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Did the migrants reach the US on time?

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posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 12:56 AM
I find it extremely funny that once the elections are over in the US, no one is talking about the thousands of illegals still going there, like suddenly no one cares at all whatever the hell happens to them or if their reach or not

There's stuff on the news for sure but what happened to all the people talking about it?

It's like when you have some nice shoes and you just got them and suddenly the season is over and you throw them out because new season has even more nicer shoes. That's how i feel some people look at these things

Did you know that like a 100 or so of those guys down there were tricked into riding some busses and now no one knows where they are? They are either dead and the organs been sold or they are working now for the drug gangs. Very sad

But since it doesn't matter anymore because elections are over and there's no political gain well to hell with those brown people, right? Who cares!

Also for sure, if someone wonders, they were being paid to reach the US and do some weird stuff in there, now suddenly i don't see anymore of them paying for hotel rooms and renting buses or trucks, they are actually nowhere on my city right now, somehow they just disappeared through the night

Now they asked for the UN to provide up to 500 buses and food and protection to be able to reach the US, request denied by the way

What a farce, they lost the support from whoever was sending it to them and it shows badly in how they are trying to make it there

For people in the US, i wish you the best and i hope you can avoid this in the future, i believe the country is being destroyed from within, i don't know by how, but definitely it is not a casual thing to happen

< 3

Oh even in Mexico no one is talking about them anymore, like it suddenly became whatever news and people don't even care if they are around or not, at least it is not news anymore, just after elections it became second hand news and no one bothers anymore except for some small things here and there

Also i want to make something clear

As i have renounced my right to American citizenship i know i don't have much right to talk about these things, i no longer live on the US, but i believe that people and what the gov does, regardless of party, are two different things, and i feel for US people and what they are going through.

Just now i read about another shooting, again! And what's this stupid stuff about so much killing and it's always like young people in schools and stuff, what the F is this? How can people remain calm and continue to just say "thoughts and prayers and stuff" when this is happening almost day by day now. Who's causing this? I feel the country is being destroyed from the inside and not by the idiotic "Russians did it" thing, think fast think smart!

Anyways, maybe this was better on Rants, i'm angry now
edit on 10-11-2018 by BoneSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 01:11 AM
Mr. Trump was stoking that fire. He filled his rallies and the airwaves with it and the media presented him with his microphone to scream it at the whole nation.

The media reported on it , pro or con, until Trump stopped then guess what? So did they. And guess what. So did most everyone else.

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: BoneSay

Manufactured fake news?

Not the first time.

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 01:42 AM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
Mr. Trump was stoking that fire. He filled his rallies and the airwaves with it and the media presented him with his microphone to scream it at the whole nation.

The media reported on it , pro or con, until Trump stopped then guess what? So did they. And guess what. So did most everyone else.

How's that possible, everybody knows only the left are programmed by the media...

edit on 10-11-2018 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 02:50 AM
a reply to: BoneSay

The caravan people said they'll stay in Mexico waiting for better conditions to cross the border. Sorry for Mexico.

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: Trueman
a reply to: BoneSay

The caravan people said they'll stay in Mexico waiting for better conditions to cross the border. Sorry for Mexico.

Nope, they are moving forward, some may have decided to stay, most are not. They requested buses, up to 500 from the UN, request was denied, i said that on the OP. I live in Mexico right now, i can tell you that this is not true

They refuse things like free health care, jobs, food, homes and other stuff and rejected any form of help other than helping them reach the US
edit on 10-11-2018 by BoneSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
Mr. Trump was stoking that fire. He filled his rallies and the airwaves with it and the media presented him with his microphone to scream it at the whole nation.

The media reported on it , pro or con, until Trump stopped then guess what? So did they. And guess what. So did most everyone else.

If what I read on another thread is true then I believe there may still be a scrap of meat on this bone yet. The Annoying Orange has until December to secure finding for his wall, now if that's true, as well as securing some Midterm votes for the Republicans it's gottta be worth a brick or two.

