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Let's hear how all of you view key ISSUES (not people and their past crimes) which matter to you.

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posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 01:17 PM
So many of us are targeting people with their past crimes and party lines, let's drop all of that and talk about the issues. As a theocrat, my views come from how I believe issues would be handled by the God I believe in. I understand that not all of you share that and I welcome you to comment on your agreement or disagreement with my own view. I must stress once more I expect this thread to remain respectful of people personally, we're only talking about the issues with a brief description. No attacking parties or people here please.

Guns freedom to own
While it is true that in biblical times guns did not exist, the weapon of the day was the sword, and nearly everyone carried one. If not a sword, a knife. The point is, everyone was armed all the time, and crime rates were low and the police did not have to work as hard.

Marriage traditional vs gay marriage
Marriage was created by God to be a union between a Man and a Woman in order to form a stable home to raise godly children. No human orginazation has the right to redefine what God laid out. However all people deserve the same rights, so perhaps extend the tax breaks and other benefits to homosexuals and even people who are just roommates.

Sanctity Life euthanasia, abortion, death penalty
From the moment of conception to old age, human life was created by God and is sacred. The ending of an innocent life is murder, be it an assault rifle fired on a crowd or the killing of the unborn in a clinic. War should be avoided when possible, but is permitted if our way of life is attacked. Some crimes, such as murder, may warrent death.

Racism let's end racism
Scripture shows that we are all children of God, and are all descendends of Adam and Eve. Besides this, we are all one species as proven by the human genome project. Additionally, there is nobody who is white or black, we are all various shades of the same color, brown. All humans are one race, so there is no room for racism in our society.

God split humans by language for a number of reasons. One effect of this is that his word would be translated into the languages of various nations. If someone modified the text the others would show it to be a counterfet, much like an early form of blockchain varification. We choose nationalism for a similar reaason, because a global society run by a few indviduals would become corrupt, but many nations could correct a singal nation which has strayed.

Childhood Education
Children should be taught good values and life skills, not just useless facts and widely debated theories. Parents should definitely have more of a say in what kids should learn than a government, and not all kids learn the same. Parents should teach their children, so I'd be in favor of more and better homeschooling.
edit on 31-10-2018 by Theocracy4America because: Clarification

edit on 31-10-2018 by Theocracy4America because: Typo

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 01:24 PM
god split humans by language?

that might be the funniest thing I've read all day. good lord..

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 01:28 PM
Since you brought up God (the Christian one I assume):

Romans 12
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I see a lot of Christians on these boards and out in the real world conforming to the political patterns of this world. If you are Christian and claim to be either Democrat or Republican then you are either ignoring or ignorant of this particular teaching.
edit on 10/31/2018 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
Since you brought up God (the Christian one I assume):

Romans 12
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I see a lot of Christians on these boards and out in the real world conforming to the political patterns of this world. If you are Christian and claim to be either Democrat or Republican then you are either ignoring or ignorant of this particular teaching.

Amen to that! Neither of those parties have God's interest at heart. In fact, quiet often they both look the same in some ways.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
Yes, that´s why I always write "god" on the ballot and make my cross there.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 01:49 PM
Just going off the issues raised in the OP

I think the right to self defense is a given. I don't mind reasonable restrictions, but it shouldnt be any harder than many of the other things we do. I'd even be on board for something like a weapons permit/license being issued by governing authorities... (think drivers license/permit). Go in take a written test, take a range test, boom done.

I think if any couple wants to be married, they should be able to do so. I don't think any benefits should be given to married couples though.

sanctity of life
This is probably the toughest issue for me. Life imo is a strictly biological process which begins the moment the process is initiated. I believe the punishment for taking another life could be redefined to accommodate that definition but at the same time, include exceptions. The death penalty is acceptable as long as the punishment fits the crimes or if the criminal is at very high risk of an inhumane death while incarcerated. It could also be made an optional alternative for life sentences.

By every account it is wrong, but it's a personal belief of superiority... and people are allowed to believe, just as long as that belief does not lead to action. It will likely be an everlasting issue for humanity.

Nothing wrong with nationalism imo. Be proud of who you are and where you come from, but don't let that pride make you feel superior....

I think our kids need to be taught more than just books knowledge. Respect, honor, courage, commitment, responsibility... all these CAN, and imo should, be taught in schools as well as at home. It takes a village...


posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:01 PM
You left out the most important issue in my opinion .

It is the tinder that stokes the fire which pits Americans against each other on a large majority of issues Americans are debating .

Jobs, jobs, jobs !!!

If the middle class can be saved instead of being ignored or forgotten because of immigration . Hopefully that instead of constantly taking left turns.

