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Was Hoping This Day Wouldn't Comem But Here I Am

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posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 11:37 AM
Suppose you could say I should have known better, but we all have our delusions.

Freedom is, by far, the most important thing for me or anyone else to have. How can you be happy with your life if you can't live it the way you know will make you happy? You can't do that if someone else is ordering you around, insisting you have to live your life the way they want. It's why I love(d) the West so much - its the only culture that seems to value it at all. For too long we were forced to be ordered around at the whims of feudal lords until we'd had enough, and made it clear to TPTB we weren't gonna stand for it anymore. So we got our democracies, and our rights and freedoms, and were given a shot at making any kind of a living for once.

But that wasn't gonna stop the power hungry. The people who live and breathe to dominate others. They just had to find news ways to rob our liberties from us. We stood up to them once, and they had to make sure we wouldn't do that again. We needed to be tricked, lulled, conned into a false sense of security; of thinking that we could take our freedoms for granted and concentrate on other things. First World Problems, etc etc. But that's all a lie. It always has been. As Ike said, though more specifically to the MIC (which, no offense to him, is but a single wing of the NWO), to maintain liberty when the potential for abuse of power is available (and it is always available) requires an educated, vigilant public. So naturally, we need to be deprived of both. Education? Better make sure that steers people right clear of questioning anything that would undermine the Elites; or, if you're in the US, barely educates you at all. After all, why spend money on education when you could give it to the MIC or spend it on watching your every move? Why would you want to cut the DoD budget and shift it to the DoED, or the DoHHS, or the DoT budget Joe Public? Do you want the terrorists and the Russians to win?

Vigilance? Direct our anxieties elsewhere. Whip us up into culture wars, moral outrages, make us afraid not of the government, not of the people with actual power, but our fellow citizens who have no more power than we do. Divide and conquer. Let the masses fear each other and think they are using the government to stop their opponents from morally bankrupting the country, all the while everyone gets robbed blind and every day there's another camera put up. Here, here's some newfangled social media sites for you, shout your views to the world, there's nothing to fear, tell those commies/fascists/stupid liberals/Nazis how bad they are. We're only watching your every word to see if you're a terrorist. You're not a terrorist are you? So don't worry about it.

What, Google has the power to manipulate global information flows and control the news? Don't be silly, why would they do that? And besides, even if they do, your good ol' pals the government will surely pass a law to put them in their place. Trust us. We're on your side, Jane Doe.

Bilderberg Group? We're just talking big picture hypotheticals, nothing ever comes of it. You don't need to know what we talk about, none of it comes to anything anyway. The secrecy's just a legacy thing, tradition. Don't worry about it. Council on Foreign Relations? Trilateral Commission? Come on, you're not telling me you believe these informal think-tanks actually do anything do you? You're starting to sound like a crank Joe Schmo. Federal Reserve and the ECB manipulate the world financial markets to reinforce TPTB? You've been watching too much Ron Paul.

I look at the erosion of civil liberties under increasingly pathetic justifications. I look at the Panama Papers and the massive amounts of money grubbing done by even supposedly "democratically elected, publically accountable" politicians. I look at how a woman that reports on it gets blown up by assailants unknown and the news doesn't cover it at all and no one's bothered looking for suspects. I look at how the CIA, and the Fed, and the DoD, and European Union, and the Multinationals - Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Banks, Big Agra, MIC, you name it - and the "Think Tanks" operate without any oversight whatsoever from the public, and how they always seem to get what they want even if the public does pay attention for a second and condemn what they're doing. I look at how the megacorps have bought up all the news channels that aren't owned by governments and, since they're in cahoots anyway, are now no better than state-run propaganda stations, riling up the public with fake news or spurious, divisive crap that keeps the public angry and distracted and fighting among themselves while the Bilderbergers/Deep state/NWO/Illuminati/Whatever you want to call them (seriously, can we just agree on one name? It doesn't really matter which, it would just make things simpler if we could agree on one name) amass wealth and power the likes of which the planet has never seen. I used to believe that they couldn't be so bad - how could anyone be so cruel? But their actions show us otherwise. Every time I gave them the benefit of the doubt, they showed that yes, they really were that scummy. I was lying to myself. We may want freedom, but they don't, and they're trying to make sure we forget what freedom actually is.

