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Socialist / Communist movement in New York - it needs to stop.

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posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 05:06 AM
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was elected congresswoman on November 6th 2018. She has a record of openly supporting socialism. She has openly supported taking funds from innocent working people and using it to pay for unnecessary and sometimes sinful medical procedures under a universal Medicare plan. She has openly supported paying all jobs the high wages, rather you are a hard working doctor who saves lives every day and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on your educations or a dropout burger flipper who gets orders wrong every day. She does not realize that this will lead to products being overly expensive, employees laid off, unemployment levels skyrocketing and more heavy taxes being taken by socialists to pay those paid off, possibly as long as these insane policies are intact. She then wants to go as far as to take more tax money to pay for education for all under schools which teach what the government wants to push on people. Then the government under her control would forceably shutdown energy and other companies who do not meet her view of “green”. After destroying the economy and overtaxing the actual workers supporting what’s left of the nation she would flood people over the border to live off her not-free but taxpayer funded welfare state. In fact, she does not believe in borders to begin with. Where are these people going to live? In your home maybe. Bill de Blasio, a communist mayor in the same state as Cortez wants to, “put an end to private property”. There would be no more theft, no more trespassing, it all belongs to the state and anyone can use it. If you shoot a trespasser in your own home, you are guilty of murdering someone on public property in this insane communist regime. Both of the people I mentioned support the transgender and identity politics agenda, which erode Christian morals, but as they see it the transgender and other LGBTQ movements will lower population levels, meaning less people drawing on their socialist system. This is only a prompt for a larger and more detailed article I plan to write. If you have anything to add to this, please feel free to do so.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: Theocracy4America

I guess vote her out

Or something

+7 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: Theocracy4America

Religious zealots are just as much of a danger to the Constitution as Socialists.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:02 AM
Destroy the NEA and other such Federal offices. They push that agenda on a level that is far more insidious that donkey face could ever hope to.
As a matter of opinion, I would say that she is a creature of their endeavors. As most communist are in this country - it's all they heard their whole lives so of course they believe it.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Fools

Ah yes, you are right. She is their useful idiot.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:22 AM
Is.. ah.. is this what and how people really think in the USA?

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: Theocracy4America

fanatical and uncompromising pursuit of religious, political, or other ideals; fanaticism.

Commie leftists suck.
Religious fanatics suck.
Nazi's suck.
Racists suck.

Pretty much everyone who isn't me, sucks.

Now I will tolerate many, even most people if they leave me the #### alone with their zealotry. But when any douche-bag starts infringing on my rights, then I get irate.

Believe what you want, think how you want, express yourself however you wish.

But when ANY TYPE of zealot starts infringing on ANYONE'S rights, then they become prime douche-bags and should be subject to throat-punches and public scorn.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:46 AM
Saw this quote on Reddit just now about this young lady:

It's because every single #ing milksop millennial thinks they know how to "fix the system" without any idea of the immeasurable complexities of even 1 ten-thousands of the system. ​ And the reason they think that is because they are taught mindless activism as the solution to problems instead of actual troubleshooting, analysis and understanding. ​ Your engine eating up the oil for some reason? A mechanic with this mindset would throw the whole thing away and tell you "well, your old engine is no good, you see. Engines should get 200 miles to the gallon at 500 KW and have pure water as the only emission. Please join our march for better engines, we shouldn't have to settle for the old systems"

Sorry I am not linking because I think ATS doesnt like Reddit links. Anyway that is such a perfect analogy.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: Theocracy4America

If we have to stop socialism, then I figure we'll take care of theocracy while we're at it.

That said, socialists and those who support the inverse are free to be extremists loonies.

I just find it funny some only want one flavor of crazy suppressed.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: Fools

There is no shortage of dumbass millennials.

That said I don't get the analogy. And it could be used the other way around.

It definitely needs fixing. Our nation is exponentially getting more debt, purchasing power is dropping, and older generations think we can just keep running the engine into the ground.

Socialism isn't the answer to our problems, but we will have to decide on some changes, some real ones.

