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The Donald's lesser known business whoopsies

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posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 05:33 PM
As axiomatic as it may seem,
Donald Trump makes everything he touches worse than it was before.

Trump has no purpose beyond his own glorification and enrichment.

Let's just say, as lawyers may do, that his machinations are calculated
for no other purpose than his own glorification and enrichment.

Stranger Trump

Back in 2006 Trump envisioned an animated t.v series about himself saving the world  

"Trump Takeover" was to be an animated series focused on Trump fighting for truth, justice, and social causes
Luulllz.... 'scuse
Trump sees himself as an SJW who get's by with a little help from his cronies

One episode ,  "Strike 3 ... You're Fired" takes places in an America,
on a "downward slide to oblivion"
The Donald is the 'savior' to uplift the nation

"The catalyst for that idea was Mitchell Schultz, a former New Yorker who is now a “space tourism consultant” in Florida.
... snip ..

Schultz imagined a show tentatively called Trump Takeover. Plotlines—which Schultz developed with the help of a writer friend, Louis Cimino—were prescient

“We wrote some stories—’SuperTrump,’ that kind of thing,” Cimino recalls. “I wrote the stories—‘[Trump] solves the gang problem in New York and fights the aliens,’ stuff like that. I just remember the gist. He saves the city; he saves the Yankees. I wrote whole episodes with the dialogue.” Cimino says he “did it as a goof. I did it for fun.”

With absolutely no interest  from any broadcaster
the idea was canned

Still on a roll, in '88, Trump having had enough of flying private,
decided to treat himself to an airline,
no less (!!!)

Air Shuttle, a struggling New York, air-shuttle company, 
was bought and  renamed "Trump Shuttle,"

Trump there-upon made two huge (yuge) errors :
bad mouthed  other airlines as being dangerous,
then made his own planes own planes even-more so

During the Trump Shuttle launch party, In a jumbled rant, Trump  told reporters that Pan Am (his closest competitor)

'... was a danger to life, limb, and luggage, saying, "I wouldn't fly them; they're losing money and their planes are *old.""

In typical Trump fashion, The Donald insisted on an entire re-fit
leather seats, faux marble sinks, veneer paneling.

The in-flight service was also re-thought : 
a three-drink service and a gourmet breakfast/lunch
all for a 45 minute flight

Of course, Trump being tRump, 
he also redesigned the stewardesses' outfits ..
 more cleavage and highly sexualised
yeah baby, now you're flying with Trump!

With the costs of these improvements, 
the competitiveness of the service,
and the reputation damage caused by a crash in '88,
due to landing gear failures,
Trump Shuttle lost $128 million within 18 months

It took two and a half years before Trump was forced to give up the airline which was bought out by U.S. Airways ...

... ^/ ..

Buy one get one almost free

2006, during the "Apprentice" phenomenon Trump embarked on a crusade helping people buy their own homes

Ultimately, Trump Mortgage was revealed to be a flim-flam scam,
a brokerage firm that did nothing, owned nothing, needed to take zero risks,
and only existed as a way to con money from struggling families and business owners.

"Business was so good"  that Trump held massive parties and  bragged about how
"the real estate market is going to be very strong for a long time to come."

Within 18 months of opening its doors, Trump Mortgage was forced to close,
leaving a wealth of unpaid bills, hundreds  of people cheated out of their homes,
In subsequent interviews, Trump laid the blame for the failure at the feet of everyone but himself
-- his executives, the financial climate, those homeowners having more foresight than him.

He even suggested that he was forced into this scheme,
saying that the mortgage business wasn't one that he "particularly liked or wanted to be part of in a very big way."

Let's just skip over "Trump", the magazine, and it's debacle

Trump World Studios!
Trump whinges and whines about "Holywood Elites", right ?
yet he's happy enough to rent out his properties as long as he has a cameo appearence n each and every film turned on his premises

Ramping up the hypocrasy to a deafening  11,
Trump was looking to spend other people's money in Trump Studios
Yes sireee 

Ahhh wouldda been ... If
the whole thing was quietly dropped 
having incurred millions of dollars in architectural fees.
edit on 19-11-2018 by Cassi3l because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Cassi3l

Dear Lord, whatever next.

