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Insider Trading and Financial Anomalies Surrounding the Las Vegas Attack

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posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 03:24 PM
This started happening in September which is when the guy that i started a thread about predicted an event soon in Nevada. Looks pretty damn fishy.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
It could be something, but that would be difficult to determine properly. He could have known this guy was planning to do something from word on the street. But it also could just be a coincidence.

Not much chance of coincidence at this point. The other stocks had similar purchases begining 9/11/17 from the report I heard on The Great American Show last night, Bill Cunningham.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: dreamingawake

originally posted by: caterpillage
This. Needs to be investigated to the fullest extent.

Not gonna happen if the politicians and lobbyist at the top are involved.

Good point, we are going to have to hold our own investigations if they are going to stop.

The pretense of the Rule of Law was affectively ended with Comey's explaining allowing Hillary to walk even though she did commit the crime but didn't intend to, in his estimation.

AND, this decision was acknowledged to be unlike ALL the others before her story with similar cases. Even though we have mounds of proof the information was wiped against the law too.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: dreamingawake

originally posted by: caterpillage
This. Needs to be investigated to the fullest extent.

Not gonna happen if the politicians and lobbyist at the top are involved.

Good point, we are going to have to hold our own investigations if they are going to stop.

The pretense of the Rule of Law was affectively ended with Comey's explaining allowing Hillary to walk even though she did commit the crime but didn't intend to, in his estimation.

AND, this decision was acknowledged to be unlike ALL the others before her story with similar cases. Even though we have mounds of proof the information was wiped against the law too.

It wasn't just Comey allowing Hillary. It was all of the following:

FBI/NSA Privacy violations w/o warrants
WMDs in Iraq
IRS targeting
Fast & Furious

And I'm sure I'm probably missing a dozen more.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: solongandgoodnight

Bro, all of it is transpiring. Check the sponsors of the event. UBER, TSA, U.S.ARMY etc. Now security companies are pushing in the airport scanners in hotels and casinos. This is further preparation for a cash free society.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I've seen it posted as both the 10th and the 11th. Even the snopes link acknowledges that. I did, though, think that it had been settled that the 10th was the original. Either way, I don't trust snopes for much of anything.

Frankly, I could still go either way. It just happens that for right now everything released has come across as there having been far too many coincidences for it to all be coincidences.

Oh and there's also the fact that their rundown willfully ignores that he clearly stated he wasn't necessarily positing about the following day but las Vegas was the intended target.
edit on 10/9/17 by Magnivea because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 06:40 PM
Star and flag OP!

I posted this story on a more conventional site and I was called every name in the book. The source was knocked, I was called a “commie” who read “pro-Russian” websites. It was said I was “pissing on graves”. On and on.

People are really touchy about asking questions on Vegas. I don’t pretend to know what happened, I am just rightly (I think) suspicious of the OS. This is Sandy Hook all over again.
edit on 9-10-2017 by Jchristopher5 because: Misspelled word.

edit on 9-10-2017 by Jchristopher5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: odzeandennz
if the man was Muslim, would it be terrorism, cut and dry

It's still terrorism. Muslims aren't the only ones to spread terror.

edit on 9-10-2017 by AMPTAH because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

To be fair, "John" said it might not happen on that very date. What is interesting is that the stock sales correlated to the same time frame that "John" posted the warning to 4chan.

"Same time frame".

I could predict 'something', somewhere somewhere, tomorrow too. If it happened weeks later would that be good enough Forensics?

I get the psyop the gubment had 'connections' with Paddock. Second shooters, black vans and Stocks, though?

The rabbit hole we should be tumbling down...

Washington Standard

edit on 9-10-2017 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: Magnivea
a reply to: intrptr

I've seen it posted as both the 10th and the 11th. Even the snopes link acknowledges that. I did, though, think that it had been settled that the 10th was the original. Either way, I don't trust snopes for much of anything.

Frankly, I could still go either way. It just happens that for right now everything released has come across as there having been far too many coincidences for it to all be coincidences.

Oh and there's also the fact that their rundown willfully ignores that he clearly stated he wasn't necessarily positing about the following day but las Vegas was the intended target.

But specifically stated , "Tomorrow". I linked the archives, and quoted it directly.

Did not clarify what type of threat exactly, did it on 9/11 anniversary, 'for effect'.

I'm wondering how many other websites he said that kind of thing about other cities, like LA, NewYork etc.? Would take a day or two to make the rounds, vaguely predicting something in every major city in the US, then sit back and wait for a hit.

Try it and get back to me. I bet within thirty days something bad will happen in or around a major city in the uS.


tick tock

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: intrptr

OK, if you think you could repeat the results.... Then make a prediction about something similar to this and let's see how your results compare, eh?

Eta - this article was about more than just some predictions about an attack on a specific city. So when you make your prediction, we shall see how or if there are any "coincidences" with the trading habits of the executives involved with wherever your event plays out....

edit on 9-10-2017 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: CIAGypsy

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan
Definitely reminds me of the 9/11 stock trading. Somebody a made a lot of money off that attack. The Feds claim they investigated the stock trades and found it was just a coincidence, but on the whole I got the distinct impression they were just sweeping it under the rug.

