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The DACA Deal Is Dead- Dead I tell you - Dead

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posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:27 PM
Democrats don't want the DACA deal.

2018 is going to be pivotal for democrats. They need something to run against.

If the DACA deal passes, then Trump will have tax cuts and possibly @ 800,000 immigrants on his side. There is no way that democrats are going to do anything that would make Trump look good.

Democrats need the country angry and divided.

So no DACA deal.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:38 PM
Trumps a funny guy, Just don't pick a fight with him. He will always come out swinging, and your punches will miss him.

Democrats need DACA to win. They are only sinking further
edit on 17-1-2018 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Democrats are in a tailspin.

They don't have a way out except for a blood fight.

If people start seeing their paychecks improve, it'll mean doomsday for democrats. They need division and hatred.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

They got division and hatred for 8 years. Now they have to deal with not even a republican president. . .
Now they have to deal with Trump.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
Trumps a funny guy, Just don't pick a fight with him. He will always come out swinging, and your punches will miss him.

Democrats need DACA to win. They are only sinking further

Trump fighting is equivalent to an 8 year old that finally found out how to talk smack on the internet.

It looks and sounds funny but there’s no substance nor threat.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: TheLotLizard

originally posted by: visitedbythem
Trumps a funny guy, Just don't pick a fight with him. He will always come out swinging, and your punches will miss him.

Democrats need DACA to win. They are only sinking further

Trump fighting is equivalent to an 8 year old that finally found out how to talk smack on the internet.

It looks and sounds funny but there’s no substance nor threat.

And the democrats don't want the 8 year old to win.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: randomtangentsrme
a reply to: DBCowboy

They got division and hatred for 8 years. Now they have to deal with not even a republican president. . .
Now they have to deal with Trump.

Which makes it even worse.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Does it?
Maybe for them?

I am quite enjoying hearing the outrage from my fellow coworkers (arts).
I'm taking even more enjoyment in pointing out facts about what he's doing (donating his salary etc.) that they never hear about.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy
If the stock market keeps carrying on---pension fund managers across the world are going to be doing happy dances. He's going to make even (state) Democrat administrations look good if the economy keeps roaring and companies keep investing money here in the US.

Just last month our little town got word of a $50 million investment and at least 120 jobs from a South Korean auto manufacturer. There are whispered rumors that a deal is in the works for another 200 jobs and more millions invested. I haven't seen this kind of optimism in the business community since Reagan was in office.

posted on Jan, 18 2018 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: TheLotLizard

Yes,that why your liberal's are going crazy making false accusations ans scenarios,you guys just can't face the truth,ignorance is easy

posted on Jan, 18 2018 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Then they're prepared to shut down the government over illegals, prioritizing them over American citizens of all stripes. And I am not just talking DACA kids because the only objections Democrats can make to a DACA deal is that it doesn't go far enough, meaning it doesn't do enough to protect illegal interests ... which brings them back to prioritizing the interests of illegals over Americans.

So Democrats shut down the government and threaten aid payments of all kinds to all walks of life ... over people who aren't even supposed to be in this country.

Sounds like a winning issue if you ask me.

posted on Jan, 18 2018 @ 12:20 PM
DemocRats are the epitome of what 'anti-American' really means, imo. They are so full of hate, it makes me hurt for my country to watch their vile antics and listen to their vicious lies. Just watching Cory Booker the other day foaming at the mouth in some kind of "demonic" hyperbolic rant shows you just what kind of people they truly are at their core.

This is all about weakening the military, least 60% is. They want illegals for the votes and to keep themselves in power. They played this game with our black population, but blacks are finally becoming awakened and finally realizing that the Dems in power have just used them, including their own black politicians. So, now, the Dem leaders are focusing on using illegal immigrants in the same way.....keep the carrot dangling but just out of reach.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is about creating jobs and a better economic environment for business AND workers.

How anybody that is truly informed can vote for a DemocRat is beyond me.

posted on Jan, 18 2018 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Disappointingly, I believe that you're spot-on...but at the same time, Trump and the Repubs ran on this whole idea of a wall or much better border security, as well as little-to-no consideration for amnesty, so it's a double-edged sword.

If Trump and the Repubs "cave" and don't get border security in there, it will be a complete abandonment of what they ran on concerning the issue, and it may push some die-hards to abstain from supporting the Rs during the mid-term. But if they don't barter a better deal than what would amount to doing nothing for these "Dreamers," they will lose any possibility of gaining votes from the other side, IMO.

Honestly, I think the Dems are better positioned on this issue, because they don't have a real shot of taking the house, and a minimal shot at taking the Senate, so they are in a much better place to go all-in because they have less to lose.

Of course, if they're smart, they will deal hard and get themselves a win, because they really need one on the national level.

posted on Jan, 18 2018 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: TheLotLizard

Trump fighting is equivalent to an 8 year old that finally found out how to talk smack on the internet.

It looks and sounds funny but there’s no substance nor threat.

Yeah, but how does that make the Democrats look when they have lost to an 8-year-old internet bully? I think that Hillary has a different assessment of him not being a threat.

Be wary of your own words, as this statement reflects more poorly on the Dems and the DNC than it does on Trump.

posted on Jan, 18 2018 @ 01:47 PM
At the same time, the Republican and neo liberal economic agenda has kept real wages stagnant for everyone but the very wealthy for 3 decades. This is despite steady growth in production and gasp/capita. Trickle down economics has failed. This is one reason, besides an anti-environmental stance, that many consider the Republican agenda pro rich and immoral. a reply to: queenofswords

posted on Jan, 19 2018 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: Oldtimer2
a reply to: TheLotLizard

Yes,that why your liberal's are going crazy making false accusations ans scenarios,you guys just can't face the truth,ignorance is easy

You guys? I’m not affiliated with ANY political party, none. Thank you though for putting me in a group though. All sides are like children, no one wins, and they’re both two sides of the same coin.

I’m happy making fun of everyone caught up in the game that’s called politics.

posted on Jan, 19 2018 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey

originally posted by: TheLotLizard

Trump fighting is equivalent to an 8 year old that finally found out how to talk smack on the internet.

It looks and sounds funny but there’s no substance nor threat.

Yeah, but how does that make the Democrats look when they have lost to an 8-year-old internet bully? I think that Hillary has a different assessment of him not being a threat.

Be wary of your own words, as this statement reflects more poorly on the Dems and the DNC than it does on Trump.

Why would i care if it looks poorly on a Democrat? I’m not one, so I could really care less.

posted on Jan, 22 2018 @ 01:13 PM

DemocRats are the epitome of what 'anti-American' really means, imo. They are so full of hate

What do you expect from the party that brought us the Clan and Jim Crow laws?

It's why I've always been puzzled that most African Americans identify with this party.....


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