Since it's mentioned in the OP, these shootings are getting painful to witness, it hurts my soul every time I hear of another (it's hard to describe, I get a strange sensation akin to the sideways blow you get when you find out someone close to you has passed away only different and not as intense). It's about time all the right people sat down together and started a serious discussion about how to stop this. I'm leaning towards the solution lying in changing legislation around those with mental health issues but anything that removes firearms from any individuals is going to be hard when it comes to implementation.

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: BoneSay

originally posted by: Trueman
a reply to: BoneSay

The caravan people said they'll stay in Mexico waiting for better conditions to cross the border. Sorry for Mexico.

Nope, they are moving forward, some may have decided to stay, most are not. They requested buses, up to 500 from the UN, request was denied, i said that on the OP. I live in Mexico right now, i can tell you that this is not true

They refuse things like free health care, jobs, food, homes and other stuff and rejected any form of help other than helping them reach the US

According to the Mexican people I know, most of them decided to stay in Mexico. I asked them yesterday. My source is not the media, it's real Mexicans that think their government was too soft with the caravan.

edit on 10-11-2018 by Trueman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: Trueman

originally posted by: BoneSay

originally posted by: Trueman
a reply to: BoneSay

The caravan people said they'll stay in Mexico waiting for better conditions to cross the border. Sorry for Mexico.

Nope, they are moving forward, some may have decided to stay, most are not. They requested buses, up to 500 from the UN, request was denied, i said that on the OP. I live in Mexico right now, i can tell you that this is not true

They refuse things like free health care, jobs, food, homes and other stuff and rejected any form of help other than helping them reach the US

According to the Mexican people I know, most of them decided to stay in Mexico. I asked them yesterday. My source is not the media, it's real Mexicans that think their government was roo soft with the caravan.

But i live here, in Mexico, i have been here for several months and also i have come here for vacation since 2007 or so.

I have posted before about it but even one thread where i explained extremely detailed what i was seeing day to day got removed out of nowhere

I can tell you this, only like 2000 thousand or so from about 7000 accepted the help, some went back home, some just don't care either about the help or returning and just disappeared, lots of them are not accounted for because they do not cross through the bridges and just go through the river and no one counts how many of them

I don't know if you want to believe but i do have personal experience day by day with this issue so i feel at least i can say from my own point of view that there's something going on, or was

I'm not a "real Mexican" but i know the country well and i know spanish too, is not like i live on a separate place or whatever, you know i'm just saying, like anyone else and i have heard people saying the same thing you say but i wonder because i just don't see it happening out there

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 04:44 AM
I find it extremely shallow and irritating that your myopic pinhole view of the world is thrust upon the US only.
What are your views on Mexicos 16000 murders this year? What about the Congo and Yemen falling into famine? Venezuela? The North African immigration crisis? BREXIT? I am glad you left as America doesnt need people like you in it.

a reply to: BoneSay

(post by BoneSay removed for a manners violation)

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 05:56 AM
Bye. Don't let the fence hit you in the ass on the way out.

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
Bye. Don't let the fence hit you in the ass on the way out.

Lame fake American LMFAO

Have some pride, fix the things you feel are wrong, don't run away!

How can you even begin to fix other countries if you can't even start to fix your own? What's wrong with you guy

edit on 10-11-2018 by BoneSay because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-11-2018 by BoneSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 06:32 AM
The political need dried up, these thousands of vagrants ate no longer useful to whoever created their situation and funded it.

There will be no more food or medical supplies, no buses, and no help. They won't get clean new clothes or shoes.
Most of them will seek asylum wherever they may be... Until the money starts to flow again.

The next time hordes of immigrants heading towards the US is useful to TPTB, they will all get fresh clothes and abandon their homes to March again.

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
Mr. Trump was stoking that fire. He filled his rallies and the airwaves with it and the media presented him with his microphone to scream it at the whole nation.

The media reported on it , pro or con, until Trump stopped then guess what? So did they. And guess what. So did most everyone else.

So Trump saying "We want secure borders." Roused these thousands of people en-mass to start moving north?


The reason people don't want to talk about it anymore is because the critical thinking one's can see that wasn't a natural event.

The op said as much...

Now we got a good portion of these people missing and presumed in bad situations.

Is that Trumps fault too?

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: JAY1980

So Trump saying "We want secure borders." Roused these thousands of people en-mass to start moving north?


