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The Debt is the Devil

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posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 12:55 PM
The debt is the devil and satan benefits from the power we give him through programs such as social security...............
It is right there out in the open for anyone to see it's simplicity.
A simple +- system of control to keep the population regulated.
So next time you wonder where evil deeds are born and omg how could they be so evil the answer is that you are that broke .

So what is the answer if we are only guilty of creating organizations to help the needy and the poor???
Simple and you have heard this one somewhere before.
CHARITY not forced help via taxes!

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 01:01 PM
To supply the old people who worked all their lives with security to live without being a burden on their kids is not a tool of Satan. Deception is a tool of Satan. Our stock market gambling network, where value is based on future probability of companies is a tool of Satan, it is gambling on something far from reality.

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

You are correct that all good intentions were used in the formation of such agencies just as all good intentions were used to drain every dollar from the system that was put in by the elders.

it is what it is

i do think that the majority of people that benefit from the systems deserve the benefits but i am simply speaking of the unseen consequences of debt.

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

I never felt like I was anything but pure & genuine... when I was just living out of my car, spending my days just travelling the land, living completely off fortnightly centrelink payments...

But then I sold out, moved back home... took a job from my brother, earning over a grand a week and accepted over 90 grand from my Dad, so I could buy a brand new apartment.

Now... I just feel fake and cheap... even though I'm apparently living the 'good life'... I sold my soul to the devil... I doubt I'll ever get it back!!!
edit on 12-2-2018 by Subaeruginosa because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

one does not posses things
possessions do the possessing

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

So 'TheDevil™' should be really pushing for illegal immigrants doing the crap jobs? This way that is ALL FREE ENERGY when these folks use fictitious Social Security Numbers... These folks bust their a$$$e$ and break their backs for some fat money grubbing TURDS that MUST SHOW PROFIT!! MUST SHOW PROFIT!!!

I'd also opine this phenomenon will not change until the folks leading the corporations aren't turning over every cushion for change (coins) When do You think that'll happen?

We, The Taxpayers, could actually fix a majority of this with an infrastructure bill that would provide jobs but before the jobs can be created, the POLITICIANS™ MUST siphon off their cut of any projects.

Stay Hydrated...

P.S. Personally I'm just shy of being a 2 millionaire but I'm a 'miser' and still have baseball bonus money from the 80s I haven't touched. I KNOW where both Ms. Need and Ms. Want reside...

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 03:27 PM
if charity worked, those gov't social programs wouldn't have ever come into existence.
before there were our modern day social security and welfare, there were poor houses and work houses which were funded by local and federal dollars.
dependency=servitude... and that is what the devil is entwined with. and there's probably many more dependent on their credit lines than there are on the social programs. cutting the social programs will only serve to open a door for a new master to come in and fill the void that is created. a livable minimum wage would at least get some of them out of this position, but then, that would take the profit out of too many companies, stock values, ect... so, enjoy your servitude, just remember, the master often finds themselves just as much a slave as those they wished to enslave!!

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
so, enjoy your servitude, just remember, the master often finds themselves just as much a slave as those they wished to enslave!!

And the $$$grubbing TURDS 'leave' the same way as the broke a$$ pauper...

"The first shall be last and the last shall be first..."

Our 'real riches' aren't for this world anyway so.

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 05:04 PM
All I need to know in life I learned from Gilligan's Island, The Beverly Hillbillies, Star Trek, and Perry Mason.

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

Wow, so you must have one hell of pension or you're extremely wealthy and don't need retirement income from Social Security to eat, pay your bills and just stay alive when you retire? Do you even realize many elderly retired people only have Social Security as their only source of income??? Hell you must also like the idea of kicking people to the curb if they're dying and in need of medical care because they can't afford healthcare insurance or they're uninsured! Americans have been paying into Social Security since they entered the workforce! They have every right to receive the investment they paid into. You and our president now feel like people shouldn't receive their full Social Security benefits?

What a joke. You actually think a charity would be able to raise enough money to provide millions or retired individuals a monthly income for 20 or 30 years? I probably pay as much taxes or more than you, and the last thing I would complain about is paying taxes for helping people in need. Unless you're an atheist, could you look God in the eye and tell him you have no empathy for people who are less fortunate, are sick or dying and can't afford medical care? If you ask me, I think that's being self-centered and uncaring.

