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What are the Differences between Socialism, Communism and your own words.

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posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: amazing

Are we OK with it?

Have you asked every single person if they are OK with it?

Or are you just assuming everyone is?

That's socialism. It is called the common or collective good, but it's really an assumption made that it provides mostly good stuff to most people. The ones who are hurt by it or who don't want it are ignored, but they still have their money taken by force for it just the same.

The evil is swept under the rug and never addressed.

But why hate on Nordic countries if we live a nordic model ourselves in the US? I still, really think we're a long way from a socialist country, despite being hijacked by two crooked parties and large corporations we do have a strong democracy.

If I pay taxes and I do, I would rather they go to healthcare, education, infrastructure and wellbeing of our disabled and elderly. Instead the government has 700 military bases, about 3 dozen alphabet agencies that we don't need, a black budget, congressional salaries and benefits, corporate bailouts, military hardware for our police forces and on and on and on.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: intrepid



Communism...very Bad...


Nutshell speak...

edit on 14-7-2018 by YouSir because: it was a capital idea...

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: intrepid

All are the revolutionary pipe-dreams of impoverished minds.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: intrepid

There is not really any difference between them.

The top 1 percent have all the real power and the remaining 99 percent fight for the scraps.

The same is true for every ism.
The only difference left is how you fight for the scraps.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: amazing
I mean if the nordic countries are socialist than so

Nordic countries and places like Denmark and the Netherlands are high taxation economies and use to tax to redistribute wealth. In developed countries, redistribution is often manifest in a generous welfare system. The redistribution of wealth is a socialist goal.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: intrepid
Anarchy is wholly misunderstood. Its is a temporary state. It exists only during the vacuum between ruling authorities over a people. Because once you have a ruling authority, there is no more anarchy. However, that is not to say that a stable society cannot exist as long as the bureaucracy stays intact during the anarchy.

Currently we are in a state of anarchy in the USA as one ruling power is attempting to usurp another in the background of rich families that govern the people and the power of the USA.

Socialism is the government forcing you to have services you may not want because it is supposed to be good for everyone. Or policies that remove your choice because allegedly they are good for everyone. This is different from fascism because fascism removes your choice for the good of the state, and then says that benefits everyone. Like ACA individual mandate.

Socialist policies include plastic bag bans, gun free zones, mandatory annual emissions test for your automobile, single serve beverage volume limits.

HOA's and deed restricted communities are fascist not socialist in nature.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: intrepid

A little humor...a lot of truth. Enjoy Gulch.

You have 2 cows.
You give one to your neighbour

Catchy quote.

Randian fantasy.

Consider the source. A bitter woman (on benefits) that couldn't get over her perceived privilege being worthless.

Her books are fiction. I think we call those cults 'Cargo Cults'.
edit on 14-7-2018 by FyreByrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: intrepid

Socialism - The most misused misunderstood word in the history of mankind. Socialism is when the government owns and controls nothing and the people own and control everything as a collective. There is no government except one of the people, by the people and for the people in Socialism. In Socialism every corporation is owned by everyone who works at the corporation. A system where inventors, investors and workers negotiate how much each group gets to take from the net profits. A society that still rewards invention and entrepreneurship and empowers the working class. A system that has never been tried.

Communism - The government owns everything even your ideas. No motivation or incentive to invent or invest. Most often Comunism is forced through facism but either way it lacks the motivational factors for growth and sustainability.

Anarchism - A form of no government where the governed will eventually enslave the anarchist who refuse to help society even though they claim a right to take financial gains from society.

This thread is proof that most people have no understanding of Socialism even though for some reason they believe they do.

edit on 14-7-2018 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 01:33 PM
Socialism is Communism light or Communism without guns. Under Socialism there are no perceived consequences for one's actions & no incentive to work. Under Communism consequences for one's actions are decided by an authoritarian figure, regardless of law & guns are used to force people to work, since there is no incentive to work. Government controls means of production under Socialism/Communism.

Anarchy is society without government rule, where the most powerful or most heavily armed control the weakest.

Libertarianism is the people controlling government. This is what our founding fathers intended for us. Violence is only used for self-protection under Libertarianism & no force is used to collect taxes. Taxes are voluntary under Libertarianism.

