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Disclosure for a reason? History may repeat

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posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 10:51 AM
So, here's a thought.

Why disclosure now? Not in the sense that anything was actually revealed of course, that would be too.......... Generous; but at least it has been acknowledged that UFO's are real, and time and money has been invested into their reports and such (No $#1+, Sherlock. Didn't need a press conference to state the obvious...)

However, let's look at UFO sightings during times of war. Apparently, during times of war we have a huge spike in reportings of UFO sightings, this is both from the public and from military/government personnel. We have reports of increased UFO activity during:

1. The Korean War
2. The Gulf War
3. Vietnam War
4. WW2
5. Cold War
6. Cuban Missile Crisis

Just to name a few. Basically, If there is war, there are UFO's. If there is possibility of Nuclear threat, There are even more.

We also have reports of UFO's showing up on radar long enough to cause malfunctions of ICBM testing and warhead tests; couple this with reports from officials stating (unsubstantiated) that Aliens were trying to avoid a nuclear war. Links to all points: r-astronaut.html

Now, I'm not going bring in any political Left and Right crap, we have other forums for that.

What I AM trying to discuss, is if the reason for the level of disclosure they gave, is in preparation of an uptick in UFO sightings? With the tensions mounting over the Nuclear pissing contest, based on history it is safe to say that there will be a lot more UFO's checking things out, and if some reports are to be held true, possibilities of disabled weapon silos, faulty missile tests (Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......) and other things of the like will be happening.

There is a reason for everything, and when it comes to government, it usually leads back to damage control, whether it be after the fact or a preemptive defense. At least this is my opinion.

Good day, guys.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 12:02 PM
Interesting take OP

I've heard that UFO seem to appear near Nuclear Power Plants and military bunkers where Nukes are kept. I wonder if a nuclear war is on the horizon...

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 12:48 PM
I think Louis Elizondo is a bit like ‘the Donald Keyhoe of the 21st century’.

Like Louis Elizondo, Donald Keyhoe was an inside man who became convinced that the public should be informed about the compelling evidence that was gathered by the military. Like Louis Elizondo, Donald Keyhoe had a lot of compelling cases and inside information but he did not have the ‘smoking gun’, the ultimate proof that extra-terrestrial visitation is behind some of the UFO sightings.

This was in the 1950's. So it seems that history simply repeats itself.

The interview below is worth a listen - very interesting to hear what Donald Keyhoe already knew back in 1958.
Example: One of the 4 documents mentioned by Donald Keyhoe is the Twining memo. It was declassified much later - at that time the US Air Force denied its existence.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: dothedew
Excellent OP.
I believe you are on to something here. One of my favorite Profs at university said “when something MAJOR is happening in the world and the news is all over it, look for seemingly small things, you might catch a sniff of what it is they are trying to hide.”
Look forward my friend.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: dothedew

What I AM trying to discuss, is if the reason for the level of disclosure they gave, is in preparation of an uptick in UFO sightings?

How about this thought! A greater level of "disclosure" (that isn't really disclosure) and a hyping up of sightings reports by retired military to provide cover for the military's expectation of need to "use" its "Black Budget" technology on a large scale such that there might be more sightings of objects like the Triangles? They're grooming the public to believe their claims of, no, that's not an F-117, or TR3B Astra...........uh, it must be maybe an Alien UFO!

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: TonyS

Something that slipped my mind, but also very possible...... Good idea there!

I feel as though the Black Triangle is the worst kept secret in our military's history, as a side point.

However, if we did utilize some of our black op tech, it would be announcing to the world that we do have this technology and have had it for some time.... causing a little more publicity regarding its existence and, accordingly, where we are syphoning the money required to fund it's R&D. If you ask me, if that were the case, it would've been more beneficial for the "disclosure" to be aimed at us disclosing our manufacture and testing of said craft.

posted on Jan, 5 2018 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: Kalixi
Interesting take OP

I've heard that UFO seem to appear near Nuclear Power Plants and military bunkers where Nukes are kept. I wonder if a nuclear war is on the horizon...

Um...>> they are sabotaging our enemies nuclear weapons in subtle ways so they do not notice the tampering.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: Spader
a reply to: dothedew
Excellent OP.
I believe you are on to something here. One of my favorite Profs at university said “when something MAJOR is happening in the world and the news is all over it, look for seemingly small things, you might catch a sniff of what it is they are trying to hide.”
Look forward my friend.

Could it be that they are using UFOs as a smoke screen like a buffer to the real disclosure of aliens or UFOs residing on planet earth? Like a double agent in my opinion the UFOs may just be the ones living in the cave systems and are curious as to what all the ruckess is about? And UFOs aren't from space who knows aha
but the OP is right history sure will repeat again and again n and again... We will never be granted the truth by the government, but I do understand as to why not in some ways as it would be quite mentally straining on an every day person to know or even see an alien and their tech

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