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Breaking!! Leaked Putin-Trump Transcript Proves Russiagaters Have Been Right All Along

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posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 03:19 PM
According to some news site, they were able to obtain the actual transcripts of numerous conversations between President Trump and President Putin held over the last couple of years. I think we all knew this time was coming and it is not looking good for Pres Trump.

A transcript of exchanges between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin has been leaked to National News Conglomerate by an anonymous source within the Kremlin. We here at NNC have confirmed the authenticity of this document using the same rigorous verification process we’ve been using to authenticate the evidence for all our other reporting on Russia’s involvement in the 2016 US elections over the last two years. These verification methods include hunches, gut intuitions, and an introspective assessment of the way our feelings feel. The following exchanges revealed in this transcript provide the clearest evidence yet that the President of the United States has been in collusion with the Russian government for years.

This introduction has been authored by the editorial board of the National News Conglomerate. Obey.


Trump: I have done as you commanded, my dominant and all-powerful lord. I have conspired with your hackers to steal the election, and now I’m going to be president! I want to thank you for not releasing that video footage of those Russian prostitutes I hired to urinate on a bed the Obamas once slept in. If that had come out it would have offended and alienated a lot of people, which is something I never normally do.
Putin: Yes that is an old KGB tactic called kompromat, a word which only extremely intelligent people know about. Keep this line of communication open. As long as you do as I command, your pee pee tape will remain secret.
Trump: One thing I’m curious about though my lord, if you don’t mind my asking. If you already had an army of hackers targeting Democratic Party emails, why did you need my help? Couldn’t you just have hacked the emails and published them on your own? Why did you need me to interact with them at all?
Putin: Moral support, mainly. We don’t need to get into specifics.
Trump: Oh okay.


Trump: I’m in! Whew! I was really worried that leaked dossier would be the end of me! What are my instructions, my lord?
Putin: Begin introducing racism and division to the United States. America has never experienced these things before, and it will shock and disorient them. With the US divided against itself, your nation will be far too weak to stand against my plans of total world domination.
Trump: That’s a really tall order! America has always been a harmonious place where everyone gets along up until today. I’ll try my best though. Anything else?
Putin: Yes, make them distrust your nation’s large media outlets and convince them that the US intelligence community is often dishonest.
Trump: That will be really hard because those institutions have always been trusted for their unparalleled integrity. But your wish is my command, oh lord.


Putin: Bomb a Syrian airbase.
Trump: What? Really? Aren’t they, like, your allies?
Putin: Exactly. This will throw inquisitive minds off the scent. We can’t have them finding out about that pee tape.
Trump: Are you sure? Some people are saying that chemical attack looks like it could have been perpetrated by the many terrorist factions in Syria and not the government.
Putin: Who cares? Have you seen how relentless they’ve been in exposing us?? Have you never watched Rachel Maddow? That woman is a psychic bloodhound, masterfully sniffing out the truth at every turn! We can’t afford to take chances. Do as I say.
Trump: Yes sir.
Putin: And see if you can arrest that WikiLeaks guy.


Trump: Hey do you want me to do anything about Montenegro’s addition to NATO?
Putin: No. NATO expansion is good.
Trump: Uhhh okay.


Trump: Who do you want tapped for Ukraine envoy?
Putin: Kurt Volker.
Trump: Volker? He hates you! He’s like the biggest Russia hawk ever.
Putin: We still need to throw the Russiagaters off the scent. We’re playing 3-D chess here. This is high-level disinformation, or dezinformatsiya as very smart people call it. I want as many Russia hawks in your administration as possible.
Trump: 3-D chess? Alright. I guess you know what you’re doing.


Putin: Shut down the Russian consulate in San Francisco and throw out a bunch of diplomats. That will confuse the hell out of them.


Putin: Now approve the sale of arms to Ukraine. Not even Obama would do that. This will throw them off the trail for sure.


Putin: Happy new year. Force RT and Sputnik to register as foreign agents.


Putin: Make sure your Nuclear Posture Review greatly escalates its aggressive posture toward Russia.


Putin: Happy Valentine’s Day. Don’t worry about those Russians your guys killed in Syria.


Putin: Send a fleet of war ships to the Black Sea.


Putin: Better expel a few dozen diplomats over the Skripal thing.


Putin: Sanction a bunch of Russian oligarchs.


Putin: Bomb Syria.
Trump: What?? Again?
Putin: Yes.
Trump: What the hell, man? Why’d you even recruit me if you’re just going to have me do everything all the Russia hawks want?
Putin: Well, you know how I told you we were playing 3-D chess against the Russiagate investigation?
Trump: Yeah?
Putin: Well that wasn’t enough. Now we’re playing 4-D chess.
Trump: Fine, whatever, I don’t care. Just don’t release my pee tape.