You are making things up. Who siad that Trump caused those people to move north? Who? You sound as if you think I was saying that. Read it again and point out to me where I suggested that. You then ridicule a fantasy interpretation of what I said with your riiiiiight. Again, point out to me where I have ever suggested that, or for that matter anyone who has.

The reason people don't want to talk about it anymore is because the critical thinking one's can see that wasn't a natural event.

So what you suggest here is those who have critical thinking abilities, namely you and those who you agree with, can see that it was not a natural event and so ,,,,, no longer talk about it? Does that make any sense at all? Well I have critical thinking skills and am willing to talk about it.

Do I know that this was a natural movement of people running away from oppression? No I do not because what proof do I have. Do I know that it was orchestrated by liberals? No I don not because I have no proof. Do I know that it was orchestrated by conservatives? No I do not because I have no proof. Do you? Really?

Certainly it could have been any of those causes. The liberals might have do it to make Trump look bad. But conservatives might have caused it to scare the # out of conservative voters. I don't know either way, do you?
And yes it might have been organic, though, I suspect on the part of the individual marchers yes, but those who were helping them along the way is still open for debate.

The op said as much...

Now we got a good portion of these people missing and presumed in bad situations.

Yes, this is a sad thing. But why are they missing. Because the whole idea was not smart in the first place? Because those who were guiding them have abandoned them to their own devices? Maybe so.
Yes there were storms along the way. Yes there were cartels along the way. Yes there were all kinds of dangerous situationa along the way.

And all those things, those dangers, were pointed out by those who did not see this as an invading army, those who suggested that this march was not the threat it was being made out to be. There were plenty of people who said this was no threat for the reasons mentioned above, all of the dangers along the way.
Was it Trumps fault that those people are in peril? Certainly not, yet for some reason you are under the impression that I believe this.

But read my post again and you will see that OP asked why it is not at the top of the news cycle any longer and you will see my simple understanding....Trump stoked the fear of that threat at his rallies. The media reports on what Trump is saying and opines in either direction. Once Trump stops talking about it, so does the media,pro and con, and then everyone stops talking about it. Simple

And yes, where are all those people? I don't know. Maybe some of them have found safe harbor from friendly Mexicans. I certainly hope so.

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: JAY1980

So Trump saying "We want secure borders." Roused these thousands of people en-mass to start moving north?


You are making things up. Who siad that Trump caused those people to move north? Who? You sound as if you think I was saying that. Read it again and point out to me where I suggested that. You then ridicule a fantasy interpretation of what I said with your riiiiiight. Again, point out to me where I have ever suggested that, or for that matter anyone who has.

The reason people don't want to talk about it anymore is because the critical thinking one's can see that wasn't a natural event.

So what you suggest here is those who have critical thinking abilities, namely you and those who you agree with, can see that it was not a natural event and so ,,,,, no longer talk about it? Does that make any sense at all? Well I have critical thinking skills and am willing to talk about it.

Do I know that this was a natural movement of people running away from oppression? No I do not because what proof do I have. Do I know that it was orchestrated by liberals? No I don not because I have no proof. Do I know that it was orchestrated by conservatives? No I do not because I have no proof. Do you? Really?

Certainly it could have been any of those causes. The liberals might have do it to make Trump look bad. But conservatives might have caused it to scare the # out of conservative voters. I don't know either way, do you?
And yes it might have been organic, though, I suspect on the part of the individual marchers yes, but those who were helping them along the way is still open for debate.

The op said as much...

Now we got a good portion of these people missing and presumed in bad situations.

Yes, this is a sad thing. But why are they missing. Because the whole idea was not smart in the first place? Because those who were guiding them have abandoned them to their own devices? Maybe so.
Yes there were storms along the way. Yes there were cartels along the way. Yes there were all kinds of dangerous situationa along the way.

And all those things, those dangers, were pointed out by those who did not see this as an invading army, those who suggested that this march was not the threat it was being made out to be. There were plenty of people who said this was no threat for the reasons mentioned above, all of the dangers along the way.
Was it Trumps fault that those people are in peril? Certainly not, yet for some reason you are under the impression that I believe this.