We need a new forum for these threads.

We could call it the Butt Hurt Forum.

Just because, I would like to see a long debate between The President and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on how to fix up America.

If it can be arranged, it belongs in the Butt Hurt Forum.


posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 05:41 PM
Take the risks, see what works. It was his money he wasted, right?

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: Cassi3l
As axiomatic as it may seem,
Donald Trump makes everything he touches worse than it was before.

Trump has no purpose beyond his own glorification and enrichment.
Let's just say, as lawyers may do, that his machinations are calculated for no other purpose
than his own glorification and enrichment.

Stranger Trump

Back in 2006 Trump envisioned an animated t.v series about himself saving the world  

"Trump Takeover" was to be an animated series focused on Trump fighting for truth, justice, and social causes
Luulllz.... 'scuse
Trump sees himself as an SJW who get's by with a little help from his cronies

One episode ,  "Strike 3 ... You're Fired" takes places in an America,
on a "downward slide to oblivion"
The Donald is the 'savior' to uplift the nation

"The catalyst for that idea was Mitchell Schultz, a former New Yorker who is now a “space tourism consultant” in Florida.
... snip ..

Schultz imagined a show tentatively called Trump Takeover. Plotlines—which Schultz developed with the help of a writer friend, Louis Cimino—were prescient

“We wrote some stories—’SuperTrump,’ that kind of thing,” Cimino recalls. “I wrote the stories—‘[Trump] solves the gang problem in New York and fights the aliens,’ stuff like that. I just remember the gist. He saves the city; he saves the Yankees. I wrote whole episodes with the dialogue.” Cimino says he “did it as a goof. I did it for fun.”

With absolutely no interest  from any broadcaster
the idea was canned

Still on a roll, in '88, Trump having had enough of flying private,
decided to treat himself to an airline,
no less (!!!)

Air Shuttle, a struggling New York, air-shuttle company, 
was bought and  renamed "Trump Shuttle,"

Trump there-upon made two huge (yuge) errors :
bad mouthed  other airlines as being dangerous,
then made his own planes own planes even-more so

During the Trump Shuttle launch party, In a jumbled rant, Trump  told reporters that Pan Am (his closest competitor)

'... was a danger to life, limb, and luggage, saying, "I wouldn't fly them; they're losing money and their planes are *old.""

In typical Trump fashion, The Donald insisted on an entire re-fit
leather seats, faux marble sinks, veneer paneling.

The in-flight service was also re-thought : 
a three-drink service and a gourmet breakfast/lunch
all for a 45 minute flight

Of course, Trump being tRump, 
he also redesigned the stewardesses' outfits ..
 more cleavage and highly sexualised
yeah baby, now you're flying with Trump!

With the costs of these improvements, 
the competitiveness of the service,
and the reputation damage caused by a crash in '88,
due to landing gear failures,
Trump Shuttle lost $128 million within 18 months

It took two and a half years before Trump was forced to give up the airline which was bought out by U.S. Airways ...

... ^/ ..

Buy one get one almost free

2006, during the "Apprentice" phenomenon Trump embarked on a crusade
helping people buy their own homes

Ultimately, Trump Mortgage was revealed to be a flim-flam scam,
a brokerage firm that did nothing, owned nothing, needed to take zero risks,
and only existed as a way to con money from struggling families and business owners.

"Business was so good"  that Trump held massive parties and  bragged about how
"the real estate market is going to be very strong for a long time to come."

Within 18 months of opening its doors, Trump Mortgage was forced to close,
leaving a wealth of unpaid bills, hundreds  of people cheated out of their homes,
In subsequent interviews, Trump laid the blame for the failure at the feet of everyone but himself
-- his executives, the financial climate, those homeowners having more foresight than him.

