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School shootings - which doesnt sit right.

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posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 01:32 AM
So im curious out of all the mass shootings which have a conspiracy attached to them which one doesnt sit right with you, why doesn't it sit right, and what do you think really happened. Oh and feel free to link good site etc to read.


Shooting: Columbine

Doesnt sit right: to many 3rd shooter witness

What really happened: i think the 3rd shooter is the real story, who and why sure, no matter how deep you go, there is nothing to point to anyone.. however whoever it was i think orchestrated it. Id like to see whats in the diaries and video records they refuse to release, maybe it mentions the 3rd one

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 04:59 AM
I'm also interested in seeing what people have to say. It's my nap time though. Hopefully this thread is still here later. It might get deleted since school shootings are too sensitive for some people.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: Ghostsinthefog

I just have to chime in and say that for, under no circumstances whatsoever, do ANY school shootings sit right with me. There is something very very wrong if this happens once. When you can't remember all of them, which I recently realized I can't, we are in deep trouble.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 07:42 AM
Are you saying which of the school shootings doesn't sit right, or those school shootings that don't sit right? Are you suggesting that there are possibly some school shooting that do "sit right"?

I tend to believe that you are saying that there are some shootings that didn't happen the way they were reported to have occurred. That some of these shootings weren't isolated incidents of random acts of violence, but manufactured by someone or some group unrelated to the shooters.

I feel that there are some common denominators that relate all these mass shootings together, whether in schools or other places. There seems to be something influencing and encouraging this level of violence against random, unsuspecting, and innocent victims. I can't really say what the common factors are without the proper knowledge or an in depth and lengthy study.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 12:01 PM
What doesn't sit right is lunatics getting hold of guns and heading into schools to murder children. People making up fantasies about them afterwards also doesn't sit very well.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 02:20 PM
A particular shooting that happened in 2012 really raises some flags with me, but I'll leave it at that since the topic was pretty much deemed off limits on ATS to my understanding. Too many things don't make sense with the given story.

And of course, Parkland. There was so much hinky stuff going on. Corruption, mismanagement, suspicious decisions by authorities, too many conflicting eyewitness accounts. All of it was off.

posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 05:52 PM
I remember all of the school shootings that had significant press coverage, and none of them sit right with me. I understand that when you have hundreds of people running around trying to hide or leave a school there can be conflicting reports of who the suspect/s is/are, and there can be information that not entirely correct due to stress levels and people trying to remember details that they only witnessed for split seconds.

What doesn't sit right with me besides the obvious, is that there are always reports of a secondary or tertiary perpetrator. There was one where they found extra gear and weapons as if someone had stripped it off in a hurry, and the official story was that it was a stash that the perpetrator had staged, but that didn't make any sense due to the way the items were just thrown on the ground.

I'm not going to go into detail of any of the shootings, but the recent ones seem like not only are the shooters over the age of 18 and/or not even a student at the school they terrorized. Also, what pisses me off is that the FBI will have interviewed or contacted the perpetrator, gave them a pass or placed a firearm restriction on them.

In the one case where the perpetrator had been restricted from legally purchasing or possessing a firearm his father knowing that still gave him firearms.

Almost every single one of this incidences were preventable, but in each case someone decided to give matches to the pyro.

And I still don't think that they should be broadcasting these events all over the country.

posted on Dec, 12 2018 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Subrosabelow

I agree with this. The 2012 one is the one I'd talk about (and man is there a lot to talk about), but my understanding is that that's not really allowed here. ATS seems to be okay with almost any other topic, but this one usually gets shut down in a big hurry. Wouldn't be surprised if this thread disappears soon.

posted on Dec, 12 2018 @ 11:24 AM
I never knew this topic was taboo here. I mean thousands of children die of various reasons around the world daily (to include gun (and other) violence in third world countries) and those don’t seem to be off limits for discussion.

And if it’s because someone doesn’t want the potential conspiracies explored, that’s even more troubling...especially on a conspiracy site.

All that said, when you add over medicated children to isolation and belittlement, then throw in soft targets...bad, bad recipe.

For those above that suggest shooters that got away, what would be the point of covering those up? I mean it’s no secret law enforcement botched most of these responses - which is why they now practice and are getting better!

posted on Dec, 12 2018 @ 11:35 AM
What sits wrong with me about school shootings is the fact that CT's think the human mind is infallible and that what some witness see in the first chaotic minutes should be taken as fact throughout .

Stage an event on a busy street corner in any city with other things going on for 20 people. I guarantee you that one person saw a red van, one person saw a yellow cab, one person saw something else and so on. That doesnt mean any of it is nefarious it just means that everyone perceives things differently.

Inevitably though when some tragic events take place CT's will latch on to the reports made by people during those initial bursts of chaos as hardened fact no matter what the police find and often prove to be the case afterwards. Take Columbine as it was called out in the OP. In all the clips released of the two wastes of flesh that did it , show me 1 second of anything related to a third shooter? The horrible clip where the two are just walking around looking for people to shoot..2 people in that clip..

Hell I was involved in a network outage recently where one team reported seeing something while the other did not. Logging , Infosec, different monitoring tools all proved that the team reporting they saw something had misinterpreted facts in the initial chaos to understand what was happening.

In closing for me...GIve me facts to backup a claim like a third shooter in scenario. A few scattered reports from people under stress doesnt work for me.

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 10:33 AM
How did the meeting to designate no gun zone at schools end without anyone saying:

"What do we do if someone ignores our new rule and walks imto the gun free zone shooting?"

a reply to: OneBigMonkeyToo

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: FrostyFlakes

How did the meeting to designate no gun zone at schools end without anyone saying:

"What do we do if someone ignores our new rule and walks imto the gun free zone shooting?"

a reply to: OneBigMonkeyToo

That's an easy one to answer. This is nothing but democrat "feel good" legislation. It accomplishes nothing, and in fact makes things worse. But it allows the democrats to pat themselves on the back, give themselves a 20% raise, and look the voters straight in the eye and tell them they are safer now because of the democrats. Of course the failure of the legislation is all but guaranteed so they can wash, rinse, and repeat next year and tell the same vapid voters they are safer...again...

posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 10:54 AM
To me it is the no video or pictures from the events that worry me as every where has cctv

Yet it is ok to see burned kids sculls etc in a Waco documentary i saw last week

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