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F# This!!

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posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 07:11 PM
My lovely wife bought into some meal thing called "Hello Fresh". She got the idea from her cousin, a State Trooper, who likes to cook, apparently.

It seemed fun at first. Every week you get 3 menus (or whatever you pick), and the ingredients are shipped to your door, not frozen..."fresh" (in their words). To their credit, they do ship fresh ingredients, and it does show up on time, come hell or high water.

You get this large paper grocery sack looking thing with all these indredients in it. The menus are all different, and frankly some of them are fantastic.

HOWEVER...these are supposed to be directions for anyone to cook. Now, my wife is a certified "Chef" (culinary graduate), and I'm a pretty damn good cook myself...and these directions consistently PISS ME OFF! Got (30) bowls, got (10) mixers?...know how to cut stuff twice, sideways. Throughout the directions they tell you they've given you more than you need...only to find out you need that left over ingredient for some other garnish, or ingredient. It's endless, and I'm sure it's fun for "gay" couples because they can throw spaghetti all over themselves and still have fun.

The directions are confusing at best, and absolutely WRONG at worst.

We stopped them months ago, but these are one of those things you can never really stop unless you write a hand written letter, on velum, with a signature cast in blood, on a quill of pure in Dodo feather (it's in the small print!! Read it!!!!)

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 07:14 PM
I should have titled this thread..."I am totally crazed...and can't stop!!"

I should have.

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 07:17 PM
If I had loads of beef, I would be eating beef every night and never get sick of it

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 07:21 PM
I chuckled at the gay spaghetti thrower comment.

Though I'd assume they'd be throwing sausage and not noodles, but I guess for some the romance is gone.
edit on 4-11-2018 by MisterSpock because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 07:25 PM
Never, never ever, buy that stuff again!

I hate anyone who tries to make my live more difficult than it needs to be, i just do.

I don't need some dork in kalifornia trying to write me a recipe while he's high on crack. I don't need to go back and recover an ingredient they said was "just a little extra for you"...and add it back to something else as a critical ingredient!

Are these people "high"? It's not like it's 'cheap'; it's $18-20 per dish...and what, just for fun?

I dunno. You can call it. I hate false bravado, false credit and false ego food.

Can you make my dish?

Guess what? NO...SEE YA!!!

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 07:25 PM
Lol! Takes a swipe at gays for fun even though they've got nothing to do with it. I agree, they're annoying and made to be picked on. These complicated directions are the fault of the gays. Certainly a certified chef should be able to look past these flabbergasting directions and know how to cut things properly, how long to cook them.

Really, the company is owned and ran by gays. It's marketed to gays, and the OP just happened to experience it because his wife ordered it then didn't know how to prepare it. Then, he made a rant about it on ATS. F this, I feel you but no homo. I feel you on philosophical conspiracy deny ignorance grounds. End of story? The company is bunk. Do not order from (name withheld)

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

We were going to try the same and asked about it because one of my Aunts posted on facebook that she was a member.

I called and ended up listening to a 30 minute diatribe about how screwed up the directions were and how horrible the company is.

From the sounds of it, it's like getting out of a timeshare.

So I feel for you and I am personally glad I dodged that bullet.

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Throughout the directions they tell you they've given you more than you need...only to find out you need that left over ingredient for some other garnish, or ingredient. It's endless, and I'm sure it's fun for "gay" couples because they can throw spaghetti all over themselves and still have fun.

I lost it there. You are my hero.

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Stop being lazy and go to the grocery store lol

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: Skywatcher2011
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Stop being lazy and go to the grocery store lol

You haven't read any of FCD's threads? He's most def NOT lazy.

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 07:55 PM
We wouldn't even think of getting those package deals. We know how to cook and we also know how to interpret a cookbook because we were taught the steps to do things to interpret the old recipes back when we were young. I needed a refresher course and read an old cookbook information on cooking practices..the cookbook is from the fifties.

I am not about to start learning these new things when we tolerate the homemade wholesome food we now prepare.

I have no problem with using frozen veggies, just rinse them thoroughly and they taste good. I avoid the ones like birdseye which have added stuff in them, we use a couple of brands that taste like real veggies when cooked. The programs like Hello fresh do not take into consideration ancestral eating habits, they treat everyone like they need the same foods. That is far from real, everyone needs foods that they can metabolize properly and that is genetic specific. If you mess it up, it takes months to show symptoms and the resulting changes can result in disease symptoms....I have seen a lot of my friends starting to eat healthier then wind up on meds a year later because they were intolerant to the plant defense chemistry or the boosted chemistry utilized to prolong the shelf life of the veggies or the increased pesticide residue in the food they changed to.

