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MSM Propaganda designing Social upheaval leading to US COLLAPSE Trump Tapped as perfect fall Guy

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posted on Jun, 23 2018 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou
a reply to: TheJesuit

I like and agree with your OP.
But to be clear there is nothing we can do anymore. Let’s just face the facts and live what remains of your life as pleasant as possible.

we the people just aren't mad enough yet.
as long as people still pay $7 for a latte, have social media, internet porn, gas under $4 a gallon, and free wifi while eating fast food, there won't be any uprising. to maintain control, keep the masses sedated with trash t.v. and highly caffeinated drinks. easy peasy.

posted on Jun, 25 2018 @ 05:27 AM
Take a good look at Google news stand, any MSM Outlet, any weekend interviews and tell me now how we're not heading for a societal collapse. It's So obvious now it's deafning please tell me there's a way back to CIVILITY.....
Well I'm predicting it now it's all fun and games until someone popular dies and outrage follows, Turns to riots and in turn to martial law don't think it can't or wouldn't dare to be done weeks.... months...your guess is as good as mine but don't you realize that's the goal......
edit on 25-6-2018 by TheJesuit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2018 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: TheJesuit
Take a good look at Google news stand, any MSM Outlet, any weekend interviews and tell me now how we're not heading for a societal collapse. It's So obvious now it's deafning please tell me there's a way back to CIVILITY.....
Well I'm predicting it now it's all fun and games until someone popular dies and outrage follows, Turns to riots and in turn to martial law don't think it can't or wouldn't dare to be done weeks.... months...your guess is as good as mine but don't you realize that's the goal......

Those who control the narrative will control the public's emotions. Unfortunate those particular people are the ones who are promoting uncivil discourse and violence against political opponents. It's also controlled by the democrat party. The only way to avoid a civil war, is to change the narrative and keep the democrats out of power.

posted on Jun, 25 2018 @ 08:08 AM
I really think it's controlled by money either side talks, looking at some of the lobbying actions going on the media is dribble for the masses the common guy/girl doesn't have time to delve into CFR changes that are being made to benefit the wealthy we're considered cannon fodder to the monetarily elite nowadays.

posted on Jun, 25 2018 @ 08:32 AM
Here's one for you from a lobbyist in DC

but clients get the benefit of our pooled strengths. Ideas and results -- far more than hierarchy or headliners -- matter.

posted on Jun, 25 2018 @ 07:03 PM
ARE there any questions that your not being manipulated by the MSM & politicians on both sides right now ?

It's devolved into something out of a high school cafeteria with every body screaming and no one take definitive action JUST ESCALATIONS ........

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 07:26 PM
So it's now 2019 does any one have any doubts as to weather this isn't really happening and you have a front row seat Some reports are the SOTU from the US President to the US Nation will be from an alternate location this year .....because politics.......... Are you serious? and you don't believe a collapse is in the works ?

posted on Jan, 5 2020 @ 06:22 PM
Nothing happens by accident. This was predicted from the start that Trump WOULD be impeached.
Trump talked about walls and gave unrealistic promises to his fans, then what?

The 'lock her up' campaign was over on 10 Nov 2016, the 'wall' are only fences , or a 'see through wall made of steel' ,as Trump himself said.

90 days into office Trump bombs Syria, 1 year later he bombs Syria again, and now Trump is having Iranians executed after Trump talked during the campaign about pulling out of wars. How many lies is it going to take?

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