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40 yrs ago: 3 Popes ruled the Catholic Church one after another along 3 months

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posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 09:41 AM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

1978 became in History as one of very few years along its 2000 years of existence in which the instability become the rule on the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church, three different Popes ruled over it along just three months period.

In August of 1978 H.H. Paul VI died after almost 15 years of pontificate, he was the pope that ended the Vatican II council, a fundamental internal reformation carried out in order to modernize Catholicism. Some of those changes were liturgic, like to say the mass in modern tongues instead of the traditional Latin, other were giving dispensation to priests and clergy that wanted to move to the secular life, many decided to marry, something that for centuries was Not allowed to anybody that had already taken vows. Other Changes included the removal of the penalty of excommunication to the Free Masons, perhaps that was the most controversial of all.

Giovanni Batista Montini as a Cardinal was considered among the liberal ones, he had even frictions with H.H Pope Pius XI and H.H Pius XII for their closeness with fascism during the after match of WWI and the turbulent years of WWII. He suffered an attempt against his life by 1970 at Manila, Phillipines International Airport in which possibly he was stabbed by a mentally disturbed Bolivian Artist.

Cardinal Albino Luciani, H.H. John Paul I, was elected Pope in a conclave that was extremely divided among conservative and liberal cardinals, some willing to go back to the reforms of the Vatican II and others wanting to implement them even faster, a person that projected an aura of openness, optimisms, simplicity, and sympathy for the poors and the convinced of the need to restore to the church its original social vocation, he was the first Pope that decided to don't be crowned, he ordered investigations of multiple financial scandals related with the Church, in particular the one of the Ambrosian bank, in which possibly mafia had in-filtered their banks.

He surprisingly died of heart attack at just 33 days of pontificate, although his personal physician along years assured he didn't suffer of any heart ailment. Many Conspiracy theories have emerged around his mysterious death, specially since Cardinal Jean Marie Villot, whose links with former freemasons have been disclosed along years, didn't allow to practice any autopsy to the body.

Finally in October of 1978 Cardinal Karol Wojtila, H.H. John Paul II, the first Non Italian Pope in five centuries was elected to ascend to the throne of St Peter, a conservative man coming from what it was then a Communist country, he was destined to be one of the Pontifices with longest realm along History, 27 years.

He was the Pope that faced a difficult and in his opinion necessary expurgation in the LatinAmerican churches of the leftist theology called of the liberation, that he accused to be a Marxist inspired one, as well as to have worked exhaustively to promote political reforms in the Communist Europe that in the long run collapsed those regimes and have established diplomatic relationships with USA and Mexico, two nations ruled by freemasons along the major part of their History.

He was the first Pope in many centuries to be seriously wounded in an attempt of assassination on May of 1981 by a plot arranged from the other side of the Iron curtain. He suffered another attempt a year later but fortunately without consequences.

During the last years of his Pontificate he opposed decisively the preventive wars against terrorism of George W Bush, a President of the USA that also claimed to be inspired or in direct communication with God. Suspiciously scandals of sexual abuse by clergy in the USA emerged from no where precisely in the after match of that confrontation between the Holy see and that administration, apparently as a retaliation for his opposition to the war.

Please check:
40 years ago: 3 Popes along 3 months.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 8/20/2018 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: The angel of light

During the last years of his Pontificate he opposed decisively the preventive wars against terrorism of George W Bush, a President of the USA that also claimed to be inspired or in direct communication with God.Suspiciously scandals of sexual abuse by clergy in the USA emerged from no where precisely in the after match of that confrontation between the Holy see and that administration, apparently as a retaliation for his opposition to the war.

So the exposure of rampant pedophilia among the Catholic priests, and the corrupt cover-up BY the Holy See of known sexual crimes against children was nothing but a conspiracy started by the Bush administration?

