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Rabid Exploitation: Throwing the Black Community under the front of the bus.

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posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 09:13 AM

There's a disturbing pattern of the most loud mouthed leftist protests fronts of recent years being one folding into another, and all of them utilizing "their" Black Community as their chief token of exploitation in their agenda.

BLM which absolutely was Soros funded etc, as is MoveOn, the organizers of the 2016 riots that werent BLM specific. Certainly many those same MoveOn organizers were all about helping 'the BLM cause' (transgenderism, "queer", Globalism, oh yeah and also poor blacks [mostly criminals] from getting killed by police). All the same stuff US Antifa has on their banners. But that last part I just mentioned about BLM's action items: its critical to realize they put on their facade BLACK VICTIMS OF POLICE, which was sure to go on -the movement- triggering riots, like what happened, when their real platform was the whos who list of SJW action items:

Meaning to someone who never falls into group think, and has been studying social movement science & social psychology for over a decade, as soon as I tuned back into politics type drama in 2016, and took note of BLM, what I just mentioned, and in observing how they targeted everyone towards cops & whites instead of politicians & policy (such as the War on Drugs), it was screamingly obvious that was the design all along: to cause division and wreck snip.

And that's the same design with Antifa. At best you could say their objective is to end racism & bigotry. And their method to achieve it: by responding to 'it' (a boogeyman they fantasized for all intense purposes) with equal racism & bigotry, oh and wrecking snip along the way (which not even the Neo-Nazi's do that as any sort of primary tactic).

A movement is inherently supposed to have an objective. BLM presented itself as a sort of 'cause' (stop shooting black folks), but then you go look at it and its all this other stuff. George Soros type stuff: globalism, liberalism, division, wreck snip. Was definitely clever, Blacks are legendary in the US for "solidarity", and for rioting when the passion gets to the right degrees. So lets put that cause (blacks getting shot) on the facade of our new nu-liberalism movement. We'll sucker the lot of them into the big tent, we'll have them as our de facto 'human shields' (you cant criticize us we're trying to save the black folks), they'll stampede and burn down cities as we see fit, and maybe we'll even get most of them into all this other stuff on our agenda.

Its important to note that the stuff killing most of the black people isnt what BLM leadership cares about (crime, violence, gangsterism), nor the policy (the War on Drugs in particular) that has set the entire stage for that reality. Saving black people clearly wasnt the objective. Creating masses ofdie hard mindless followers into the Cult of SJW, fortified by all the black thugs out there, to sow division and wreck snip as 'needed', that was the objective.

And this division / wreck snip pattern doesnt end there, for example the NFL kneeling melodrama. Here the push to sow division cared not if it wrecked the NFL along the way. Because what, okay dudes doing the kneeling, what are you doing it for? What's your objective? Oh, to protest police violence, I think I even saw black poverty mentioned. So the objective is to protest something, something you've given no achievable objective by which you could be satisfied and thus stop wrecking the business which youre doing it at. The NFL, which one could hardly loathe what it represents to our society at large more than I do, but the one good thing it does do is give hope to kids (especially black kids). So once again, the Black Community is thrown under the back of the bus, as far as Soros MoveOn Antifa BLM etc cares.

If saving the blacks was on the agenda the first target would have been the War on Drugs. But it wasnt, not to mention that would have made Obama the primary target. It'd be silly for them after years to all the sudden make it everything now that Trump in there, with BLM anyways, but as soon as Trump won they funneled all their disruption machination to a new banner: Nu-Antifa. BLM wasnt founded to attack Trump. While with Nu-Antifa, ACTUALLY helping the blacks they supposedly LOVE and "FIGHT for them", how to actually do it is once again not in the stated objectives, instead the 'big help' is only in the form of this "you're a racist" rhetoric, because all they're really about is:

When all that, all this that flows from the behaviors they've elicited from across these interlocking movements, as has the effects from a couple-few decades now raising them on this insanity that "blacks CANT be racist", has only hurt their standing in the eyes of non-liberal non-blacks.

And its put Black America at war with conservatives AHEM the Republican's; diminished a lot of the sympathy they might have had with scores of conservatives. The conservatives whom are the ones that need to be convinced that the War on Drugs has been nothing but a disaster. The liberals dont need to be convinced of that bit, although the Democrat's clearly had that NOT as a priority in the White House or the streets.

