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Islamic Terror boss urges west to "respect Islam"

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posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 01:41 PM
Ok here is the thread. Till we know more about the tape, we cannot say more.
One bit that makes me angry, is that he calls fo the west to respect islam, but says Islam will destroy the west and its way of life.

one rule for Islam, one for every body else?

[edit on 20-2-2005 by MadGrimbo]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 01:46 PM

respect us or we will kill you ....

respect us AND we will kill you ...

nice way to have a relationship..

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken

respect us or we will kill you ....

respect us AND we will kill you ...

nice way to have a relationship..

Yeah...looks like the hypocrisy goes both ways!

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 04:25 PM
This is stupid.

The sooner the west realises that its in a fight for its very survival, the sooner it will get to the chase ans start fighting back for ALL non- muslims.

Afghanistan..Remeber the 3rd century Buddah statues? destroyed because they say it was idolatry..
Women stoned to death in Nigeria, saudi arabia, afghanistan....
hands and feet cut off for thieving... The list goes on.

They want to destroy all that we have, all that we will ever have, because they cannot tolerate any thing but their way, and what They say...

Wake up Western World, before its too late.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 05:11 PM
A huge stumbling block is the wides spread liberal belief that all religions are essentially the same. So if one religion is good and just then all are good and just. This idea that Islam is a religion of peace is nonsense. Everything you people in the west are and have, Islam seeks to destroy. Islam is 10x as Bad as the KKK. Probably worse. Doubters need to tune in to Go get educated.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Kinja
A huge stumbling block is the wides spread liberal belief that all religions are essentially the same. So if one religion is good and just then all are good and just. This idea that Islam is a religion of peace is nonsense. Everything you people in the west are and have, Islam seeks to destroy. Islam is 10x as Bad as the KKK. Probably worse. Doubters need to tune in to Go get educated.

islam as a religion is just as "bad" as any other religion.
you cannot judge the entire religion and culture on actions of few men.

it is like saying that all german people are nazis:
not true.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 05:23 PM
I really hope that the majority of Muslim's are moderate and nothing like this. How do we know that most Mulsims dont say this stuff in public but agree with it behind closed doors.

Moderates may be the vast majority of Muslims but they are not making their voices heard if that is so. Perhaps this is just due to the way the media covers it. I hope thats true otherwise it would be very scary.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 05:36 PM
Nope. I beg to disagree.

If you ask any Muslim, any Muslim at all, if they would like sharia law passed in the country that they live in, they will say yes. Don't believe me? ask any canadian about shiria law and Muslims fight to get it into canadian law...

They want to be ruled as the law is stated in the Koran.

If you are a women in any Muslim country, my heart goes out to you.. If you are any other religion in a Muslim country, my heart goes out to you.

Notice any churches in Saudi? no? thats because they are illegal... notice any churches in Iran? no? thats becasue there illegal....

Notice hundreds of mosques in your country? hell yeah! They have to be tolerated, even given status higher than the Indiginouse population of their host country... thats because tolerance goes only one way with muslims. They want to be tolerated, and you and your false religion can go to hell.

The Koran stated clearly that all other religions are not to be tolerated.

so why, oh why, do we still tolerate their slow but sure march towards total domination of this globe?
Don't believe me? look at how many times the intolerant Islam has attacked Israel... and look at all the countries world wide that are fighting terror wars against Islamic fundamentalists...the list is long, and their cry for seperate islamic states is depressing... it shows just how intolerant they are.

[edit on 20-2-2005 by MadGrimbo]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 05:48 PM
I did see a show with a Muslim professor that said the West would be shocked if they knew the true number of Muslims that agreed with the views and goal of the fanatics.

He did say that not all go along with this stuff and was clear about that , but said its was vastly underestimated by people in the West.

One thing I find scary is that Mohamed Atta the head of the 9-11 Hijackers was not even radicalized in Egypt but infact it happened in Germany.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
I really hope that the majority of Muslim's are moderate and nothing like this. How do we know that most Mulsims dont say this stuff in public but agree with it behind closed doors.

