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The NASA suitcase ufos

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posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 06:57 PM
Hey ATS,

I couldn't find any other threads relating to this and hadnt seen this footage myself anywhere on the net before today, until jimmy church reposted the video on his YT channel. The original YT video was uploaded back in August of 2014. Yes, I know YT is awash with fake ufo footage and is a cottage industry within itself, but this one caught my eye.

It appears to be footage from a NASA satellite showing two what will dub "suitcase" ufos and the alleged feed zooms in on both of them and then the feed goes down.

My initial thoughts were that this is some sort of covert satellites hence the feed being cut or cgi. I thought cgi initially due to the way the person who has captured this on their phone rather than captured the footage directly from the computer as this would allow them to hide problems with the cgi in the footage.

I would be interested to see what ATS thinks of this as I am undecided what to think on this one.

Apologies for the poor opening, posting from my phone isn't ideal

Suitcase UFO
edit on 16-1-2018 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-1-2018 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 06:59 PM
second flagg for content subject.........cgi......iss doesn't get a view of the globe at all ya know

posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 07:13 PM
One of the comments from the video states that the footage is real, but most likely just satellites:

GRACE is different from most Earth observing satellite missions - Terra and Aqua for example - because it doesn't carry a suite of independent scientific instruments on board. It does not make measurements of the electromagnetic energy reflected back to it from the Earth's surface. Instead, the two GRACE satellites themselves act in unison as the primary instrument. Changes in the distance between the twin satellites are used to make gravitational field measurements. The two identical satellites orbit one behind the other in the same orbital plane at an approximate distance of 220 km (137 miles). As the pair circles the Earth, areas of slightly stronger gravity (greater mass concentration) will affect the lead satellite first, pulling it away from the trailing satellite, then as the satellites continue along their orbital path, the trailing satellite is pulled toward the lead satellite as it passes over the gravity anomaly. The change in distance would certainly be imperceptible to our eyes, but an extremely precise microwave ranging system on GRACE is able to detect these miniscule changes in the distance between the satellites. A highly accurate measuring device known as an accelerometer, located at each satellite mass center, will be used to measure the non-gravitational accelerations (such as those due to atmospheric drag) so that only accelerations caused by gravity are considered. Satellite Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers will be used to determine the exact position of the satellite over the Earth to within a centimeter or less. Members of the GRACE science team can download all this information from the satellites, and use it to construct monthly maps of the Earth's average gravity field.

edit on 1162018 by seattlerat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: pigsy2400

I think what GBP/JPY pointed out was the view distance is wrong. If that were a view from ISS then you would not be able to see the whole globe like that. Think about it.

Looks like they probably used google earth imagery for the Earth and computer generated images for the “UFO’s”.


This will give you an idea of the view from ISS

edit on 1/16/2018 by Alien Abduct because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 07:40 PM
They are the Grace Satellites are they not.

Don't they work in unison as suggested Here

posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: seattlerat

Those are almost certainly not GRACE spacecraft. They are the wrong shape and too close to each other. (GRACE spacecraft were about 200 km apart, in orbit). GRACE spacecraft were also in an orbit 100 km above the Station; these are clearly below the Station orbit (about 400 km).

They are most likely cubesats launched from the Space Station itself. The company Nanoracks has been in the business of selling launch services from the Space Station for several years now. Cubesats are transported to the Space Station during the various resupply missions and then ejected from the Station by the Astronauts on a time-available basis. The company I worked for until a couple of weeks ago (Planet Labs, Inc.) launched its first cubesats in 2014. In fact, those two spacecraft could be Planet Labs spacecraft.

The basic module for cubesats is a cube, 4 inches on a side (or 100 mm on a side, if you prefer) referred to as a 1U cubesat. These spacecraft appear to be 3U cubesats, which are 4 inches by 4 inches by 12 inches.

These spacecraft typically don't have any propulsion capability so the Astronauts typically just toss them off the Station with a very low separation velocity, so you can watch them slowly drift away for quite a while (as long as they are in sunlight).

posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: studio500
They are the Grace Satellites are they not.

Don't they work in unison as suggested Here

In the beginning of the video in the OP the view of earth is at minimum a few thousand miles away. Not possible if viewing from the ISS and the ISS is the only place where there is humans in space. See my post above.

posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: pigsy2400

totally fake. We never get high enough in ISS to see the "globe"
The earth should look totally flat and endless from that low of an altitude

posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein

Not totally fake. You are correct that the first segment of the video was taken from a higher altitude--possibly from one of the Apollo missions.

It then transitions (abruptly) into a segment showing two spacecraft moving against the cloud layer below which IMHO could have been taken from the ISS.

I think someone took stock footage from two different NASA missions and spliced them together to create a hoax.

posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 10:48 PM
It looks like CGI.

Maybe they took NASA feed footage and then put the CGI in there.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: pigsy2400
Hey ATS,

I couldn't find any other threads relating to this and hadnt seen this footage myself anywhere on the net before today, until jimmy church reposted the video on his YT channel. The original YT video was uploaded back in August of 2014. Yes, I know YT is awash with fake ufo footage and is a cottage industry within itself, but this one caught my eye.

It appears to be footage from a NASA satellite showing two what will dub "suitcase" ufos and the alleged feed zooms in on both of them and then the feed goes down.

My initial thoughts were that this is some sort of covert satellites hence the feed being cut or cgi. I thought cgi initially due to the way the person who has captured this on their phone rather than captured the footage directly from the computer as this would allow them to hide problems with the cgi in the footage.

I would be interested to see what ATS thinks of this as I am undecided what to think on this one.

Apologies for the poor opening, posting from my phone isn't ideal

Suitcase UFO

At the range shown, the lens system must have been at nearly its maximum zoom. You can see that as it zooms in, the background looses resolution while the foreground objects gain in resolution.

That isn't what happens at extreme zoom, distant objects should all have the exact same definition. If you defocus the background, you defocus the middle ground and near objects too. Anyone playing with camera zoom can verify that.

This is obviously CGI.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 02:05 AM
Imagine going through all this CGI and not knowing that the ISS cannot see the full hemisphere of the planet...
Stupidity with exceptional artistic talent.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 07:14 AM
Why can't I find anything but artist renditions of the twin satellites of the NASA/German Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment launched on March 17, 2002?

If they just showed real images things would be much easier. For all we know this is just an instagram filter

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: 1947boomer
Apollo missions?? Lol
Like I said - this video is 100% fake

posted on Jan, 18 2018 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
a reply to: pigsy2400

totally fake. We never get high enough in ISS to see the "globe"
The earth should look totally flat and endless from that low of an altitude

If you were 200 miles up in the ISS, you'd see a horizon line between the Earth and space from that altitude -- just like you would see a horizon line between the ground and sky while 7 miles up in a plane, or like you can personally can see a horizon line from ~6 feet eye level.

That being said, a person in the ISS cannot see the southern part of Africa and the same time as they could see all of Greenland (as the video asserts).

Just like in a plane at 7 miles up, from 200 miles up they would be able to see an edge of the Earth a certain distance away from them as a horizon line with space above that line, but they would not be able to see the entire side of the Earth that they were facing at the time. They would need to be much higher than that.

edit on 18/1/2018 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

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