We might be able to straighten out the circle jerk this country has been in for the last decade or two .


I edited a mistake where I said “of issues” incorrectly. Because of my spelling and grammar I use voice dictation. I tried to edit those words three times in a row .

Each time the edit appeared it said “ you have issues “. Go figure ?

edit on 31-10-2018 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:03 PM
It seems to me that the most important issue you have raised is Theocracy itself. Now that is an issue I care about. I have no interest in the laws of other peoples' gods. Theocracies are all oppressive by nature, no matter how "good" the "god" being worshipped is. When you deal in the absolutism that comes with "My God says...", then you have crossed out of the realm of any possible debate. Even the Constitution may be changed. However, as you point out, the Bible is not supposed to be. Of course, it has been changed, radically, but that is not the point. The point is that Theocracy is not compatible with Western Society, and is certainly just as flawed as secular government. We have many issues to discuss in our society, and Theocracy is certainly one of them. Shari'a law comes to mind, and Christians that want the laws of their God respected and obeyed would be wise to remember that others feel the same about their deities.

No to put too fine a point on it, but I'm pretty sure most people have no desire to follow the laws of my Goddess, Eris. Not that there are many. But whatever, enjoy your bun-less hotdogs this Friday... or else! The Region of Thud is not a nice place, especially if you are a turnip...

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:03 PM
I think marriage is a religious issue, and separation of church and state should apply. Civil unions for all, and if anyone wants to celebrate their civil union with a religious ceremony they are free to do so.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:08 PM
You lost me at "theocrat."
I will write in Gumby.
I will not vote for a theocrat.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: Jason79
I never understood why some same sex marriage couples seemingly want to marry in a church like hetero couples if not for the kick and outrage.

Why would they want to associate their marriage ritual with a religion who´s leaders have always condemned them? Coming from a christian..

I´m not against homosexual marriage because contrary to what most think, if you believe in a god it does not mean you are a dumb ignorant hater of everything.

The only thing I really find offensive is when someone is ridiculed for their faith. Just because some believe in a god it does not mean they think of them as "the man in the sky".

Not once have I seen someone educate the thought that god could be metaphor about humanities traits and serve as a moral guidline in dark times we first world inhabitants have left behind us.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:13 PM

my views come from how I believe issues would be handled by the God I believe in.

Complications can arise if...

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:20 PM
To preface: I mean no offense with my responses, I'm just discussing the policies laid out, not attacking your beliefs.

My immediate reaction is: Thank goodness the US isn't built on Christian principles. Separation of church and state. That means, separation of ALL churches from the government, laws can't be created based on a religious belief. For good reason.

Now, to respond to your highlighted parts:

1. Guns: Crime rates were low? How do you figure? Is there actual proof that crime rates were low back then? Documented numbers of sword attacks/deaths/etc? I'd argue that crime is way lower today than it was back then, in terms of percentage based on the total population.
I support the right to own guns (to an extent. The type of gun you buy shouldn't be a free-for-all). I also support the process of purchasing one being waaay more rigorous than it currently is, i.e., proper gun control. That does NOT mean banning guns. That means proper channels needing to be taken in order to get a gun.

2. Marriage: Every human organization has the right to question, and change, what god laid out. God is not the base of our government or our laws. Not everyone in this country believes in your god. Therefore, what god says about marriage is completely irrelevant in our country. You are free to believe whatever you want, and I'll defend you for believing it. However, you can't push your beliefs onto other people just because you think it's right. My position: Every single person should be free to marry whomever they want, as long as they are of legal age and approve of the union as well (no forced marriages).

3. Sanctity of Life: We are going to disagree entirely on this, and again, I mean no offense by it: Abortion is not killing a person. I most definitely think that late term abortions should be unlawful. However, a regular abortion, say at 3-4 weeks, is most definitely not murder. Could a 3 week old fetus survive outside of the womb? No? Then it isn't a human, and isn't murder. Death penalty: Eh, I'd rather it not be used (I think mental health help and rehab is more important than trying to punish someone past a certain point), but some people are never going to be rehabbed and truly deserve to die. War: War is stupid in this day and age, and it is only a penis measuring contest. If 2 countries can't resolve their differences without fighting, then they're no better than 5 year olds throwing tantrums. Defense of other countries...I'm ok with that. If a country that can't defend itself is being attacked, other countries should intervene. At the same time, the US shouldn't be playing world police.
ETA: I forgot Euthanasia. It should be legal. If someone wants to die, they are of sound mind to make that choice, and they have the funds to pay for it, why should the government get to tell them no?

