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Satanism,Luciferianism,Illuminati,Voodoo ..... and you

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posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 02:07 AM
This thread is about money , power , and the elite cabal
that runs the world through slavery and fear. The deception and lies ,
intimidation and slaughter , brought to us care of the evil insanity
of our reptilian overlords ....

The not-so-subtle tyranny (tyrannosaur) , that is cleverly disguised
as something to respect and strive towards . Can we wake up and shrug
off these things that condemn us ?

As we know , these snake people have been with us
since the beginning ...
"They can be found in all corners of the world.
Present in various parts of the globe –
as the “Nagas” (“snakes”) in India,
Amaru of South America, the Quetzalcoatls
(“Plumed Serpents”) in Mexico,
the Djedhi (“snakes”) in Egypt,
the Lung (“dragons”) in China or
perhaps the Adders (“snakes”) in Britain
– the Serpents of Wisdom were welcomed
by the indigenous people
and worshipped as “Serpent prophets”.
"...The spiral serpent symbol is found throughout the Pacific and is
associated universally with the creation enigma... From earliest days,
the serpent symbol is to be seen in many parts of the world, but undoubtedly
the most fascinating portrayal is a detail on an Egyptian "magical" papyrus
in the British Museum depicting a serpent encompassed by a ray-emitting disk.
The most unusual form of the serpent symbol is a spiral representing a
coiled snake; it has been discovered as petroglyphs and other pictorial
representations in Britain, Greece, Malta, and Egypt, as pottery designs
in New Mexico; as ground drawings on the Nazca Plateau, Peru, and throughout
the Pacific Islands."

The Vodoun religion is estimated to have
existed for more than for more than 10,000+ years, having its ancient
roots in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, East Africa, India, Asia Minor
(ancient Turkey), ancient Crete, Thessalonia, ancient Israel, and in
ancient Afro-matrilineal Ionia (later known as "Greece") , and later
in ancient Rome.
It was in all of these locations where the African, Queen mothers
established their powerful temples and theocratic empires.
Lilith was another name for the Babylonian Semiramis, Isthar,
Sin etc., etc.
She was the goddess of the night and of darkness who hunted for
the souls of men and women. Every nation on earth had its
equivalent of this Satanic demon. FILE 31
"The black magic rituals we know as Satanism
are the modern expression of the rituals and
human sacrifice in ancient Babylon and the
Brotherhood infiltrated societies of the
Sumerian, Phoenician, Hittite, Egyptian,
Canaanite and Akkadian, among many others
across the world.
Satanism is based on the manipulation of
energy and consciousness.
The leading Satanists are full-blood reptilians
cloaked in human form.
Satanic rituals and human sacrifice, especially
of children, are performed on a vast scale
and involve some of the most famous politicians,
business people, media owners and entertainers
on the planet."
Why has humanity been so pervasively fraught
with war and destruction, economic fraud of
the highest possible kind, drug abuse and
trafficking, human and child sex and slave
trafficking, murder and human sacrifice,
mind-control and genetic experimentation,
perversion of the food and water supply,
chemtrails and weather warfare, and other
crimes against humanity that often reveal
the hand of a powerful hidden authority
in action.

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me
privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field
of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of
something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized,
so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive,
that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak
in condemnation of it"...... Woodrow Wilson
When people refer to the "illuminati" what
they're talking about is a group of select
people at the very top of the pyramid
structure controlling, or at least heavily
influencing, virtually everything that goes
on in the world.
"The Illuminati are transforming society into
a satanic cult modeled on …themselves!
The more perverted and degraded we become,
the better they like it.
“We corrupt in order to rule.
Giuseppe Mazzini said.
We are satanically possessed."
“He said he had proof the European Union was
being run by Satanists with an advanced agenda
of death and destruction, and an appetite for
the darkest crimes. He said Brussels was a
wolf in sheep’s clothing, preaching love and
openness, but actually a den of depravity,”
a friend and former employee said."
"Black magic at its core is really about demonic possession.
it is worthwhile remembering a defining aspect of Satanism: the inversion of
everything. Black is white, bad is good, wrong is right.
This is why the inverted pentagram is such a popular Satanic symbol."

