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From someone who thinks the Mandela Effect is thee biggest crock, for the first time i am at a loss

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posted on May, 1 2018 @ 01:21 AM
I hate the Mandela effect and I can't believe I am posting this forever tying myself to the subject. It brings so,much negative attention to conspiracy theory as a whole and what I really don't get is the willingness of the people who buy into it to ignore common sense. I mean, back in about 2003 or so I wrote a paper in college talking about how I hypothesized the exact thing would happen but I explained all of the different ways it would happen and it had nothing to do with alternate universes or metaphysics. For example copyright could cause people to slightly change a line before feeding it through the culture as a commonly repeated phrase. Magic mirror on the wall sounds wrong because Disney didn't release snow white onto home video except for a few controlled and limited timeframe meaning for a while, the only way you could have seen Walt Disney's snow White was if you went to the theaters in the 30s during the original run or during a 50s, 70s, or 80s rerelease meaning for most adults over 30, unless you went to see Snow White in theaters multiple times and decades apart, you had probably only seen it once meaning your memories of the story etched into your head come from the grimm brothers version in which the line IS, "mirror mirror on the wall..."

I guess I should follow my own paper and I can assume that this one is a simple fault of shoddy memory. But I can just hear the damsel in distress calling out for her love and hitting the bad guy with fists shouting his name. So I ask you...

What is the name of the big tough man who wears a sailor cap too and kidnaps Olive Oyle while Popeye and Wimpy track him down before knocking him out?

If you said, "aw shucks that's easy, his name is BRUNO," then you are wrong.

His name is Bluto.

Am I the only one who finds this a so called Mandela effect that I just can't be satisfied in saying, well I guess my memory aint all that," or do you feel that way too?

Are any other ones just too much to accept the logical explanation for cuz I have heard em all and I can reconcile with each being my memory's fault or some other logical explanation, many of which I knew wed begin seeing back in 2003!

+38 more 
posted on May, 1 2018 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

If it helps, I've always known him as Bluto.

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 01:31 AM
Theres quite a few Mandela effects that I buy into,
I remember Shazam
The kit kat logo has changed
JFK didnt have those extra people in the car when he was shot and quite a few others

However Bluto has always been Bluto, even thinking he was called Bruno makes me question your sanity

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 01:35 AM

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 01:38 AM
His name was bluto... No mandela me thinks just poor memory.

+12 more 
posted on May, 1 2018 @ 01:43 AM
Brutus, it was changed to Brutus later on.
I do remember that.

never Bruno though

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

Actually snow white is only magic mirror in English.
In every other language I've looked at it's mirror mirror.

And if you grew up in my childhood I watched it maybe 30 times.
mandela effects I think are 99% memory faults. false associations basically.

I have 2 personal ones I cannot explain. Well, one may have been that someone realized where an idea for a movie came from and had to change the whole movie to get away from the issue. Jupiter Rising. I saw the trailer for it in theaters. the font was white letters. It was supposed to come out that summer.. It never showed up, even google searching jupiter rising came up empty.. Then eventually I found Jupiter Ascending, when google linked the two.. It's font was golden alien looking with goofy symbols. In any case the movie didn't come out in summer, it was delayed for massive reworking, and came out in fecruary the next year.. No articles on the subject really got specific. I saw things covered up online.. So I think something weird happened not magical weird, business weird..

The one that bothers me is Tidy cats kitty litter. Here's why this specific one.
I had a kitty..

We took him to the pet store one day to get some kitty litter, and he gets to chill around the store and gets free attention and treats. So the gf was watching kitty (I think we had him on a leash lol) anyway the Tidycats, said Tidy cat.. Now this freaked me out.. I argued with my gf on the way home about how reality isn't real.. Reverbs just being crazy again.. I forgot about it.. blach blah..

Then one day this was after I no longer have the kitty. I was at my moms and now it says Tidycats again.. WTF..

See.. It changed, I said it changed, everyone said no reverbs it's always been tidycat.. And it changed back and now it's always been called tidycats.. At least it's back to normal.

Then I looked online for that one... Lo and behold.. That's one other people have changing and changing back.

or this one...