Try to tell them and they say that they felt lots better after changing their diet....they blame it on the fact that they waited too long. I have intensely studied this plant defense chemistry and know it matches their symptoms...but they do not believe me since it took months to a year to happen. That months to a year is actually common, sometimes a B12 deficiency might even take five years to occur. Sometimes the folate in plants is not metabolized by some people and that can take a year to give symptoms and in the blood the folic acid shows normal, it just isn't working right. Blood tests can deceive people as much as they can help if you do not understand how to properly apply them when looking at nutrition.

I am not in agreement that what is good for one person is good for another. You do not need to be allergic to something to have it not metabolize correctly and lead to problems. We cannot eat everything, just because you can occasionally eat something does not mean you can completely switch your diet.

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Your post has some great points within. I believe you.

Different bodies definitely need differnt food group combos. I have some friends who will do this
almost protein only diet and swear they feel fantastic when they do it. And they do look good; full of energy and healthy. But I cannot do that sh!t. Tried it a few times and it's BAD for me. A meal that makes me feel PERFECT is whole milk cottage cheese mixed with apple chunks, maybe some orange or banana slices, and walnuts. When I eat that to fillness I feel great all day. I feel full and completely satisfied, but not heavy or sluggish. My energy picks up and stays up all day. But I have friends and relatives who, if they ate a meal with that much carbs, would feel awful and gain ten pounds that evening, apparently.

Nutrition is definitely not a one-size-fits-all deal, as the "experts" would have us believe.

ETA: FCD, I ran across some promotion for Hello Fresh this past week. I read about it and thought it sounded really good, and considered trying it. Thanks for saving me the hassle!

edit on 4-11-2018 by KansasGirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

We have to find what is best for us personally and try to remember that sometimes deficiencies take years to become evident. Also, it takes us time for our bodies to adjust enzymes to match the diet and some people make more or less of some enzymes than other people. Rarely is an enzyme defunct or missing, most times it is just we cannot produce much of it.

I can't eat a real lot of meat, except for fish. I could never eat a high protein diet myself. I have an actual allergy to milk....but it actually raises my body temperature up about two degrees and I seem to create more enzymes and it boosts my metabolism. I normally have a body temp at 97F. To me milk is a medicine, as long as I do not over indulge, it also causes me to make mega Mucus everywhere in my body. I have experimented over the last ten years and have learned when this comes in handy. I do get a headache with milk or dairy but a simple bromelain or some fresh pineapple takes care of that, I used to have special sinus pills that work but the government banned those. Of course, the best thing for my family and it gets pulled off the shelves because some people were making meth from it.

What wor

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Do they have bizzare 'Ikea like' names?

"There's nothing like a fresh bowl of FLÄRDSULE to go with your YLÖRBE".

edit on 4/11/2018 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 10:13 PM
you bought something stupid.

and it was stupid.

edit on 4-11-2018 by Rikku because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Don't they use the traditional notation of 1/4c + 1 tbsp reserved for whatever that ingredient is that you have "Just a little extra" of?

Or are they assuming that they are broaching the cooking subject to an audience of complete ignoramuses? We looked at this, but every service seems to assume that you are either a couple or a family of four making things awkward for a family of three.

posted on Nov, 5 2018 @ 03:50 AM

posted on Nov, 5 2018 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

The directions are confusing at best, and absolutely WRONG at worst.

That statement totally reminds me of TV chefs.

'this dish is so simple to make, firstly you need five hairs plucked from a tibetan mountain goat, then you put them in a centrifuge for exactly 3.82 seconds while as you slowly boil some eye of newt, I prefer Peruvian newt eyes, then next you take a flat piece of metal...'

posted on Nov, 5 2018 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

Oh, one of those -- there are degrees of simple:

1. Simple *if* you can find the ingredients.

2. Simple once you do the prep work.

3. Simple because it goes in the microwave.

posted on Nov, 5 2018 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

and the ingredients are shipped to your door, not frozen..."fresh" (in their words)

hahahaha - didn't you say in a thread that its difficult getting to your place - like you need a helicopter maybe?

I think they're making it hard for you so you don't use them anymore - a polite way of saying - "we don't want to deliver"

On a more serious note - I think you're getting impatient and grumpy maybe?

I still love your posts.

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