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: stosh64

Of course, never question a true believer about
Oh wait
Havnt thousands of catholic priests been prosecuted,M hasn't the church been under significant pressure
The scary thing, if the pope hadn't questioned Bush, does that mean the Catholic churches power would have seen these disgusting men who pretend to be Christians get away with their crimes for longer, the Catholic Church could have buried this evil from society for longer

"Scandals of sexual'abuse" that's such a cop out, that's denying reality.
Tell me honestly " the angel of light" do you seriously believe that sexual abuse didn't happen, that men forced to remain unmarried, unnaturally didn't commit the crimes they were convicted of, that your church is innocents?

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: stosh64

Well, without trying to excuse the responsibility of anybody, the fact is that in America we have seen scandals of paedophilia among many religious organizations happening periodically, involving pastors and ministers of many other denominations, and it has been even more common during the last decades among Jehova witnesses or Mormons than even on Catholic priests, but this includes also Hebrew Rabbis as well, without counting scandals even in the muslim community.

Please check:
Memphis Mega Church Pastor resigns for sex abuse

The epidemic of denial about sexual abuse in the evangelical church

Christian Ex-pastor sentenced to 18 years in child sexual abuse case

Who ever has no stain of sin please cast the first stone, Jesus used to say, and the giant webs of children pornography are controlled really by pretty secular criminal organizations, they are the ones corrupting the minds of millions of people connected to the web, the different mafias moving openly almost undetected from Los Angeles and Sn Francisco to New York and of course Miami, the so called capital of free sex.

Kenneth Star, the special prosecutor against Bill Clinton in the Lewinsky scandal recently became the eye of the hurricane in a a huge sexual scandal involving a lot of under age people in a famous educational institution, Baylor University, he ruled in Texas as their President.

please check:

Kenneth Star leaves Baylor after Athletics Sexual scandal

Is the scandal of Pittsburgh really exclusive of the Catholic circles? we must amnesic to think so, the Penn State University scandal is still too much fresh to assume that, and the sport coach and assistant trainer of their football teams were not related at all with the Roman Catholic Church.

Please check:
Penn State Athletics Sexual scandal first of his kind in Pennsylvania

If we are going to clean the society of this terrible crimes we must begin by unmasking the hypocrisy at all levels, Don't you think so?

This is something that runs well above any denominational circles, it is a moral illness of America promoted by underground organizations, that have found the way to enter without permission to every home in America through their illicit activity on the web.

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 8/20/2018 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: The angel of light
a reply to: stosh64

Well, the fact is that in America we have seen scandals of paidophilia among many religious organizations, involving pastors and ministers of many other denominations, and it has been even more common during the last decades among Jehova witnesses or Mormons than even on Catholic priests, but this includes also Hebrew Rabbis as well, without counting scandals even in the muslim community.

Who ever has no stain of sin please cast the first stone, Jesus used to say, and the giant webs of children pornography are controlled really by pretty secular criminal organizations, they are the ones corrupting the minds of millions of people connected to the web, the different mafias moving openly almost undetected from Los Angeles and Sn Francisco to New York and of course Miami, the so called capital of free sex.

Kenneth Star, the special prosecutor against Bill Clinton in the Lewinsky scandal recently became the eye of the hurricane in a a huge sexual scandal involving a lot of under age people in an institution he ruled in Texas as their President.

If we are going to clean the society of this terrible crimes we must begin by unmasking the hypocrisy at all levels, Don't you think so?

The Angel of Lightness

Nobody said the Catholic Church has a monopoly on sexual exploitation, promoting and protecting pedophiles, as well as covering it all up, but they sure do lead the pack. I just can't believe that there are people that actually still belong to that most disgusting organization.

The idea that the Catholic Church was set up because of their holy quest for peace is just ludicrous. I guess you have to find some form of rational for advocating such a creepy organization.
edit on 20-8-2018 by pointessa because: added

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 04:05 PM
NVM, not worth it.
edit on 8 20 2018 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 05:56 PM
Your level of arrogance is stupefying, your Christianity is shallow

As a Christian, on behalf of any Christian church, Protestant, Catholic or whatever I acknowledge and am ashamed of the way adults in the church have treated children.