I get so sick and tired of hearing people like you shooting yourself in the foot. There may be a time where you may need these programs! You and many others are hurting unfortunate Americans who through no fault of their own have lost their job, don't have a job that provides healthcare benefits or if they do, their benefits are poor. Many older Americans who are too old and sick to work rely on Social Security. Instead of attacking programs that give a helping hand to American citizens, maybe you and others should start attacking the billions of dollars taxpayers give for Foreign Aid, the trillions of dollars being spent on a foreign policy bent on policing the Middle East, a 14% corporate tax compared to a paltry 0-4% tax cut for American citizens, the overseas tax havens for the rich, trillions of dollars being spent on the military and black budgets, the extreme high cost of healthcare and pharmaceuticals, spending millions on a military parade and other government wasteful spending, and our government representative above average salaries and their outstanding healthcare and pension benefits!

Maybe since our elected millionaires and our wealthy president are sitting pretty with their salaries, investments, benefits and pensions, there's no reason for them to protect the millions of struggling Americans who are just living from paycheck to paycheck.

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 07:50 PM
Ask your local food banks how they are doing. In some places donations are dwindling. Not only due to more people having to attend but due to less donations.

Examples such as the following has happened: Sam's club closures in the Seattle area really strapped the food banks because they were donating a lot of food.

That's not even to mention people on special diets where debt cards give the people proper nutrition that the banks food banks may not have.

edit on 12-2-2018 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

Simple and you have heard this one somewhere before. CHARITY not forced help via taxes!

Don't know how old you are but I was born and raised in the 20's and in 32 Roosevelt and his gang of the rich passed a mandatory insurance bill for all Americans. My first job was under that insurance program and I had nothing to say about it.

Down through those years the SS money was stolen from the insurance program and spent mostly on welfare programs by the politicians that we paid to watch over us. Then to add insult to injury the politicians let all sorts of both legal Americans and illegals to be added to the insurance program which was robbed bone dry. Now we have an insurance program which is bankrupt and must be sustained by taxing other people to pay for the debunked insurance.

Then we have people with your mind set that more than likely can't even remember how the scam started in the first place. Get rid of those who should not be on SS, reinstate its purpose as an insurance program. I don't need your charity. All I need is the insurance program that I was entitled to in the first place. I suppose you have car insurance and if you need it one day I am quite sure you will be the first in line to milk it for all you can get. And I would bet you that your health insurance would fly the same way too.

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 09:06 PM
Our debt based monetary system is evil, and personally I think it's leading straight to the mark of the beast. Primarily because we have so much debt they have to keep artificially lowering interest rates so that they can roll old debts. If corporations and governments had to pay for their debt with productivity most of them would collapse and we would have a depression 10 times worse than the great depression of the 30's.

So their solution will be to force a digital currency with negative interest rates. But to do that they will have to ban cash so that people cannot take their money out of the bank. By banning cash and forcing a digital currency you need a bank account to buy anything, unless you barter or live under a bridge.

But negative rates first of all destroy capital formation, thus the further we go into negative rates the worse it will get and make it virtually impossible to normalize interest rates and our money. This will necessitate extreme government force/coercion to force people to use the banks system instead of starting a new system outside the existing control network.

That is basically what the Bible says;

Revelation 13:17

And he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 12:47 AM

originally posted by: howtonhawky
a reply to: rickymouse

You are correct that all good intentions were used in the formation of such agencies just as all good intentions were used to drain every dollar from the system that was put in by the elders.

it is what it is

i do think that the majority of people that benefit from the systems deserve the benefits but i am simply speaking of the unseen consequences of debt.

The government drained that money and gave promissory notes to the social security agency and used that money to pay for pork. I remember when that was voted on, the people voted not to do that and a while later they did it anyway. Gee, I guess I am getting old, that was a long time ago.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 01:05 AM

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 08:27 AM
Just look at all the advertising,buy the "new" phone,new cars,new homes,quick loans,expensive "get away" vacations,they are a ruse to pen you up,your enslaved by them your addicted to their feed,I learned this about 30 yrs ago after being in the corp world all my life,take over the small buisness by forcing them into submission,mark my words,there will be debtors prison,and you no longer own any property,that will be owned by the government,whomever that will be,sure headed in that direction in Calif,it is very evident,even a liberal can see,truth be told the day of the free lunch are over,think you own house,cars ,the IRS owns them,Bank of England,and who knows they could sell us out to the Saudi's,or some other Arab state,in a way I'm glad I am old,but I still have young kids,hate to leave them in such an upheavel,the future doesn't look good,it's good that all this corruption has been exposed,but in reality you have to realize,there are other powers other then the presidency,and exposing current actors could expose them,this could be a civil war,and that is what the govt wants,they spend money on radical groups,so they can involke martial law,which they have tried since 70's

