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My child is having the same hallucinations I once did

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posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 02:16 PM
Hello ATS,

I’m not a regular poster. I mostly just enjoy reading and occasionally commenting. This morning at 3 am, my daughter woke up sick and had to go to the bathroom to vomit a little bit. She is 7. She had a mild fever (101F). I think there was a stomach bug going around at her school.
Anyway, she just told me this afternoon that when she woke up, objects in her room were wobbling and getting really far away and then coming close again.
Normally I would just attribute this to the fever and/or drowsiness. However, this used to happen to me all the time as a child. Even when I wasn't sick so it immediately brought back those memories. I told her about this and she told me it has happened to her before when she wasn't sick. My family is very healthy as nutrition is a very important aspect of our lives ( at least to my wife and I) and my kids are very active and play multiple sports.
Part of me feels there may be some spiritual connection there that I had as a kid and no longer possess as an adult. However, I always tend to lean towards the scientifically explainable answers and feel there must be some psychological/biological reason.

So what say you ATS? Any ideas or have you experienced the same thing?

edit on 5 3 2018 by qiwi676 because: Grammar/spelling

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: qiwi676

Its because in the true state of things, there is one peculiar movement that is universal, the constant, never ending inflate deflate cycle.

That is the answer my stomach just gurgled out.
edit on 5-3-2018 by solve because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 02:46 PM
On the spiritual/esoteric side, it can be that you and now your kid is having an astral projection. Those things are more possible during childhood, because their minds are not contaminated with prejudices and any other stuff. Easier to reach that state.

On the scientifically side, it can be some type of sleep paralysis. That is when you get in a state of sleep and conscious at the same time but the body still not (usually you cannot move when in this stage). And mostly happen in the morning or close to morning hours.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: qiwi676

Kids are known to be prone to lie to relate to authorative figures for acceptance, this may not be the case. Even if, it may be hereditary & should be seen by a physiologist. Then again, it may be dehydration or temporate cognitive dysfunction from fevering, which could also be hereditary. Praying works some, believe in god & our powers to help, thanks to him. Go to a specialist though. Best of luck. Pray, maybe one day soon truth will pay.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 02:49 PM
You are not "planting" this in her mind through leading and suggestive questioning?

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: qiwi676
This too used to happen to me as a child! Only happened when I was sick though. Along with the wobbles, everything was sped up like someone hit the fast forward button on life. It would scare the living hell outta me! I would also have to same 2 dreams every time I was sick. Same dreams and same dream outcomes every time.
edit on 5-3-2018 by JFA13 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 03:10 PM
Seriously? This is your child's health at stake and you're asking medical advice from strangers on the internet?

Here's mine : Take the kid to a Doctor.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 03:12 PM
That's not really a hallucination so much as a vision abnormality. If you two were seeing strange animals crawling all over the walls or something, then yeah, I'd say there was something spiritual to it... But this sounds more like some underlying biological issue that effects the vision. The best recommendation you can get is speak to an eye doctor and/or regular doctor and explain that you and your daughter have had the same symptoms. Lots of things can cause vision abnormalities like that. The body is weird... When I was little I was diagnosed with a certain heart problem due to having strange heartbeats from time to time. The strange heartbeats ended completely after a surgery for my one kidney... Who would've guessed...

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 03:32 PM
Yessir, to this very day whenever I break a fever everything seems way "too big" and or far away, yet too close. Its hard to describe feel like Im getting closed in on and crushed. Similar to clausterphobia but different. Ive experienced both.
edit on 352018 by Butterfinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 04:34 PM
This happens to me from time to time but I'm certain it's due to prior.... experimenting, in my teenage years. Anyhow this also happened to my cousin and they found out he was a diabetic. So who knows.


posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: qiwi676

I used to have a similar experience as a child. Always wide awake. I would be in a room and suddenly everything would begin to appear smaller and very distant as though I were at end of a very long hallway tho it was just a regular size room.
Never experienced it getting closer it would eventually come to an end.

Asked a couple psychologists over the years. One suggested I was trying to remove myself from the situation. Made sense sorta. Last episode was age 10, about the same age dejevue stopped.

So glad you posted this. Mine happened decades ago and never heard of anyone else.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: Abednego

I've had sleep paralysis before. Scared the crap out of me. It's not that. It feels a little like a very mild acid trip.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 05:29 PM
I used to get motion sickness really easy, I could not look out the side windows of the car when riding either. It went away.

Sounds like her eyes were focusing in and out, between far and nearsightedness. With me, when I look at something far away, it actually seems to get bigger when I focus on it. It is partially in the eyes and partially in the brain I think, I have never found anything out about that happening, but then again I never looked on the net to see what causes that. If that cycle is messed up, maybe it has something to do with it. I recognized that happened when I was very young, I think it happens to everyone.....they just do not recognize it is happening....except when something happens and it messes up.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: SatansPride

The only part she may have been lying about would be that she experienced it beforehand when she was not sick. She had no idea that happened to me.

I still feel like it was a side effect from the fever and drowsiness. Been giving her lots of water and live today

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: paraphi

No it was totally random. I was paying my Xbox this afternoon and she just said "daddy... Etc." All I did this morning at 3 am was take care of her and let her sleep in my bed.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: JFA13

Interesting. I really want to know what it is haha.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: qiwi676

Sounds more like a physical thing than a spiritual one.

Think of the eyes as cameras, complete with auto focus function. For one reason or another it sound like occasionally the auto focus function is getting out of whack. If it begins to occur more frequently I would take the child to a doctor- or at least an optometrist.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

There's nothing about the situation that constitutes an emergency. If it persists over time then there can be an issue. But parents who run their child to the doctor every time they get a fever are eating their time. She was fine today. No more stomach issue. No more fever. She is well hydrated and on the up and up. So thank you for insinuating that I'm a horrible parent, but I think you misunderstand the scenario. She is not in danger. She was not scared. Please try to think about what you might be implying to someone next time. I was asking if others have had similar experiences because I find it interesting. Was not asking for medical advice.
edit on 5 3 2018 by qiwi676 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: liveandlearn

Yea. Mine stopped when I was young as well. Probably somewhere around age 10. I feel that maybe the shaping of the mind when your young makes you more susceptible to these visual distortions. I do remember it was fairly fascinating when I was young. I was a little scared by it as well but realized it was more interesting than scary.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Yea one of my friends mentioned the possibility of the eyes focusing. I feel like that would.make a lot of sense because she woke up at 3 am and probably in a hurry.

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