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Flood is Coming - Watch The Water

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posted on May, 22 2018 @ 09:39 PM

posted on May, 22 2018 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
Who is Ed O'Callaghan

United States Acting Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General?

He will accompany FBI Chrisopher Wray to the Thursday meeting.
Why not Rod Rosenstein?

A. He's too embarrassed to show his face

B. He's now significantly compromised with new details emerging and dodging bullets

C. He stinks of swamp and no one wants to sit next to him

D. All of the above

edit on 22-5-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: The GUT

A. He's too embarrassed to show his face

B. He's now significantly compromised with new details emerging and dodging bullets

C. He stinks of swamp and no one wants to sit next to him

D. All of the above

I'll go with D, all of the above.
I'm hopeful that Thursday will lead to the release of documents.

If not, its time to impeach him or fire him.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: 727Sky
It is no wonder so many sheep hate Trump...

No offence, but I'd say that the sheep are the ones busy patting themselves on the back before the proverbial chickens have come home to roost. Me...I'm sittin' there with the popcorn.

Then you are not a sheep my friend.. I am basically the same way.. I just want proof before I start pointing fingers...except when it comes to the Clinton's .... I go back a long way knowing from trusted friends of the Clinton's corruption and total disdain for the average person on those who serve the country in uniform.

They are sick bad people and Hillary is the worse of the two. The secret service could tolerate Bill and his antics but had no desire to be around the wicked witch who was his wife. If those who flew Marine one were not so professional they would have thrown Hillary out the door at altitude when she started some of her filthy mouth crap.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 03:30 AM
a reply to: burntheships>>> And the left is starting to shuffle away from refusal to believe in pizzagate to now raising awareness on child abductions and abuse. So if the media is being activated on the issue that means they're trying to get on the right side of whatever is getting ready to drop. same was with the " Me Too" movement when politicos were outed and tossed under the bus. They tried to get Trump in that net but failed. And then they used Stormy and she in turn led them in deeper trouble when she was investigated and led them to some very vile people so that blew up on them. The Mueller investigation is going to leave trump unscathed but take down many top FBI and Justice Department officials and could lead all the way back to Obama and leave him bloodied and bruised. Hillary is fortunately politically finished so any fallout on her( except for the human trafficking which would still lead to prison for her) is not going to matter. 2018 may leave a stinking mess in the dems laps they have to explain and if not 2018, then 2020 definitely.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Ya Nah

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 05:20 AM
Its all getting pretty strange now. POTUS saying he wants the information he needs to drain the swamp. The swamp is saying they are not trying to undermine POTUS or his administration and point to the sixteen different investigations they have going as proof. I still don't understand why, with all we know at this moment, there are no charges filed against anyone.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 07:14 AM
I wait with glee when this all comes down but I always have reservations. Death threats from the deep state and their deep coffers of cash worry me. The Clinton foundation is not for helping economically depressed people but to make pay offs and control the media. It would almost seem that like in the old days it will come to fisticuffs on the senate floor or some thing of that nature. I pray the likes of McCain, Pelosi, Clintons, Bushes, and the host of others goes down the drain.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Dutchowl

It seems that the Mueller investigation has helped Trump
in some ways, mostly due to the fact that there has been
Congressional oversight to parallel and fact check.

Even a few news write ups on how Mueller might be helping Trump.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 12:11 PM
Flood indeed

On Friday May 11, 2018, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein stating Comey testified the FBI didn’t think General Flynn lied. Grassley also revealed Joe Pientka was the second FBI agent who joined Peter Strzok on January 24th, 2017 in an ambush style interview to take down General Flynn.

This appears to be trouble for comey,strzok, and mccabe....

So Grassley wants to see the notes of these people and he wants to interview the one agent who was there who was very, very, very serious about how Flynn did not deceive. That agent that he wants to interview is the agent who went to the Inspector General and complained about the conduct of Strzok and McCabe.

If that is true and the agent in question was the one to go to the IG then the "investigation" is just about over.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: shooterbrody the second agent Joe P the one that is ready to
testify on behalf of Flynn?

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: shooterbrody

Great Link, everyone please read that!

FBI Agent Joe Pientka who interviewed General Flynn plans to testify against Comey and McCabe, adds “It was all Comey” - OANN 5:11 PM - 23 May 2018

Here we go!

In the last paragraph of Grassley’s letter, he requests Special Agent Joe Pientka be available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff: Accordingly, no later than May 25, 2018, please provide: 1. The information requested in our February 15, 2017 letter, including the transcripts of the reportedly intercepted calls and any FBI reports summarizing them; and 2. The FBI agents’ 302s memorializing their interview of Flynn and 1A supporting docs, including the agents’ notes. In addition, please make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested documents.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 10:17 PM
ATS has once again proved the old adage:

If don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Month after month, I've watched ATS become increasingly lost up its own fundament. And we now see that ATS has lost its initial meaning and now can stand for nothing other than Another Trump Shill.

And #scaredyTrump unleashes his latest "bone spur" knowing that he has a cadre of sycophants willing to parrot that "bone spur" to anyone who will listen.

That it's later to be revealed to be just as phone has the initial "bone spur" is irrelevent as #scaredyTrump always has another one to unleash.

And lost in all this is any sense of ideology, justice or morality. It's just doe-eyed, Tiger Beat admiration of #scaredyTrump.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: Moresby

I find this type of post to be absolutely hilarious.

I outlined on the first page actual timelines and evidence of what this means.

And we get people like this, who smugly claim there is no evidence, and everyone who dares to question anything they agree is somehow a dolt and a sheep.

Meanwhile, you dont respond to one claim that serious people have laid out.

And so the beat goes on.

I take the time to go through and say why I disagree with people who posts anti trump things backed by evidence, or many times I agree with them.

You are your ilk have nothing to say, and so you seek to smugly smear people in hopes that it will somehow make you look like you are right even though you are adding nothing to the conversation.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: Grambler

You know its possible to dislike Trump and dislike the way in which his followers carry on without being on the other side, as in being a lefty.... Some people are just impartial ,all that member did was point out the obvious and you took it personally... Not only that but somewhat validated his statement.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Grambler

You know its possible to dislike Trump and dislike the way in which his followers carry on without being on the other side, as in being a lefty.... Some people are just impartial ,all that member did was point out the obvious and you took it personally... Not only that but somewhat validated his statement.

He said that people that believe this are sychophants that are just believing another "bone spur" story with no proof, and its all lies.

He offers no specifics whatsoever as he smugly pretends anyone who believes the OP is a fool.

Show me where I called him a lefty?

I said anti trumper, and I think his obvious disdain for trump and his suipporters is quite clear in that post.

There is nothing of substance there at all.

I did not take it personally, I merely pointed out that his argument was not credible, and was merely name calling and lacked any specifics, and yes, I do believe it should be pointed out and mocked.

Anything to say about the OP yourself or the post I made on the first page, or are you content to merely defend a trump hater who offers only vague attacks?

posted on May, 25 2018 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: Grambler

You wanna see something that is gonna be downright hilarious? Keep your eye on the Alabama Governor's race. Democrats are already salivating over Kay Ivey possibly being gay.

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