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Found kitten! More than likely abandoned

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posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 10:42 AM
I took my early morning walk (next to no traffic to contend with... 4:30 AM), and on the way back, I heard this tiny noise. As I got closer to the source, I discover this kitten wandering the sidewalk, screaming his head off.

First thing I did was try to grab him. He proceeded to sink his teeth into the meaty part of my hand, right where my thumb muscle is. OW. I finally yanked my shirt off, gathered his cranky, frightened butt up, and got him home, shirtless and swearing thanks to the holes in my hand, which were now throbbing. I got him fed- he had enough food for 2 cats, no kidding- he sucked the water out of the bowl in record time, and FINALLY calmed down so he could be petted and handled properly. Wife says he's about 10 weeks old. So far, the other 2 cats we are the staff of approve, for the most part. I'm keeping him in a box, since at his size, he can very easily wander off, and get stuck or worse. I do let him out, but under supervision.

I do not appreciate the type of person who more than likely dumped him off in the middle of the night (my walking route takes me by the same areas, and it was a quiet night- it took me 15 minutes to go past, turn around, and head back). My ex boss did that with MY cat. Dumped him off under a shelf I had outside by my door, sick, screaming his head off, and then claimed 'he must have walked there'. 10 week old kittens do not have a rep for taking long walks.

Anyways, we are now +1 cat. The first, FIRST thing out of my 5 year old's mouth, who has been claiming one of our MALE cats is pregnant for months when she saw the kitten:
"Sabertooth had his baby!!!"

I nearly ended up on the floor.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 10:51 AM
He may have litter mates in the same area. Might be worth a check.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 10:52 AM
Good for you !!! Helping the baby kitten !!! ..... And what a beauty !! Now you need to have a name contest.... I really am happy when I see people helping animals in need .

a reply to: wylekat

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: wylekat

Sometimes you end up with new family members when you least expect it.

My Lazarus was 3 weeks old and feral when I rescued him 21 years ago. I am sure he used up his nine lives a long time ago and has been stealing lives from some of other cats.

Sabertooth's baby is too cute. Congratulations on your new family member.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 10:58 AM
Wish I found him sooooo cute.
Good on you being a decent soul.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: wylekat

I have rescued 2 kittens so far...we watched a stray die of poisoning 7 years ago, didn't want my daughter, who was 4 at the time, to watch it happen again.

Marshmellow was the first. When I was electrocuted....yes, I died-could be a whole other thread about what I saw, I got out of the hospital, and he would not leave my lap until I was up and about again. He got real sick 2 years ago, and I held him when they put him down, crying like a baby because I could not help him like he helped me.

Of The Kitten is number 2. He tolerates my daughter, now 11, likes my wife when she feeds him, and will NOT stop being my shadow. Awesome thing is, he plays fetch....on his terms. I need to stand where he wants, and he will fetch until he is done...usually 2 hours or so. And dang!...he is a mouser. He loves me so much, I wake up 3 times a week to him dropping a bloody, (both in the literal and British sense), mouse on my chest.

Rescues become the best pets you will ever have, if you treat them right. As an owner of three cats, and I see that is where you are now, I know he will love you. Remember, cats choose you, not the other way around.

Now, I just wonder how the 3 of them are going to feel when I get my brown and black spotted great y'all can't guess what his name will be.....

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 11:19 AM
Sounds like he simply may be a feral cat. Went exploring and got lost. And I find bicycling at night during the summer is great. No traffic and the road is all yours.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: schuyler
He may have litter mates in the same area. Might be worth a check.

I would hope so- but I haven't found anything as of yet. Maybe a future walk up the road in the morning will have them pop up.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: theatreboy

Now, I just wonder how the 3 of them are going to feel when I get my brown and black spotted great y'all can't guess what his name will be.....


posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: theatreboy

Rescues become the best pets you will ever have, if you treat them right.

Even when they don't get treated exactly right- mine has had to put up with various moves, a baby, ending up outside after he decided to go chase his g/f (SHE up and decided to run out the door), showed up a week later looking really awful.

And dang!...he is a mouser.

You know what mine does? A mouse was dead, the previous female cat killed it. I find him sitting next to the body, looking at me with "Well- are you gonna dispose of it or not?!". *I* catch a mouse. I dangle it in front of his face, and I swear- he looks up at me, I felt I was mentally patted on the head, and told "That's very good, human! Good job!" I tossed the mouse outside, and gave my cat *the look*. He sauntered off to clean himself.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: ntech
Sounds like he simply may be a feral cat. Went exploring and got lost. And I find bicycling at night during the summer is great. No traffic and the road is all yours.

For a feral, he warmed up to us darn quick.

I like not having to dodge people who think they and their couple thousand pounds of metal need to be trying to drive over me. It's when they head across the double lines to where I am walking that gets me. :/

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: wylekat
a reply to: theatreboy

Now, I just wonder how the 3 of them are going to feel when I get my brown and black spotted great y'all can't guess what his name will be.....


You got it!

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: wylekat

Keep him away from your other 2 cats until you get him to the vet to be checked.
I can say with 90% certainty that he will have worms.
Hopefully not feline HIV or anything else associated.
And yes that is a thing.
Get him to the vet or turn him over to a no kill shelter.
He will get fixed, vaccinated and put up for adoption in no time.

But honestly I hope you keep him so we can follow his journey.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 12:48 PM
We just had a little female dumped, very small runt. Took her to the vet after trapping and she was pregnant, they have to abort kittens in the middle of a spay job, got her shots and de-flea-ed.$200! Brought her inside to heal but she went bat crazy and would never settle so a couple days of hell while she refused food or water I had to send her outside. So now we feed to feral cats we had spayed after someone dropped them at our place.

We have no place that takes them here if they are feral sure hope they don't keep coming the two hate each other and life in the yard has lost its peace!

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: wylekat

ending up outside after he decided to go chase his g/f (SHE up and decided to run out the door), showed up a week later looking really awful.

I hope they are spayed and neutered, all of the death out there and disease with so many breeding everywhere.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 02:15 PM
When my best friend worked in an animal shelter, a lot of people would drop off feral cats for “rescue” (which is pretty stupid because nobody is going to adopt a wild cat, and all it did was give the staff a terrible time handling the cats until they were put down).

She came up with a program where the ferals were fixed, given shots, and released into old barns where people wanted mousers. It worked so well, she started trapping ferals intentionally for the program.

So if you end up with a feral (and untameable) cat, and you live in a rural area, talk to your local farmers, somebody would probably appreciate a barn cat if its fixed and has its shots.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 02:26 PM
Kinda tugs at your heart strings and at the same time makes you want to do bodily harm to the douche bag that dropped it there.....if that's the case, and you find out who abandoned him.....hit them one time for me & my felines.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: wylekat

Suppose the cat accidentally got out and now some child is crying for their lost kitten.
You may want to put up a sign where you found him and let people know in case someone is looking for their pet.

It is kind of you to take care of the baby though.

We got our little Mia the same way. She was wandering around the parking lot at the mall. There were two of them but after getting her to the car with the same results of needle teeth puncturing my husband's hands when he went back he could not find the other one.
edit on 862018 by Sillyolme because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: wylekat

Suppose the cat accidentally got out and now some child is crying for their lost kitten.

Considering the little fella tried to take a chunk out of his hand when he first attempted to pick it up... I think the more logical assumption would be that its a lost or abandoned feral kitten, rather than someones lost pet.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

Would it hurt to put up a sign just in case?

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