Moderates may be the vast majority of Muslims but they are not making their voices heard if that is so. Perhaps this is just due to the way the media covers it. I hope thats true otherwise it would be very scary.

They are quiet because the moderate muslim does not have the Koran on their side, the fundamentalists have the Koran on their side. They really have no argument to make against their brothers. The more "Holy a muslim is" the more dangerous he is. Osama Bin Laden is revered around the world by millions. Millions! ...go get educated.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 06:06 PM
Are you implying that all of Islam is bad, evil, of hatred?
Do you understand that every religion has its fundementalist extremist? That they are a minority, not a majority?
That they do not speak nor represent the whole of a religion or its overall beliefs?

Education in tolerance and of a religion requires more than one linking a website, Kinja. Comprende'?


posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Are you implying that all of Islam is bad, evil, of hatred?
Do you understand that every religion has its fundementalist extremist? That they are a minority, not a majority?
That they do not speak nor represent the whole of a religion or its overall beliefs?

Education in tolerance and of a religion requires more than one linking a website, Kinja. Comprende'?


Father #1: I have a son and I am already preparing him for martyrdom, either mine or his. I tell him that Allah made a vast Paradise, and that in it are things that the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, things that a man could not even imagine. He asks me: 'If I carry out an operation and blow myself up, will Allah give me a car, a rifle to shoot with, toys?' I answer him, 'You will get everything you ask for.'

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 06:19 PM
Your avoidance of the questions only decieves yourself, not those who are viewing and understanding your 'message', Kinja.

Personally, I feel sorry for you, in more ways then you obviously see or know. Education must truly be selective in your neck of the woods?


posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Your avoidance of the questions only decieves yourself, not those who are viewing and understanding your 'message', Kinja.

Personally, I feel sorry for you, in more ways then you obviously see or know. Education must truly be selective in your neck of the woods?


Sir, all joking aside, you have not idea what you are doing with that keyboard. None. You have been so brainwashed to respect everything you come across, that you cannot identify evil in your face. What christian sect teaches their child that to blow themselves up?

I covered your position in my first post in this thread. You bring nothing new to that premise. You seem to be looking for any reason to not have to address the problem that 120,000,000 muslims are interested in destroying Western culture, with 1,080,000,000 reinforcements waiting in the wings. The holy war is inevitabe. Technology is forcing the 2 huge cultures together. They DO NOT MIX!

You dismiss the evidence but it is not isolated to any area, it is widespread around the world. One day you will have to confront it, and I am positive your position will change.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 06:39 PM
As much as I would like to disagree with Kinja, I can't. We see the incrementalism as Islamic radicalism grows in Europe. We see the conflicts in Asia, Africa and pretty much any area that Islam is expanding into.

Everywhere Islam is, someone is killing somebody because of it. Rather than adapting to the world, Islam seems to want the world to adapt to it. Rather than change itself to take in new knowledge and new needs in the world, Islam would throw all progress aside and take us all back into the 6th Century. They would have us all be slaves to a myth.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 06:39 PM
Fundamentalist Christians: the Amish
Fundamentalist Muslims: Wahabist

Obviously the same thing [/sarcasm]

[edit on 20-2-2005 by Kinja]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 07:04 PM

You have been so brainwashed to respect everything you come across, that you cannot identify evil in your face.

"Brainwashed" is a two way street, and may incorporate Religious extremism is a sect, a minority, and in no uncertain terms represents the majority, despite your impressive numbers.
Again, are you implying that all of Islam is bent on the destruction of the West? Again, despite your impressive numbers, does extremism speak for or represent a minority or the majority of Islam?

Ambient Sound:
According to what you have just stated:

Everywhere Islam is, someone is killing somebody because of it.

"Everywhere" implies where? Islam is the second largest religion in the world, with Christianity being the first. If one was to take what you said as absolute, then would it not apply to Christians, as well? Also, I remember reading back when Christianity sought to make the world adapt to it. Your assertion that Islam today is seeking the same is subjective, but to me, is incorrect.

