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Mandela Effect - Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE

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+20 more 
posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 02:38 AM
Do you remember Stouffer's Stove Top Stuffing?

I do.

The label had "Stoffer's" at an angle on the top of the box with "Stove Stop Stuffing" below it. The box colors were nearly the same as the Kraft brand - but Stoffer's was a heavier font and angled.

This is no crap - I got a box of Stoffer's stuffing when I was on a cooking kick - I looked at the box on the shelf and had the thought that the label had an "Aldi's" feel vs the more refined Kraft brand next to it (I bought it anyway).

There is an immense amount of 'residue' - tons upon tons of people referencing Stouffer's Stove Top Stuffing in recipes etc - but no images.

As usual, you can find many articles with an image of Kraft stuffing but with the text of "Stoffer's"...

(they give calorie info for Stouffer's stuffing, but show Kraft)
For some reason with the Mandela Effect you get constant examples where the title in the HTML is what we remember - but the photo, byline and text is changed. It doesn't have to do with the code of the page though - because it's prevalent in Newspapers too - where the paper is archived as an image - so the image in a newspaper will be a sale ad titled "Stouffers Stuffing" - with a Kraft box.. though they're combined.

Stouffer's didn't merge with Kraft...

Stouffer's didn't drop their stuffing line..

This doesn't have to do with memory...'s not minor, it's not a mistake..

..and it's not lexicon from nothing.

Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing has simply never existed.

So where did all these people get Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing from? They didn't just make it up out of thin air.

Why do I remember two distinctly different boxes right next to each other - even the direct thought "Stouffer's stuffing looks cheap compared to Kraft"?

I don't have an explanation as to how or why this is happening - but I know it's very real. I'd like to talk about the how and why - but we should agree it's actually happening first before we try to 'solve it'.

Surely some of you remember Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing very clearly - I'd like to hear your experience.

+9 more 
posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 02:43 AM
1st instinct ,, I absolutely remember stouffers stove top stuffing..

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: Pearj

Pretty sure Stouffer's is moreso frozen stuff.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 02:45 AM
Some of you freak out a little when I don't respond as fast as you'd like..

..So let me say it's very late here, I'm going to bed - but will check back tomorrow.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 02:49 AM
This one makes me go HMMM. Im curious where i got the obvious faulty memory from?

Stouffers stove top stuffing sounds right to me lol. Have I been Mandella effected?

Is there a shot for that?

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: Pearj

I sure remember it,I was a single parent,bought many a box of it with my limited cooking skills as far as side dishes

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: Pearj

no images

Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing has simply never existed.

I remember it as Stouffer's not Kraft. That's weird!

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:04 AM

originally posted by: Pearj
Do you remember Stouffer's Stove Top Stuffing?

I absolutely do. When I search for Stouffer's Stove Top Stuffing (or "Dressing") it does not come up. What comes up instead is Kraft Stove Top Dressing, as if the search engine knows that is what we mean by " Stouffer's Stove Top Dressing/Stuffing." The same deal on amazon.

For me, I discovered this last Christmas season. I was grocery shopping and when I looked for Stouffer's Stove Top Dressing (which was always custom in my family,) I was taken aback to see a ton of boxes for dressing which all looked exactly like Stouffer's Stove Top Dressing: the red box, exact same size, same basic image concept on the cover. But it said KRAFT. I was unsure what the heck was going on, if Kraft had bought out Stouffer's or if this was another annoying Mandela Effect. At this point it seems pretty clear that it is.

Why on earth this ME stuff happens with such tiny, trivial details is beyond me. It reminds me of the godlike figures in the original Star Trek series where they were all depicted as an overgrown child playing with godlike powers. Such a powerful being/force could do so much good for our world, or so much evil, but instead it decides to change the most petty and pointless of things, as if to see if we notice, or to mock those of us who notice.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: Pearj

I just remember Stove Top stuffing. I don’t remember if it was Kraft or Stouffer’s. Stouffer’s sounds right though, Kraft Stove Top stuffing? That definitely doesn’t sound right. LikenInsaid though I remember it just being Stove Top stuffing, no Kraft or Stouffer’s.

+7 more 
posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:08 AM
Yeah.... this one's got me scratching my head.

Stouffer's stuffing is/Was a real thing. Convincing me otherwise will take some doing.

Source: Thanksgiving prep at grandma's house.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: Pearj

Keep a look out for Stouffers lasagna, I LOVED that stuff, bought it all the time, just had it a few nights ago

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:10 AM
I heard Bronies no longer exist, they are now in fact, Ponybois.

Ponyboi gang, gang.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
I heard Bronies no longer exist, they are now in fact, Ponybois.

Ponyboi gang, gang.

This explains why I got dirty looks at the last convention. I thought "whattup my bronies!?" was the proper greeting.

It all makes sense now.

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:25 AM
dude i'm bugging out.
Kraft changed the timeline.
I definitely remember stouffers stove top stuffing

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:30 AM
a reply to: Pearj

Your confusing mac and cheese with stuffing or you have seen their breadcrumbs . Stovetop was originally owned by General Mills.Craft purchases it later and rebrands it. stouffers however, did make flavored breadcrumbs that people used to stuff Turkeys which probably why you got confused.

+10 more 
posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: Pearj

Okay here we go. This is the commercials I remember. I remember it being just Stove Top, no Kraft and no Stouffer’s.

I believe this commercial is from 1980. Stove Top was owned by General Foods.

Okay here is a commercial from 1996 and this is after Kraft bought General Foods and acquired Stove Top. It seems they just kept the commercials “Stove Top” instead of adding “Kraft” to the name which makes sense.

It seems to me that Kraft just didn’t put their brand name on the box until well after they bought the Stove Top brand. I wasn’t able to pin down when Kraft started putting the name Kraft on the box but I didn’t research very long. Perhaps someone could figure that part out.

I say mystery solved, at least for me anyways. It’s as I remember it. I remember it being just Stove Top and that’s what it was until sometime after like 1998 or so they started putting the Kraft name on the box. Everything seems to line up for me.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:37 AM

originally posted by: xBWOMPx
a reply to: Pearj

Keep a look out for Stouffers lasagna, I LOVED that stuff, bought it all the time, just had it a few nights ago

Heck yeah, I used to buy that all the time too! I need to get some of that again haha I’m gonna get some next time I go shopping, thanks for the reminder!

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:41 AM
I remember same as the op but never used the stuff so likely wouldn't have noticed for years. I remember hearing commercials for it. So it never existed here? It must have been quite popular years ago where we existed because there were lots of commercials for it. I think maybe as common as Kraft macaroni and cheese at one time. I'm kind of wondering if someone is pulling my leg saying it never existed.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: orionthehunter

Read my post two above yours

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 03:58 AM
Definitely remember this one. I think it's very telling we all specifically remember it being stouffers brand, instead of everyone remembering different brands such as campbells in one post, and betty crocker in another.

Something has influenced us to collectively remember it as stouffers, and whether the cause of that is completely mundane (such as it being called that in a movie, or some such), or something bordering on science fiction is a mystery.
edit on 22-7-2018 by Lulpin because: (no reason given)

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