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-@TH3WH17ERABB17-Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings- PART 3

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posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: dashen

No coincidences in Monarch programming.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Greenanon

Computer games, Virtual Reality/deepdream...

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

War games, chess, 128gb 4D StarCraft, tag, hide and seek


Manchurian candidates

MK plus

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: dashen

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Although these may be minor black hats, I am assuming Film editors play an important part in what we are being fed through TV and films?

I think one thing to understand in this process is copying. Folks sorta figure that everyone is in on it, every editor, every director, every actor and so on. One thing that happens is something is introduced, say that silly hand stamp action in every Rap anything, and then the monkeys copy. So is Rapper dip from X a mind control genius? No, he's just copying, and within one generation it becomes the norm, as any rap without the hand stamp action is seen as wrong. It becomes self perpetuating after the first introduction. Now, there is another component not of this earth, an area we are not going down yet per Q.

Blue is a thing, look at logos too, it has to do with brain influencing and so on, but not to the end that all blue is mind control, but to the end that conditioning has taken place so when choosing A or B, conditioning says "A".

Look at us, we use "black hats" and "white hats" in this thread. Well, B&W is the sign of the masons influence, Checkerboard (its everywhere, UK cops hats, game boards...), but in fact in all of consciousness white as good and black as bad are not universal at all.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: tiredoflooking
Interesting little huffpost article I found about New Yorkers and date rape type "drug assault", the author calls it, for lack of a better word. There are many instances of this it seems and if people cannot remember what, if anything, happened it largely goes unreported. "Sclop" was mentioned as a drug used along with several others most of which leave the system quickly enough even if the victims go to hospital they cannot be detected. So the author states she did not do an actual study but found similar stories in her peer network from both males and females. MANY of them.

So how often is this actually happening to people? If it is this common in everyday people at a small sampling imagine what the real stats may be? Who is doing this? It reminds me of the mind control hearing docs Q released about the MK Ultra testing commited by CIA by slipping L S D into unknowing subjects drinks at bars and safe houses with 2 way mirrors and fancy decorations.

Also in my reading I came across this list of MANY different experiments where "sclop" is used in animal studies. Seems they use it a lot and therefore, I am sure, have a really good grasp of how it works. Looks like it is often used to induce cognative imparment and then to test the effects of other substances on improving that...among other things. Scroll to bottom of linked page if you want to read the titles of many yucky animal testing studies using this drug, even a few human ones!

You know I should also add there seem to be many studies about adding "sclop" to animal feed. Even this study about feeding it to humans in buckwheat...hmm wonder why they would be so intetested in that aspect?? I shudder to think.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Given the horrific incidences of gang rapes taking place in India, is anyone at all shocked they would have those same issues in their version of Hollywood?

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: dashen

It could be down to how the cone cells in eyes interpret signals. Also that color blindness is of red/green light rather than blue/yellow.

Brain sense: The science of the...

A bit difficult to read but this article on how eyes interpret colour states that:

The koniocellular handles the blue-yellow layer. The parvocelular layer carries the red-green channel.

This article seems to have a pretty concise breakdown of different aspects of vision and colours:
Human color vision

This may also be relevant;

Dog Vision

Dogs are not completely color blind since they have a dichromatic color perception. Unlike humans who have three different color sensitive cone cells in their retina (red, green and blue) dogs have only two (yellow and blue)[3,4].

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

I dug some of that up in one of the older Q threads. It was interesting because it showed how the apple didn't fall far from the tree. I think they even had ties to Weinstein, so it was sort of like his company wasn't even really leaving his hands.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

So I was just listening to CBC radio the other day where they had this woman on who started the #mosquemetoo movement. It's not India, specifically, and India isn't obviously all muslim BUT there is a slightly bigger taboo in reporting sexual assault. So this woman created the hashtag in reponse to a recent Facebook post ( which was removed by Facebook interestingly enough) long story short it probably is more difficult to report sexual misconduct for women in some of these cultures for various reasons including... Being pushed into a bathtub by your husband and dying and that being even MORE ok in some cultures than our western culture. I mean it happens here too, so does blaming the women (or men) who have been assaulted, but in those cultures it may be an even morer risky thing to anything that is.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: tiredoflooking
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Please watch the bitchute video I posted from Honeybee above!! It's not too long and it mentions the history of many Podesta family members at the Washington post. It not only mentions but shows her research on the web while she is telling you. REALLY worth the watch!!

Thanks, that was very enlightening, Honeybee did a good job connecting the dots to the WaPo. It's astounding that somehow JP is forced to resign and still manages to put himself dab smack in the middle of "controlled opposition" and is essentially able to use WaPo to defend himself and continue to push his agenda. We can only imagine how much influence he is wielding to influence other "journalists" to do the same.

Here's a few gems I found while reading through articles he and other's have written about JP and his brother Tony.

General Jeff Sessions — in an apparent effort to appease Trump — is considering appointing a special counsel to investigate Clinton’s role in approving the purchase of Uranium One, a company that owned uranium mines in the United States, by Russia’s nuclear energy agency. This matter was thoroughly and exhaustively examined by the mainstream media during the 2016 campaign, leading to the definitive conclusion that Clinton played no role.

LOL, it was investigated by MSM, case closed ! Then he goes on to "scold" Sessions and encourages him to have the "Mettle" to stand up to our "imperious" President. Veiled threat ? Q said to trust Sessions.

Sessions would do well to read the Jackson speech, and I would hope that he has the mettle to stand up to our imperious president. But his conduct in office does not give me much reason for hope.

Here's another good one written about the Pedo bros....I guess this is WaPo's attempt at acknowledging and de-bunking the "Vicious" alt right wing attacks on the poor guys. Here's what Tony has to say.