The Illuminati have moved
onto the next phase of their masterplan,
and have begun marshaling their pawns –
celebrities and mainstream media outlets –
to openly promote dark spirituality as a
viable religious choice for those seeking guidance.
The fact that mainstream media outlets are now
promoting Satanism as a legitimate form of
religious worship, equal to Christianity,
except “cooler“, should come as no surprise
to the alert.

Last year Jay-Z described Jesus Christ as
“the original fake news“. Miley Cyrus said
“Hail Satan” on live radio and claimed she
has a closer relationship with the devil
than with her “earthly father”, Billy Ray.
Rihanna was caught telling children in
Barbados that “if Jesus hasn’t answered
your prayers, try praying to Satan.”

Just last week, Chelsea Clinton told her
Twitter followers that Satanism is a
“religion” that deserves “respect.”

There are those in the esoteric realm who have understood ancient methods of
causing change in the physical world through their intentions and rituals.
Sadly they have used this power in the dark arts and it has caused
the worst aspects of humanity to thrive, which has been their intention."
Britney Spears has been living in Los Angeles since the early days of her pop
stardom, and still owns a house in Thousand Oaks, California. But the
singer is increasingly looking to spend time as far away as possible
from Hollywood and the “nest of vipers” that she claims belong to
Satanic secret societies.

“Secret societies run the world and they have their own agenda.
Until you get up close to these people you really have no idea how
depraved the world really is.”

.... continued

edit on 3-9-2018 by radarloveguy because: xxx

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 02:10 AM
[a reply to: radarloveguy
"He was just so repulsed by the money hungry, power crazed elite.
The pedophiles and their networks.”
"Perversion and sexual rituals go hand in
hand with Satanism.Pope Francis recently
compared sexual child abuse to a “satanic mass,”
"They harvest the blood of children. They eat
their flesh. They believe this gives them life
force. If the child was suffering in body and
psyche before it died, they believe this gives
them extra life force.”
It’s a dark, multidimensional occult art and
practice, used by secret societies in the last
few hundred years for social programming and mind
control, and raised to a zenith by Hollywood in
America in our era.“
Jesus is ok. He’s boring, you know?
He gave Satan a bad rap. Jesus is
the goody two shoes with no life.
I prayed to Satan last Friday.
“The entertainment industry is the PR and
brainwashing branch of the New World Order,
the globalist empire of Lucifarianism,”
Carrey said, warning.
“There will be a strong push to normalize
Satanism in 2018.
Good old-fashioned devil worshipping.”
“ President Trump , Love him or loathe him,
he is allowing humanity to wake from its
slumber and see that the same few people,
the same secret societies, the f*cking
New World Order, are actively controlling
our lives and suppressing our true ability.”

“But people are slowly waking up.
It’s time to take back our infinite power
and fling open the doors of the mental
prison we have been encouraged to build
for ourselves. It’s not an easy thing to do,
but it’s time to walk into the light of freedom.”

"Behold, I GIVE unto you POWER to TREAD ON SERPENTS and scorpions,
and over ALL the power of the enemy: and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you."
- Luke 10:19

edit on 3-9-2018 by radarloveguy because: xxx

edit on 3-9-2018 by radarloveguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 02:34 AM
powerful thread OP , that everyone needs to read.. tons of info there, and well put together. Not sure I buy into the shapeshifting thing... but so much of it ..I do.

Here’s some more interesting stuff on Satanic rituals involving children in Hollywood.

Child Star and beloved American icon, Macaulay Culkin gave an interview to a radio program in Paris, France last December. Promoting his new movie with Seth Green, Changeland, the Home Alone star shattered all expectations when he recounted his #MeToo experience. Describing the skin crawling practices endured at the hands of Hollywood’s most powerful, the actor blows the lid on institutionalized pedophilia.

