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Triangular UFO with NOISE, in space! (during SpaceX Dragon Craft launch to ISS.)

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posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 10:33 AM
Hey I searched for this topic and I don't think anyone has made a thread about this yet.

Recently, December 8th, 2018: Space X sent their Dragon craft up to the International Space Station, with some 3-and-a-half hours of live footage recorded, using several different cameras, attached to the International Space Station (plus the live camera feed of studio hosts, narrating the event), from the Dragon's launch, to the time that it actually connected with the ISS.

Anyway the 3.5 hours of live footage includes a few very compelling anomalous sightings.

I made a video (non-monetized YT channel) that zooms into one of the UFO's, and brightens its colors, to make it as visible as possible. It seems to be a triangular craft, flying forward with a flat edge going forward, and behind it, the point of the triangle trailing behind. The forward flat-edge seems to have a row of erratically flashing lights. (My vid also shows it in half-speed, as well as zoomed and brightened, so I think it's as visible as possible.)

One of the most amazing aspects is that the craft seems to make a SOUND as it passes by the camera, which is mounted to the International Space Station. It's a quiet noise in the original footage, and I don't really have the ability to enhance the audio, in such a way that would bring it out.

So the noise can be faintly heard in my vid, but also, my vid's description has the link to the original footage, if you want to try to hear it better.

So even though it's a quiet noise, it's amazing for 2 BIG reasons!

1. Space is supposed to be a vacuum, which would not allow for sound waves to travel, and...

2. It's amazing that the cameras on the ISS are recording live audio from outerspace (which is supposed to have no sound!).

Anyway, check out my vid to see the UFO as clear as possible, and like I said, it has a link to the original vid if you want to try to hear the sound it makes, better.

But what do u guys think about the fact that the object seems to make noise, in the supposed vacuum of space?

At the very least, it implies that space is not a pure vacuum, after all, and that NASA knows it, and has been recording audio in space, already.

What do u guys think?

edit on 19-12-2018 by peacefulpete because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-12-2018 by peacefulpete because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 10:53 AM
Im perplexed. Been fooled to many times but this is interesting.

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: peacefulpete

Hey take a look at this big boy as he flew right over me the other morning. Cut and paste the pic onto your PC and blow it up. Look at 6:00. Freaking HUGE and his engines did not make any noise. Yea, yea I know the picture sucks and its of the Moon. Must have been too much light for my $100 Android phone but the thing looks just like whats in the video.

USA has some decent toys

Flew over at 6:16AM on 17Dec2018 near 34.1660° N, 81.3498° W and he was heading North East towards Myrtle Beach, SC

edit on 19-12-2018 by Waterglass because: added info

edit on 19-12-2018 by Waterglass because: added info

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: notsure1
Im perplexed. Been fooled to many times but this is interesting.

Haha well you don't have to worry about being "fooled" by me, in this case lol, as I don't have the editing skills to fabricate the UFO sighting.

Plus my vid does have the link to the original live footage from SpaceX and NASA (which should have slightly better audio to hear the noise that the object seems to make).

What's amazing is that anything would create any sound, in space, which is supposed to be silent because of being an empty vacuum, supposedly.

I have believed, for some years now, that space is not a pure vacuum. I believe that, at the very least, there is probably almost-always some bit of different gas clouds, all throughout space. It has already been published that there have been "clouds" of water, found floating in space. So I think it's most logical to expect some kind of gas, like hydrogen gas or whatever, in most parts of space. This would also explain how the biological type of "critters" are sometimes seen / photographed, in space. (In other words, if there is usually some bit of different gases in space, then it would explain how natural life could possibly survive and live in space.)

Plus, the fact of NASA's cameras recording audio in space... shows that NASA already knows it lol, and has already been recording it, probably for a long time already.

edit on 19-12-2018 by peacefulpete because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:02 AM
This sighting imo is interesting.

The original live footage it's clear, so no digital edit.


edit on 19-12-2018 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:03 AM

Nasa will probably say ice, it's always ice with them.

SF cuz woo

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

IMO better detail in that video.

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: Realtruth
This sighting imo is big.

Not much debunking to do, because even in the original live footage it's clear, so no digital edit.


It's the earth below, moved into night and a town or city lights on the surface caught in the camera view from hundreds of miles up looking downward orbiting at about 17k mph.

edit on 19-12-2018 by ausername because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

SecureTeam10 even has some good stills.

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: Realtruth

IMO better detail in that video.

Well my video does contain the original footage, completely unaltered, toward the end of my video.

