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What the hell happened to ATS?

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posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 08:59 PM
No, it’s not a complaint actually...
More of a siren to attract folks for what could be a useful thread.
Apologies for the clickbait (I’m not really sorry).

Now and then over the last couple years, and very frequently in the last 12 months, we’ve had a massive influx of threads asking “what happened?”, “where is the old ATS?”, “why so much politics?”... and so on...

These threads usually generate quite a bit of traffic, no matter how often they appear.
A lot of agreement, and a lot of “why don’t you be the change you want to see?” responses...
Then eventually the thread dies until the next pissed off member decides to vent their understandable frustrations.

While I fully agree ATS has become pretty predictable and, sadly, very establishment one could say...
I still believe those who tell those nostalgic members to do it themselves have a valid point.

But it got me thinking, not a lot of the membership here actually comments, let alone creates threads...
For many different reasons I’m sure...

So this is an invitation to those members to comment below, and rather than reminisce on the good old days, please tell us all what threads you’d really like to see...
I myself, and maybe many others who do not mind creating a thread, will be happy to make them for you, time permitting.

Does that sound reasonable?
I do not judge those who want better, but for whatever reason refrain from thread creation...
Instead I make a simple request of you, list some to subjects, however far-fetched, fringe or frowned upon...
Suggestions of conspiracies you feel would be good for ATS discussion...

And I give my word, when I have time, I will make the threads for those who can’t.
Others may even join me in assisting you to bring topics here that are currently ignored due to the political addiction our beloved site is suffering from, if what you suggests peaks their interest and they have the time to do so.

This is a genuine offer, and possibly the best solution, so please speak up now (not literally now, but when you read this)...

I can’t promise to see to every suggestion... But I will do my best.

This is a one time offer, in the sense that after this thread, I won’t be participating in/flagging any more “where is ATS” threads...
If you pass up on this then it kinda leads me to believe you don’t really want change, and that you just like to moan about things.

Show ATS you’re serious, give us the ammo, and we’ll do the loading and firing for you!


posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:06 PM
Star and Flag.

Unfortunately, my current health is preventing me from writing some great threads so your offer is intriguing.

Part of the problem is that we have two sides of US politics running thread after thread after noxious thread and the mods just seem to turn a blind eye.

If that is what the owners want, then so be it but you are just asking for someone to start up in competition and beat you at your own game.

What we need is more threads on how the 3 letter agencies work on here and on the internet as a whole to keep us divided.

Great thread.


posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Giver 'er a go Haz.

I tried once:

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:13 PM
5G and the weaponization of earths atmosphere AI and the singularity,crypto currency,transhumanism,...its all being rolled out now and when the beast system comes on line 99 percent will be caught trousers down with their head up their ass.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

The absolute truth? The absolute truth is, now America is so divided , that even on good old ATS, there is not much left for middle ground. Arguments, and name calling, to a degree I HAVE NEVER seen in the almost 8 year member and at least 5 years lurking before that.

Funny the other day, someone said to me in a summery, 'its new people like you ruining this site' now that is not exact, but damn close.

trump, is unacceptable as a president in my eyes, and the savior to the very title to others. It is what it is.

edit on 9-1-2018 by kurthall because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-1-2018 by kurthall because: fix

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

funny I should find this offer after I only just thought I wish somebody would make this offer.

Please, if you could, make a thread about the Marchall Islands. Specifically Runit Island. I saw a documentary just a few hours ago about The Dome on Runit Island. It was said that the nuclear waste deposited there, by the US, in a crater was meant to be temporarily.

I even did a search on ATS and could find very little. Surely there must be a conspiracy about that. Why is America policing other nation's nuclear activities when they themselves are hiding their sins ?
edit on 9-1-2018 by desiccatingTardigrade because: typo

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: pheonix358

What we need is more threads on how the 3 letter agencies work on here and on the internet as a whole to keep us divided.

The latter part is certainly doable, phoenix...

The first part would be hard to do without looking like an attack on ATS and the staff, and without a very specific observation of how that occurs here, it would hit the Bin in an instant.

Suggestions noted, my friend.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:31 PM
There's a 'Soap' I think still ...(since I don't have a TV by choice)... .called, 'As the world turns'.

Same here, always moving forward, good or bad, moving ahead. The 'good old days' are just a recollection, usually sans the misery. We tend to remember things the way we wished they were, but there has always been turmoil.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Giver 'er a go Haz.

I tried once:

Well, firstly, I think you are a fine thread creator, and you do yourself a disservice in the opening of the thread you linked...

However it’s a fine suggestion, duly noted.

I will admit now, one millennial to another, like yourself my JFK knowledge is sparse to say the least.
& despite his shady death, from what I do know (or have come across), I’ve never considered him the martyr he has become.
That’s always left me a little disinterested in JFK, but I never said in my OP I’d only do topics I find interesting...
That would be very selfish and totally defeat the purpose. 😂

So, sure my friend, I will look into that ASAP for you and try my best to do what you asked.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

People don’t read.

Reading internalizes a Hegelian Dialectic where you are responsible to figure things out for yourself to a point. If you only watch u-tube then you do not internalize anything. You write a knee jerk reaction post from feelings (and a ship load of others do the same), the real conversation is drowned out and we get what you are pointing out.

I don’t know how to get the train back on the tracks.

