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The Mysterydecoder

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posted on May, 15 2018 @ 06:06 AM
This guy does some interesting work regarding crop circles and decoding their messages and I believe in a lot of what he is doing, so he has my kudos however he is 1 man and I am curious for more information on this subject so I've decided to post some of his work here. He often refers to Nostradamus's writings and prophecies but he dosen't go out of his way fear monger but he definitely has some ideas about armageddon and so on but in particular his work around the start of the new year he recaps the previous year and does predictions for the coming year and alot of it is eerily similar to some major events that go on. So please enjoy and share!

Most recent video:



Other work of his about Nostradamus:

An important video I want interested parties to see:

edit on 15-5-2018 by beautyofperil because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 06:36 AM
It´s the bifröst´s imprint, that´s about as plausible as the last video.

I mean, goto 8:10 in the video. You need good imagination to make that a plane with escape slides but then it´s a soccer football because it fit´s better to the rest.

Just shows it´s all interpretation up to the one stringing those "facts" together.

Only if you bought into it, so your ignoring all the things that don´t add up, it sounds plausible. Same with reptilian overlords, if you buy into it, you´ll ignore all the things that won´t add up.

That´s my 2 cents about cropcircles, I don´t know if there are genuine ones out there but THIS explanation is too far fetched for me. Way to far.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: verschickter

I understand, nothing ever is at it seems. I however firmly believe it is something much more complex than a simple explanation to this phenomenon. This lady has some pretty insightful information into them if you're interested in challenging your beliefs.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: beautyofperil

I agree, there are some eerie things happening with crop circles.

Watched the video, have to state, everything "blows" her away. I think I heard that phrase at least 10 times.

Some thing however stood out:
-Different stopwatch times. No info on that
-Where are the % come from (6% suspicious man made)

It doesn´t do the thing a favor to rattle down those evidences but never name the study or source.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: verschickter

If iirc it was her own study of the source.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: beautyofperil
a reply to: verschickter

If iirc it was her own study of the source.


Was it ever peer reviewed?

I fell for the whole "studies done and cannot be bent the way it without breaking" when I first came across it.

Its like many other claims made about alternative subjects that are done so in video fashion.

The videos/films are created using editing techniques to influence ones mind to accept whats being presented without further critical thought and skepticism.

This is done across the board with alternative topics and presenting these topics in videos.

All they are doing is following Hollywood and big budget movies editing techniques to try and match the right soundtrack to whats being viewed.

If done correctly, it can immerse the viewer so much so that they are almost in a hypnotic state and will accept alternative ideas more easily than usual.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

And where is all your peer reveiwed articles of this stuff you speak of like its fact. At least she studied it for 23 years and she is relaaying the information she had found. Isn't any cgi tricks here you can look it all up yourself.
edit on 15-5-2018 by beautyofperil because: lamebrains

edit on 15-5-2018 by beautyofperil because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: beautyofperil

And where is all your peer reveiwed articles of this stuff you speak of like its fact.


So I take it you don't know or that its a no, it wasn't per reviewed?

Video editing isn't a scientific theory made to be peer reviewed.

The psychological effects that editing techniques and use of colors and sounds have and has on the human mind is knowledge that has been theorized about and peer reviewed and is used everyday in advertising.

At least she studied it for whateve amount of years she said. I want to say 40 but it seems awfully high.

seeing as you have no idea and are just guessing about things you seem to get defensive about when only a question asked about her study then there really is no point in saying anything else.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: [post=23402698]InhaleExhale[/

I simply wanted to share with others interested in the subject and find more information. I wasn't being defensive in the discussion till I felt like they were making it 1 sided and asking for all this proof without offering anything in return.

The only thing I've no idea about is why you would enter a discussion to make a redundant point, nobody really knows anything about this phenomenon other than that it is a mystery and it can't be replicated appropiately when dealing with authenticity, I realize I am Thomas the Train engine in this debate with you guys but thats ok, you're free to disagree but you should refrain from making stuff up about me, it isn't necessary.
edit on 15-5-2018 by beautyofperil because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: beautyofperil

I simply wanted to share with others interested in the subject and find more information.

and people interested in the subject will respond, like I have because I have an interest in the subject.

you're free to disagree but you should refrain from making stuff up about me, it isn't necessary.

I know I am free to disagree or to agree.

What isn't necessary is the hypocrisy you just spewed with this above.

I made nothing up about you, not sure where you come up with that.

The only thing I've no idea about is why you would enter a discussion to make a redundant point

what redundant point?

what are you on about?

You said

if you remember correctly it was her own study.

To which I asked

was it peer reviewed?

To even go further, can anyone review her study let alone by scientific peers?

I wasn't being defensive in the discussion till I felt like they were making it 1 sided and asking for all this proof without offering anything in return.

1 word explains this quoted above.

Delusional, take it as an insult if you will,

chances are you will.

However, only 2 posters have replied, myself and one other.

No one has asked for proof of anything, no one has even asked for evidence of anything.

To repeat my question from before

what are you on about?

No one asked for proof.

Questions were asked but none were proof

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

I'm not playing this little game with you anymore I already knew you were a jerk from other threads just wanted to point out why you are and it isn't only because of your double standard issues.

But honestly I've supplied what I've wanted if you require something I didn't post look it up yourself, this isn't an interview or anything to do with my character so again making stuff about me isn't necessary and I do not endorse the fact that any of this is supposed to prove anything.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 10:31 AM

I simply wanted to share with others interested in the subject and find more information. I wasn't being defensive in the discussion till I felt like they were making it 1 sided and asking for all this proof without offering anything in return.

