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Kenyon College Cancels Play About Immigration; Starts 'Whiteness Group'

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posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 05:23 AM
More on the withdrawal of a play on the basis of the fact that the author is not a person of colour, and therefore is not allowed to write a story that contains characters who are people of colour...but first...

The Good Samaritan’s retraction comes serendipitously at the same moment as the creation of a new student group at Kenyon: “the whiteness group.”

The group was founded by a student, Brandon Smith, and is notable not just for its name, but for its rules, which state that “no person of color can ask a white person questions; colored people must try to answer their questions for themselves. And no spreading rumors about what people say during the meetings.”

Let that sink in for a moment...let the indignation and the rage build...get ready to make placards, and to march on the Campus demanding justice and resignations from the Dean on down to the Track Coach. Okay, while you are doing all of that, let me show you the real, unaltered quote from this article.

The Good Samaritan’s retraction comes serendipitously at the same moment as the creation of a new student group at Kenyon: “the whiteness group.”

The group was founded by a student, Juniper Cruz, and is notable not just for its name, but for its rules, which state that “no white person can ask a person of color questions; white people must try to answer their questions for themselves. And no spreading rumors about what people say during the meetings.”

So, all is well, no cause for alarm. In actuality, it is only pigment-challenged persons who are being stomped on everybody back to your studies and carry on.

Now with respect to the author of the play in question.

One student emailed the administration and faculty complaining about the race of MacLeod, the author: “I personally take issue with The Good Samaritan because it’s yet another narrative written about a person of color from the uninformed perspective of a white academic.” He claimed that the play was “an exercise in cultural hegemony with heavy notes of white savior complex.”

In the Kenyon student newspaper one professor claimed that after reading The Good Samaritan “she has identified 40 instances of ethnic insensitivity.” Among the charges of insensitivity might be a character’s name “Juan Deere” and improperly-rendered Spanish, which at times, resembles Italian. A teaching associate went a good deal further, calling the play “unapologetically racist and mocking. . . . It is an act of violence, dehumanizing and degrading the suffering that immigrants endure in coming to this country, and the many acts of racism and violence that members of the Latinx community endure every day, including on this campus.” She declared that “this play has no place on our campus. I call on the college leadership to...withdraw it from production.”

White is now a Blight

So, rather than endure the inquisition, the author withdrew her play. Censorship, race-shaming, angry hyperbole directed at a creative effort...all perfectly okay on today's Campuses (if the target of the abuse is "white").

The pendulum has swung too far in the other direction much?

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

Yes, the pendulum has swung too much in a totally EXTREME way, that is alienating THE MAJORITY.

This can only bring tears and a more hostile world for people of colour. May be one day they will be the majority, but it is going to take more than a hundred years to achieve that with the best and most aggressive intentions. Probably will not work as when threatened groups respond with breeding in greater numbers. Doesn't the war prove that? When under threat the human race breeds like rabbits. In the mean time hell will play out because of:


It is as bad as anything Hitler did. Really it is.

I am no at all racist. I want things to be okay for everybody, but the present EXTREMIST LIBERAL behavior will be a sword to fall on for them.

We have already voted in Trump and left the EU in America and Britain. The EU will start to break up because of it. Watch and behold: Nationalism is coming back like a hurricane. It is the emerging trend that can't be stopped. How far do they want to push it? If a more extreme right wing candidate were to present themselves in the U.S or Britain right now and get everyone on a nationalist band wagon people would leap at the chance. They would have a landslide.

Britain and the U.S have moved far to the right because of the liberal weponizing and destabilisation of our societies, all their social engineering is alienating THE MAJORITY. I think the overlords, because they are a minority, think they can usurp the whole of society with minority rule and a hierrachy where minorities have status over the majority. It is a terrible and vile PERVERSION of the usual order. I think they are doing this to fortify their grip and create another layer of defense and social control. While doing that they are making their own shadow and destroyer stronger. I know it because I used to be it. I saw the error of it. I am well in advance of them. It is old hat and yesterday's silly idealistic dream for me. They are well behind and they will learn some sharp lessons. It is like nurturing a minority of fairweather and Trojan Horse so called "friends" while you destroy and de nigrate your trusted customer base and true friends who helped you get where you are today. It is basically STUPID. Without them you could not have got here. Without them you will not get much further and others will come to raid YOUR HOUSE. If it was not so I would be all for it and praising it as YOU KNOW how much I respect cultural diversity. I don't respect social engineering, control freakery and perversion of power and order for total self interest that is in actual fact a dangerous self-defeating DELUSION.

I am usually very left leaning, but have left the liberal camp until they pull their schoolgirl socks up. I can't see them getting any more popular with this. Surely they are just eating their own tails like all toxic serpents do in the end. The time must be out of joint if I am so swung in a direction I do not want to go in but must because I need to counteract an extremism that is dangerous and naive. It is a clear sign of the times.

