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UFOs in ancient art!

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posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 01:44 PM
A very interesting webpage dedicated to the phenomenon of UFOs represented through old paintings, mostly religious. What's awesome is that the phenomenon appeared all across the planet, no jsut in Europe, but through all Asia too! And just look at how the Franks were "defended" by UFOs against the Saxons...

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 04:35 PM
Nice link, there are some arts i have never seen before. Thanks man

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 04:55 PM
Pretty good, most of them have been on here but like Musclor said there are some we didnt see and thanks.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 05:41 PM
absolutely ridiculous. You would know that if you studied Art History. The whole page is nothing but a guy misunderstanding art and symbolism and then worst of all putting the context of the piece of work in modern day instead of when the work was created. This is why we can't take art out of our schools... lol we will have more people believing this junk.

Here is a good website someone made.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 07:43 PM
Thanks for the site. I've been looking for a site with UFO's in historical art. I saw a site like this before but then I haven't found it. I would LOVE to have a print of any of those to hang in my dorm room. To me, the existence of these paintings is PROOF that UFO's are real and disproves any theory about them being government test aircraft.

And to the above poster. It seems that the author of that site you posted is debunking the UFO's in the paintings by comparing them to other stars and angels in other paintings. What he doesn't realize is that UFOs and angels are the same phenomenon so he really is only proving their existence.

[edit on 20-2-2005 by joepits]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 08:07 PM

What he doesn't realize is that UFOs and angels are the same phenomenon so he really is only proving their existence.

Proof? Where did you find that out?

Also, about this silly "UFOs" in paintings thing. Give me one Art, History Journal that says that these are UFOs and aliens. Just one. When the artist did these paintings... Where did they say it was a UFO? Show me an art historian that says its a UFO (alien craft). And not some "nobody" on the Internet with no background on the subject doing an absolutely horrible Interpretation of what they want or wish it to be.

Don't get me wrong. I believe in UFOs and Aliens 100% but this is where I put my foot down and just start laughing when people bring these paintings up. I guess because I studied art for a bit and I know how to look and "read" them. I would suggest researching the time period, artist, and painting.

Isn't this website supposed to be about Denying Ignorance??

[edit on 20-2-2005 by andpau66]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 09:06 PM
Oh please shut up! You have absolutely NO proof that whats in these paintings is just symbolism. Its obviously symbolism of something and why not the possibility of UFO's? This is not about ignorance its about finding the truth. If you dont believe, WHO CARES?!?!!?


[edit on 20-2-2005 by CmptrN3rd5]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 09:52 PM
Actually CmptrN3rd5, I could prove it by give you some scholarly art journals, other paintings from the time period and artists to look at if you wanted the proof.

Seems that you are getting incredibly mad for no reason.

And about me not believing and WHO CARES? People do. Unlike you I guess would just let this stuff go without informing people the Truth and then make all of us here look like idiots when people who know this stuff come here and look around. Same reason why I would tell people that a UFO video or picture was a fake if I knew about it.

[edit on 20-2-2005 by andpau66]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 10:42 PM
But you dont know the truth! Sure you might have SOME art journals but that doesnt account for all the paintings and if it does then show me the "truth" about each and every one of those paintings!!!

[edit on 20-2-2005 by CmptrN3rd5]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 11:02 PM
Great Link, I've seen some of these before.
Some are a little questionable as to weather they depict any type
of flying craft.
Some of the other paintings though, I find it pretty hard not to see
some kind of flying object.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 11:19 PM
Anyhow, thnx for the links. I've also been looking for these anomalies in historical paintings for quite sometime now. They have been known to be depicted in the artwork of a vast number of civilizations, however they are frankly that put into symbolic reference. Meaning, what the artist percieves according to his/her level of awarness will be depicted according to what he/she can best understand with such limited comprehension in those days & times.


posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 11:27 PM
Whats weird about the 4th painting down is that it seems as though one UFO is chasing the other. Maybe some kind of battle? Maybe its the angels chasing the bad angels. That is awesome!

andpau66, please forgive me for my rude comments and for my yelling. I am sorry and I respect that you are searching for the truth as well.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by andpau66
absolutely ridiculous. You would know that if you studied Art History. The whole page is nothing but a guy misunderstanding art and symbolism and then worst of all putting the context of the piece of work in modern day instead of when the work was created. This is why we can't take art out of our schools... lol we will have more people believing this junk.
Here is a good website someone made.

