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The gentleperson's guide to forum spies [and other disinformation actors]

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posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
It's all about keeping everyone focused on Trump.

He's the organ grinder's monkey, keeping you watching while the organ grinder's cohorts pick your pocket.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 04:24 PM
Shills. Paid. Not many. There was this one.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Star for that, muzzle. I was actually a tad paranoid of that when I posted this

Just kidding. But you're right. In a situation like that, no one is really above reproach and it helps to look at things with a skeptical eye. I wouldn't put it past a well financed organization to have or utilize well established accounts. Like many others have said, if someone appears interested only in advancing a narrative (and not looking at facts objectively) then you may have cause for concern.

Then again, it may just be stubbornness or some other factor at play. I am *not* accusing anyone by name, and really only intend the post to be taken in the general light of awareness vs action.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

i am sorry but i trust the fbi not at all under comey . the whole russian crap is just a misdirect and is easy to spot.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Mission accomplished

I really don't believe there is any need for paranoid though. I'm sure this practice is commonplace in virtually any popular community (especially one that deals with alternative subjects/topics of a conspiratorial nature).

We definitely do not want to engage in any "witch hunting" or using accusations as a means to stifle dissent. In fact, I would wager that someone engaging in such behavior in worthy of a degree of healthy skepticism.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: JBurns

Heheh I thought you'd think it was funny.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.

posted on Jan, 12 2018 @ 01:00 AM

originally posted by: toysforadults
After being here for a long enough time I can spot them fairly quickly.

A lot of us know who some of them are.

We really have lost some great members who I wish would come back. Especially in the Philosophy and Metaphysics forum. Man it was good.

Most of them were banned for being to truthful and the rest along with the banned ones are now acting out the metaphysics instead of talking about it.

They will not be back.

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: JBurns

Hey thief. I posted this exact thread back in 2012.
Thanks for ripping me off loser. Do a search you'll see I've post a ton of information, that people keep reposting and taking credit for. Nice job lazy bum.

By the way, any excuse for not seeing it is void.
Because it's topped in this forum, can't miss it...
edit on 22-2-2018 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: ADVISOR
a reply to: JBurns

Hey thief. I posted this exact thread back in 2012.
Thanks for ripping me off loser. Do a search you'll see I've post a ton of information, that people keep reposting and taking credit for. Nice job lazy bum.

By the way, any excuse for not seeing it is void.
Because it's topped in this forum, can't miss it...

Doh! You are right ADVISOR

I can see missing it in the search (search returns too many broad results) but missing the topped thread is just inexcusable

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR


edit on 22-2-2018 by howtonhawky because: (no reason given)

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