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San Bernadino DA unloads on liberals following deputy's murder

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posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 05:51 PM
Deputy L. Falce was murdered on New Years Eve following a minor traffic collision with a known gang-banging thug. Deputy Falce has slowed his vehicle as a result of animals in the roadway, and was struck from the rear by a career criminal. After stepping out of their vehicles to inspect the damage, the thug attacked Deputy Falce rendering him unconscious. He never woke up.

In the video, you will see Lawrence Falce's brothers escort him to the coroner. Meanwhile, the San Bernadino DA issued an accurate rebuke of CA liberalism and a reminder that their politicking has real life consequences.

A man identified as Alonzo Leron Smith, 30, and Falce, an off-duty San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputy, are initially seen on the video standing on the sidewalk after they got into a minor traffic collision. Smith had rear-ended the deputy’s car — which had stopped short while trying to avoid two dogs on the road — and the two men got out of their vehicles to confront each other about the fender bender, the video appears to show.

But just as Smith seems to be going back to his vehicle, he's seen turning around and punching Falce in the face, causing the deputy to fall to the ground. Smith then gets into his car as two witnesses attempt to stop him. Another person uses an SUV to ram the attacker’s vehicle.

This criminal thug murdered this 70 year old Sheriff Deputy for absolutely no reason. Because he is a career loser, he lacks even basic social skills (hence the violence over a minor incident). God willing, the DA will pursue murder charges with the gang specification and make sure this POS rots.

“He jumped in his car and tried to leave, so I rammed him once and then I backed up and he was able to go around my actual truck, so I rammed him a second time in the back of his car and spun him out across the street and into a…tree," the witness told KTLA.

He added: “I was just so, so shocked. My instincts just kind of kicked in."

Smith was caught about 12 hours later and charged with murder on Wednesday.

Falce, who was on the force for 36 years and was an Army veteran, never fully recovered from the injury and died Tuesday, police announced.

From the article, a Citizen attempted to stop the fleeing felon but was unsuccessful. Always great to see the great men and women of our nation standing up for LE against these POS criminals.

Rest in peace, Lawrence Falce.
edit on 1/4/2018 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: JBurns

It is sad to hear about these incidents. But I fail to see how Liberals have anything to do with this.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 06:24 PM
I'm not personally anti police however I do question many of the laws they enforce. Having said that I believe we need GOOD police officers in this country for obvious reasons.

It's really sad to have the police and community fighting each other over arbitrary laws that shouldn't exist instead of working together to keep the power structures in check.

I watched this on the news the other day pretty sad.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

Aaa, I believe it is because the suspect had been released early from a prior felony conviction. The DA appeared to be "unloading" because he is tired of dealing with the same people time after time and not seeing anything actually done. Now that a deputy has died, it seems to have only strengthened his resolve to put this guy away.

I agree though, it doesn't have a whole lot to do with liberalism and everything to do with the cop-killer POS

Terrible to see this happen
Prayers for the family and his fellow officers

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Agreed tfa, there are a lot of laws that are senseless. I don't disagree with you there. But the streets are never the place to settle those differences, and especially not against an off-duty deputy that only tried to avoid running over some dogs. Violence against LE is never acceptable, of course, but situations like this are even more senseless.

Police + community = success. The community policing model has had great successes, and I support it entirely. The Citizen in the article, for example, attempted to apprehend the murderer (then attacker) and aide the officer. It is great to see this kind of response to such a horrible situation. The community really shows it strength and character through that type of heroism.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 06:40 PM
How does this play into it all?

" San Bernadino DA issued an accurate rebuke of CA liberalism and a reminder that their politicking has real life consequences. "

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Did you watch the video in the OP's article? The DA himself does an excellent job at explaining that.
edit on 1/4/2018 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: JBurns

Oh I agree. It doesn't make it appropriate.

California had to change it's laws due to a federal mandate to reduce it's prison population in 2011.


Also jails like LA county are so full that they give 10% time to non violent offender if what I've heard is correct. Apparently they process north of 5,000 inmates a week.