You are damn wrong. Although (i admit) a few paints can be explained (like the one with the cardinal hat), others are definitivelly not. For example, for the madonna and child paint, it is said this is a representation of an angel, because it was probably what they thought it was, some kind of angel or god. It's just the interpretation they made at this time, nothing more. We can clearly see a flying saucer with a dome, windows and lighting all around it. Dont be blind man.
And even on paints where we can see some a man inside a cloud (here), it could be a ufo (just interpreted like this at their time).
Don't forget ufos and religion are closely dependant. Unfortunatelly this seems to be too much for some people.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 07:01 AM
This has been discussed here's more for ya

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 07:54 AM
The 'Jetson like skycars' are comets, not alien ships, look at the Bayux tapestry, it has a similar image of Halley's comet, looks the same but without the pilot, not a saucer, just a comet.

As for the others their not so easy, though the idea of the Sputnik lookalike beign a representation of the earth does make sense.

The Lenticular clouds image isnt one of Jesus and mary on a cloub accompanied by saucers, the 'saucers'are more clouds.

The 15th century fresco from Kiev isnt a rocket, its an image of Christ in Majesty, a method of drawing christ that dates back to the dark ages, the people cowering from him are cowering from his divinity.

Some of the images are interesting, though the continual reappearance of the 'hat' saucer suggests that it was a symbol of the times rather than a flying saucer.

And just out of curiosity, if all these flying saucers are everywhere in Rennaisance Europe why is it not written about, as the only written source the link provides looks suspiciously like a comet again.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 08:30 AM
its sorta funny that through out ancient history, there have depictions of 'god kings' flying in 'wing disks' using weapons of 'immense brillance' and 'lances of light'. writings, art and glyphs......but most researchers are so closed to this possibility that thousands of years of earths ancient history are considered merly writings of a basicaly paranoid, simple minded cultures that were not intelligent enough to acuratly depict what they saw.

why is it that things like the bible, with all of its miracles, are so easily belived but thousands of years worth of writings and glyphs are dismissed as absolutly ridiculous?? this, absolutly ridiculous...................

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 05:34 PM

could this be part of history on the pic? see the jesus and father painting .... seee that metlic round thing ?

very intersting if its true, to hell with god

[edit on 21-2-2005 by Mr Alexander]

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 07:00 PM
In religion and churches, most if not all people think angels were some people flying in the air on clouds or with wings just as most art depicts them when in fact they are the UFO's that we see today. Churches tend to deny and go against this theory when faced with the questions about the ufo/angel relation.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 11:08 PM

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 12:40 AM

I understand symbolism. But with the consistancey of the same symbolic represantation of "angels" in various art-works. It brings up many questions.

Why do the artists choose a metalic disc?

Why don't they go by the very defintion of an angel?

Angel: Quote taken from
A representation of such a being, especially in Christianity, conventionally in the image of a human figure with a halo and wings.

especially in Christianity

Most of these art-works depict Christ.

To me it brings alot of interesting questions.

If you would like to look into the possible presence of UFO's and/or another race through-out are time.andpau66.


The Pyramids (especially look at the weight of some of there largest pieces of stone)

Aztec "run-ways".

There are also many more things to look at in history that even now we cannot accomplish but mankind could several thousand years ago.

Im not saying your wrong, but look at the facts with an open-mind.


[edit on 22-2-2005 by Vorta]

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