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Conclusive Evidence of Explosives, Petition to Re-Open 9/11 Investigation

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posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: Fermy

Why do the same people push fraudulent and debunked claims of thermite that would be nearly impossible to create a CD system out of?
Would you like to cite a credible WTC dust thermite study, and why it is credible?

edit on 27-4-2018 by neutronflux because: Fixed more

posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: Fermy

And I would think conspiracists would welcome scrutiny and the vetting of their theories. Its like conspiracists don’t like individuals peeking behind the conspiracy innuendo curtain? Wonder why?

posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 11:01 AM
That little rat Bush and his Bohemian grove buddies along with their close allies would do ANYTHING to bring this New World Order in, think its crap then how come after all these years and all the wrong doing in office that NOT one of these criminals is inside, not a single high profile law suit has ever started or lead to punishment for their various treasonable crimes during 9/11 and definitely afterwards, Benghazi any one, private servers with top secret material, this isn't shop lifting from K-mart folks..

Now think your government would not lie to you..

When two of the main players in 9/11 only agree to evidence in private and off the record then even the more hardcore American's must realise there's something amiss here. On 9/11 a chain of things one after the other seemed to allow the most secure country in the world to be taken apart by men with 'boxcutters', men whom had been under surveillance, men who were being financed by known people yet they roamed with impunity while Bush ferried his close friends the Bin Laden family out of the states.

How could the US have made so many security crew ups even with an alleged war game going on, people in charge went missing, were unable to be contacted and the military seemed to have no clue about who or what was in its air space during a war time drill..Come on people..

Who or what 9/1 was, its not what you guys or the world was told about, it was hidden behind a deliberately underfunded, fact blocked commission whose outcome was already being pushed..

Oh, is the NIST data still top secret, are the camera's still top secret...Oh dear, seems so...

edit on 27-4-2018 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-4-2018 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

What does that have to do with no credible evidence of explosives at the WTC? Can you cite a credible study? Point to video evidence?

Video of the towers clearly shows the outer columns in the areas of the jet impacts being pulled in by contacting floor trusses, bowing in, and then buckling resulting in collapsing.

The figurehead heads of the truth movement push fraudulent narratives too. Trust nobody.

posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: pteridine

Steven E. Jones also thought he built an over unity Joule thief circuit... Kinda an odd duck by any standards, probably why him and Sterling Allen got along so well (former front man for now an inmate at the Utah state penitentiary)

My personal issue with 9/11 comes down to the fact that even if we did launch a new investigation at this point it would be completely pointless.

There is just no way to look at the events after the incident and come to any other conclusion than that the primary goal of the US government was to make sure no case which would stand up in court could be made by anyone at a later date!

Whatever the truth about that day is, that's actually immaterial at this point!

If people want 9/11 to mean something and make a difference at this point, it needs to be approached from the perspective of we will never again tolerate or allow you to handle another event the way you handled 9/11!

Think about how much more traction could be gained if suddenly instead of hundreds of different theories and thousands of separate claims all the people who don't believe the official story instead with one voice said...

No we don't believe your version of the story nor do we believe that the truth will ever come out at this point because you (the US government) went out of your way to make sure that whatever the truth is it can never be proven. People who are telling the truth don't go out of their way to make sure that no one else can examine the evidence!

Not only is this a much more powerful message all on it's own, but there is an avalanche of evidence to support the assertion and no way to hide behind national security as the explanation for each and every action that can be cited as evidence for this.

Calmly pointing out the utterly consistent, thorough, and methodical way in which the US government went about making absolutely certain that they were the only ones with the evidence and then the way they methodically went about making sure that no one even inside the government could put together all the puzzle pieces is just far more damning and much easier to prove.

That's my opinion on all this anyway, your mileage may vary.

posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 07:18 PM
I have one very large elephant in the room problem with the controlled demolition theory. The following clip is of a large building that's not identical to the trade towers but it's still a tall building.

First of all, the noise! I don't think anyone from that day was debating whether or not they heard explosions.

Second, observe how the building collapses. It starts at the base and demolishes from the bottom up. Gravity and the weight of the building does the majority of the work.

WTC 7 looks like a controlled demolition. The twin towers don't. Unless a new and revolutionary technique was used on two towers that day and it went flawlessly, only to never be used again, then I simply can't accept the controlled demolition theory, regardless of finding anything.

I don't know the how or why, and I don't think the general public ever will, but in regards to the controlled demolition theory, nope!

posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: Flatcoat
No, that's not the way chemistry works. Gordon Ross explains it very well here...

Now I will never claim to be good at chemistry but I know that if I leave margarine, flour, sugar and fruit in a cupboard, when I next open the cupboard I will not find a fruit crumble. Some mechanism is required to convert the ingredients. Similarly, if I take these same ingredients, set them alight and throw them out the window, I still will not get my fruit crumble. The mechanism must have some order

Yes, the mechanism that combined them was this big explosion of jet fuel. Now when that explosion happened, some of the aluminum in the airplane naturally particulated (turned into fine dust) and some of that heated, fine aluminum alloy dust would have come into contact with the rust in the iron/steel girders that held up the building. Being already heated by the explosion, as soon as those heated aluminum particles touched the rust, it BECAME thermite. It doesn't take a second reaction. The first reaction, the jet fuel explosion, was enough to do it.