But read my post again and you will see that OP asked why it is not at the top of the news cycle any longer and you will see my simple understanding....Trump stoked the fear of that threat at his rallies. The media reports on what Trump is saying and opines in either direction. Once Trump stops talking about it, so does the media,pro and con, and then everyone stops talking about it. Simple

And yes, where are all those people? I don't know. Maybe some of them have found safe harbor from friendly Mexicans. I certainly hope so.

I don't know who was sending the cash but it clearly has dried out, i just read that now that they will not get the UN buses/food/protection and that they are basically homeless and with no money or anything else to go they are starting to accept the help they originally rejected from the Mexican government

Now 3000 people have accepted the offer they rejected a couple weeks ago

I don't know who planned it all but yes i am honest when i say they were guided and there was lots of money involved and now they were dropped badly and so they are clueless about what to do next

This is sad, they have no use anymore so to the trash bin with them

posted on Nov, 10 2018 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
I find it extremely shallow and irritating that your myopic pinhole view of the world is thrust upon the US only.
What are your views on Mexicos 16000 murders this year? What about the Congo and Yemen falling into famine? Venezuela? The North African immigration crisis? BREXIT? I am glad you left as America doesnt need people like you in it.

a reply to: BoneSay

My views on the Mexico killings have to be reserved, because my Visa doesn't allow me to get involved in any politic issues on this country or i would get it revoked and be thrown out of the country

I have already said several times what i think about Yemen and how i hate the place the US has in all of it

Venuezuela the same, i have been very clear on how i feel about it

Congo the same

And The Salvador, Guatemala, Syria and other countries too. It just so happens that this thread was about this very specific issue and not a general one, maybe if you had not said a dumb thing like what you said we may had a better conversation

But you went directly for the hate, knowing nothing about me, just judging, maybe you know i am half Russian and you got triggered

I don't care, i chose not to be American legally but that doesn't mean anything else, i still love my family and friends and i believe very firmly that the US is a great country and everyone should respect and help keep it alive, what the gov does and what the people feel and represent are two different things, the American culture is worth it all

But you seem to hate me because i'm angry that the US is being attacked from within, how is this even reasonable?

Something's very wrong with you

posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
I find it extremely shallow and irritating that your myopic pinhole view of the world is thrust upon the US only.
What are your views on Mexicos 16000 murders this year? What about the Congo and Yemen falling into famine? Venezuela? The North African immigration crisis? BREXIT? I am glad you left as America doesnt need people like you in it.

a reply to: BoneSay

You are upset she made a caravan thread instead of a BREXIT thread or something else you are more interested in hearing about?

Its kind if hard not to look at the caravan situation without "thrusting it upon America"... isnt that what the caravan itself is attempting to do? Thrust itself upon America lol? It's kind of their whole goal. Their reason for existing in caravan form.

Im gonna check your thread history so I can get caught up on the situations in the Congo Yemen, Venezuala and North Africa and Mexico and BREXIT. If I don't find up to date information there, I'll just be inclined to apply the same kind of reasoning you have, and believe to nyself that America would be better off without you.

If I do find some good info on all those foreign nations, I'll award you the #1 Best American Award, because that is the true measure of an American patriot: knowledge of countries that aren't America.

posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro
I'm leaning towards the solution lying in changing legislation around those with mental health issues .
And it's a damn good thing you have no political power or influence, too. Most people with mental health "issues" will never unlawfully use a firearm against another person if they own one. That's a fact. Statistically, they are probably less likely to. Most of the firearm violence in the US and elsewhere happens between criminals and government, neither of which are statistically likely to be mentally ill, unless you consider criminality at mental illness. According to the courts it isn't.

Not only that, people with mental illness are more likely to be victims of violent crime statistically, and you want to take away their right to defend themselves with firearms? LOL

Then there's all the misdiagnosis. Get more people falsely labelled as mentally ill, and it's a piece of cake to take away the rights of would be gun owners. Psychiatry is a crock of *O(*&^ at least in the US. There's trillions of dollars going into it, for drugs. And you think there's no chance a lot of it is just misdiagnosis so they can sell more drugs or, in your case, take away people's second amendment rights? Good thinking einstein.


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