“There was a period when I was at People for the American Way in which I was the devil, and this is another period in which I am the devil,” he says. “I don’t retreat from my values or my life because Tucker Carlson makes s--- up.”

Then there's this, lol, wasn't there a movie about the Devil wearing Prada ? Also some more info on his "art" collection.

He wears red Prada loafers and owns one of the capital’s most impressive modern art collections, which serves as the backdrop for the frequent parties he hosts at his Kalorama mansion. The collection began when he worked for the failed 1980 presidential bid of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) and walked away with a tube of donated art — limited editions of Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg — in lieu of a salary.

David Rockefeller was absolutely telling the truth when he claimed "their plans" could have never come to be without the help of the MSM....scumbags.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman it is not just colors it is the pulsation of those colors at certain frequencies especially between half a Hertz and 13 Hertz.

And it is not just colors and pulsations. This sound is so ingrained into Western and Global culture I would be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn't been primed and conditioned by this sound effect

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

The man has zero fear ( skippy podesta) and LOOK at the influence he turned out to have...pedogate was shut down and scrubbed.from.everywhere. Now this all happened in the direct shadow of the election. Bit by bit structures are being removed. HOPEFULLY his support structure is crumbling... If his network, even, could possibily soon be taken down it will be a huge victory. Also I really think this would be the brick needed to start the domino effect, because mostly everyone knows about pedogate. Mostly even the biggest skeptic has looked into it a little bit. If #TheStorm proves even some of it was true people , even way polorized to the other side, will shift. That will wake up even the sleepiest buckwheat nappers. I hope, so much, they expose his network.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 03:21 PM
ANTIFA in Austin recruiting kids with mental illness.

They want to turn that illness into a weapon among other things.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 03:24 PM
Cosby's daughter dead at 44.

She had been a steadfast supporter of her father all the way through.

They are saying she had had major health issues, kidney related, but cause of death is currently unknown. Cosby has also lost a son to robbery.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 03:31 PM
Scott Israel was a fav. of Clinton's for FBI Director?

That's a new tidbit from American Thinker ...

He is even reported to have been a favorite of Clinton for appointment as director if the FBI. But he is now so radioactive that the #fireSheriffIsrael hashtag is trending, and Governor Rick Scott is pondering removing him from office, a move that is fully within Governor Scott's power.

Just imagine law enforcement ...

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I imagine he'd be pretty similar to Eric Holder.
edit on 26-2-2018 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Scott Israel was a fav. of Clinton's for FBI Director?

That's a new tidbit from American Thinker ...

He is even reported to have been a favorite of Clinton for appointment as director if the FBI. But he is now so radioactive that the #fireSheriffIsrael hashtag is trending, and Governor Rick Scott is pondering removing him from office, a move that is fully within Governor Scott's power.

Just imagine law enforcement ...

My GOD. Looks like we dodged a huge bullet there...even better than those super brave Broward officers.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: crankyoldman it is not just colors it is the pulsation of those colors at certain frequencies especially between half a Hertz and 13 Hertz.

And it is not just colors and pulsations. This sound is so ingrained into Western and Global culture I would be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn't been primed and conditioned by this sound effect


The esoteric notions of how this works may be helpful to fully grasp the mind control effect.

Way back, we humans on earth used what are now described as "visions" to help guide our experience in a 3d world of separation. The "vision" state as we call it required a certain form of vibrational matching on our part, which allowed us to connect to our own soul or soul group by bypassing the 3d limitation, and get information that helped us with our adventure. The slowed down creation system in 3d handicapped us, so guidance from 5d and above would be streamed via this vision system in truth time, without delay or interference.

Along the line visions became associated with evil or forbidden knowledge and were taken over by approved folks, church, freud or local wise-man sort of thing. We got out of the habit of working with the connections ourselves and it all became a mess to keep it simple.

So along comes electronica. The TV mimics the system of visions, you watch in the "trans" state and are simply viewing your "visions" now in a box. Why are "celebrities' worshiped? They are VISIONS! The system mimics our traditional way of communicating but we are so dumbed down we actually accept the talking heads on teeeeveee as the gods WE are and replace us with them. We now "share" visions by "saving" teeeeveee programs to watch with each other, or we go to the theater to watch with a group. What is rather distressing is the arguing over what the vision box is saying in the forms of CNN etc talking heads.

The phone is hell on earth for that vision control mechanism at the moment, as it combines certain frequencies to turn the vision into a real time reality distortion allowing for more detailed control of the mind by frequency modulation and feedback - think addictive games and how people have to turn their trip to the beach into a vision on snapchat rather then experience the expression itself.

On one level this is horrible, on another entertaining, on another silly and remedial when we escape 3d constructs entirely.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 03:51 PM
So deputy Scott Peterson's lawyer has released a statement rebutting Israel's description of what happened. It says he was alerted to fireworks being let off. He then heard gunshots outside and took up a tactical position outside as procedure would dictate. I haven't read the whole statement just blurbs and what was read on the news. He later goes on to say he gave keys to the officers that went into the school, drew them a diagram and gave them access to security tapes. I guess we know who backtrackted those tapes now in the 20 minutes he was wandering around "thinking" the shooter was outside. The statement contradicts itself!!

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 03:52 PM
I just checked the Qanon Twitter thread, and it looks like some sharp-eyed people have spotted David Hogg as a bit-part crisis actor in the Las Vegas shooting cover-up. A hotel worker who made some comments about Stephen Paddock, saying he didn't have a lot of luggage, looks an awful lot like a certain Florida high school student who has emerged as CNN's favorite mouthpiece...

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