But I do think that I managed to bring out some better clarity before that, by zooming in, slowing it down, and brightening its colors.

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

Yep, that's how I first heard about this sighting. The 3.5 hrs of footage has at least 4 different UFO sightings, in it.

So my vid is not even showcasing the most dramatic sighting, visually.

But it's the noise aspect that makes this one sighting so amazing. (And I think my vid does make this one sighting as visible as possible, with colors, zoom, slow-mo.)

edit on 19-12-2018 by peacefulpete because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:17 AM
Could it be the earth below, and we are seeing city lights? Apart from that, I have no other explanations.

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris
Could it be the earth below, and we are seeing city lights? Apart from that, I have no other explanations.

That seems to be the most popular mundane explanation for it.

However, I believe that we're seeing stars in the background the whole time (not the Earth).

Plus, the UFO really seems to make its own blasting sound, as it passes by the camera! Which would be a hell of a coincidence if the sound was unrelated to the sighting at that one specific moment lol.

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: peacefulpete

originally posted by: Jay-morris
Could it be the earth below, and we are seeing city lights? Apart from that, I have no other explanations.

That seems to be the most popular mundane explanation for it.

However, I believe that we're seeing stars in the background the whole time (not the Earth).

Plus, the UFO really seems to make its own blasting sound, as it passes by the camera! Which would be a hell of a coincidence if the sound was unrelated to the sighting at that one specific moment lol.

But how can the object make a sound it space?

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: peacefulpete

originally posted by: Jay-morris
Could it be the earth below, and we are seeing city lights? Apart from that, I have no other explanations.

That seems to be the most popular mundane explanation for it.

However, I believe that we're seeing stars in the background the whole time (not the Earth).

Plus, the UFO really seems to make its own blasting sound, as it passes by the camera! Which would be a hell of a coincidence if the sound was unrelated to the sighting at that one specific moment lol.

But how can the object make a sound it space?

It means that there is, at the very least, some kind of gas in space, for the soundwaves to pass through.

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

It might be check the original footage because the object seems to pass by at 1:33 as well, so 1:33 and 4:20 approx, do the math with the rotations of the earth speed and we may have an answer.

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 12:00 PM
Already posted in this Forum.

Link to other thread here:
Fake Or Something Explainable.

One very plausible explanation on that thread is that we are looking at city lights below.

originally posted by: peacefulpete

originally posted by: Jay-morris

Could it be the earth below, and we are seeing city lights? Apart from that, I have no other explanations.

That seems to be the most popular mundane explanation for it.
However, I believe that we're seeing stars in the background the whole time (not the Earth).

The video in the original thread on this (linked above) is better quality, and those things being called "stars" are not visible.

Plus, the UFO really seems to make its own blasting sound, as it passes by the camera! Which would be a hell of a coincidence if the sound was unrelated to the sighting at that one specific moment lol.

Maybe I'm missing the "blasting sound"t, but all I can hear is the guy talking and taking a breath. He takes a breath (inhales) as the object enters the frame, but that's all I hear.

What I hear is this:

"...[garbled] minutes from now. [takes a breath] My name is Tom Praderio, and I'm a firmware engineer..."

Unless people are talking about a different sound. If so, then I apologize (and if so, can someone point me to that sound?).

edit on 12/19/2018 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 12:27 PM
Maybe im the only moron seeing a problem here. The other video posted of a triangle looks nothing like the video in the OP. The video in the OP shows stationary "stars" followed by a moving object that covers one of them up for half a second.

How on earth is that earth?

The videos shown from the other thread look entirely different. This feels like mis info being mixed with real info. Which video is real?

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: bknapple32
Maybe im the only moron seeing a problem here. The other video posted of a triangle looks nothing like the video in the OP. The video in the OP shows stationary "stars" followed by a moving object that covers one of them up for half a second.

How on earth is that earth?

The videos shown from the other thread look entirely different. This feels like mis info being mixed with real info. Which video is real?

Watch the end of the video from the other thread. The part at the end of that video is the same footage from the video in this thread.

The thought in that other thread is that it is the night side of Earth, and the object is city lights. The object appear to be moving , but it is really the Dragon capsule and ISS camera that are moving. The stationary dots that are said are said to be stars in this thread might hot pixels or something else mundame?

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: [post]Soylent Green Is People[/post]


What was doing the recording? Meaning where is the recording originating from. Cant we deduce based on that info if the camera was pointed away or towards earth? Would that not put this debate to an end?

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