Blaming one party won't work either, you can look at the charts, doesn't matter who is in charge, we get worse and worse with our deficit.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: Fools

Couldn't agree more.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: Theocracy4America

this is why we have a democratic republic, so every person can have a voice and if there is enough voices saying the same thing, they might even get some representation in congress where all the ideas are allowed to be discussed and compromises can be made. of course, according to that website you recently posted, you don't like our democratic republic. It seems you want to do away with the constitution, replace it with laws written in a book written thousands of years ago by nomadic tribal people from some far away desert land. so, sorry, out of you and the socialist, I think you are the bigger danger.
besides, it wouldn't surprise me if more than half of the things you say they want is just you, or someone else, have taken out of context and overblown what they have said.

so tell me, just why do you think that the bible and christian religion should be the basis for the law in your theocratic america? we aren't desert people from the middle east. this land was occupied by the native americans before we came, they had their own gods, their own religions. and there are still some shamans around and the tribes still celebrate their own religious holidays... of which you would probably declare as being "witchcraft"... so why don't you tell us all what you think should be done with all the "witches"? it's almost christmas time, and we will start seeing the ole santa claus on every street corner, dress in his red and white suit. santa claus, the ole shaman of the european peoples before christianity came to their lands. we will hang our mistle toe, drag in our evergreen trees to decorate with our pretty lights and tinsel. some of us may even throw a yule log onto our fire. we will leave some cookies and milk for santa and his elves... because well, you don't want to make those elves angry because they are a troublesome bunch if you anger them, and hang stockings over their fireplaces... all traditions that far outdate christianity, all traditions the ancestors of every european passed down. lol... if the christians think there is a war on christmas now, I can't imagine just how they will react when you try to take away the pagan out of their christmas holiday!!!

at least I can come up with a few decent arguments for having government funded higher education for our workforce and healthcare... What you seem to want to do has no logical basis whatsoever!

edit on 19-11-2018 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Add environmental collapse and wealth inequality to the list and socialism is the only viable option. That, or corporate fascism for the underlings of our breakaway civilisation.

The boomers had their chance and the way it looks, demographics will solve this "zealot problem" in the long run.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

Bravo. You pretty much said everything I was thinking.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: ManFromEurope

Yes and no. Yes, in the sense that people are free to have their own opinion on a matter no matter how well thought out or intelligent it is. As long as it's not actively hurting someone or illegal then people can think how they want to think.

No, in the sense that it's not a common way of thinking. Certainly there is a lot of opposition to Cortez and her radical beliefs. Like it or love it, Americans have a plethora of differing views. Who am I to tell someone how to think or what to believe in? Who are you to question their opinion with such an undermining tone.

If our political spectrum is done the way it's supposed to be done, then the cumulative free will of the people will vote in whatever ideology or belief system wins the day. Religion used to have a lot more influence here then it does today and it used to be reflected in our government. Obviously it still has a great deal of power but not as powerful as it once was.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Add environmental collapse and wealth inequality to the list and socialism is the only viable option. That, or corporate fascism for the underlings of our breakaway civilisation.

The boomers had their chance and the way it looks, demographics will solve this "zealot problem" in the long run.

Except for the the pesky fact that socialism has proven itself over and over again to not be a viable option.

It doesn't work, it's never worked.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

what we have is currently not working either!!!
we need a better trained workforce. and our healthcare system is the most expensive of all the first world nations, as well as the least effective!!
if we don't find a way to address these two issues in a reasonable manner, they are gonna come back and bite us in the arse!!

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

Once again you've pretty much said what I was thinking.

When GoFundMe is one of the leading "health insurance" providers there's clearly something very wrong with the current system.

Two major areas where we're outpaced by most European countries is education and healthcare. What do most of these countries have in common? Universal healthcare and universal higher education. It's already been shown time and again that a more educated, healthy, workforce is a more productive workforce. So it seems like a no brainer tom promote universal access to both of these things. And yet a large swath of the population (although a majority support at least universal healthcare) stands opposed to these things simply because they were raised to believe that anything Socialist is bad. While at the same time taking advantage of Socialist programs we already have in place.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

It doesn't work, it's never worked.

Gimme a break and visit that Norwegian #hole of democratic socialism then? Who cares about this Cold War mindset with your textbook answers? You had your chance, right?

It didn't work, your corporate paradigm never worked for everyone.

posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 09:03 AM
Yeah he’ll yeah man!
Merica don’t need none of that no how no way.
God damn socialist commies, tryin to make everyone equal. F that.
Don’t like my gun? Step onto my yard and get to know it you Clinton fan.

Matter of fact we should just go ahead and maga up and get rid of all the damn socialism around us.

Taxes? Gettem outa here!
Social security? What are you, some kind of a pussy? Eat a can of rat turds you retired old idiot!

Unemployment benefits? You pinko scumbo.

Tax refund? What do you really hate merica? Maga up you pansy!

If you can’t make it on bad roads, no taxes and no social security then you might as well just step onto my yard you worthless piece of crap, it’s so obvious god hates you.

Good morning ATS

edit on 19-11-2018 by EmmanuelGoldstein because: (no reason given)

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