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: Oldtimer2

We become "consumers" the moment we're born. Everything in our society is based on consumers buying things, paying for services or taking out loans. Everywhere we look, everywhere we go, we are bombarded by companies that want our money. Billboards, company signs on vehicles, commercials, ads in magazines and newspapers, ads on facebook targeted to your viewing and spending habits. etc. People are manipulated, in a deliberate and coordinated way, through mass-marketing techniques, to the advantage of sellers in a capitalist society. We go to grade school and high school to learn the basics, then off to trade school, college, or right into the work force, to become consumers. There's no way to escape it, unless you chuck all your worldly possessions and live off the land, like a frontiersman, in a remote forest somewhere. I just recently retired and have two children, one in college and one graduating from high school. Both are honor roll students, with my daughter just making the dean's list in college. One of the things I taught my kids at an early age, was the importance of getting a good job, that paid well, with good health benefits and to live within your means. When I was working, I couldn't believe the number of co-workers who bought houses they barely could afford, new cars every four years and lived pay check by pay check. My dad, who was in the military for 24 years, always paid off his debt quickly and bought most things with cash. I guess, I inherited his wisdom, because I always paid off debt as fast as I could. I'm lucky to have a nice pension, with my house and two vehicles paid for, with no credit card debt. Young people today, need to be taught the importance of living debt free and saving/managing their money....something that's rarely taught in high school. Unfortunately, some are burdened with college loan debt, as soon as they graduate. Then they compound the problem by buying or leasing a new car, or living somehere with a high rent payment. They're being "manipulated" to be good consumers instead of taking the responsibility to pay off their debt, saving their money and living within their means. As far as this "civil war" you talk will never happen. Why? Because the nation's top "capitalists" and the wealthy elite would not make money. They'd lose money, if our country was involved in a civil war. The "current actors" are the capitalists and the wealthy CEO's that control our government. They always get their way. Debt isn't the's the capitalists and wealthy in this country, that he tempts with greed and power.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

You're absolutely right! Our elected officials dipped into the Social Security fund. They're also allowing others who never paid into this fund to receive benefits from it. If anyone else dipped into a private bank account, it would be considered embezzlement and those guilty of it would be sitting behind bars!

It's just another example of our governments officials having no accountability to the people they serve. These officials use our tax dollars anyway they wish. Instead of some taxpayers supporting programs that directly affect them, they ignorantly attack these programs yet support government programs that fund billions for foreign aid and military conflicts we shouldn't even be involved in! It's about time our government officials start spending our tax dollars here at home.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: rickymouse

You're absolutely right! Our elected officials dipped into the Social Security fund. They're also allowing others who never paid into this fund to receive benefits from it. If anyone else dipped into a private bank account, it would be considered embezzlement and those guilty of it would be sitting behind bars!

It's just another example of our governments officials having no accountability to the people they serve. These officials use our tax dollars anyway they wish. Instead of some taxpayers supporting programs that directly affect them, they ignorantly attack these programs yet support government programs that fund billions for foreign aid and military conflicts we shouldn't even be involved in! It's about time our government officials start spending our tax dollars here at home.

I paid in for over thirty years before getting in an accident and having to apply for DSS because I wound up with a form of epilepsy. I fought to keep working, but it was not possible. I still am trying to fix the problem, I want to be able to work. I know, I am stupid, lots of people would love to get paid for doing nothing. I think it sucks, but at least I can think, something I could not do on the meds to control my epilepsy. I'll never give up trying to find something that I can do to get back to work. Even if I could do more around my house or in my shop I would be happy, but when I overload, I make stupid mistakes, I shouldn't be around power tools and chainsaws unless I feel low risk of a partial seizure. I love using tools and building sucks, my passion is being dangled in front of me and I cannot do it. Worst part, I have all the tools.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

could you teach others?? just a suggestion which may or may not help.

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