First, who is "they"? It´s only me and InhaleExhale here in this thread.
Second, what would we have to offer, you´re presenting the topic on a public forum on the internet. Why should those asking question "offer anything in return"? We gift you with critical questions, if everything is so evident you should have zero problems with it. Actually you should embrace such questions.

Yes you are being overly defensive, I think it should always be okay to point things out that do not match and was all I did. Otherwhise you get entrenched in theories and take stuff for granted / real without further fact checking.

For example, what I ment with the stopwatches:

She did not even tell what the difference was. Was it slower in the circle or faster, WHAT kind of delay are we talking here, milliseconds, seconds? That´s what I mean. Hardly scientific and by that I mean propperly documenting such findings.

And where is all your peer reveiwed articles of this stuff you speak of like its fact. At least she studied it for 23 years and she is relegating the information she had found. Isn't any cgi tricks here you can look it all up yourself.

This is not how it works. Extraordinary claims like that require proof, not dis-proof. Even if I or InhaleExhale or any other member have never done "study" in this field, you should be welcoming our questions.

You´re not doing yourself a favor trying to spin the burden of evidence on those who questions this or ask in-depth questions. Again, if this those "evidences" are so clear and non-refuteable. You should embrace it.

And I can only agree with InhaleExhale on the editing part. Part of my job required me to explore the field of hypnosis (and private interest) and subconscious programming / how it works. Music, colors, voice, pictures all those things sometimes go into your subconsciousness unfiltered.

That´s how "magicans" trick a worldwide audience that he can send telepathic messages when in reality he primed them with symbols and sentences before so most think of a "pyramid" or whatever.

Again, some crop circles are marvelous in the sense how accurate they are, some not.

And for the "heat", I´ve yet to see a thermal image from those alleged heat signatures.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: verschickter

So go find it yourself, I clearly don't care. I asked nicely for viewers to enjoy and share, you've shared nothing and didn't seem to enjoy.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: beautyofperil

I'm not playing this little game with you anymore I already knew you were a jerk from other threads just wanted to point out why you are

Um you haven't pointed out why I am a jerk.

But you seem to be doing a good job at derailing your own thread instead of simply answering or saying you dont know if was peer reviewed.

It wasn't a trick question,

Lets make this as simple as possible.

You said

If iirc it was her own study of the source.

I asked if her study is available or has been peer reviewed and provided my opinion of what many YouTube videos do to get the viewer hooked onto whats being presented.

You reply in a defensive manner saying I am making stuff about you and everyone is asking for proof.

Which was, the only word to perfectly describe it is delusional as I didn't make up anything about you and no one asked for proof of anything.

everything is posted for you and anybody to see.

and since you decided to edit a post and add this, may I respond.

Isn't any cgi tricks here you can look it all up yourself.

What CGI?

The editing techniques I mentioned?

as I already said, its using a sounds, like a soundtrack to a movie and when what you are watching gets intense so does the soundtrack and its the soundtrack that actually makes the whole scene all so intense and immerseful, and if you are immersed into what you are watching its easier to accept.

This was what I was talking about when I gave my opinion about video editing and techniques used in many YouTube videos pushing alternative ideas.

How you interpreted I made stuff up about you and that everybody is asking for proof when one question based on what you posted about her study was asked is beyond me.

But honestly I've supplied what I've wanted if you require something I didn't post look it up yourself, this isn't an interview or anything to do with my character so again making stuff about me isn't necessary and I do not endorse the fact that any of this is supposed to prove anything.

since you cannot stay on topic,

what exactly did I make up about you?

I have read all of my posts now a few times over and cannot even begin to comprehend where and what anyone could interpret that I am making things about them.

edit on 15-5-2018 by InhaleExhale because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Disregarded, not cooperating with you for my own reasons.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 12:02 PM
Remember other members/visitors I stick to my original plan for this thread which is just show something I find interesting and hope for the same in return, please don't be off put by the controversy. I encourage you to have fun and decide things for yourself, I've no agenda to make you believe anything.

I was once 13 years old on this site... a long time ago so I know someone out there is just exploring maybe for the first time and I want to reach out to newcomers like that as well as I strongly believe that everyone should be aware of this phenonemon!

So please enjoy and don't be afraid to ask but I prefer you keep it simple (and respectful), I am not gonna sit here all day reading texts, thanks!

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: beautyofperil

So go find it yourself, I clearly don't care. I asked nicely for viewers to enjoy and share, you've shared nothing and didn't seem to enjoy.

What do you want me to share if not my opinion? If you want brainless followers ATS isn´t the right place for threads like that. Maybe go to facebook, you will get thousand likes and very few people probably will ask critical questions.

But posting something and then when members ask further questions saying this like "go find it yourself"..."you´ve shared nothing". You know what, I actually looked for that stopwatch comment, no mention on her website

Nothing, nada, zero about that stopwatch experiment. One would think if something like that really happened, it would at least be on her site as part of her "study" and "evidence". Wouldn´t that keep skeptical people like me from questioning the whole video?

So, I shared that with you, any comment on that?

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: verschickter

kudos you did something yourself.

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 12:20 PM
And, don´t you find it curious that there is nothing?
Doesn´t that spawn some questions in you?

Are you that sold on her or will you try to keep an open mind like you expect from us?

posted on May, 15 2018 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: verschickter

I honestly just like crop circles, they are beautiful.

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