About at this point all I can say is don’t feed the trolls.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: khnum
5G and the weaponization of earths atmosphere AI and the singularity,crypto currency,transhumanism,...its all being rolled out now and when the beast system comes on line 99 percent will be caught trousers down with their head up their ass.

Is that an all-in-one thread request there, khnum?...
That’s 50% joke, 50% actually serious because you may very well want it to be a single thread.

A thoroughly daunting task if that is the case, but an excellent suggestion nonetheless.

I think those 99% who are oblivious are in a better position, sadly...
By the time it hits them they’ll not even comprehend it...

Others who see it coming will have to suffer the slow kill fully aware, and almost helpless.

Knowledge... A gift and a curse, perhaps?

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Well, firstly, I think you are a fine thread creator, and you do yourself a disservice in the opening of the thread you linked... However it’s a fine suggestion, duly noted.

Well, what a great thing to say sir! Thank you. I made that thread in 10/16 btw

The point I was trying to make is that the real lurkers, stay lurkers from my perspective. However, things have changed quite abit since that post and if you can drum up some lurkers to point out some interesting thread ideas, like above, then that will surely add to the ATS experience.

Thing is about nostalgia, it's rarely as you remember it. They are simply good memories.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: kurthall

trump, is unacceptable as a president in my eyes, and the savior to the very title to others. It is what it is.

I’m glad you felt obligated to let me know that, because otherwise I’d never have guessed it.

Anti-Trump threads, I will assume is your suggestion.
I’ll get round to that around the 6th Of Nevervember 2084.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: desiccatingTardigrade

That is all unknown to me...
So I will look into that ASAP for you. Sounds very interesting.

I’m honoured you saved your first post for me, in a giddy way, not a narcissist way. 😂

Welcome to ATS, I hope you enjoy your time here.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

I first found ATS when I was looking for alternative news on Monsanto a few years ago. (My pet conspiracy is that big agro and be oil want to run the world. Step aside, Illuminati.) Fragile Earth had me checking back every day - fascinating stuff. Now it's all climate science deniers.

It's all become hyper politicized now. And though I admit I enjoy the mudpit and political news, almost none of it is conspiracy theories. ATS is Facebook for anonymous people with better vocabularies.

Are you starting a pact? Members who won't drone on about Trump and Hillary? I'd sign that.
edit on 020182018k23110America/Chicagothpm by Look2theSacredHeart because: Pact?

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: JinMI

The point I was trying to make is that the real lurkers, stay lurkers from my perspective.

For sure, mate.
They were who I had in mind making this thread, as well as the infrequent posters who have expressed their reluctance to create threads.

While I can totally get that reluctance, I myself am so abhorrent that I feel utterly no shame, which is wholly unattractive, but is certainly a handy trait when creating threads we’d all expect to be very badly received or ridiculed.

Thing is about nostalgia, it's rarely as you remember it. They are simply good memories.

I’ll be honest with you, Jinmi...
Having visited regularly since 2011 I honestly don’t see the major shift many talk about.
It maybe went a little overkill since the election, but it isn’t much different than 2012-Obama era ATS.
Perspective, I guess.

However, I’m still willing to facilitate a little variety that others feel has been abandoned.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 10:01 PM
I realize I'm new here, but I am not new to the conspiracy community and I've noticed It's not just here, all the other forums I've frequented have devolved into the political mud pit. Perhaps, in a way this is the fruit the conspiracy theory community. For ages we were warning people to finally wake from their slumber and now they are waking up but they don't know what they are waking up to, a bad dream.

The monetary system is what got me involved, starting with the fed then moving into the markets, I'm an old school goldbug who is too poor to own gold. I've even began to skip my usual sites like ZH since they've also devolved into the constant political banter so I'm back to the goldbug websites.

IMO this is why Trump is in office, my name reflects this feeling that in order to squash the CT movement the PTB placed Trump into this position for exactly this reason. They are winning and we are squabbling.


posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 10:02 PM
Okay, I should have said this in the OP...

But I’m gonna have to add a couple of stipulations on suggestions I won’t personally consider...

I will not be making any threads regarding 9/11, Sandy Hook or the infamous RATS only topic that shall remain nameless.
Other who may make threads on behalf of others might do so, but I’m ruling that out for myself now.

As it stands, I can’t currently think of any other topics I’ll outright reject.

edit on 9-1-2018 by Hazardous1408 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 10:21 PM
The core reason why ATS no longer has so many well made conspiracy threads is mostly down to the fact it's all been done before, every interesting topic already has several threads made on it. This was an issue long before Trump got elected and it has slowly been getting worse over the years because we're slowly running out of things to discuss and so it makes sense for us to discuss a lot of political issues right now since that's the most interesting stuff happening right now. Many people may not like it but I don't think it's so bad, and there are still some great threads being made. Although I've written quite a few political threads recently I've also written several "traditional" threads in the last few months:

UFO's: UFO's and Time Travel
Cryptocurrency: Understanding the Blockchain
AI: General Intelligence: context is everything
Cosmology: Why the universe is infinite and didn't begin as a singularity

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: kurthall

If the division of America keeps getting worse, I fear it will devolve into shooting war.

a reply to: Hazardous1408

Personally, I think people have either growth lazy or got sucked into partisan politics. Look at Alex Jones for example. Before he used to talk about Globalists. Now he praises Trump as if he were the Messiah.
edit on 1/9/2018 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

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