Trump: Oh man. They’re really making a major fuss about that summit. What should I do?
Putin: Play it cool. Don’t let them know about our secret diabolical plot.
Trump: Right. Remind me what that was again?
Putin: Make Jim Acosta feel really, really sad.


Putin: Have you arrested Julian Assange yet?
Trump: Working on it.


Putin: I like John Bolton’s idea. Pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.


Putin: Make sure your administration loudly and aggressively backs Ukraine in our Kerch Strait spat.
Trump: OMFG this is getting too weird. Are you just trolling me? What the hell is this?
Trump: Hello?
Trump: Are you there?
Trump: Answer me!
Putin: 5-D chess.

I cannot take credit for this and would never try to. I did feel the need to bring the entire content here because it would not have worked any other way. I want to give the author credit and provide links for her so that if you would like to support her, you can easily find her.

Caitlin Johnstone is on Patreon as well as paypal

"Rouge Journalist" Caitlin Johnstone has her own site and is worth checking out
edit on 1222018 by Tanga36 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1222018 by Tanga36 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 03:26 PM
Funny thing is that the anti-trumpers may consider this real. It will be posted on MSM as a legitimate article stating they got it from a reputable source...ATS.

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 03:36 PM
I could tell this wasn't real right when Trump started speaking. I did think it might be "real" when clicking the link on ATS, but was still assuming the source could be bad.

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: darkbake

The author of the article is building reference material so he can apply to MSM.

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 03:57 PM
Was hoping this might bring a few laughs to the site. We've been all too serious recently.

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Tanga36

According to some news site

Hahahaha...... Already.

edit on 2-12-2018 by Trueman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: Tanga36

Thank you for this.
I needed a good laugh after the week I've had.
I'm copy/pasting this into a few select text messages for some friends.
The collective shock it will induce, besides the bickering, will be worth it alone.
Great post, thanks again.

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Trueman

I wanted to add my part to it. lol

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: Gravelbone

I am in a very similar boat. Has not been a lot to laugh about or at recently. Can't think of the last time I actually had myself a nice belly laugh before reading this. So, I totally understand. And that's the reason I posted it. I knew someone out there needed a similar break from reality. I'm glad that the post found ya when you needed it.

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 05:57 PM
The FBI will be using this to get a new FISA warrant approved as we speak.
It has as much credibility as the fake dossier.

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Funny thing is that the anti-trumpers may consider this real. It will be posted on MSM as a legitimate article stating they got it from a reputable source...ATS.

Why would you think, that they'd think, this little satire is real?

Aren't the anti-Trumper's (if there is such a thing) generally from the higher educated states, you know, with universities noted for more than their football teams?

edit on 2/12/2018 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Higher education does not mean they are smarter. Some of the most intelligent people I know never went to college at all. Some of the most unwise people I know have a degree. College makes people knowledgeable, not necessarily smarter.

Remember this, intelligence is actually common sense, the ability to look at both sides and come to a conclusion based on real facts and evidence. Ocams razor is not intelligence, but it can be used as a tool to try to get something accepted, but also distorts the truth if you cut the truth with a lie to make it socially acceptable.

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 08:10 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: chr0naut

Higher education does not mean they are smarter. Some of the most intelligent people I know never went to college at all. Some of the most unwise people I know have a degree. College makes people knowledgeable, not necessarily smarter.

Remember this, intelligence is actually common sense, the ability to look at both sides and come to a conclusion based on real facts and evidence. Ocams razor is not intelligence, but it can be used as a tool to try to get something accepted, but also distorts the truth if you cut the truth with a lie to make it socially acceptable.

Keep on believing

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

I base my beliefs on observations throughout my life, I know many people with degrees, more than people who do not have degrees. The ones with degrees often lack common sense, but have their pride to make up for the loss.

I scored way up in the genius range in High School and could have finished a four year degree at Michigan Tech in two years, I actually got bored with the repetition and tried to change majors but the testing out of classes would not transfer. So I quit just about half a year short of graduating and going to medical school.....Where my tuition would have been paid through the AMA with support from a member of the board of the AMA.

I learned many professions over my life, I got bored in college. If you like to learn you can learn. I love researching on the net, focusing on stuff that will benefit my health and the health of my aging friends. A little knowledge is dangerous, a lot of knowledge makes you need to keep learning more so you can decipher what is real and what is not. Most of the consensus of the time is not real these days, at least here in the USA.

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: chr0naut

Higher education does not mean they are smarter. Some of the most intelligent people I know never went to college at all. Some of the most unwise people I know have a degree. College makes people knowledgeable, not necessarily smarter.

Remember this, intelligence is actually common sense, the ability to look at both sides and come to a conclusion based on real facts and evidence. Ocams razor is not intelligence, but it can be used as a tool to try to get something accepted, but also distorts the truth if you cut the truth with a lie to make it socially acceptable.

