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Against Political Correctness

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posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 05:50 PM
Political correctness, like its religious and puritanical forebears, is a totalitarian wet-dream born of comfort and security. It is no different in its campaign against heresy and thought-crime than a Catholic Inquisition, save for that its advocates are neutered by the democratic and liberal principles protecting the heretics. They can do nothing but moralize, complain, petition, make others pity them. But their tyranny advocates a self-serving morality and verbal conduct founded upon the fevered imaginations of a privileged, affluent, gentry class, who then enforce it in all aspects of life through threat and coercion, all while benefiting absolutely no one but the censors and dictators throughout the world who are by now taking notes.

I say “privileged” because taking offence and being offended is the easiest and most comfortable form of suffering that has hitherto existed on earth, which is a round-about way of saying it isn’t suffering at all. Thus, when political correctness and the subsequent political uniformity isn’t being abused by despotic governments or theocrats, it is a strictly upperclass and first-world fanaticism found common among pampered students, politicians, and public relations firms.

As Goethe related to Eckermann, “When eras are in decline, all tendencies are subjective, but when matters are ripening for a new epoch, all tendencies are objective”. Using Goethe’s model, the shrieking pitch of political correctness rings towards a certain era of decadence, a stage of decline wherein all the ills of the world exist as a perpetual solipsism buried deep in the solipsist’s head. The enemies and dangers never seems to breach the politically correct skull, or at least they can be warded off by shifty euphemism. But outside their mental battlefields is where all the collateral damage lies—our crippled language, which as the natural scaffolding and resource of our thoughts, they plunder and destroy so as to use it as the raw material towards whatever monstrosity they seek to build.

I wonder if changing the word “cripple” to “handicap” to “physically disabled” to “differently-abled” helped lesson the discrimination. More likely it made talking about the issue more difficult. No matter; the plight of the politically correct isn’t to criticize and denounce injustice wherever it happens anyways, but to play public relations and marketing for people they have deemed, before even meeting them, lesser off. Rather than to admit this belief in their own moral and genetic supremacy, they would rather disguise it by resorting to euphemism and a tortured form of circumlocution when it comes to words and labels, but nothing when it comes to behaviour.

But to stand up and speak out about injustice, violence, oppression, and persecution out in the real world wherever it is rampant (as opposed to in their own heads) might require a strength and courage that these pacifists could hardly muster. On that account they are objectively pro-tyranny, not only in their adoption of tyrannical behaviours and policies—dogma, censorship, vandalism, mob-violence—but in their refusal to confront the actual tyranny occurring outside their fevered imaginations. Like all enemies of free societies, the politically correct wish to police and limit the freedoms of their fellow citizens, while doing nothing to defend them from the barbarians at the gates.

That dastardly free speech…Listen to the litany of speaches by the politically correct, filled as they are with platitudes and slogans and pejoratives, denying that their inquisition is a campaign against free speech while at the same time denying others the right to speak. Nothing has seemed so antithetical, even ironic, to a free society, then those abusing their freedom in order to counter another's.

It is, after all, a free speech issue. The intolerant railing against language and word usage has made them more sensitive, weakening their skin instead of thickening it, while solving nothing of their supposed causes. And in their wake, the english language has become more and more meaningless, less and less beautiful, the scorched earth of a fleeing enemy.

edit on 13-10-2017 by LesMisanthrope because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 05:54 PM
Oh yea, I'm offended that street lines are White

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

When does politeness become political correctness?

Were our parents PC for telling us not to swear as children?...
Or to say please & thank you? Generally dictating our speech...

Some things labelled PC I do get...
But others not so much.

It isn’t PC to chastise someone for being racist or sexist for example.
To tell someone not to call out racism & sexism is actually PC if you think about it.

Well written OP, Les.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: Hazardous1408

It isn’t PC to chastise someone for being racist or sexist for example.
To tell someone not to call out racism & sexism is actually PC if you think about it.

And just because someone says they're anti-racist, or are a minority, doesn't mean they themselves aren't racist.

The moral of the story that has been the Social Justice Movement is, the more people obsess about the racism of others the more racist they themselves become in the process. Its a never ending cognitive equivalent to a cycle of violence, which inflames matters and then leads to actual acts of violence, thus manifesting a proper Cycle of Violence that once set in motion promises to be unending as long as people keep obsessing about it.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

...the more people obsess about the racism of others the more racist they themselves become in the process.

Is that a general rule or an exception?
I haven’t seen any data to suggest that.

Anyone who would be violent over race is a fool.

But I don’t buy the “impending race war” bullsh*t, as always the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: Hazardous1408
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

When does politeness become political correctness?

Were our parents PC for telling us not to swear as children?...
Or to say please & thank you? Generally dictating our speech...

Some things labelled PC I do get...
But others not so much.

It isn’t PC to chastise someone for being racist or sexist for example.
To tell someone not to call out racism & sexism is actually PC if you think about it.

Well written OP, Les.