Meaning 5 years of black activism has gone down the drain. Achieved absolutely nothing, unless that is, when sportsfans in a stadium all do "The Wave' together, is to be considered an achievement. Or if when you burn down half the local businesses in your community (which wont likely return for years), the "collectivist" fervor (you were prompted into by "your" movement) is to be considered an achievement. I suppose beating maybe even shooting someone for the color of their skin might also be considered an achievement to some (such as someone as racist as is possible since they were raised on this trollish idea that no matter what they "CANT" be racist, and that commoner white folks are ALL part of some "Patriarchy" conspiracy that not only seeks to undermine them but its even "a Nazi").

And then there's the topic of all that wasted activism & fervor by the commoner type SJWhatevers. The levels of obsession and fervor they've been driven to is the stuff of legend. They were essentially set in motion by a black president. At a time when blacks long had equal rights, not to mention discrimination / hate crimes laws and hiring practices being in their favor if anything. Same with womens rights etc stuff, not to mention things like the Gender Gap Myth, or how they're (as with minorities) the majority across college campuses now. Gay Rights: CHECK. Which basically just leaves Transgender Rights, that in 2016 (when the DNC apparatus compelled them to riot against its competition) were way beyond the mark (so much so, so overkill & irresponsibly, that I insist the trans folks were essentially thrown under the bus just to set fire to whomever from the 'other team' would inevitably undo it over. So in terms of "equality" of the rights varieties, how is hardly any of this fervor actually warranted, unless "equality" of the money varieties (Communism) is the real objective (of the commoners into all this stuff)?

"Problem" (of the 'pure hype' variety) "Reaction" "Solution" (of the 'transform society into mindless drones' variety), comes to mind as the modus operandi & subsequent agenda here, where the Black Community is being used perpetually as the stepping stone to achieve it.
edit on 21-10-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 09:17 AM
To be fair it doesn't achieve maximum effectiveness if you throw them out the back of the bus.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: intrepid

Best is you strap them to the front of it and use them to battering ram your way through your opposition.

edit on 21-10-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

As a sidenote, it could be said that there are two sides of this problem. People who want to fight about their opinions, and people who just want a civil country to live in.

There are people who want to fight about it on both sides. Every time one side escalates, the other side will rise to meet the occasion. The job of our government is to act in a way that treats everyone equally, and protects everybody equally. If there are people in the government who are asking their constituents to be uncivil, or to be violent, then they need to be removed, and possibly jailed.

As well as, anyone who shows up to protest in protective gear or with weapons, needs to be put in jail. We have the right to protest peacefully. We do not have the right to riot, or wage battles in the streets.
edit on 21-10-2018 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 09:29 AM
I ran out of room, but yeah, here's one metric of the "liberals" agenda has netted them:

Another parallel is how they're held up to block voter ID laws, because the "liberals" exclaim they're too poor & stupid to have voter ID's, all so there's that chance some illegal immigrants etc might get to vote some extra (illegal's that displace their job market mind you). Which is as absurd and as racist anything you could say about them.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 10:03 AM
black lives matter, it seems, to only protests blacks killed by white cops. Any other racial make up, it's ok.

Where the division comes from. they only protested when a crap human was shot by the cops, who happens to be black.

judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 10:11 AM
Powerful thread here!

I never would knew that if you hadn't posted.


posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

And that's the same design with Antifa. At best you could say their objective is to end racism & bigotry. And their method to achieve it: by responding to 'it' (a boogeyman they fantasized for all intense purposes) with equal racism & bigotry, oh and wrecking snip along the way (which not even the Neo-Nazi's do that as any sort of primary tactic).

Racism and bigotry doesn't exist but they're responding to with equal "racism" and "bigotry?" Also, "even the neo-Nazis don't do that."

Quick question: how many people have been murdered by Antifa in the last two years? None? How many people have killed by neo-Nazis & white supremacists in the last two years? I can think of at least 7 off the top of my head.

Atomwaffen division, which had people at Charlottesville, is involved with a total of 5, including Blaze Bernstein. "Remember Blaze!" Or nah? And of course at Charlottesville, a neo-Nazi ran over how people when he killed Heather Heyer? Then there was the Daily Stormer user who drove from Maryland to NYC to kill people and stabbed a 66 year-old man named Timothy Caughman to death with a sword. "Remember Timothy!" Or nah?