Fascism is our current form of goverment, where corporations control goverment. We have been under Fascism since 1913, when the private owned Federal Reserve Bank was illegally created. In 1917 the Trading With the Enemy Act was created to suspend the constitution through emergency war powers (known as NDAA today). Roosevelt suspended the constitution in 1933 by declaring a National Emergency, through the Emergency Banking Act, which amended the Trading With the Enemy Act to include U.S. citizens. Congress unconstitutionally gave the FRB the power to regulate the weights & measures of money. It hasn't done this since 1971, when our country went bankrupt and took us off the Gold Standard. Every dollar one makes today is worth less tomorrow. The dollar has lost @ 90% of its value since we went off the Gold Standard. A Fed member named Prescott Bush helped fund Hitler's rise to power. Every economic downturn & war since 1913 was caused by the Federal Reserve. If we weren't in perpetual war, the constitution would have to be reinstated & all the unconstitutional federal alphabet agencies, departments & laws would be eliminated & power will be given back to the people in accordance with the constitution.

Imo, Libertarianism is better than Fascism but Facism is better than Socialism/Communism & Anarchy.

With technological automation advancing, I believe what we need is a UBI (Universal Basic income). If all social/welfare programs were eliminated, each citizen who is over 18 & who doesn't receive a federally funded pension could receive a UBI of @ $20K per year. That's how much money is currently being wasted through government social/welfare racketeering programs. They could then use this money on basic needs like food, shelter, health insurance & education in the free market. This can be done without raising taxes & people could receive a UBI regardless if they have a job or not. This would also deincentivise single parent households, since 2 parents would receive double the UBI vs one parent. I believe we should also offer people who turn 18 the option to get their tubes tied for $10K, when they sign up for federal selective service.
edit on 14-7-2018 by JBIZZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
This thread is proof that most people have no understanding of Socialism even though for some reason they believe they do.

Indeed it is. It's spelled out to them time and again, often by the very Europeans they taunt (who are undoubtedly laughing and pointing at the freakshow of morons here) and yet it's still willfully misunderstood.

American propaganda works, I'll give it that much. It's made our people utterly stupid and unable to recognize something without the propaganda definition. "That's not manure we're feeding our people, it's....bland Nutella, honest."

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
Socialism - The most misused misunderstood word in the history of mankind. Socialism is when the government owns and controls nothing and the people own and control everything as a collective.

What you go on to describe is Marxism aka communism as mostly understood. The common mistake is confusing the two.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 02:07 PM
First, I am NOT a socialist or a communist, I am an anarchist

There are many Offshoots and "strains" of Socialism and Communism, from "State" to "libertarian" and revolutionary and also "market - non-market etc but for the most part, Socialism was the "Transitional Period" between Capitalism and Communism, the "Dictatorship of the proletariat" where socialism would naturally render the State, and Capitalism worthless and dissolve into Communism

socialism would be more focused on the 'economic system' whilst communism is more focused on the economic, political and social platforms

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his deeds (socialism). From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs (communism)"

Communism which calls for the abolishment of the State/government, Monetary system, classes, etc also the workers controlling the means of production, a horizontal direct democracy or community consensus

this is an ok write-up on the differences between socialism and communism, and how "communism" would require the abolishment of the State and CApitalist institutions, and how socialism could work within

"communism" is just a reformist approach with "leftist" language, it will still be hierarchal, and authoritarian because even Kropotkin who wrote what is considered by many as the thesis on "anarcho-communism" called for mandatory work. even direct democracy or "Community consensus" just sets the stage for Populism and "shady politics"

Now, anarchy.

anarchy is the negation of Rulers of all kinds, from people, political, economic, society, civilisation, domestication, morals, ethics, religion etc

anarchy doesn't exist on the "political spectrum/scale" it is (should be) as much anti-leftism as it is anti-rightism

anarchy doesn't call for a reformist approach, it doesn't advocate a new economy or social platform, but the complete liberation of the unique, the individual.

anarchists are as much of an enemy of communism as they are of capitalism.

now there are those "anarchist-communist" or as we call them "Reds" or "social-anarchist" who seem to cling on to the leftism and its toxic politics, liberal identity politics and advocation of "communism" and "social-revolution" only to install a new "anarchistic society".

those anarchists can be among some of the most authoritarian while claiming to be "anti-authority"

if we look at the timelines of anarchy, we have those social-anarchists who have been influenced by Marxism, and "Communism", Kropotkin, Proudhon, etc who hope to build an "anarchistic society"

and then the Individualists, egoist and Nihilist anarchists who have been influenced by Stirner, Nechayev, and later on, Novatore, Filippi, Di Giovanni, Vivani, Ravachol, Galleani etc ( I can name names forever) who are anti-civilisation, anti-society as both are systems of domination and authority

but, now more "modern" anarchy, especially so-called "American anarchists" is horrid, most "American anarchists" are just Liberals who want to seem more "woke" and Radical, focused on identity politics and some tired "communist utopia"

it is a watered down version of "anarchy" that attempts to appease the masses while holding hands with leftism and liberalism cloaked in some "radical slogans" and signs...

if we look around the world, Chile, Greece, France, Mexico etc their anarchy is much different and more aligned with the anarchy of old (not to sound nostalgic)

the "Black" (not race) vs the "Red" anarchists have been going on for centuries and continues to this day.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Brywilson2

You forgot the part in your first paragraph above where the people gaming the system or relying on it to cover for their own bad choices hide behind the ones who legitimately do have a need for society's compassion. There really is a place for us to provide for people who cannot do on their own, but there are far fewer of them than people in the system.