And to make things worse, you come to ATS, and you find half the people here are falling into this trap. They're arguing, seriously, that Trump is trying to destroy the NWO, or that socialists are a major threat to America, or that the worst thing about the Republicans is that theyr'e racist. They've managed to get political discourse so immensely heated that almost no one can, due to the emotional rage they're deliberately trying to induce in you, resist joining the brawl instead of pointing the finger at the real problem - the Ones in the Shadows. The Elites. The New World Order. Our New Overlords. I'm dismayed. I dunno if I can point more people away from the politics boards and into the conspiracy boards, to realize the real problems we face, but dammit I've got to try. How can we ever sway the masses if we're falling for the same crap?

That's why I woke up. That's why I'm here. They can't get away with this. We can't let them.

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 11:47 AM
i like the cut of your jib. welcome to you.

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 11:52 AM

It's the fight that never ends, unfortunately.

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Welcome and good luck.

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Well, that is a great way to introduce oneself! Welcome, I can't wait to hear more

(I think tptb is a name we can all agree on). And, I, too, once gave them the benefit of the doubt.

To see it from a wider perspective it really is something- what an evil master plan. And that it's "working"?

Good news is that I am seeing the cracks.. the ediface is crumbling. The ugliness being brought to light right now is unprecedented.

Glad you're here, and it is very nice to meet you.

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Welcome! I'll just echo everything Zos said.

See you around the site. Enjoy the time you spend here.

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

But I really need my Round Up!! Weeds are just nasty things. The bees? That is just a natural cycle. Butterflies migrate. And it can't be bad for you if it is sold over the counter!

(I'm on your side. One name would be nice, too. Maybe we can stop using TPTB and make it TPTW[ere]. If it was not for us sheeple they have to get real jobs!)

Welcome to ATS, AP!

In my melancholy moods I sometime think ATS is a government front to keep us with radical ideas all buzzing and raging around one central location for their own safety. It usually passes. Just don't let them see how smart you are!

Enjoy your stay on the Island of Misfit Toys!

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Nice introduction!

Welcome, just wanted to say I enjoyed your post and that I look forward to seeing you around

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: AquinasProtocol

But that wasn't gonna stop the power hungry. The people who live and breathe to dominate others. They just had to find news ways to rob our liberties from us....

That's why I woke up. That's why I'm here. They can't get away with this. We can't let them.

Life on planet earth is actually quite simple.

No one can rule over you, unless you are already being ruled by the "three poisons", as the Buddhists like to call them.

The three poisons are: Greed, Anger, and Delusion.

These are the three things "the masters" use to rule over "the servants".

You must be a servant first, of these three things, before any master can rule over you.

All the masters do, is hire and fire "servants".

They don't "make you" a servant. They can't. That's impossible for anyone.

The masters look for servants, and pick the best servants to serve them.

They steal servants from other masters, to increase their own workforce.

To do this, they "offer" the potential servants more of the things those servants want, than the other masters are offering them.

The servants switch masters to satisfy their greed, appease their anger, fulfill their delusions.

Life's simple.

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 01:28 PM
Bravura, Sir! Best intro ever and right on. Of course it's a honey trap but I figure eff 'em---words, and their measured and structured use in logic do matter. The pen is mightier than the sword as it were.


posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Welcome aboard ...Very good rant and maybe we can just call them the Beast .Now we can concentrate on that Whore thats riding it .

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 04:28 PM
Welcome to the nut house

Don't feed our freemasons. They're bitey

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Damn that was a good intro!

I've struggled with how we fight back. But it's not really a classical fight, it's a fight for awareness. We need a strategic path of small victories.

For example, this decades push against free speech is another strategic move by tptb. We have to hold that battle line. Without it the game is over. Messages such as yours must continue to be heard. The mask of hurtful words is a disguise.

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Welcome to ATS, AP.
Well-written introduction.

So you didn't want to sign-up, but now you feel compelled to do it.
Any particular straw that broke the back?
Where do we go from here?

Fighting isn't an option, because that's their domain, and they're damn good at it.
Their MO is: predict what is predictable, and control whatever is unpredictable.
These are the parameters to be dealt with.

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Nice intro, you already seem to have a solid grasp on the situation us plebs find ourselves in.

May I ask was it something in particular that got you on this path or just a whole bunch of stuff?

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
Straw that broke the camel's back.

When Daphne Galizia was assassinated, the media didn't say anything, and no one looked for culprits. They couldn't be more blatantly behind it if they made a press release.

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Admire your post very much! Welcome

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Some intro, that.

I look forward to seeing you when you've really got going.

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Not sure if you have went down this rabbit hole but here is a new short podcast dealing with what the Beast will be in the not too distant future if not all ready

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: AquinasProtocol

Amen brother!

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