Tidy cat put in closet, then same box says tidycats

I got into a giant argument that it's supposed to be tidycats.. gf who is always right says duh it's Tidy Cat, just look at the box.. Then later at some point it switched back..

So whatever else is going on, I definitely experienced something well beyond memory issues.

By the way our change and change backs, do NOT match up at the same time for other people.
The internet almost seems to synch back things together though.. It gets weird like things you already saw on youtube, change like you cant find the old stuff.. Like you view a comment, then come back and the same comment was now posted at a later date..

Like the matrix is using error correction to make everything fit back into a seamless reality experience for the end user. Not everyone has the same error, so not every solution to that error is noticeable. Or in other words its like reality relies on you to believe in it. What if there is no spoon?

edit on 1-5-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 01:54 AM
I remember him as Brutus.

Either way I miss Popeye cartoons.

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 01:59 AM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff
Theres quite a few Mandela effects that I buy into,
I remember Shazam
The kit kat logo has changed
JFK didnt have those extra people in the car when he was shot and quite a few others

However Bluto has always been Bluto, even thinking he was called Bruno makes me question your sanity

Kit-Kat for you too! ??

I was supposed to be doing mundane movie night ya bastids, now I'm stuck in a youtube rabbit hole..

just check ATS one more time.......


edit on 1-5-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 02:10 AM
Never heard of Bluto.

I remember him as Brutus.

I too have not taken much notice of the Mandela effect, maybe I should.

Nowadays I have to prioritise which weirdness to check out next.

a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

Tuco The Rat

Just kidding. Bluto.

Names change in cartoons and stuff sometimes. Heck, even Captain Kirk was James Rice Kirk in one episode.

edit on 1-5-2018 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 02:32 AM
Bluto first appeared in the comic strip ‘Thimble Theater’ in the early 1930’s. Thimble Theater was later on renamed Popeye. Bluto then made the transition to the cartoons we all know and love and everything was happy and joyful until 1957 when the initial theatrical run of the cartoons ceased.

There was, incorrectly, thought to be a copywriter issue with Paramount so the characters name was changed to Brutus in subsequent theatrical, comic strip and comic book releases. If I had to wager a guess, I would have to assume that you had seen the cartoons, which weren’t normally played in chronological order once in syndication, and saw both versions in a relatively short period of time.

I know that 4 year old me was confused the first time I saw the switch back and forth and Bruno is a mashup of Bluto and Brutus. It makes more sense than a random jump in the space/time continuum leading to an instance of alleged Mandela Effect. Iccams Razor... the simplest explanation is usually the correct explanation.

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

I havent opened up too much about this stuff but....

First off, I would avoid,at all costs, labeling any experience you have like this as the "Mandela Effect." The label is an immediate intellectual turn off to most conspiracy folks and folks in general.

Do yourselves a favor and refer to it as what it may be: parallel realities.

Currently we have little to no idea how parallel realities exist and how to even comprehend it, our only "proofs" are bizarre experiences either ourselves or others have had. Its essentially all anecdotal, with a side of quantum theory and relativity.

I have plenty of experiences that seem to suggest that i have been through a variety of parallel realities. In fact, i think the worlds we perceive within dreams are parallel realities. Its all really not so different than television channels.

Considering this, I fully believe we humans are interdimenional beings.

One example ill share comes from a connection I made and a story from someone from another website. Ill summmarize...

He comes to the site and makes big claims, saying he has been in this particular reality for maybe 2 years (that was 2015). He claimed he was from a parallel reality where everything was essentially the same up until the mid 90's. The prime minister of Russia was different according to him, than this tineline. He went onto say that on January 25, 1995, nuclear war broke out. There was no warning and no one knew why, only that Russia launched first, and major cities around the world were left in ruins.

He didnt specify details as to how he arrived here with his family, but claimed he had never heard of the internet or smart phones, as they were never publically released and produced because of the nuclear war.

He was largely panned for the thread and very few believed him, still, others said they felt he was genuine.

I personally felt something odd about it all. That date too, it all seemed familiar.

I looked up January 25,1995 and sure as #...there it was.

