks and gardens dept. plants loads of the stuff just down the road from me, they're beautiful plants in flower,

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 10:47 AM
Can one overdose on nicotine? I recall in primary school we once went to this place called "Kleinplasie" (like a traditional Afrikaner village). All the boys got to lie under the moonshine tap for one second. Thank you for your future service. But one kid got horribly sick on the bus, because he thought chewing tobacco was something to eat.

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: MerkabaTribeEntity

I started daily cigarettes if possible around 14 so I know exactly what you mean. Friends would lift a couple off of their parents open packs or take half smoked from ashtrays. When we did our adventure around local town stuff aka loitering, we'd keep an eye out for the public ashtrays. Gross but what's a rebellious kid to do that wants to get a nicotine buzz and be cool?

I'd imagine chewing tobacco or snuff which I thought was the same thing could make a young boy sick from too much nicotine, the flavor, his stomach, etc. What's the stuff in the cylinders that gas stations sell, you put it between your gum and your lower lip

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: halfoldman

Definitely. I don't know what the symptoms would be and I doubt it'd be very easy for someone tolerant but, yea. Sounds rather unpleasent. If I took a shot of vape juice I don't think it'd turn out well.

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: halfoldman

I tried it once 30+ years ago and it made me sneeze like hell i was working in someones house that was always putting snuff up their nose and just had to try it , but i do dig my tobacco especially the rolling kind

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 11:16 AM
They need to make a dual nostril vape pen so you can get a proper hit .....not for sissies...

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 12:13 PM
Sometimes people tell you weird stories.

Like, I once came out of a vagina.

Any fool can see it's too narrow.

I was picked from a cabbage-patch.

See, all we need is a bit of common sense.

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 12:16 PM
Chewing tobacco is in a package or plug a chaw and is coarse leaf that you pack a clump in the side of your cheek

Dip is a finer ground in a round can, either loose or in little individual tea bag pouches,this the just a pinch between you cheeks and gum.

Snuff is basically tobacco powder that your snort up your nose or a pinch between you cheeks and gums.

I like the constant nicotine you get from a dip or a chaw have dipped since I was 14, 52 now, and yea we used it in high school even though we had smoking area too, was always nice to crank a dip when going to class.

Yes as I got older and found the opposite sex i began smoking too, in social situations though still preferred dipping. The smell the ash trays the burns in the car, only smoked about 6-7 years before I quit. would use the gum or patches sometimes again in social situations.All the while continued to dip, finally got off of that with an e cigarette,been dip free for about 6 weeks. Ecig gives me enough to calm my nerves, but even using it less and less. Among other advantages saving a little bit of cash too.

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: halfoldman
Can one overdose on nicotine? .

Yes, it has been used in assassinations and murders. Pure nicotine is lethal, and you can get to much in you.

I have dipped pretty much my entire adult life. I switched to Copenhagen pouches years ago. Itā€™s a bad thing because my gums are wore down, so with 2 pouches (always), nobody knows I even have it in. People see or think of a redneck with a huge dip in and think itā€™s gross. I walk around all day, hardly ever spit unless nobody is around with them in all the time. I switched after doing CPR over and over (Iā€™m a fireman) needing to spit from the other snuff and chocking on it.
Camel has a snus thatā€™s pretty good and you donā€™t have to spit.
I tried the snorting thing once with some snuff from Germany. Lit my ass up! Not for me man.

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 04:50 PM
Going to the navy and live with brothers for months.

I know, problematic.
You you have to be male.
You're not even considered otherwise.

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: r0xor

Thats snuss your thinking of op is
Talking about snuff which is basically snorted

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 05:22 PM
I might just get me one of them hipster liberal vape thingies and ween off of cigarettes

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: TexasTruth

originally posted by: halfoldman
Can one overdose on nicotine? .

Yes, it has been used in assassinations and murders. Pure nicotine is lethal, and you can get to much in you.

I have dipped pretty much my entire adult life. I switched to Copenhagen pouches years ago. Itā€™s a bad thing because my gums are wore down, so with 2 pouches (always), nobody knows I even have it in. People see or think of a redneck with a huge dip in and think itā€™s gross. I walk around all day, hardly ever spit unless nobody is around with them in all the time. I switched after doing CPR over and over (Iā€™m a fireman) needing to spit from the other snuff and chocking on it.
Camel has a snus thatā€™s pretty good and you donā€™t have to spit.
I tried the snorting thing once with some snuff from Germany. Lit my ass up! Not for me man.

Yea was always a Copenhagen man since I was 16 or 17 switched to pouches about 7-8 years ago,but it was wrecking my mouth,gums and teeth, like I said nothing worked for me gum or patches anything till i got this my blu e cig,got little pods about 8 bucks a piece. But since mid November only on my 4th one, saving some money cause2-3 cans a week was pretty common,saving easily $50-$60 bucks a month. Take one or two hits and Im good for awhile, the little pods suposedly have 300 puffs. They got flavors but I got the bold tobacco or regular flavors, none of that fruity # LOL. Since I quit no tooth aches or mouth ulcers. Got a whole family that smokes trying to get all of them to try these to quit.Lost my Dad to pancreatic cancer lifetime smoker and it sucked when he couldnt quit while on chemo treatments,almost drove him crazy.

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