SOCIAL ENGINEERING IS AN ENEMY AND A PERVERSION OF EVOLUTION. It will choke evolution and evolution will hammer it with counteractional strategies that will be even more EXTREME in order to conquer the disease of the imbalance.

edit on 7-2-2018 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

What is shocking, among many other things, is that the traditional idea of liberalism included concepts like the protection of civil liberties (like free speech), anti-racism (not the promotion of anti-white racism), women's rights and empowerment (not ostracizing women who's views are seen as not-left-enough), the provision by society of services to those in need (not creating an underclass of citizens who remain dependent on the welfare state, and never realize their personal potentials), the tolerance and acceptance of adults who have different sexual orientations than the "norm" (not indoctrinating pre-schoolers into believing that there are 63 possible genders from which they need to chose before they enter Grade 1...and shhhhh, don't tell your parents).

Being "liberal" has morphed into something else...something quite insidious, hateful and probably dangerous.

I think that Left-leaning and the Right-leaning people of good conscience, all need to start to lean more toward the center - before there is no longer any middle, and societal polarization becomes so permanent and extreme, that we tear our society apart (hmmm...kind of sounds like Soro's master plan).

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

You are preaching to the converted. I agree with you 100 %. It is a good thread you have started. Others do not see it, but know that I see it. I am glad there are balanced people like you around.

Will they listen? I doubt it because they are stiff necked and only listen to the sound of their own voices.

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 06:37 AM
A demographic that feels threatened will self-weaponise. Perhaps this was a very subtle reverse strategy to achieve the end that is actually desired.

Any way allow me to save the usual crowd the trouble, RAAAAAYYYSSIIISSSS! let the protest burning and looting commence.

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: CulturalResilience

I never had a summary of words to explain the thought I had based on what I see coming to fruition. Your words:

A demographic that feels threatened will self-weaponise.

...explains it perfectly. This is what is coming but only because it is forced. It really makes me wonder if this is on purpose.

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: Revolution9
a reply to: mobiusmale

You are preaching to the converted. I agree with you 100 %. It is a good thread you have started. Others do not see it, but know that I see it. I am glad there are balanced people like you around.

Will they listen? I doubt it because they are stiff necked and only listen to the sound of their own voices.

I seems that nowadays people tune in to an echo-chamber of choice, whether it be CNN/MSNBC/NBC or FOX/InfoWars/Limbaugh..and then just bask in the reinforcement of their pre-conceived notions. Once set off on a partisan road, there seems to be no return route for most people.

It was somewhere between funny and scary to watch the video this week of the prankster, at a New York University, who read people quotes from one of Obama's SOTU addresses...but told people that it was from Trump's speech. The condemnation was instant and intense...almost as intense as the red in the faces of these people when they found out that their uniformed bias had prompted them to immediately denounce the words of someone who they are programmed to believe is their liberal champion.

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

Censorship, race-shaming, angry hyperbole directed at a creative effort...all perfectly okay on today's Campuses (if the target of the abuse is "white").

The pendulum has swung too far in the other direction much?

Too far? I'm sure that the people who blame white people for all the societal ills in the US don't think so. I'd guess they are asking why it is there are any white people admitted to these institutions of higher education. Perhaps the better way to handle admissions is to only admit white people who are "invited" to applly by a person of color!

I see one immediate benefit for everyoone if they did that. White kids would have little choice except to apply to colleges in other coutries. Those kids would benefit by gaining a more cosmopolitan experience and as well, many might not return, hastening the end of the white majority in the US.

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: mobiusmale
a reply to: Revolution9

What is shocking, among many other things, is that the traditional idea of liberalism included concepts like the protection of civil liberties (like free speech), anti-racism (not the promotion of anti-white racism), women's rights and empowerment (not ostracizing women who's views are seen as not-left-enough), the provision by society of services to those in need (not creating an underclass of citizens who remain dependent on the welfare state, and never realize their personal potentials), the tolerance and acceptance of adults who have different sexual orientations than the "norm" (not indoctrinating pre-schoolers into believing that there are 63 possible genders from which they need to chose before they enter Grade 1...and shhhhh, don't tell your parents).

Being "liberal" has morphed into something else...something quite insidious, hateful and probably dangerous.

I think that Left-leaning and the Right-leaning people of good conscience, all need to start to lean more toward the center - before there is no longer any middle, and societal polarization becomes so permanent and extreme, that we tear our society apart (hmmm...kind of sounds like Soro's master plan).

Liberal, or should I say "progressive," policies are meant to destroy nations. They had rule for 8 years and pushed so hard that we all pushed back. It's not just in America either. Other countries are pushing back just as hard due to progressive policies that are ruining them. And God help Canada. I saw where Justin Trudeau asked someone in the crowd not to use "mankind" but instead to use "peoplekind" because mankind is sexist. I feel the Canadians will be pushing back soon as well.

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 10:18 AM
Well Kenyon College does have the Gates to Hell and its most famous alum is Johnathan Winters, so what did you expect. I’m guessing the place is not as spooky as when I visited a couple of times in the summer for a week in 1986 and two weeks in 1988.

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