Do you have the data you are referring to from the 9/11 trades? I don't recall seeing that previously....

Here you go, just one of many sources. You can take your pick.


But of course it was all just "coincidence".

edit on 10/9/2017 by sputniksteve because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

Eta - this article was about more than just some predictions about an attack on a specific city.

"John" did not specify what kind of attack either.

What about the three black vans, the mention of Henderson, and the specific date of 9/12?

My 'prediction' stands, something in a major US city in thirty days. To be true, I would have to make a couple dozen posts in separate web sites, each post mentioning a different city. But I don't have as much time on my hands or that eager to get put on a pedestal as a prophet.

I only interpret.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: intrptr

You are being very disingenuous... John stated in the middle post that he could not confirm the date.

Furthermore, it is YOUR speculation that he made the same "prediction" using different cities on each site. You have shown no proof he made such claims.

He named the city of the attack specifically. The author of the article is the one who noticed the anomalies in trading in the correlation.

You are the one claiming this is something anyone can do.... So prove it. Name a specific city and we shall see if there are any similar anomalies tied to trades with that location. It's that simple....

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

He named the city of the attack specifically. The author of the article is the one who noticed the anomalies in trading in the correlation.

He doesn't say "attack", you do. He specifically stated the next day , changing his own prediction later on proves he's a charlatan.

You want to nail me down to specifics, yet you let him skate on the date.

Hold the same yardstick to him. What about Henderson, the three black vans, the specific date in the first entry?

Remember, I'm saying tomorrow too, but you'll overlook that part if its weeks later right? Like you do for him?

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: intrptr
Just to clear up one of your points, Henderson and Las Vegas are side by side, the boundary is about 6 blocks south from the venue. I think it's Mountain Springs Rd, maybe, I'd have to look on the map. So saying Henderson which also has at least one large Casino on Las Vegas Blvd, the M, it would be logical to add to that to the warning.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: CIAGypsy

He named the city of the attack specifically. The author of the article is the one who noticed the anomalies in trading in the correlation.

He doesn't say "attack", you do. He specifically stated the next day , changing his own prediction later on proves he's a charlatan.

You want to nail me down to specifics, yet you let him skate on the date.

Hold the same yardstick to him. What about Henderson, the three black vans, the specific date in the first entry?

Remember, I'm saying tomorrow too, but you'll overlook that part if its weeks later right? Like you do for him?

He said to stay away from large groups of people in Las Vegas and immediately leave the area.

He didn't pin down a date and even suggested that the "next day" may not be guaranteed.

I won't hold you to a specific date either. I just want to see you predict an event or a type of event in a specific city, just like he did. Then we will check to see if we can find financial anomalies that coincide.

You can't and you won't... But you refuse to acknowledge that by trying to sidestep the request with semantics.

Right, wrong, or just lucky, John made a prediction that something would happen to a large group of people congregated together in Las Vegas. He was wrong on the date, but something did happen. Then another individual found financial evidence that appears out of the ordinary for individuals and companies directly connected to location and industry under scrutiny. Maybe it's nothing. And maybe it most certainly is something.

Either way, you cannot duplicate the coincidence through a random prediction as I've asked you to do. Just own it, man.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: intrptr

I honestly cannot understand how anyone can't see how contrived this bullsh!t lone gunman story is. It looks like a Blackwater operation to me. Just like Boston.

That is a curious insight.

Recently, a story made the rounds throughout news networks that Steve Bannon, Trump's top advisor, is backing Erik Prince for a seat in the US Senate.

Erik Prince is, of course, the infamous founder of PMC Blackwater USA/Academi. He also just happens to be the brother of Betsy deVos, US Secretary of Education, and billionaire oligarch.
edit on 1092017 by TheStalkingHorse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: CIAGypsy
Yeah there's something really amiss behind the scenes. I'm not gonna say deep state because it's triggering and disbelieved but nice list so far.

a reply to: CIAGypsy

He does fit the loner white male profile, no, despite no known motive? McVeigh, Uni bomber, etc. Motive these days just may be presented as he was angry, crazy and well, the possibly planted(or just click bait) story from The Sun tabloid, about an interview with one of his claimed prostitutes, says he was a Conspiracy Theorist. often the notation of homegrown terrorism, is Conspiracy Theorist, Right Wing leaning males. Who would want the focus on that right now? Hint we have a tweeting president that shares conspiracies.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

I'm not going to bother responding to the other posts any longer, but I think I figured out the reason for the "was it the 10th or 11th" problem. Your photo showa a timestamp of 21:08:36 on the 10th. Here's one posted at 00:08:36 on the 11th. That was just apparently a matter of what I would assume is just timestamps in different timezones. Roughly 15-16 posts down here. At least one thing now has a simple explanation.

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