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Kerry Cassidy loses it over the Las Vegas massacre

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posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 12:13 PM
Paranoid conspiracy theorist Kerry Lynn Cassidy blogged twice about the horrific shoot-up in LV. In the first post she wrote:

"I think there are some striking similarities to shooting in Manchester concert in the UK. Man-dalay / Man-chester / Manchurian." Never mind that the Manchester attack was a bomb, not a fusillade.

In her second post she went off at a tangent about Kipling, the British Illuminati, and the US Navy. Just because the shooting happened to be from the Mandalay Bay hotel. Then, predictably, she claimed that this was a "false flag" event intended to create the right atmosphere for gun confiscation. Considering that she's been making this claim over a whole series of shooting incidents starting with Sandy Hook, it ought to have dawned on her by now that there is simply no basis for her claims. Gun confiscation has not happened. Sandy Hook was five years ago now.

More here:

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 12:16 PM
This incident really outed some of the more *intense* conspiracy theorists. IMO. Some people are just desperate to find CT's.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: Asertus

Take it for what it is, an individual opinion not necessarily reflective of the truth.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: AsertusShe has a point, I friggin explain in like fifteen threads already that the University of Buffalo successfully demonstrated the capability to hijack brains the in August, and they released it in a journal. The day before the attack, Russian propaganda decided to highlight this discovery with an ominous warning about hoping that discoveries such as this are not utilized for evil. The following day a man with no established motive and completely out of character does what he does.

When the science to explain literally taking over your motor functions exists and is documented, I cannot fathom how this is not the first theory to look into.

The autopsy needs to check his brain for scarring of the neurons at a specific location, as well as I hope they were able to document injection points at the base of the brain stem. As soon as I post the following, this thread will die like the last one I posted it in, and a subsequent one after that. If you guys cannot see the conspiracy there then yall should be ashamed to call yourselves conspiracy theorists.

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
The man did not fit a single profile out of 56 that the FBI uses for shooters like this. To me, this means mind control. Mind control and hijacking of motor functions, just like that discovered by the team at Buffalo University last month, and warned about by a cultural philosopher on Russian propaganda outlet RT the day before this attack. This same University paid Hillary Clinton to speak in 2014. The day after the attack, Hillary is spouting out gun control.

Imagine someone remotely controlling your brain, forcing your body’s central processing organ to send messages to your muscles that you didn’t authorize. It’s an incredibly scary thought, but scientists have managed to accomplish this science fiction nightmare for real, albeit on a much small scale, and they were even able to prompt their test subject to run, freeze in place, or even completely lose control over their limbs. Thankfully, the research will be used for good rather than evil… for now.

The effort, led by physics professor Arnd Pralle, PhD, of the University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences, focused on a technique called “magneto-thermal stimulation.” It’s not exactly a simple process — it requires the implantation of specially built DNA strands and nanoparticles which attach to specific neurons — but once the minimally invasive procedure is over, the brain can be remotely controlled via an alternating magnetic field. When those magnetic inputs are applied, the particles heat up, causing the neurons to fire.

The study, which was published in the most recent edition of the journal eLife, includes experiments where were performed on mice. Using the new technique, the researchers were able to control the movement of the animals, causing them to freeze, lock up their limbs, turn around, or even run.

I am loosely connecting Hillary admittedly due to the fact she has a trail of bodies following her family since the 80's all the way back to Arkansas and she was paid before by this University in unrelated matters in 2014. Plus she was the New York senator, so who knows what connections she made to this University of Buffalo Human brain hijacking study.

They were awarded $1.2 million to continue this study in 2012

Effort to Remotely Control Brain Cells Gets Push from Innovative Grant

Scientists developing a non-invasive technique for triggering brain activity receive $1.2 million from the Human Frontier Science Program .

The project is led by University at Buffalo Assistant Professor Arnd Pralle, PhD, a physicist who has pioneered a method of using tiny, magnetic particles to remotely induce neurons to fire.

Who is the Human Frontier Science Program??

The Human Frontier Science Program is a program of funding for frontier research in the life sciences. It is implemented by the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) with its office in Strasbourg.


The members of the HFSPO, the so-called Management Supporting Parties (MSPs) are the contributing countries and the European Union, which contributes on behalf of the non-G7 EU members.

The current MSPs are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Norway, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the European Union.

Lets spread this information and help the general public bring it to the awareness of law enforcement and congress to investigate what role the innovations discovered at the University of Buffalo in New York may have played by through corruption and evil motives. The discovery they speak of has been demonstrated in a movie before, ten years ago!

edit on 10-7-2017 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I wonder if the University of Buffalo have ties to MK ULTRA since it sounds like a continuation of MK ULTRA under a different name.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: starwarsisreal
They got ties to Hillary Clinton, that is for sure! And she was the New York Senator. Say .. where was she the day this went down, and where was the head researcher on that brain hacking project?? I believe I even linked the full report from the journal submission. Reading it Is a bit unnerving, and that was just mice.

I am still looking into this conspiracy, and trying to find out who's who and connected to who from the Grant donors to the project from 2012. By the way they describe themselves, it sounds like a joint research fund for the G7. The G7 basically comprising of the head members of the global Western Empire. This could have been planned at the most recent Bilderberg conference for all we know.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 12:38 PM
''Paranoid conspiracy theorist Kerry Lynn Cassidy''

Conspiracy theory can lead to paranoia.
Why would you say that this person is paranoid and not just a conspiracy theorist?

