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Survival tips for low wage people

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posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 08:46 AM
Instead of trying to STORE food for 25 years, it's better to have sustainable food.

You could breed chickens....hens lay eggs after 6 months, and are of a size to eat then too.
You could breed rabbits...they mature quickly and breed quickly. If you don't mind skinning and eating cute little bunnies.

The above two are great for protein.

For veggies, simply grow a garden and do home canning. Sustainable, AND long storage. Home canned veggies and fruits are easily edible (and still tasty) YEARS after canning.

For the time you mentioned though....for long term storing:

Dry rice, beans, corn, pasta, mashed potato flakes, cereals are the most common. Store in food grade buckets, with moisture absorber packs (and store at room temp, excess heat will shorten the shelf life). I prefer gamma lids myself, as you can color code them, and still have a good seal after accessing them.

The other trick, is you need sustainable water. A well is great, but if not an option, a rain catchment system is an idea as well as storage options. You can get large barrels for water storage (I personally like to change out my stored water every 4 months, just to ensure no bacteria growth, etc.). Of course, you'll also need this for any animals or gardening you do.

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