Both of you are taking the words of a select minority as those representing a majority, and THAT is in error, a mistake, and indicative of intolerance. For Osama, nor "Islamic Terror" bosses, are representative of the whole, again, despite Kinja's unconfirmed and unverified 'impressive' numbers.

Are you BOTH indicating or implying that this particular "Islamic Terror Boss" represents the entire religion of Islam and those who practice it?


[edit on 20-2-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 07:22 PM
Although I do not believe in organized religion of any persuation and readily admit that crimes were committed in past centauries by zealots of religions other than Islam it does seem that the Koran is much more violent in its writings.

Maybe the difference is in the way the religion is taught at the madrassas in an extreme form. It is apparent that the majority of Moslems may not believe in direct physical action against the Kafir (non-believer) but it has also produced a much higher percentage than other modern religions of those individuals that will.

I would invite belivers in the Koran to elaborate on the meaning of the passages below.

The Holy Koran

Some passages from the Koran,

Koran 17:16-17
When we decide to destroy a population, we send a definite order to them who have the good things in life and yet transgress; so that Allah's word is proved true against them: then we destroy them utterly. How many generations have we destroyed after Noah? And enough is thy Lord to note and see the Sins of his servants

Koran 8:37
In order that Allah may seperate the impure from the pure, Put All the impure ones (Non-Muslim), one on top of the another in a Heap and cast them into Hell. They will be the ones to have lost

Koran 21:11
How many were the populations we utterly destroyed because of their inequities, setting up in their place other peoples

Koran 2:8-10
In their (Non-Muslims) hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease and grievous is the penalty they will incur, because they are false.

Koran 58:5
Those who resist Allah and His Messenger will be crumbled to dust, as were those before them: for we have already sent down Clear Signs and the Unbelievers will have a humiliating Penalty

Koran 44:43-50
Verily the Tree of Zaqqum will be the food of the sinful. Like molten brass it will boil in their insides, Like the boiling of scalding water Seize Ye Him and drag him into the midst of the blazing Fire Then pour over his head the penalty of Boiling Water

Koran 2:39
Those who reject faith (Islam) and belie our signs, They shall be Companions of the Fire and abide in it.

Koran 2:89-90
The Curse of Allah is on those without faith (in Islam) Thus have they drawn wrath upon wrath on themselves and humiliating is the punishment of those who reject faith (Islam)

Koran 5:33
The Punishment for those who oppose Allah and his messenger is : Execution or Crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land

Koran 9:35
On the day when Heat will be produced out of the wealth in the Fire of Hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their sides and their backs- "This is the treasure that ye buried for yourselves, taste ye then the treasures that ye buried."

Koran 8:50
If you could see when the angels take the souls of the Unbelievers at death. How they smite their faces and backs saying "Taste the penalty of the blazing Fire"

Koran 17:46-47
And we put coverings over their hearts and minds, lest they should understand the Koran, and we put deafness in their ears; when you commemorate your Lord (Allah) and Him alone in the Koran

Until such time as Islams teachers instill some tolerance and forgiveness in very public announcements I cannot disagree with the vigilance communicated by Kinja, I will not ever agree with a myopic view that all Moslems are bad though - just as I have pointed out select passages, believers could also find others that if concentrated upon, would promote peace.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 07:24 PM
The only difference that seperates muslim extremists from moderate muslims is their level of personal anger. Muslims do not integrate into other societies. They build their own society within societies.

Take the time and investigate, do not read propagana do not listen to propaganda... use your eyes. Make comparisons & Form your own opinions. Just do not blindly dismiss it all.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 01:27 AM
As much as I want to counter these anti-Islamic feelings with other religions with the same kind of extremism sect,I won't.Ignorance of the idea that every religion in the world has its extremism sect is truly intolerable.Read the old testament,torah,koran or what have you of any religions,you'll see my point.Furthermore,taking out passages without reading everything won't give you the big picture people.To understand someone's faith,you have to see the big picture.

Criticising a whole group because the acts of few is undeniably childish.

As long as your ignorance towards the understanding of religion remains,I shall speak no more.

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