In his graphic account ushering in the holiday season, Macaulay Culkin describes scenes of national and political elites committing vile acts. The most influential people in the country are sacrificing children in a ritualistic Satanic murder cult. The skin of a slain youth is worn like a hunting trophy.

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 02:56 AM

originally posted by: Sheye
Not sure I buy into the shapeshifting thing...

Thankyou for the input , will check that out shortly .

As for the reptilian thing .....

I can tell you from my own experience , these things are real .
I met one a long time ago , that changed into an upright walking , talking crocodile
right in front of me ., then back again , a minute later . That person is a pillar of society still , ...
and no , I'm not telling who it is , ... I value my skin the way it is .... normal !

edit on 3-9-2018 by radarloveguy because: xxx

edit on 3-9-2018 by radarloveguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: radarloveguy

Truth can be stranger than fiction, and I have no reason to doubt your word. Must have been a spine chilling experience..😳

edit on 3-9-2018 by Sheye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: Sheye

Yes , it was a scary experience , and I still bear a scar ...
over 50 years later !

Is this planet a battle ground between good and evil ?

Is star wars real ? ( can Luke Light sabre their agenda ) ?
Is the moon a death star ? ( even though it gives us tides and weather ) ?


posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 07:17 AM

Satanic rituals and human sacrifice, especially
of children, are performed on a vast scale
and involve some of the most famous politicians,
business people, media owners and entertainers
on the planet."

That's a broad statement, wheres your proof? and give us some names.

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 10:07 AM
Do you have something concrete to put on the table OP
or do we not get more then this confusing miz maz of random quotes from shady clickbaite sites ?

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 10:25 AM
Well, Jesus is the Morning star, a Daily Prophet, and the Sun.

So do they beleive the ancient primordial serpent concept of the human brain? The original Hebrew Cupid, yet Zeus powered predicting the forecast version of Satan, or Antnon Lavey branch of Satanism.

Then what's with all the Owls?

edit on 3-9-2018 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-9-2018 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-9-2018 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: radarloveguy

originally posted by: Sheye
Not sure I buy into the shapeshifting thing...

I can tell you from my own experience , these things are real .
I met one a long time ago , that changed into an upright walking , talking crocodile
right in front of me ., then back again , a minute later . That person is a pillar of society still , ...
and no , I'm not telling who it is , ... I value my skin the way it is .... normal !

So you create an expose' on ATS; don't you think someone on this site just might be a member of a death cult and track you down just for the fun of it.

Ever heard the expression....."discretion is the better part of valor"

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 06:42 PM
Thanks for this thread! This is exactly the stuff I have been researching and it seems most people do not understand that this transcends politics. There is a whole nother side of all this "esoteric" stuff that you NEED to know. The positive aspects. One thing is for sure, when you think you got the whole picture, you aren't even close.

I urge everyone to study this stuff. Spirit science essentially. All this ritual and magic stuff, a year or 2 ago I would have laughed but the more you look into it and "how" it apparently works, you begin to understand what tptb are doing and how they are doing it more clearly.

Have a great night!

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 03:15 AM
Here's some testimony from an ex Illuminati insider ...

posted on Sep, 5 2018 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: radarloveguy

Here's some testimony from an ex Illuminati insider ...

Ohhhh. I get it! This is a parody thread! Well played then. Before you cited "Doc" Marquis I thought that you really believed what you were writing for a minute. I mean, nobody can actually use this guy as a legitimate source based on his insane claims. Of the alleged 8 assassination attempts on his life, he only claims to have reported the first one but can't recall to which agency or municipality the report was made to. Nothing odd about that right? Or the fact hat he knows all these amazing illuminati secrets yet "they" still allow his YouTube videos to persist. In the 19's he claimed to have a half a million dollar bounty on his head yet he took no extra precautions, never went underground and into hiding with the alleged bounty and a whopping 8 assassination attempts on him. For such a powerful organization, you would think that if they actually existed, the satanic snake people would be a little more efficient, no?


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