This evil has permeated all forms of society but within the church it's especially disgusting and needs to be acknowledged firstly, repented of privately and publicly, exposed and then civil justice and compensation need to be offered as a form of repentance.

Not because the church is blackmailed into that position because of wars, because it's our personal responsibilities as Christians

Listening to you, TAoL, is why the Christian church deserves to be held in contempt and should suffer the ridicule it does from secular society. As Christians we are not called to change society, just ourselves and each other, yet you deny Christs teaching about holding a brother in Christ accountable.

It makes me sad to think this evil of satanic proportions was covered up and only exposed because of politics, not the love you claim your church has for Christ and fellow man.

Talk about these popes like they are Gods gift when in fact they are a curse on humanity standing over unthinkable sin

And you still can't see it right in front of your face?

Oh and just as an aside, no one is casting stones, what we are doing, asking is you acknowledge the sin, not deny it, own your churches failings and show some love and compassion to those poisoned by your churches behavior. Cast the first stone? I think it is justifiable to see the end of a religion that has harmed so many.

If your church has an attitude to deny its own evil and hold other's accountable, then the it deserves to die

edit on 20-8-2018 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

After centuries of different groups trying to destroy the church, they finally succeeded in gaining control of the highest offices. Much has been written about Masons, communists, and the mafia but maybe the worst harm was inflicted by the flood of homosexuals and pedophiles after Vatican II. When the scandals began, and continued on, complaints by parishioners were dealt with by lectures about how there is a shortage of priests worldwide, the average age of a priest in Italy is 73, etc. The people were assured priests were going to jail for this when in reality, they were just transferred elsewhere.

Many Catholics fell away from the church, some felt we had a false pope. I'm not sure the problems are solved even today. The current pope is controversial.

The Catholic church has had problems over the centuries and has usually recovered from them eventually. We may still have a long way to go.

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: stosh64

Tell me honestly " the angel of light" do you seriously believe that sexual abuse didn't happen, that men forced to remain unmarried, unnaturally didn't commit the crimes they were convicted of, that your church is innocents?

I personally believe, and this is my own opinion not church policy, I personally believe that priests should be permitted to marry. As I understand it, some orthodox priests are allowed to marry, only bishops must remain celibate. This would go a long way toward solving the sexual problems. It also would help alleviate the priest shortage.

As far as I know there is no requirement in the Bible that a priest be celibate. Jesus was not married but some of the apostles may have been. "Do we not have the right to take along a believing wife, as do the other apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas?" 1 Corinthians 9:5

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: toms54

dont want to be pedantic but
"...You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." (1 Pet. 2:5). Thus, all Christians are of that holy priesthood and can offer spiritual sacrifices to God. All have the right to go directly to God through Jesus Christ, our High Priest (Heb. 4:14-16).
So as I see we are all priests who can directly communicate with Jesus, we dont need human authority

But YES. Catholic priests should be allowed to marry, I believe that its important and "would go a long way toward solving the sexual problems".
Even Bishops should be allowed to marry

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

There is paedophilia among a lot of marry people, criminal statistics around the world contradict the claim that this is boosted just by celibacy.

It is overwhelming the number of personal computers that have been found by police in large companies, banks, other important institutions where even executives take this perversity as a way to get 'fun'.

In some Muslim countries there is a tradition of prostitution of adolescents in places where people go to drink tea or to get massages, that is not rare in Turkey, Egypt, Morrocco and other places in eastern Mediterranean.

I honestly believe that there are other factors with heavier weight in the Equation of spread of Sexual perversion on the world right now than the fact that People can or Not marry.

There has been always asexual people, that is something confirmed even by studies on Sexuality, they are part of the Human diversity, they have been traditionally the candidates preferred for religious careers.

This is not exclusive of Catholicism, celibacy is practiced also among Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu or other Christian denominational monks, and this has been done in the west since the times of the Ancient Essenes of the Death sea even three centuries before Christ.