4. Racism: I agree completely. The fact that there are still racist people is an abomination on the human race.

5. Nationalism: I view it the exact same as racism. We're all the same race, so shouldn't we technically all be the same "nation"? I fully support moving towards a more global/universal system. Nationalism causes a LOT of issues nowadays. "Where I'm from is better than where you're from" isn't a good way to run a government. (I know that's an unpopular opinion around here, but it is my opinion).

6. Education: I am in favor of homeschooling. However, public schools serve a lot of good, and if you send your kids to a public school, that's the choice you made, and you forfeit making the decision of what they are taught (ultimately). Also, there are a ton of really important facts and theories that kids learn in school. I get what you're saying, but I'd argue that a lot of what they're taught in school is very important to the development of rational thought.
edit on 31-10-2018 by narrator because: ETA

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:21 PM
In Biblical times, the crime rates were low? Seriously doubtful. Also, you can't equate a sword to a gun.. Times are way different now.

And many places do allow conceal carry. The problem is the ease of access to guns and type of guns. If you ever been in a psych ward or have a criminal history you should not be able to buy a gun.

Also create laws that restrict private sales in a way that prevents a loophole to background screenings.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: Theocracy4America
So many of us are targeting people with their past crimes and party lines, let's drop all of that and talk about the issues. As a theocrat, my views come from how I believe issues would be handled by the God I believe in. I understand that not all of you share that and I welcome you to comment on your agreement or disagreement with my own view. I must stress once more I expect this thread to remain respectful of people personally, we're only talking about the issues with a brief description. No attacking parties or people here please.

Guns freedom to own
While it is true that in biblical times guns did not exist, the weapon of the day was the sword, and nearly everyone carried one. If not a sword, a knife. The point is, everyone was armed all the time, and crime rates were low and the police did not have to work as hard.

Marriage traditional vs gay marriage
Marriage was created by God to be a union between a Man and a Woman in order to form a stable home to raise godly children. No human orginazation has the right to redefine what God laid out. However all people deserve the same rights, so perhaps extend the tax breaks and other benefits to homosexuals and even people who are just roommates.

Sanctity Life euthanasia, abortion, death penalty
From the moment of conception to old age, human life was created by God and is sacred. The ending of an innocent life is murder, be it an assault rifle fired on a crowd or the killing of the unborn in a clinic. War should be avoided when possible, but is permitted if our way of life is attacked. Some crimes, such as murder, may warrent death.

Racism let's end racism
Scripture shows that we are all children of God, and are all descendends of Adam and Eve. Besides this, we are all one species as proven by the human genome project. Additionally, there is nobody who is white or black, we are all various shades of the same color, brown. All humans are one race, so there is no room for racism in our society.

God split humans by language for a number of reasons. One effect of this is that his word would be translated into the languages of various nations. If someone modified the text the others would show it to be a counterfet, much like an early form of blockchain varification. We choose nationalism for a similar reaason, because a global society run by a few indviduals would become corrupt, but many nations could correct a singal nation which has strayed.

Childhood Education
Children should be taught good values and life skills, not just useless facts and widely debated theories. Parents should definitely have more of a say in what kids should learn than a government, and not all kids learn the same. Parents should teach their children, so I'd be in favor of more and better homeschooling.

I'll actually answer your points:

Guns: i support owning them. Though, I think some kind of training should be required though. Even just a safety test. Something to prove you're not a complete and total #ing idiot. And they deserve the same kind of respect and care you'd give to any other dangerous tool or equipment.

Marriage: don't care

Sanctity of life. I support abortions and I believe there are some people that honestly and truly deserve the death penalty.

Racism: racism is stupid. People that are racist are idiots. Judging someone based on where they're from or they're skin colour is that act like stereotypes on the other hand...well...i'm not just going to pretend they're not because someone's feelings might be hurt.

Nationalism: you're reasoning behind it is ridiculous but ya borders are a good thing. Personally i've always thought power should be from the bottom up with each successive level of government having less control over local areas and day to day life.

Education: Education in north america is a joke. I don't know if homeschooling will solve the problems but the public school system is #ed.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: Theocracy4America

Ok, I am feeling silly today.

Guns freedom to own

All people should be forced to own guns. I demand a gun tax to supply all people of this world with guns.

Marriage traditional vs gay marriage

I think all marriages should be abolished. I think the word marriage should be redefined to mean slavery.

Sanctity Life euthanasia, abortion, death penalty

Why should I care about youth in asia? Abortion? BAAL demands more babies - it's as simple as that. Death penalty? What kind of hockey game are you watching?


I like all kinds of races. Bike races, dog races, etc.


I think we can all agree that there are nations.