Keep on believing

Just a quick list of extremely successful and considered smartest people who did not graduate from college…

  1. Steve Jobs (Apple)
  2. Steve Wozniak (Apple)
  3. Michael Dell (Dell Computers)
  4. Larry Ellison (Oracle)
  5. David Geffen (Geffen Records, Dreamworks)
  6. Bill Gates (Microsoft)
  7. Paul Allen (Microsoft)
  8. David Green (Hobby Lobby)
  9. Dave Thomas (Wendy's)
  10. Henry Ford (Ford Motor Company)
  11. Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Atlantic Airways, Virgin Records, Virgin Mobile and other Virgin brands) He never graduated high school.
  12. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)
  13. James Cameron (Titanic, Avatar)
  14. Tom Hanks (Every popular movie not starring Harrison Ford)
  15. Harrison Ford (All non-Tom Hanks movies)
  16. John Mackey (Whole Foods Founder)
  17. Ruth Marianna Handler (President Mattel)
  18. Elon Musk (Tesla, Space-X, Boring Company)
  19. Rachael Ray (TV shows, numerous cookbooks, line of cooking implements)
  20. Oprah Winfrey (we all know who she is)
  21. Ted Turner (Turner Broadcasting Company/CNN)
  22. Ellen DeGeneres (she dances)
  23. Sheldon Adelson (Real Estate, Casino magnate)
  24. Coco Chanel (Chanel No.5, only fashion designer to make Time Magazine’s Top 100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century list
  25. Walt Disney (Disney) Dropped out at 16.
  26. Wolfgang Puck (Chef, Owner of numerous restaurants) Quit school at 14.

This list could go on and on. This is merely a sample. I was only going to list the Billionaires but some of the big time Millionaires were more fun to put on, like Ellen. Who knew that she'd be worth over $400 Million?? We can argue all day long about what traits or life decisions make a person "smart" but its difficult to deny that so many billionaires that changed the world are not intelligent simply because they don't have a piece of paper declaring them "educated."

Oh, Thomas Edison only had a few months of formal education.

edit on 1222018 by Tanga36 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2018 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: Tanga36

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: chr0naut

Higher education does not mean they are smarter. Some of the most intelligent people I know never went to college at all. Some of the most unwise people I know have a degree. College makes people knowledgeable, not necessarily smarter.

Remember this, intelligence is actually common sense, the ability to look at both sides and come to a conclusion based on real facts and evidence. Ocams razor is not intelligence, but it can be used as a tool to try to get something accepted, but also distorts the truth if you cut the truth with a lie to make it socially acceptable.

Keep on believing

Just a quick list of extremely successful and considered smartest people who did not graduate from college…

  1. Steve Jobs (Apple)
  2. Steve Wozniak (Apple)
  3. Michael Dell (Dell Computers)
  4. Larry Ellison (Oracle)
  5. David Geffen (Geffen Records, Dreamworks)
  6. Bill Gates (Microsoft)
  7. Paul Allen (Microsoft)
  8. David Green (Hobby Lobby)
  9. Dave Thomas (Wendy's)
  10. Henry Ford (Ford Motor Company)
  11. Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Atlantic Airways, Virgin Records, Virgin Mobile and other Virgin brands) He never graduated high school.
  12. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)
  13. James Cameron (Titanic, Avatar)
  14. Tom Hanks (Every popular movie not starring Harrison Ford)
  15. Harrison Ford (All non-Tom Hanks movies)
  16. John Mackey (Whole Foods Founder)
  17. Ruth Marianna Handler (President Mattel)
  18. Elon Musk (Tesla, Space-X, Boring Company)
  19. Rachael Ray (TV shows, numerous cookbooks, line of cooking implements)
  20. Oprah Winfrey (we all know who she is)
  21. Ted Turner (Turner Broadcasting Company/CNN)
  22. Ellen DeGeneres (she dances)
  23. Sheldon Adelson (Real Estate, Casino magnate)
  24. Coco Chanel (Chanel No.5, only fashion designer to make Time Magazine’s Top 100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century list
  25. Walt Disney (Disney) Dropped out at 16.
  26. Wolfgang Puck (Chef, Owner of numerous restaurants) Quit school at 14.

This list could go on and on. This is merely a sample. I was only going to list the Billionaires but some of the big time Millionaires were more fun to put on, like Ellen. Who knew that she'd be worth over $400 Million?? We can argue all day long about what traits or life decisions make a person "smart" but its difficult to deny that so many billionaires that changed the world are not intelligent simply because they don't have a piece of paper declaring them "educated."

Oh, Thomas Edison only had a few months of formal education.

These high achievers do not indicate the statistical normal. They are the exception to the rule.

Psychology of education From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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