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Comey: Dossier Was Unverified Before And After FBI Used It To Obtain Spy Warrants

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posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 09:58 AM

Former FBI Director James Comey told Congress Friday that the FBI had not verified the Steele dossier prior to relying on the salacious document to obtain spy warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

According to a transcript of Comey’s testimony released on Saturday, the former FBI chief also asserted that it was “not necessary” for the FBI to assess the sources that dossier author Christopher Steele used to compile his report, which was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign.

“I think I’ve dealt with warrants where you just identify that your primary [confidential informant], or primary source, has subsources, and so long as the court is aware of that phenomenon and that you’re speaking to the reliability of the primary source, to my mind, that’s a totally legit warrant application,” he said.

How this doesn’t outrage everyone is beyond me

Comey admits that the most crucial piece of evidence used to spy on a person connected to trumps campaign, the Steele Dossier, was never verified before or after it was presented to the fisa court

Think what this means

The fbi, who was filled with people at top levels who hated trump, used paid opposition research from trumps opponent as a reason to spy on people connected to trumps campaign. And they didn’t even bother to verify the info contained on the dossier was correct

If this is the new precedent it is the death knell for any little matter our elections had left

No candidates that the intel community doesn’t like will be tolerated

Oppo research can and is dig up on every candidate. The fbi may now wiretap any candidate or politician they don’t like based merely off of that research, and they don’t even have to verify it

I am on phone so will post more below

But I just want all of those people that are cool with this to go on record

That way they will have to sit back of trump decides to use unverified oppo research to spy on any democrat he wants to

+2 more 
posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: Grambler

your friend underwerks is NOT cool with this...

originally posted by: underwerks
The issue isn’t whether or not it was a set-up on the Russians part, it’s that team Trump fell for it. It’s illegal to seek help from a hostile foreign power to win a presidential election in America.

It gives whoever you’re working with leverage over you. That’s why it’s illegal and should be.
You can blame that on Trump being naive about what the laws are, but as a judge once told me ignorance of the law is no excuse.

maybe he can it pertains to hillary,fbi/doj since Trump isn't allowed to do it

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:05 AM
Ah, Democrats raising the bar of injustice on an almost daily basis.

THis is why it is my view that the Republican party better start fighting fire with fire wherever and whenever they can or they will just always look forward to an unending investigation into everything they have ever done and haven't done until they either go bancrupt or give up.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Grambler

How this doesn’t outrage everyone is beyond me

It has outraged some here for quite a while now.
On the other hand some pretend it is no big deal, and ignore facts about investigations and how rotten evidence and police work will effect such.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Comey just threw the whole Russian scam under the bus.

He's a smart guy... I mean... At least for now.

Hope he doesn't get suicided before going to jail for treason.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:07 AM

and so long as the court is aware

That won't play so well when all is revealed.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: vinifalou
a reply to: Grambler

Comey just threw the whole Russian scam under the bus.

He's a smart guy... I mean... At least for now.

Hope he doesn't get suicided before going to jail for treason.

Well if his past is any indication he will soon claim that he does remember something and then change his story. Whatever will be required to slip slide and wiggle around a little more.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:10 AM
Comey excuses this by saying basically he trusted the source, Christopher Steele

This is terrible for multiple reasons

1. To trust any person, particularly a foreign spy who hated a candidate and was paid for by that candidates opposition, and use their info to spy on a presidential campaign is unthinkable, if the info can’t be verified

2. Comey failed to tell the fisa court that Steele had animosity toward trump, or that he was working on behalf of Hillary and the dnc

3. The warrant based on Steele’s info was signed four times

This apparently based largely on Steele’s credibility. Yet the fbi knew after the first submission that Steele had not only went against fbi protocol by talking to the press, but in fact lied to the fbi about it

Therefore the fbi didn’t find Steele credible enough to employ because they fired him, but despite knowing he was a liar used his unverified dossier to spy on people connected to trumps campaign three more times

4. See this thread

There may be emails that show that comey and others at the fbi knew before the intial use of the dossier at the fisa court that it had reliability issues, and that Steele talked to the press, but not only did they use the dossier, they used a press article that Steele was the source for to back up the dossier, all the while keeping their concerns from the court

5. Relying on comeys judgement of character instead of verifying the info is unthinkable

That means the judgement of one biased individual is all it takes to spy on Americans, even a presidential campaign, no verified facts needed

Not only do we know comey is biased against trump, to the point where he was willing to leak info to the press, but he also is clearly a bad judge of character

He also thought strzok was a person of good character, so much so that he put him in charge of both cases, and testified to Congress that FBI agents never involve politics when doing investigations

edit on 11-12-2018 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: Grambler

I can't even fake outrage any more.

Our country is hopelessly corrupt.