Childhood Education

An impossible effort. 99% of children refuse to be simply educated.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Fallingdown

I believe the government should stay out of Jobs, and the forming of Unions for that matter. Of course there will be state sponsored jobs, such as road repair and stuff, but that's not my point. Unions can be left up to employees to choose or not. Personally I think it's a good thing to have. If the government did not over regulate and over tax business at multiple levels for various schemes, business could afford to hire more people and make better quality parts. However it would depend on people choosing to boycott companies who do not comply with quality and employee treatment expectations. Our government is killing business.
edit on 31-10-2018 by Theocracy4America because: More

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: Theocracy4America

Guns: I believe that the people are the 4th branch and as such should always be able to meet the American soldier on the battlefield either as a friend in the case of invasion or as a foe should they ever forget who they work for. The American people should have and MUST have the means to protect themselves from tyranny, invasion, criminals, and to be able to put food on the table and to engage in any lawful activity in which a firearm is appropriate.

Marriage Marriage should be between two consenting adults.

Sanctity Life I abhor abortion but do not want to drive it underground. Abortion is NOT a right and I challenge anyone to find that in the constitution. But it should not be outlawed outright. It should be regulated, the person who chooses an abortion should be informed of ALL the facts of the procedure, what happens to the fetus in the process, and what happens after.

The death penalty is a copout. Most sentencing is done for the sole purpose of profit to the state and wholly dependent on which group is more likely to be railroaded.

Euthanasia should NEVER be legal. Once the government codifies assisted suicide or any other form thereof, you have given it the inch require to take a mile, and they will.

Racism Racism can't be fixed by the government, but it sure as # can be made worse and usually is.

Nationalism There will come a time when the world will be better off as a whole and under one United Earth banner. But I will never accept a global dictatorship, nor will I have the rights I grew up with abolished for my children and their children. Nationalism is not a bad word. But dictatorship is. The US is not Europe, where nationalism tends to take ugly forms.

Childhood Education I believe in choice so long as the child is getting the education he/she requires to be a successful adult in a complex and constantly changing technological world. Keep religion out of the classroom.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: Theocracy4America
I don't believe in any gods.

Guns freedom to own:
I want to have freedom in all things. Free persons should be allowed to own any amount of any kind of weapon.
They should be free to carry those weapons in a reasonable way. Reasonable being , "Not outright physically harmful to others."

Nonsense ritual. Get rid of it or let everyone get married to whomever they wish.

Sanctity Life:
Freedom in all things is what I want for all people of earth. Freedom of choice always.
I don't believe life begins at conception.

Death penalty is fine. But our entire justice system needs an overhaul.
Euthanasia is fine so long as the person being killed is making an informed choice or if they are in a coma then whoever loved them most should decide. How do you know who loved them most? I don't now , but that's how I feel about it.

Both natural and very stupid to mistrust people based on looks. If we just get to know one another more we wouldn't have this problem.

We need to come together more not divide.
I like nationalism when it means less military intervention and more home defense. When it talks about keeping the world out it has gone to far.

Childhood Education:
It is not the schools job to teach humans about morality. That is the job of parents and peers.
That being said I do think we should have a place that humans could go that would help teach them about how their emotions work. How to understand why they feel the way they do and how to handle those emotions.
Not a place that judges people on what they feel like a church, but a place that only teaches them how to understand what they feel.
edit on 31-10-2018 by scraedtosleep because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Theocracy4America

I like this post and I hope it stays civil.

I own them, I shoot them, I think everyone has the right to have one. Also a fan of conceal and carry. However, I am sick of school/church/public shootings. I think we need to tighten up the application process just a bit and impose harsher consequences against those who break gun laws.

Marriage traditional vs gay marriage
Marriage is marriage. Separate of church and state. Let people that get married by a judge or by a priest get the same benefits.

Sanctity Life euthanasia, abortion, death penalty
I believe in euthanasia.
I think there should be access to safe and affordable abortion. I agree with people who have an abortion based on medical issues.. I don't always agree with people who have an abortion just to not procreate, but I do believe every case is different.

Racism let's end racism
You said it best: "there is no room for racism in our society."

I having a hard time understanding you on this one. I think everyone has the right to be proud of their country and its history, just don't diminish others because of it. I just don't get where whichever God you believe in (it sounds like a Christian God, but I don't want to assume) separated based on language.

Childhood Education
I think the US system needs a whole revamp. Less babying, less technology, less debated theories, more life skills.

Overall, I respect your opinions, but I would have to say we differ in the fact that I do not believe you can force someone to live by the rules of a religion that they do not believe in. Many of your opinions relate to religion. While I grew up Catholic, and still believe in a higher power, I do not think that should affect the politics of my country.

Cheers, OP

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