It is VERY easy to make thermite. It only has TWO ingredients.

It doesn't take a long drawn out production.

So yes, Gordon Ross is not good at the chemistry of thermite.

So, if you knew what thermite was made from (and how it is made), it wouldn't surprise you that molecular thermite was found at the site where an aluminum alloy plane crashed into a building with 45 year old rusty (iron/steel) girders and exploded.

There's no conspiracy here. Just a lack of understanding of what thermite is made from.
edit on 27-4-2018 by CryHavoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 09:58 PM
I want to believe the OS I really do, but the whole no videos of the Pentagon thing just makes me say no way..

In 2003 there was a girl kidnapped locally at a Target store, They had video of her car driving into the lot , then video of his car coming into the lot , video of her going into the store, video of him going in the store, video of him stalking her in the store, video of both of them leaving the store, video of him kidnapping er in the parking lot and then video of his car leaving..

And this was at Target in 2003. but the pentagon has no video? BULL EFFIING CACA..

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 01:32 AM

originally posted by: TheAiIsLying
I have one very large elephant in the room problem with the controlled demolition theory. The following clip is of a large building that's not identical to the trade towers but it's still a tall building.

First of all, the noise! I don't think anyone from that day was debating whether or not they heard explosions.

Second, observe how the building collapses. It starts at the base and demolishes from the bottom up. Gravity and the weight of the building does the majority of the work.

WTC 7 looks like a controlled demolition. The twin towers don't. Unless a new and revolutionary technique was used on two towers that day and it went flawlessly, only to never be used again, then I simply can't accept the controlled demolition theory, regardless of finding anything.

I don't know the how or why, and I don't think the general public ever will, but in regards to the controlled demolition theory, nope!

Their method of collapse was effective. The gov. takes patents off the market that show high potential, and also has black ops tech decades ahead of the market. It is conceivable that they have other nonconventional techniques for controlled demolition at their dispossal.

IF it was orchestrated, which we know it was, test runs on other buildings at secret locations could have been run prior to the big enchilada.

Note the mysterious insurance against terrorist attacks shortly prior, notice all the insider trading which could've been investigated but wasn't. People don't move large amounts of money on the bet of some random box cutter wielding cave dweller succeeding.
edit on 28-4-2018 by Xenogears because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-4-2018 by Xenogears because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-4-2018 by Xenogears because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

I know what thermite is, and I know what the ingredients are. I would very much like to see an experiment where you put a piece of aluminium next to a piece of rusty steel, blow them up, and create thermite. I'm pretty sure you'll find it impossible.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: Flatcoat

I think the point is that the basic ingredients for thermite may easily be found in close proximity at a building site but that is not conclusive evidence of thermite ever being used there. Just like the crumble ingredients on the same shelf of your pantry not being conclusive evidence of one ever being made, let alone consumed in that location.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: Fermy

Why do the same people push fraudulent and debunked claims of thermite that would be nearly impossible to create a CD system out of?
Would you like to cite a credible WTC dust thermite study, and why it is credible?

I don't have a theory regarding the events that day, I don't believe the one you're constantly pushing and I do have a theory about that but rules here don't permit me to say. You pop up on every thread about this event pushing the official line, let's just let that sink in shall we?

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: Fermy

So if you don’t have theory, what is Being debunked?

Just doing my part to fight the con artists of the truth movement, showing the truth movement was hijacked by those that exploit 9/11 for personal again, and trying to wade through the BS to get to the real truth.

There is zero proof of CD at the worked trade center.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

And straight away you're on this. Uncanny, almost like you have an alert set up so you can out your debunk cape on and swoop in to the rescue. I'm watching you.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: Flatcoat

A few threads you might read?

By: Efftup

Looks like the papers authors were trying to "prove" something instead of TESTING a hypothesis and ignored the fact that their results completely did NOT match what they expected.
The Energy peak which they claim is a violent sudden release of energy is a spread of 60 degrees or more and as the DSC would normally raise the temperature by about 10 deg/min then the Sudden release took at least 6 minutes to happen.
As you already mentioned, the fact that they put the whole chip in the DSC and not just the red layer meant their results would have been useless right from the start. Others have also pointed out is the WRONG test to do to determine composition and why Millette did NOT do that test.


Is Mark Basile's WTC Dust Study Pointless?

Any Updates on Mark Basile's Study?

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: Fermy

as if HAL9000 has come back.....good eye there

it's now officially time for a neutron flush.....where's that silver handle

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 07:43 AM


posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: Fermy
You are in an open forum being conducted on a social media site on a Saturday morning made for personal electric devices? A site that has examples of psychology I find interesting. Flat earth, chem trails, all moon landings are fake, pentagon no jet theories, and WTC CD. I am here to debate facts? I don’t spend time on Facebook or other social media.

You are here because I am here? Might address your own motivations.

Now do you have anything to offer in regards to “Conclusive Evidence of Explosives, Petition to Re-Open 9/11 Investigation”

Or you just here to badger?
edit on 28-4-2018 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 07:47 AM


posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: Fermy

In other words, ATS is cheap entertainment. Like a mental chess game. Nof said.
edit on 28-4-2018 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

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