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Gen. Michael Flynn to File Motion for Dismissal of ALL CHARGES Against Him

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posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: soberbacchus
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Again...It won't be the first time Nunes has to explain this.

There is a ton of different detailed reporting, including conservative outlets.

Not my job to convince you of the truth. You can wait and see or search for it yourself.
He will have to answer the question a few times this week.

The funny part here is that you are arguing that the dossier was a political hit do get that right? Regardless of what comes later on...the dossier was a politically funded hit piece designed to try to harm a candidate. And nothing having been verified, it was used to get a warrant to spy on a political candidate...

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

According to legendary political operative and InfoWars correspondent, Roger Stone, lawyers for Gen. Michael Flynn are preparing legal action to have all charges against him dropped.

Lol. There's a real blitz of fake news today on the right-wing attempting to make up for the fizzled Nunes memo.

Fizzled how? In left wing media?

More appears to be coming out showing the concerted efforts of the FBI to work with Clinton and the gang...and still nothing coming about with Russiagate....

Now the Russian Collusion thing...that has fizzled

New today (from the Senate judiciary committee) is that portions of Steele's dossier were given to him by a known Clinton associate, whose name was redacted from the document they released.

So, whatever parts of the dossier weren't made up by Russian intelligence were apparently made up by the Clintons.

Sorry antediluvian, but you may need to rethink where that fizzling sound is coming from.
There is zero evidence that any of the dossier was provided by Russian intelligence...

Want to watch these Democrat underachievers stutter and talk to themselves??? Ask them why Russian intelligence meddled in our election to provide a win for Trump while at the same time this same Russian intelligence created a dossier to prevent Trump from winning the election and destroying his Presidency afterward...

(post by ksiezyc removed for political trolling and baiting)
(post by ksiezyc removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

According to legendary political operative and InfoWars correspondent, Roger Stone, lawyers for Gen. Michael Flynn are preparing legal action to have all charges against him dropped.

Lol. There's a real blitz of fake news today on the right-wing attempting to make up for the fizzled Nunes memo.

Do you honestly believe that the memo is nothing? I really want to know.

Was it nothing? Well no, it's something in that it even exists. Am I alarmed by its contents? Not really. It was WAAAAAY oversold.

There's really nothing in it that suggests a massive political conspiracy as promised by Gaetz et al. The best Nunes could come up with is to add a paragraph at the end summarizing the popular right-wing interpretations of Strzok's text messages. If you think about that objectively, it's a really odd inclusion. There's nothing linking Strzok directly to either Steele or the FISA warrant app.

Did he debrief Steele? Did he communicate with Steele at all? Was he part of the application process? (the Woods Procedures as we now all know it's referred to) There's nothing in there making that allegation.

It seems almost like it was included as an afterthought and the memo added no new insight. In fact, most of what's in the memo was already known from media reporting.

There's no attempt to describe what was actually given to the FBI by Steele. Nunes strategy was pretty transparent in this regard. He used a couple quotes to attack the information. One of them was was him misrepresenting statements by Comey about the dossier. Except the dossier isn't what's in the FISA warrant app. In fact, I seriously doubt that even the Carter Page related information that would be included was sourced from the memos about Page that ended up in the dossier.

The dossier is a series of memos that summarize raw intel. I'm guessing the FBI got far more detail, including the names of the sources, how it was collected, exact quotes and other relevant details. Possibly even recordings or emails related to the collection.

So what Nunes does is let people believe the dossier, pee-pee tape passage and all, went into the FISA warrant app. Then he uses a misrepresented quote popular in the right-wing media ("salacious and unverified") to cast doubt on the dossier when it's largely irrelevant what was written in the dossier itself and Comey wasn't referring to the whole thing anyway.

If Nunes has the goods, why play stupid games like that? Simple answer? Nunes does not in fact have the goods.

Then he claimed that the FISA warrant application "extensively cited" the Michael Isikoff article to corroborate the intel form Steele and that this was a problem because the Isikoff article was based on information from Steele. Have you read the Isikoff article by chance? If not, read it and then ask yourself how it could have been cited to corroborate *anything*. Doesn't really add up and given another misrepresentation, I have to to wonder if Nunes didn't make misrepresent how it was used. But we'll see.

The other misrepresentation (apparently) was with something McCabe said in congressional testimony. Notice that he abandons the short out-of-context quotes thing (a common tactic in the media to misrepresent statements as we all know), and opts to paraphrase McCabe's statements.

Not only did the minority immediately push back and request that the McCabe testimony be released but subsequent reporting in even the rig ht-wing media doesn't bode well for the would be bombshell claim.

Again, why the shenanigans?

I haven't even gotten started on the omissions. I will bet right now that despite Nunes's characterization of the Steele-sourced intel as "essential" (the only way the nature of its usage in the warrant app is really characterized), that information comprises less than 5% of the app.