If the politically correct were polite I wouldn't be criticizing them. Manners and respect would get them a long way in my book. Politeness never becomes political correctness because political correctness is never polite and considerate.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Before SJW / BLM / liberals en masse shouting that all critics of Obama policies were so only because they're RACIST:

After SJW / BLM / liberals en masse shouting that all critics of Obama policies were so only because they're RACIST:

Now that you've seen data whats next?

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Why can't people just cut through the chase?

Political correctness is censorship.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Why can't people just cut through the chase?

Political correctness is censorship.

It is. And "political correctness" is such an awful and clumsy word anyways. I definitely propose being rid of it.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Your data has nothing to do with this;

...the more people obsess about the racism of others the more racist they themselves become in the process.

...and generally the only people who complain about race relations declining are Obama’s critics.
So not very objective.

I never hear anyone but hardcore conservatives saying race relations have declined...
& what symbolises that so called “decline” never seems to come up in conversation.

However we’ve gone far off topic now so let’s do Les a courtesy and agree to disagree.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: DBCowboy

Why can't people just cut through the chase?

Political correctness is censorship.

It is. And "political correctness" is such an awful and clumsy word anyways. I definitely propose being rid of it.

Actually it's 2 words. Let's call them "covfefe" lilts on the tongue like sweet honey.
edit on 13-10-2017 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: DBCowboy

Why can't people just cut through the chase?

Political correctness is censorship.

It is. And "political correctness" is such an awful and clumsy word anyways. I definitely propose being rid of it.

Actually it's 2 words.

I suppose "phrase" would be a better way to describe it. Either way, exchanging one word for two seems to be the politically correct way of doing things. It's cumbersome in both thought and expression.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
Political correctness, like its religious and puritanical forebears, is a totalitarian wet-dream born of comfort and security.

And here I thought it was an attribute of a Gentleman, not to intentionally (or only intentionally...depends who you read)...give offence.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: DBCowboy

Why can't people just cut through the chase?

Political correctness is censorship.

It is. And "political correctness" is such an awful and clumsy word anyways. I definitely propose being rid of it.

Actually it's 2 words.

I suppose "phrase" would be a better way to describe it. Either way, exchanging one word for two seems to be the politically correct way of doing things. It's cumbersome in both thought and expression.

People hide behind the term.

"It's not censorship, it's being politically correct."

It's like saying, "It's not murder, just stopping your heart from beating again forever."

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

You are quite correct, but surely, you do realize.............its lost cause. Its gone on for too long and its been embedded into the deepest realms of the propaganda machinery, right down to the Elementary school level. There is no pulling out of this nose dive; the center will not hold.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

And here I thought it was an attribute of a Gentleman, not to intentionally (or only intentionally...depends who you read)...give offence.

Simple manners and being a gentleman are not synonymous with political correctness.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

And here I thought it was an attribute of a Gentleman, not to intentionally (or only intentionally...depends who you read)...give offence.

Simple manners and being a gentleman are not synonymous with political correctness.

While true, it’s hard to deny that being a gentleman/lady is often equated to being PC.

As previously stated by myself, calling out racism & sexism is often called PC behaviour.
Especially around these parts.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

And here I thought it was an attribute of a Gentleman, not to intentionally (or only intentionally...depends who you read)...give offence.

Simple manners and being a gentleman are not synonymous with political correctness.

As long as we have true patriots like Alex Jones carrying the banner of freedom; we have nothing to fear from "political correctness"

I just had a healthy dose of Alex's "Caveman True Paleo Formula" best $29.95 I ever spent!!!!!! I think it's the bone broth that make's me feel extra Paleo.

edit on 13-10-2017 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 07:07 PM
Kneeling during the national anthem is politically incorrect. Any thoughts on why the anti-politically correct crowd is so against it?
edit on 10/13/2017 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Ugh. I'm about to eat. But thats the results. 'My BLM' graph had both sides tracking almost identical.

But this stuff goes without saying: a decade ago liberals almost never labelled everyone racist. I had never even heard the term "white genocide". White supremacist groups were as good as extinct for all intensive purposes. Race compatibility polls were on a constant annual uptick. And on and on and on these sorts of metrics.

And then Obama got in, the Democrat leadership + MSM started spinning everything about race, started slandering everyone as racists (by 2010 this was wholesale en masse). Then in 2011 the OG SJW's crashed the Occupy Movement. In 2013 BLM formed as a militant SJW front with RACE as its battle cry. And from there white genocide started becoming the toast of the left. Now EVERYTHING is about race, whites are LITERALLY the white supremacist devils, and on and on and on.

Do you really need a study to tell you the sky is blue???

And what happens when this new brand of racism has infected the majority of the institutions we'd expect do to such a study, meaning they wont?? Would this be like no matter how many new revelations emerge that Hillary should be jailed for her email BS, if she's to be held to the same standards as everyone else that is, but hey as long as the rest of the crooks down in DC dont prosecute her then nope shes innocent??

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