*throws hands in the air and walks away. . . . . . . *

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Grambler

I can't even fake outrage any more.

Our country is hopelessly corrupt.

*throws hands in the air and walks away. . . . . . . *

I am led to believe that trump paying extortionists money to not talk about his sex life is a huge Denver tonour democracy

But Obama’s intel community using info paid for by Hillary’s campaign to a foreign spy getting info from kremlin officials, to spy on trumps campaign, all the while not yelling the court exactly who paid for that evidence or telling them it was unverified is perfectly reasonable

If mueller was really interested in solving crimes related to trying to improperly influence an election, Hillary obama and fbi peoples houses would have been raided in the middle of the night

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Fools

IS this really important.

A college football player used "Queer" on social media, and he has to be shamed, that's what's important

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:26 AM
wenknow that people know the fbi investigation of Hillary was a joke

We now know they know the fbi used unverified evidence to spy on trumps campaign

And yet nary a peep

The media is almost fully a proponouth piece for the establishment and getting trump

And yet so many people have no problem with this because they hate trump

edit on 11-12-2018 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: Grambler

let's not teeter around the point that trump paid for the tongue of sex workers...

legal or not it's one factor.

if the FISA was illegal, why cant a red Congress make the varsity of this supposed 'illegal wareant' be front and center in the investigation... nearly 3 years later. unless they KNOW something keyboard warriors don't.

besides the payment to whores is a separate thing... and frankly I dont give a toss about trump's deviance.

this is more pertinent

“According to Mueller, Michael Cohen was contacted shortly after Trump declared his candidacy, in November 2015, by a ‘trusted person’ in the Russian government who could offer the campaign ‘political synergy’ and ‘synergy on a government level.’”

and I cant wait to see the revelations of the female Russian operative who just reached another plea deal. ...

I find funny how conservative news sites are trying to make this solely about trumps sexcapades
edit on 11-12-2018 by odzeandennz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Grambler

I can't even fake outrage any more.

Our country is hopelessly corrupt.

*throws hands in the air and walks away. . . . . . . *

I am led to believe that trump paying extortionists money to not talk about his sex life is a huge Denver tonour democracy

But Obama’s intel community using info paid for by Hillary’s campaign to a foreign spy getting info from kremlin officials, to spy on trumps campaign, all the while not yelling the court exactly who paid for that evidence or telling them it was unverified is perfectly reasonable

If mueller was really interested in solving crimes related to trying to improperly influence an election, Hillary obama and fbi peoples houses would have been raided in the middle of the night

It would be great to get answers from the parties involved - answers that actually make sense as to how one is acceptable (HRC) and the other is not (DJT). I don't care to hear from the hypocritical ATS lefties - they've shown their true colors equating to nothing more than "orange man very bad"

We also don't need to hear from the media on this.

Odd thing is -- the people involved & media simply want to look the other way. I'm surprised COME[Y] actually admitted this fun fact.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: odzeandennz

So a Russian saying we can help trump politically is more interesting to you than Obama’s fbi using unverified dirt from a foreign spy paid for by Hillary to contact kremlin officials to spy on trumps campaign

Just so we are clear

If trump now pays a foreign spy to contact the Chinese and get info saying some Democrats are bad, and then doesn’t get that info verified by the fbi, but uses it to spy on his democratic opponents

You would fimd that less interesting than a Chinese person contacted some Dems and saying we may be able to help you politically


posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy


posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: odzeandennz

It’s not conservatives making it about sex

Not one crime has been shown by the establishment media that trump committed

The only one close is campaign finance laws by paying off sex extortionist, and guess what, much of the media is saying that is not only grounds for impeachment, but trump serving time behind bars

What is this Russian spy or Cohen connections have anything remotely to do with trump committing a crime so far?


Yet still we here this is the end, trumo is going to jail

Funny, when Feinstein employed a Chinese spy for ten plus years, I don’t recall the fbi spying on her for that

Nor do I recall you expressing how interested you were to see what crimes Feinstein committed do to that spy

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Comey excuses this by saying basically he trusted the source, Christopher Steele

The fbi ended their "relationship" with steele when he leaked info to the press PRIOR to obtaining the FISA warrant.
So the fbi did not trust the source.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:38 AM
Also, Chris Steele is British, so if foreign people meddling in the election is a no-no then why are we giving the Dems a pass on hiring the Brits to interfere?

As it is, I'm pretty sure Comey contradicted his earlier testimony, when he was still insisting the Dossier was verified. Looks like perjury to me.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 10:40 AM
Well if nothing is going to happen, then Trump needs to fire anyone he even thinks has a liberal bias and install his own cronies with a severe conservative bias. I mean if this is the acceptable way the left will run elections, then we might as well play by their rules.

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