Carter Page was a legitimate target in a legitimate investigation. He doesn't make sense as a target for a political conspiracy to surveil Trump or his campaign to somehow benefit Clinton. His interactions with the campaign were confined to the foreign policy team, he wasn't in contact with Trump directly, he didn't even have a campaign email account. More importantly, he had quit the campaign entirely a month earlier and the campaign was doing everything it could to distance itself from Carter Page.

If there was a conspiracy to spy on the Trump campaign using questionable intel, why not go for the big score?

And of course, putting the nail in that coffin lid, there's absolutely not evidence that anything obtained through surveillance somehow made it out to the DNC, Clinton, etc or anyone who could use it for Clinton's benefit.

It's a conspiracy that doesn't make much sense on its face. The fact that *this* is what Nunes came up with after all this time and hype doesn't bode well for people who think he's some kinda badass uncovering a deep state coup or whatever.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 04:47 PM
Another BS whack conspiracy from the republican tribe to cover up this story,,,

Mueller, Flynn legal teams not ready to schedule a sentencing hearing

Flynn pleaded guilty in December to lying to FBI investigators about his contacts with foreign officials, becoming the first former member of the Trump administration to be charged in the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Hard to have the charges you already plead guilty on to be dismissed. Derp!

They delay sentencing because they have a cooperating witness(Flynn) whose final sentencing will be determined by how helpful he is in the investigation & conviction of his co-conspirators.


posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: Grambler

So if these guys are all nododies, why is their a special counsel into trump?

And yes, if the used a largly unveirifed dossier paid for by a presidential campaigns opponent to get a warrant to spy on people that were in that opponents team, it is extremely unethical.

It was the Trump team who said that, Trump himself blustered that he didn't even know him, as for the dossier,
It doesn't matter, the FBI have been on Carter for a very long time, they know he dealt with a Russian spy, who has since been charged in the US several years before the Trump team campaign organisation. since this 'new' rattle about the dossier, everybody seems to forget that.
A link to the FBI's most recent timelines for Carter...and bear in mind that October 19th 2016 is the date of the Carter FISA/FISC,

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:07 PM
Funny he just signed off on ninety more days of cooperating with Robert Mueller.

These things are easily verified.
edit on 252018 by Sillyolme because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

No it was postponed because he is still cooperating .

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: smurfy

Page was looked at in 2014 and not charged.

A warrant was sought for him before the dossier, and in an almost unprecedented move, was denied by the fisa court.

And why are we only getting fisa warrants about trump people that dealt with russians spys?

No fisa warrants for the people connected with the russian interests charged with attempted bribes in the uranium one scandal.

No fisa warrants on the podesta group, that committed one of the excat same crimes manafort was charged with.

It cant be both ways; if its ok to spy on trump team people for having shady russian connections, then it should be the same for both sides.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

According to legendary political operative and InfoWars correspondent, Roger Stone, lawyers for Gen. Michael Flynn are preparing legal action to have all charges against him dropped.

Lol. There's a real blitz of fake news today on the right-wing attempting to make up for the fizzled Nunes memo.

Is that why the left voted against releasing it or the Trump hating bots going around calling it a 'nothing burger' and why Fake News outlets keep lying their snips off and hiring ex FBI employees ?

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

No it was postponed because he is still cooperating .

LOL...cooperating with What? He's already plead guilty and the investigation into him is over. This was solely for sentencing. You don't postpone a sentence unless there is something wrong with the take the win. You know...the whole double jeopardy thing and all....

This is all in favor of Flynn....

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:34 PM
so am I to just call this "fake" and move forward? Did comey say what is reported to have been said?

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

According to legendary political operative and InfoWars correspondent, Roger Stone, lawyers for Gen. Michael Flynn are preparing legal action to have all charges against him dropped.

Lol. There's a real blitz of fake news today on the right-wing attempting to make up for the fizzled Nunes memo.

Notice the alt right find out it's fake, yet keep discussing it, as if it were real.

What's up with that? Nothing better to do than discuss fake news?

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
so am I to just call this "fake" and move forward? Did comey say what is reported to have been said?

Look it up. His sentencing hearing is set for May 1st....that has not changed...the man plead GUILTY, they are not dropping the charges of a man who plead GUILTY!

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: kurthall

Did Comey state what is alleged? Or is it made up?

Whether or not Flynn is actually sentenced is something im not concerned with right now.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Aka phase one
Phase two involves secret societies government coups, sale of uranium and Clintons secret alien love child.
Sources say...

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: network dude

No not nothing just half the story.
Right now it's a bit partisan and contains inaccurate information or incomplete information and senior lawmakers are in agreement it does nothing to effect Muellers investigation.
Lawmakers on both sides.
Hopefully trump will be fair and approve the dems memo.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Two days ago, Robert Muellers team agreed that the Civil charges against manafort should be dropped

First I'm hearing this.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

New today (from the Senate judiciary committee) is that portions of Steele's dossier were given to him by a known Clinton associate

In a "criminal referral " written by GOP members Grassley and Graham.
This is nothing but another groundless accusation against Christopher Steele.
So far no one is actually bringing any charges against him which makes this look even more like another volly to keep people focused away from what is going on with the Mueller investigations.

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