I agree, and apologize for my mistake.
But.....I see so many game the system, and the 10% or so that i see have a legit need, fall thru the cracks.....
The scammers kinda colored my thinking, sorry......I actually posted another thread about this, about myself and my wife.....but you likely wouldnt wanna read it, I was torn to shreds there.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 02:54 PM
In my own words...

Communism: Everyone is considered officially equal despite obvious differences in intellectual or physical ability. You're not allowed to have private property. The government gives you what they think you need to survive. Even your home, clothing and food are not yours, they're the government's. The government is a dictatorship. Everything is shared equally, so communism only benefits those on the lower half of the ability spectrum, as in the smart and strong suffer for the dumb and weak.

Socialism: Differences are recognized. Private property is allowed. The government is usually some form of democracy or republic. Services such as healthcare or financial assistance are dispersed evenly by the government, even to people who have never attempted to lift a finger in their lives to work despite being able to, so like communism, the smart and strong suffer for the dumb and weak.

Anarchy: No official federal, state, or local government. Communities decide and enforce laws and punishments as they like. Natural selection, the strong will prevail over the weak. Equality absolutely DOES NOT exist.

Communism: Everyone is completely equal in every way whether you like it or not.
Socialism: Everyone gets access to the same things whether they deserve it or not.
Anarchy: Do what you have to to survive, if you can.

How did I do?
edit on 7/14/2018 by trollz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 02:56 PM
The people who believe that socialism is the same as a government service or group of services are naive at best.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: Isurrender73
Socialism - The most misused misunderstood word in the history of mankind. Socialism is when the government owns and controls nothing and the people own and control everything as a collective.

What you go on to describe is Marxism aka communism as mostly understood. The common mistake is confusing the two.

Socialism is rule by the working people. They will decide how socialism is to work. To use the word “socialism” for anything but working people’s power is to misuse the term. Nationalisation of mines, railways, steel, etc. in a capitalist class society is not socialism, nor does this constitutes “the socialist sector of a mixed economy”. Such nationalisation in a capitalist society is simply a degree of state capitalism, with no relation to socialism.

Perhaps you should read Marx before claiming to understand him. But thank you for proving my point that many claim to understand a word that they do not comprehend.

Socialism has nothing to do with eliminating classes and private wealth. Although Marx saw Socialism as a path to Communism, Socialism is not Communism. Communism would only work in a society where all members believed that they had reached a technological cap. Communism is the elimination of classes and income brackets, a moneyless society. Where in my definition of Socialism was anything close to Communism suggested?

If anything my definition of Communism is off, because there is no ownership class, not even government in Communism. My definition of Communism was based more on the reality of Communism than the idea itself. Sense even in Communism someone has to be in control of production and that will likely be in the hands of elected representatives, aka government.

edit on 14-7-2018 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: amazing
I mean if the nordic countries are socialist than so

Nordic countries and places like Denmark and the Netherlands are high taxation economies and use to tax to redistribute wealth. In developed countries, redistribution is often manifest in a generous welfare system. The redistribution of wealth is a socialist goal.

But is it really redistribution of wealth if say instead of the military we put a couple of billion to healthcare or education. That's really all the nordic countries do, they spend tax money on different things than we do.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: intrepid

The big difference is that anarchy has no leaders or laws.

Do as you will is the whole of the law.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Well , dang, you pretty much answered the thread .

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 09:22 PM

originally posted by: CB328
Anarchy is no government, people can do whatever they want, and other people can do what they want to them.

Communism is complete government control of everything in society.

Socialism is a society with big government and big business, where government strongly regulates business and highly taxes everyone to provide a lot of social services.

Government is an idea – nothing more – this idea has caused untold death and destruction with all three.

Anarchy...our government rules with Anarchy, they do what ever they want mass surveillance, theft via excessive taxation, torture, assassination, foreign intervention and continuous imperialistic war around the world.

communism...monopoly. geographical area that claims the sole right to rule and the sole right to initiate violence against others who do not obey its decrees.

Socialism...removes the power of the free market and competition,user or consumer no longer has options Government Creates and Protects Mafia and Corporate Monopolies

We all know the famous phrase that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There’s no way around it

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