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Getting it?

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posted on Mar, 1 2018 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Usually when I have my moments of realization I am surprised, because I wasn’t actively seeking that particular thing.

I AM seeking certain things, but those aren’t the jewels that are changing my life in the most profound way.

posted on Mar, 1 2018 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: Gazrok
The sad part about being "awakened"....wishing you could just go back to sleep and be a happy little sheep like the rest of them.

Instead, I just realize I'm just an awakened sheep, so I'll just try and blend in and live LIKE a happy little at least be happy under my masters.

While still working on ways to be more independent, of course.

Do you feel like that black sheep, nudging the others saying: "Dude: do you see what I see?"?
"Baaaaa" Munch-munch-munch.

You may be right. (Thanks Justso).
Usually just try to be agreeable with what the others say. Nothing worth discussing, let alone arguing.
Why even bother one who thinks they are happy?

Am always slacking on the independance. Thanks for the reminder.

posted on Mar, 1 2018 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: chelsdh
a reply to: Nothin

Usually when I have my moments of realization I am surprised, because I wasn’t actively seeking that particular thing.

I AM seeking certain things, but those aren’t the jewels that are changing my life in the most profound way.

Surely those jewels shine through your eyes.

Wise of you to notice that the most profound moments/realizations, don't come from the trying nor grasping.

Can one also then realize that letting-go of our perceived knowledge/beliefs, is also a relinquishing of the grasping to these supposed knowledge/beliefs?

Wouldn't that disintegrate the supposedly impossible, and open the doors to: maybe?

posted on Mar, 2 2018 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: Nothin

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: Nothin


What can I accept they understand...but I don't...?

That's easy...they understand that it's acceptable even kill the unborn...yet welcome in illegals with open arms...because the birth rate is too low to sustain the economy...

I really struggle to understand that particular conundrum...perhaps someone could enlighten me...


What about when you hear someone speak of a spiritual, religeous, or woo experience?
How hard/easy is it for you to admit that it might be possible?

Ummm...that's dependent on the experiential factor...

I have had the good fortune...or misfortune (dependent on how you want to see it) experience some mighty powerful and strange things through deep spiritual prayer...(another form of meditation)...

So powerful that I don't recommend pursuing such paths without a master to slowly take you through the steps along the way...

I used to go to known haunted places...yet never met any spirits or ghosties...etc...
I have seen some strange things in the sky that I couldn't explain...yet wonder why on earth an alien species would want to travel such vast distances just to vacay here...I've never met an alien or pod person or reptilian as far as I know...

Until that saucer lands in front of me and asks directions to the local Wendy's...I'll reserve judgement...and belief...

Not saying it's not possible...nor that others haven't experienced such...merely stating that I'm a skeptic who has to have a particular experience in order for belief and acknowledgement take root...

I think that's the healthy way to approach any it mundane...or mystical...


posted on Mar, 3 2018 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: Nothin

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: Nothin


What can I accept they understand...but I don't...?

That's easy...they understand that it's acceptable even kill the unborn...yet welcome in illegals with open arms...because the birth rate is too low to sustain the economy...

I really struggle to understand that particular conundrum...perhaps someone could enlighten me...


What about when you hear someone speak of a spiritual, religeous, or woo experience?
How hard/easy is it for you to admit that it might be possible?

Ummm...that's dependent on the experiential factor...

I have had the good fortune...or misfortune (dependent on how you want to see it) experience some mighty powerful and strange things through deep spiritual prayer...(another form of meditation)...

So powerful that I don't recommend pursuing such paths without a master to slowly take you through the steps along the way...

I used to go to known haunted places...yet never met any spirits or ghosties...etc...
I have seen some strange things in the sky that I couldn't explain...yet wonder why on earth an alien species would want to travel such vast distances just to vacay here...I've never met an alien or pod person or reptilian as far as I know...

Until that saucer lands in front of me and asks directions to the local Wendy's...I'll reserve judgement...and belief...

Not saying it's not possible...nor that others haven't experienced such...merely stating that I'm a skeptic who has to have a particular experience in order for belief and acknowledgement take root...

I think that's the healthy way to approach any it mundane...or mystical...

I gave them directions. Then they complained that the thin square patties had too much salt and not enough rectum, eyeballs, and soft facial tissue.

posted on Mar, 4 2018 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: YouSir

Many of live experientially.
It's a way of staying withing our safe paradigm.

This is about stepping outside of that known, self-confirming echo-chamber, and stretching into the unknown.

The first small step could be exploring that grey-zone that is unknown to us, but known to a trusted friend.

We don't need to believe. Just say: maybe.

posted on Mar, 4 2018 @ 03:24 PM
The only thing I get is paid. And I see those who don't.

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