Let me do a quick web search. I'll brb.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Oh yeah, how did I forget the fatal stabbing last year of black Bowie State student Richard W. Collins III, murdered by a person who was part of the "Alt-Reich Nation" Facebook group.

So that's 8. What else?

2017 Aztech High School shooting - pro-Trump Daily Stormer poster disguised himself as a student and went into his former high school and killed two Hispanic students. I wonder how many even heard about this?

Now we're up to 10.

2017 Portland train attack - a white nationalist who had just been spotted throwing up Nazi salutes at Patriot Prayer event, killed two men who interceded as he was menacing two young Muslim girls.

That's 12.

"Seattle4Truth" - alt-right and pro-Trump social media figure, killed his father. A quote from him:

“The culture war has been my life for the past year and a half,” he wrote. “Destroying the social-justice ideology and exposing their lies has given me a reason to live. At this point, it defines me. It’s everything I live for and care about, other than having a roof over my head.”

As it turns out, he was loser who at 33 was still living home, frequently arguing with his "progressive leftist" father. When he cracked and stabbed his dad to death, they had been arguing about PizzaGate apparently.


And since the right-wing echo chamber had a field day with the dyed hair would be round house kicker in Ontario and included his kicking of woman/her phone as evidence of "violent left-wing mobs," I suppose we should include the Quebec City mosque shooter. Another alt-right troll, he killed 6 and wounded 9 in Jan or 2017.

19? And I'm sure I'm missing a few.

But you know, breaking windows really isn't their thing. And that's just some of the murders. We've got mosque bombings, arson, stabbings, assaults and one guy who was at Charlottesville and sabotaged a commuter train to "save it from the blacks" to go through before we get to the harassment and vandalism.
edit on 2018-10-21 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

For all intensive purposes, for decades before circa 2012-2016, the "white supremacist" "movement" was completely on the margins, an essentially forgotten relic of an ugly past, outside of say prisons.

Yet despite that fact, the DNC and their 'Planet SJW" swept the liberal mainstream by storm, with BLM as the tip of their spear.

Specific in that regard, blaming not policy but cops and everyday commoner white people, as by in large the greater SJW horde was out labeling essentially all whites as being inherently racist, their Critical Race concept running hand in hand with being inherently privileged, all in tune with the Patriarchy Conspiracy that assets that by default effectively all non-liberals whites as being in on this conspiracy to "oppress" everybody.

In tune with that minorities "cant" be racist; are incapable of committing "hate crimes" against whites; etc.

So this happened across the US:
Social Justice Assault Warriors TV Marathon!

White kids getting assaulted for wearing dreadlocks, men being assaulted for being men, whites being shot for being white, crowds being attacked for supporting Trump, mentally handicapped abducted, and so on.

In 2016 there were multiple random whites shot, several killed, at BLM "protests" (riots), not even counting the policemen gunned down sometimes en masse (where not even all cops gunned down were specific to those infamous mass shooter events).

"BLM" (militant SJW's):

"Antifa" (militant SJW's):

All while the MSM made household names of the likes of people like Richard Spencer. All while running in lock-goosestep with the BLM/Antifa/etc hyping up the divisive anti-white / poor-poor-blacks narrative to push whites towards the arms of supremacists (whom they made celebrities out of in the process).

A dozen killing events in 2 years, in a population of over 300,000,000 is all you've got, even despite that manufactured crisis scenario I just laid out? Pathetic!

Meanwhile the new face of Team DNC is out there assaulting, subjugating, censoring even shooting white people en masse, weekly, if not daily, truly persecuting people for the color of their skin all in the name of "anti-racism". WHich is defended, supported and nurtured by the bulk of the "liberal' contingent in the US. Which absolutely cannot be said of their opposition party. Yet Team DNC ahem SJW yet pushes harder and further to radicalizing their base, as a constant, of particular agenda targeting little kids for rabid indoctrination into their bare knuckle racist, absolutely supremacist ideology (that wears the Black Community on its front bumper as its battering ram against any and all that criticize it).

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 02:35 PM


posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 03:02 PM

edit on 10.21.2018 by Kandinsky because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Omg dude, hahahahahha!!!

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 05:30 PM
can we just stop addressing people by skin color and sex for ten minutes?

