As I noted in a previous thread, its a banner month for aviation spotters it seems. Two F-16 wearing Edwards ID's were photographed in Star Wars
Canyon, with what appear to be new pods under their right wings. The streamlined pod with a black nosecone (radio opaque?) was opposate a AN/ALQ-167
The form was identified by Tyler Rogeway who produced a picture circa 1987 of a EA-7L with the pod. The EA-7L was used an a electronic warfare
aggressor aircraft.
So they are either using an old pod to simulate older air forces like say the NK's
Its an old casing with new innards
Or its simply bait to get us talking.
It's a threat simulator. If they're flying on Edwards aircraft, they're either updated to test something, or they're building the threat database for
the F-35 library.
edit on 12/5/2017 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)