He even suggested that he was forced into this scheme,
saying that the mortgage business wasn't one that he "particularly liked or wanted to be part of in a very big way."

Let's just skip over "Trump", the magazine, and it's debacle

Trump World Studios!
Trump whinges and whines about "Holywood Elites", right ?
yet he's happy enough to rent out his properties as long as he has a cameo appearence n each and every film turned on his premises

Ramping up the hypocrasy to a deafening  11,
kjhkjhTrump was looking to spend other people's money in Trump Studios
Yes sireee 

Ahhh wouldda been ... If
the whole thing was quietly dropped 
having incurred millions of dollars in architectural fees.

And yet, the guy's a billionaire and president of the US.
Just goes to show the truth of that old adage about embracing failure as the only way to succeed.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: Cassi3l

" Donald Trump makes everything he touches worse than it was before. "

I LOST you Right there .

It's the Economy Stupid..................

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 05:44 PM
If you come out on the other side of "whoopsies" a billionaire several times over. The "whoopsies" really don't count and are irrelevant except for political attacks.

Money's in the bank. Meh.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: Cassi3l

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: Cassi3l

Trumps net worth is estimated to be $3 billion plus.

Maybe he's made a few more right decisions than wrong ones.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: Cassi3l

Trump is so insane. I want to see what kind of paintings he would make. Or maybe sculpture. I bet he's brutal.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: Cassi3l

And yet while you laugh and mock his "failures" in an online forum, he sits in the White House. That's funny.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: Teikiatsu
Take the risks, see what works. It was his money he wasted, right?

The jealous types are too scared to admit to themselves, that they're spineless losers.

It's too bad they can't just live their miserable life, without lashing out at those who have made themselves a success.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
a reply to: Cassi3l

Trump is so insane. I want to see what kind of paintings he would make. Or maybe sculpture. I bet he's brutal.

Gigantic, golden winkeys!

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: Cassi3l

I had a google for these pervy stewardess uniforms you mentioned. All the web has are these. I feel really let down

Wikipedia also states that the nose gear failure was a result of poor maintenance by the previous operator.
Is any of what you wrote true?
edit on 47pMon, 19 Nov 2018 18:52:47 -060020182018-11-19T18:52:47-06:00kAmerica/Chicago30000000k by SprocketUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Cassi3l

"Trump Takeover" was to be an animated series focused on Trump fighting for truth, justice, and social causes

That would have been hilarious. I am sad it didn't go through.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 07:01 PM
Trump is a poo head and he poo's.

And he's a poopybutt who smells like poop.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358

Just because, I would like to see a long debate between The President and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on how to fix up America.

She would CRUSH him in a debate, sadly.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: Cassi3l

Donald Trump makes everything he touches worse than it was before.

Trump has no purpose beyond his own glorification and enrichment.

So which one is it?

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: pheonix358

Just because, I would like to see a long debate between The President and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on how to fix up America.

She would CRUSH him in a debate, sadly.

Yeah , a Grand Master Chess Champion against some Mentally Deficient NOBODY ....Game , Set , Match.............

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 07:55 PM
The beauty of America, you can make and create businesses, lose money and do it again if you want.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: Cassi3l

My point has been I don't want billionaires deciding how the average hard working American families should live and be treated.

Finally all these things he's screwed with and up is coming out that the 30 something's maybe weren't aware of..

Do you think he pumps his own gas? Goes to a $1 store for his family? Scrapes to eat, pay the ight bill, what it's like to hold a rifle in uniform and die for his kids in their bulletproof cars, planes, choppers flying away from a world he can't comprehend?

Gimme a break. That retarded picture, that avoided veterans memorial, name calling, female "you can grab their wantever you want", and that video of him not singing the words to our National Anthem cause he don't know all these other crap things....

edit on 19-11-2018 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-11-2018 by mysterioustranger because: Oops

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