Of course, the asexual population may be is not large enough to absorb all the needs of religious vocations in the world, and I don't see why priests can Not marry at all, why to have that requirement as a mandatory vow?, but again the principal vector of these terrible crimes is a sick sexuality that is been promoted by criminal organizations along decades.

Deep throat was a film in early 1970s, at that time it trigger a huge reaction of the decent people since it was promoting a deviated way of sexuality, and it was so weird for that time that it was chosen as a nickname for a hidden informant inside the white House in the Watergate scandal.

On today's standards of what is circulating through pornography that is nothing, we have surpassed decades ago the point on which mixing the digestive system with the sexual was seen as disgusting, masochism or sadism are common topics of the porno industry around the world, as well as the prostitution activity in large cities.

It is the irresponsible and corrupt Industry of Pornography as well as the underground world of prostitution, so linked with the bars scene in large cities, who is spreading this moral ailment in America and the part of the world that is under our sphere of influence at an exponential rate thanks to their use of the web.

Now, it comes to my attention the unusual amount of sexual scandals that we have seen in 2017 and 2018 in America, how many important careers have ended in the media?, people that once were so respectable as Charlie Rose, Matt Lauder, Don Hansen, Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, Harvey Weinstein, etc . what have these journalists in common with the Catholic Church in America? apart of the sexual misconduct obviously?

Well, check what party, what campaign and what candidate they opposed in 2016, and who they are every day trying to expose or discredit in the News.

Possibly by doing that you are going to find a key element to understand why the Pennsylvania Great Jury is coming now to talk about scandals that occurred decades ago and No body before was interested even to discuss at all?

By the way Where was the Great Jury of Pennsylvania when all these crimes occurred or were still fresh and moreover legally prosecutable?

where were them when the criminals were still alive to be stopped and punished by law?

where were them when Penn State won several National Championships with teams arranged over a sexual harassment motivated training system?

The truth is that America is being falling apart under the effect of two very negative forces:

1) a false liberalism that wants to make us believe anything that can be trade is moral and acceptable, that includes not only Cannabis but also people as sexual merchandise in the market, and,

2) a false and hypocritical Moralism that is trying to launch witches hunting just for political reasons but they have been remained passively contemplating this same corruption for decades without doing nothing to stop it effectively.

The responsibility that all this criminal activity was not solely of the criminals alone, or the superiors that must report them to the authorities, it was also of the criminal justice system that was not watching carefully what was going on in the society on time before all the terms for applying justice expired. The shame and discredit over the Pennsylvania State police and criminal system on this is as large as it can be over the local Catholic hierarchy, but the most guilty are probably who corrupted the minds of those priests hidenly, through the underground action of the Porno 'industry'.


The Angel of Lightness

edit on 8/21/2018 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

Don't care
A married man has a wife, she may hold him accountable, check up on what he is doing, how he is doing
Marriage is not just sexual, marriage is a relationship between two people

As for problems out side the church
It doesn't seem to me that you recognise the evil in the church, only deflect to secular society
Christianity can only be responsible to itself, we can't change other people, we can change ourselves

It is a terrifying tragedy that you are blaming the secular film industry for the actions of priests who by their own actions defile themselves and others
I hope people see and read what you are saying, denying responsibility

Even worse, these monsters are protected by the church leaders and have always been, just like you are doing here
edit on 21-8-2018 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Well, I don't know what is your personal problem with Catholicism, but this have not occurred in the garden of Eden by the way, and definitively the people involved in the issue were not Angels of the celestial court.

This drama occurred in Pennsylvania, a region of the country that unfortunately has been shaken with other extremely grave sexual scandals similar to this one in the last years that had nothing to do with Catholic circles or institutions.

Please check:
Sexual harrassment scandal Philadelphia Fire department

This is a cultural problem that reveal that there is something extremely wrong in the way of thinking about personal freedom in a society that has reached an extremely materialistic orientation along the last decades.