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian
AntiFA dudes don't really have an HQ under a unified tribe/gang/faction for particular areas, much like the groups you mentioned. There have likely been quite the bit of murders that the regular person behind the black mask of anonymity they attempt to achieve have done. But we would not know, because they don't have flags in their living rooms, patches on their jackets EXCEPT when they show up for these events attempting anonymity.

The news or the authorities are not checking a list to monitor for specific 'antiFa' symbols or numbers like Swastikas or gangster number 13. So it is quite likely and plausible that many unidentified people who have shadowwalked as antifa have already been arrested and convicted for murder, but simply as their true normal persona. AntiFA folks seem like the type to be LARPers fulfilling a fantasy character role many times. If they are getting compensated for it, all the better in their mind.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Here are some stats to back up your statements

There was a dramatic surge in white supremacist violence in 2017. White supremacists and other far-right extremists were responsible for 59% of all extremist-related fatalities in the US in 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) Center on Extremism.

The ADL’s annual report—“Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017”— found that the number of murders conducted by white supremacists US more than doubled last year, compared to 2016. A spokesperson for the ADL explains that the report “looks at known murders or killings by perpetrators associated with domestic extremist movements. We are not accounting for all acts of violence, such as mass shootings.” However, if a mass shooting, such Charleston or San Bernardino, was found to be linked to an extremist movement and resulted in death, then the ADL would include it.

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

Over the last decade, 71% of domestic extremist related killings in the US were linked to right-wing extremists, while Islamic extremists committed 26% of the killings, the report notes. An Islamic extremist committed the single deadliest incident in 2017: the New York City vehicle ramming attack killed eight people. Left-wing extremists and those who didn’t fall in the previous two categories carried out the other 3% of deaths. 2017 was the second year in a row in which black nationalists committed murders in the US. Overall, there was a marked decline in the number of extremist killings last year from the much higher total fatalities recorded in 2016 and 2015. That said, the report describes 2017 as fifth deadliest year for extremist violence since 1970.

ALL extremism is bad. But for people to go around emphasizing ONLY left-wing violence when statistics indicate right-wing violence is the worst and growing is to distort reality

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 07:32 AM

There was a dramatic surge in white supremacist violence in 2017. White supremacists and other far-right extremists were responsible for 59% of all extremist-related fatalities in the US in 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) Center on Extremism.

And thats exactly what I warned against again, and again, and again in 2016, would happen if the "liberals" didnt stop with the PERSECUTION of whites, the burning down of cities, the rioting of conservative events, the anti-white MSM blitz, the labeling of anyone and everything anti-SJW as being RACIST FAKE NEWS, and so on.

To me it was plain as day, and ATS leftists went out of their minds, persistently reported me to the mods to try to get me banned, for pointing out the obvious of what Team DNC was triggering to happen:breathing new life into white supremacism by proving them right, making celebrities out of them and violently pushing people into their arms.

When the SJW's began their goosestep, around 2013, white supremacism was as good as ancient history, especially in terms of being anything resembling a mass movement, and SJW's NEEDED them to even have an excuse to exist with all of their loud mouth push & shove BS, and then just as I began writing that seemingly out of nowhere "Antifa" came bursting out the gates DEMANDING to get their asses beat for their BS. And finally they got it in 2017. And here we are. And none of you will admit to the hand the "liberals" played in reviving white supremacism in the US. BUt it was just common sense: openly violently persecute a group of people for long enough and eventually it'll trigger solidarity. Its what humans do. Its in our DNA!

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: Willtell

Over the last decade, 71% of domestic extremist related killings in the US were linked to right-wing extremists, while Islamic extremists committed 26% of the killings, the report notes. An Islamic extremist committed the single deadliest incident in 2017: the New York City vehicle ramming attack killed eight people. Left-wing extremists and those who didn’t fall in the previous two categories carried out the other 3% of deaths.

This quote from your link bears repeating. Liberals are not the problem here.

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv


When anti-white hate crimes arent even hardly recorded or tabulated.

And even if they were, it demanded ALL (non-"liberal") whites be smeared as being in on the "Patriarchy Conspiracy", and openly persecuted for it.


edit on 22-10-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: kaylaluv

When anti-white hate crimes arent even hardly recorded or tabulated.

Proof please.

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