So I have to wonder... what's going on in California? It's a very dangerous state to live in albeit beautiful.
edit on 4-1-2018 by toysforadults because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: JBurns

The title essentially blames liberals somehow for this man's death. Aren't the Republican's constantly telling us that THEY control all these Governorship's and local offices. They control Congress and the White House, and it's THE LIBERALS? LOL. Just get some of those concerned Republicans to change the laws. They control everything, and liberals seem to control nothing. UNLESS....dum, dum, dum, dum,.....the Deep State.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: JBurns

It is very sad indeed. My thoughts go out to the family of the Sheriff. If I may though, maybe you should change the thread title before this thread takes a then in the wrong direction.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

No doubt about it, tfa. I believe that is a major function of the overreaching control substance laws that disproportionately affect younger black men. I don't dispute that legislators have really made a mess of things, or even that some officers will inevitably turn out to themselves be criminals (or very close analogues). This really isn't any different than other professions though, just that you are in a position of public trust which intensifies the potential impact of their actions.

The problem, in my mind, is the urge to take this anger out on LEOs who are simply charged with enforcing the laws as crafted by elected officials. IMO, this is just another examples of elections having consequences (in a multi-dimensional way) and the people we elect acting against the best interest of the American people.

It is shameful to see this deputy killed, after giving so many years of service to his community and his country (in the US Army). It does seem there is a lot of crime in CA though, I am unsure if it has more to do with high population urban areas or state specific laws (or some third, fourth or fifth factor)

I suppose road rage is common everywhere, it is just shocking to see such a distinguished individual cut down in a needless way like this

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: JBurns

I completely agree with that.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 07:01 PM
A direct link to the video.

If you did not watch the video, you need to to see where the comment was made.

He has a point and career violent criminals should not be on the streets. It does not matter this time it happened to be a cop as it could just as easily have been anyone else.

It's fair to say that Liberal policies play a part in this.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: JBurns

This story really saddens me. This man led a productive, honorable life, and put up with and delt with a lot of stuff in his career, only to be snuffed out like this.

Had he seen the attack coming and shot him, we would be hearing about this mean ole cop who shot an "unarmed" man. Ah what an upside down world we live in.

edit on 4-1-2018 by UpsideDownWorld because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2018 by UpsideDownWorld because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

When has this ever happened?,the last 8 yrs were Democratic party,what are you ranting about?

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 07:18 PM

I suppose road rage is common everywhere, it is just shocking to see such a distinguished individual cut down in a needless way like this

It's sad that any victim of road rage or whatever this was should be killed, "distinguished" or not.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
This criminal thug murdered this 70 year old Sheriff Deputy for absolutely no reason.

It's always sad when the good cops pay the price, for what the bad cops do on the street.

But, the same thing happens to the good citizens. Recently, a good citizen was mistakenly arrested and forced to take anti-psychotic medication, because they confused him with someone else.

Injustice everywhere.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: AMPTAH

originally posted by: JBurns
This criminal thug murdered this 70 year old Sheriff Deputy for absolutely no reason.

It's always sad when the good cops pay the price, for what the bad cops do on the street.

But, the same thing happens to the good citizens. Recently, a good citizen was mistakenly arrested and forced to take anti-psychotic medication, because they confused him with someone else.

Injustice everywhere.

Exactly, no different to the Aussie lady that was shot and killed by police for absolutely no reason, we live in a world where bad things happen to good people sometimes.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 07:36 PM

At Wednesday’s news conference, the district attorney decried legislative efforts to reduce penalties for nonviolent drug crimes. Ramos predicted that his attempt to seek a prior-conviction sentencing enhancement for Smith would be thwarted because people would argue his previous convictions were nonviolent felonies.

Either way, I doubt it will go lightly given the victim is a Law Enforcement Officer.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: AMPTAH

No doubt about it, bad things happen to good people. Even more troubling is the fact that Falce was off duty at the time. The person who did this to him apparently would've attacked any 70 year old man (and anyone else for that matter) with little to no provocation.

He was a ticking time bomb, waiting to go off. In an tragically ironic way, it was Falce's desire to preserve life (of those two dogs) that led to his fatal encounter with this POS.

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