Please check:
School Teacher ,the son of a Pittsburgh Rabbi, suspended for Sexual Abuse

Sexual perversions reveal a gap in ethical values, but it has nothing to do with the religious formation of the people, You can Not condemn all the people that believe in God, or all the ones that are spiritual, putting all of them in the same category, for what these few sick people have done, such a generalization would be absurd.

These scandals occur when persons that possibly were good citizens and relatively innocent people at some point of their lives became contaminated with anti-values that are circulating in the same society they live all the time.

It is not possible to take these priests out of context, isolate them of the society they grew up, the same society their parishioners come from, from the prevailing idiosyncrasy of the towns and cities they were living in for years.

Please check: Pittsburgh Popular restaurant owner charged of Sexual assault

Their victims were also Catholics, they also shared similar fundamental values, but if we are going to trust all these accusations they didn't provoke these situations, they were not boosting this behavior at all, they became scandalized for something they never expected to experience in connection with their religion.

The sexual predators in the other side of this business were Not just only Catholics, they were in the first place American people subject to all the influences that exist here, the same that have been proven in the past to cause similar issues on other cultural communities among the great human diversity of the nation.

Even the Authorities have recognized that the Church as an institution provided access to their own private archives, showing that they collaborated in the criminal investigation the best they could, they were willing to determine the extent of personal responsibilities, individual responsibilities in the issues.

I have been very objective in my remarks, I am not coming as attorney of anybody accused of crimes, your claim is pathetic, and you have completely misunderstood my motivations.

The only persons that possibly I am trying to protect here are the common people that are Catholics and are extremely emotionally shocked with this scandal, like the Catholic parents that are raising their families and they are trying to handle the so difficult task to explain this situation to their children, without harming their confidence and self steam, because religious values are essential part of their cultural identity.

Irish, Italian, Hispanic, French, Philipino, Vietnamese or Polish Americans are traditionally Catholics and they in general have contributed a lot along centuries to the construction of this society, based on the same principles that you are viciously attacking here.

They also have right to be protected of the irresponsible predation that sectors that have been always hostile to Catholicism are boosting in this situation, to defend fundamental part of their minorities identity.

It jumps out of the page when one read the articles posted this week in newspapers or the web about this scandal that functionaries of the State of Pennsylvania are trying to wash their hands, like Pontius Pilate, in their responsibility for omission on applying effective justice on time in the situation, this at expense of the Catholic church reputation, trying to splash all the guilt in that institution like if the role of a Bishop means to be also a Sheriff, District attorney or a Judge.

pls check:
Penn State Sexual abuse sport Scandal

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 8/21/2018 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

The problems of the Catholic church is an ongoing one for the last thirty years. Further it is international. For whatever reason, management decided to allow a huge number of sexually maladjusted priests to join and then tried to cover it up. Was it done on purpose to destroy the church? Who knows?

It's only related to the "me too" phenomena tangentially. Many of these people were molested in their teens but never come forward until they are in their 30s or 40s. They claim it was traumatic so why wait so long? Too long for anything meaningful to be done about it.

I don't lay the blame on police. I don't know of any evidence they covered anything up. One priest in Pennsylvania was charged today for sex with a minor. Charges announced against Catholic priest in Pennsylvania

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

My problem is with people like you who try and point at others sins and deny your own and then claim Christianity

Catholic Church was and probably still is a paedophile ring and protects its own
As a Christian I am smeared by your unrepentant, boys club and it's shameful actions

It's only difficult to explain when the church denies, hides and remains unrepentant to its crimes
Your popes, oversaw these crimes and hid them
You keep pointing at secular society and their failings, well that's moronic, secular society doesn't claim Christian values like many in your church do
They don't follow Christs teachings

Stop justifying evil

posted on Aug, 22 2018 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Really? these are crimes that are against universal accepted ethics, since they even violate human rights, so there is No way to justify, as it seems you are now trying, the negligence of peoples that may be not Catholic and are also responsible for omission of their duties here, just because they are Not Christians.