If you search that date....its the closest we ever came to grips with a nuclear battle. On that date, Norway launched an ICBM research rocket to study the upper atmosphere. Due to its velocity, trajectory, proximity to Russia, and other characteristics, it looked exactly like a Trident, sub launched ICBM bound for the capital of Russia.

According to the story and reports, the Russians had the nuclear launch keys out of the briefcases and were about 3 minutes from launching a full scale nuclear attack on the United States.

Thankfully cooler heads prevailed and the truth behind the rocket in question was cleared up betwren the various countries via direct call.

Certainly one of the most harrowing unknown days of the last century, but it begs to question, is there a parallel reality where a different prime minister for Russia didnt wait those extra 3 minutes, resulting in a cataclysmic nuclear holocaust?

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

i have not seen the " cinema remake "

and its over 40 years since reading cartoon strips and watching teevee cartoons - but :

" bluto " was always the villian

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: CreationBro

have you heard of the quantum eraser effect? the decision in the future, decides the past, and then the past is seemingly "erased" and always was the future decision.

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: Reverbs
a reply to: CreationBro

have you heard of the quantum eraser effect? the decision in the future, decides the past, and then the past is seemingly "erased" and always was the future decision.

Vaguely familiar with the idea that the future manifests the past if you will, sort of similar to the quantum eraser theory. talks about how quantum eraser is used to enhance microscope resolution. Well, what about a telescope with quantum eraser technology. Could you...see further into the stream of light coming from stars, meaning, could the tech be used to view the surface of a planet 500 ly away, as it exists right now, and not 500 years ago?

edit on 512018 by CreationBro because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 03:05 AM
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all is in my memory because I was read these books as a child, in the 1960’s, didn't go to Disney movies. Those were more popular in America. So it depends on where you grew up. Disney changed it I guess.

I know nothing about Popeye

Probably comes down to what versions you first knew, before they were changed,

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: Reverbs
Jupiter rising was given a new name but I don’t know what to.
Just like the movie Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise was released in theatres with that name but was changed to Live Die Reoeat for DVD release.

Ok it was changed to Jupiter Ascending
edit on 1-5-2018 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: violet

Same here. "Mirror mirror on the wall, whos the fairest one of all" but that was years ago. Seems arbitrary to me.

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 03:36 AM

originally posted by: violet
a reply to: Reverbs
Jupiter rising was given a new name but I don’t know what to.
Just like the movie Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise was released in theatres with that name but was changed to Live Die Reoeat for DVD release.

Ok it was changed to Jupiter Ascending

no you didn't get it.. I saw the preview a month before it was supposed to come out.
I put a lot of effort into it. Both New York Times, and Forbes called it Jupiter Rising at the time it was coming out. A few REVIEWS of the movie did as well from reputable places. Even now I imagine you can find instances.

I am aware Jupiter Rising was the original name.

Did you read everything I wrote?
I said they changed it do to some reason.

This is now off topic as this is not a mandela thing I don't think, but since you insist..
MAny on ATS remember the Jupiter Rising as the official title in the trailers.
I had free movie tickets all the time any time so I saw it a lot.. Including right before it was to come out.

Youtube videos comment sections were heavily edited.. Everything was edited scrubbed and covered, but they didn't change the urls in many cases.. So you would click on something that you know used to be Jupiter Rising, and it would link to Jupiter ascending picture, but the comment below still said rising, as well as the url still said rising.

Basically they moved the movie back from august, to next year in february.. Claimed it was for massive graphics overhaul or something, and I imagine that's partially true.. They changed the name and had to change everything with the name.

I go much more in depth in other threads, and much more than you have time for.
I think it was copyrights again. Same guys who got sued for potentially stealing "the matrix" movies.

It was extremely odd for me though. The day I saw the trailer, I went home and googled it, and google was like I have no clue dude... "Jupiter rising movie" nothing.. It wasn't like, "do you mean this?" It was all quite odd..

ATS thread about jupiter rising

They may have had to change the name. There is a book "Jupiter Rising", that is completely different than the movie.

By the way, I do remember it being advertised as "Jupiter Rising"

You may misunderstand that I can have complex ideas and argue both sides of an argument.

Oddly enough I'm interested in truth not my ego.


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