For your information Negligence in to perform a public office is determined not by looking at what Christian morality says, but at what the federal or State Law determines.

Child abuse, Child Prostitution or Chid pornography are federal crimes, they are not just transgressions to Christian values.

am I justifying anybody guilty here? Of course Not, to the contrary I am probably enlarging the number of parts that must be investigated and perhaps prosecuted or have liability in to compensate economically the damage, including the State.

I am just remarking that there are Not all who are guilty in this case, many parts that are also responsible directly or indirectly are washing their hands smartly by splashing all the dirty water on only one single institution when this is a much bigger issue that comprise an entire region and perhaps several other ones of a nation. We must face the reality America is experiencing an epidemics of Sexual immorality affecting the entire society.

Please check:
Los Angeles Prosecuting second case of Sexual assault of an Oscar winner Actor

Indeed there was moral damage to the victims of the abuse, but how about the moral damage those bad priests have done against the institution that gave them the opportunity to work for? they have compromised the entire corporation by acting individually and breaking the terms of their contracts with it against the principles ruling their jobs.

Who is going to pay compensations? are the criminals going to do so? that is very unlikely, who are going to indemnify the victims is the Catholic church as an institution and behind it of course are going to be the common parishioners that support it financially of course.

This is as absurd as if you have a company, lets say a restaurant, you hire employees and one of your cookers contaminate in some way the food and then people become dead or severely sick, but not just one time or occasionally but along 4 decades!!. Then after 40 years, when possibly the negligent employee is already retired or passed away, authorities come to say that the Restaurant was the only or main responsible arguing that the whole company probably was arranged to kill people!! This of course hiding the fact that the employee might have violated protocols of the company in his action and also that the government has the responsibility to inspect periodically the business that they have granted license to offer services to the community, that is basically your claim, as upside down as it sounds.

I am not Justifying I am exposing the double moral on what the great jury has said this week. I have brought enough cases to expose the reality behind this so hypocritical witches hunting, mentioning key cases that show I am right, there is a systematic terrible failure in the application of justice and prosecution of criminals along decades in the State of Pennsylvania making the region fertile territory for any kind of sexual crimes.

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 8/22/2018 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2018 @ 03:09 PM
I suspect that if it becomes obvious that a Pope isn't going to work out, the bureaucracy of the Church has all kinds of ways of getting rid of him nice and quietly.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Look, I think is Not fair to try to splash all the dirty water over a person that is located thousands of miles from here, the Pope in his good will logically has to trust in somebody of his subalterns in America, for him it is extremely difficult and disappointing to realize that the corruption schemes are reaching the top of the local Hierarchy.

I think it is too much to ask for the resignation of the Pope when his only fault was to have given the benefit of the doubt to people that were in extremely important positions on the Church in America and that he might showed some minimum of respect.

Please check:

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano must accept in first place that his own words clearly show that he was also aware since very long time of the situation and he never publicly before requested an investigation of his superior Cardinal or asked for his resignation as now he is doing with the Pope. There is not a way, at the light of his own claims, to deny he knew of what was going on and he decided to remain in silence and only now he is acting in a very opportunistic way to blame the Pope for something was also his responsibility, even more directly since he was here all the time as a representative of the Holy see.

Vigano writes that he told Francis about the allegations: "Holy Father, I don't know if you know Cardinal McCarrick, but if you ask the Congregation for Bishops there is a dossier this thick about him. He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance."

Vigano words also clearly show he was a supporter of the conservatism of H.H. Benedict XVI and possibly his difficulty to accept or his open rejection of the liberal points of view of the current Pope is also affecting his opinion about how this crisis must be handled and who must assume responsibilities over it.

After all the Pope is not a dictator, the Roman Catholicism as it was defined by his predecessor H. H. Benedict XVI is a very diverse and large federation of National churches.

Thanks any way for your participation in the thread.

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 8/27/2018 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

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