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:12 PM
Guns and ammo have had a steady downward quality control issue which IMHO has been by design....low quality....low operational lifespan....there must be global gun control for there to be global policing......

In todays disclosure age everyone must accept it is entirely possible people would manufacture manchurian candidates and support and enable their would be childsplay.

I do not discount a long running complicated conspiracy to force popular opinion to support gun control by mass killings domesticlly.....however I think this is not going to ever work....because the idiots trying to rule the planet arent human enough to grasp basic human emotions....LMAO....flight or fight is core value.....when a group or society of humans is presented with this dynamic they nearly always choose fight over flight.......morons dont know what they are
This is why Trump is handeling the dynamic perfectly .He knows America and Americans.

Kerry has always been independantly focused and has never been a core value team player she is naturally by birth to empathetic to be led by anyone but her own of a kind actually and I have enjoyed lots of her work.....lately she has become soooo watered down and diluted in her own personal focus that her research has begun to include some real flakes who obviously do not have even tid-bits of valuable data to offer within their testimonys.....IMHO she is spread to thin.....TPTB did this to her IMHO by giving her tid-bits and taking her on long running goose-chases.....they simply flooded her with so many verifiable true but extremely low impact tid-bits of truths she could research and self-validate that they watered down her personal focus and intentions....even Kerry likely cannot tell you what single driving focus is behind all seriousness she has been gangstalked sucessfully now for a decade....put into silk handcuffs and masterfully played.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire

Why would you say that this person is paranoid and not just a conspiracy theorist?

From the "X-Zone" radio show with Rob McConnell:

RMcC: I understand that there was a time when you believed that you were being targeted by the government.
KC: Yes, sure. We're all being targeted. Some people don't know it though.
RMcC: Why are we being targeted?
KC: Because your government is out to get you.

The youtube version is here:

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:00 PM
Calling someone paranoid is just a cheap way of appearing to discredit Kerry Lynn Cassidy's research. If you had black helicopters flying over your whilst meeting with whistle blowers, had darkened cars following you or parked outside your house at night or heard clicks and voices on your telephone, I think you might start to worry. Then, if you spoke about it to people at ATS, they would of course call you paranoid because they have no other way of dismissing your experiences.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I read some CIA documents going back to the 80s but we're released to the public in 2003. These documents spoke in detail about remote viewing, controlling your own as well as others consciousness.

I guarantee you, no doubt in my mind, they have been experimenting with weaponry of the mind for decades now and have used people in such a way to show how it works in prime time.

This is the first tragedy people on my social media are questioning. I'm hopeful the masses who are still asleep will be woken from this tragedy. The more people who question and have distrust for our leaders the sooner we can revolt and stop the sinister elite in their tracks. It's the only way things will change.

We've come too far with technology and it's not for the better good of mankind. They are trying to kill us and are succeeding.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: micpsi
Calling someone paranoid is just a cheap way of appearing to discredit Kerry Lynn Cassidy's research.

All right, here's more evidence of paranoia:

As for "research," how's this:
"Soldiers who are alleged to be going to Iraq or Afghanistan are actually being sent off planet to places like Mars to fight battles alongside other alien races. Those men and women will have their minds wiped when they come back. This is why we're having a lot of suicides with ex-soldiers. In some cases their minds have been wiped so many times they become unbalanced as a result. When they return, they don’t know where they’ve been. They think they’ve been to the Middle East, but they’ve actually been elsewhere."

--KC, interviewed by Sneaky magazine, 2014

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: Asertus

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire

Why would you say that this person is paranoid and not just a conspiracy theorist?

From the "X-Zone" radio show with Rob McConnell:

RMcC: I understand that there was a time when you believed that you were being targeted by the government.
KC: Yes, sure. We're all being targeted. Some people don't know it though.
RMcC: Why are we being targeted?
KC: Because your government is out to get you.

The youtube version is here:

She is on point here however.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: Asertus

originally posted by: micpsi
Calling someone paranoid is just a cheap way of appearing to discredit Kerry Lynn Cassidy's research.

All right, here's more evidence of paranoia:

As for "research," how's this:
"Soldiers who are alleged to be going to Iraq or Afghanistan are actually being sent off planet to places like Mars to fight battles alongside other alien races. Those men and women will have their minds wiped when they come back. This is why we're having a lot of suicides with ex-soldiers. In some cases their minds have been wiped so many times they become unbalanced as a result. When they return, they don’t know where they’ve been. They think they’ve been to the Middle East, but they’ve actually been elsewhere."

--KC, interviewed by Sneaky magazine, 2014

Of course he have an Exoplanet-Military ....of course Soldiers die....of course we co-operate with other "Groups" and fight with others....of course Soldiers are censored and if mind-wiping is the flavor of choice so be it...they used to simply call it an extended course we dont all know about it....KC already told us why and who is out to get whom.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Asertus

I would be more likely to dismiss the Vegas attack as a lone deranged man if it hadn't been politicized so quickly. It seemed like there were Leftists all ready to pounce on this event to enforce their agenda on gun owners.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: one4all

Of course he have an Exoplanet-Military ....of course Soldiers die....of course we co-operate with other "Groups" and fight with others....of course Soldiers are censored and if mind-wiping is the flavor of choice so be it...they used to simply call it an extended course we dont all know about it....KC already told us why and who is out to get whom.

But you see... the problem is, she's totally wrong. Pepole cannot survive on Mars. We currently have no means of getting even one single man to Mars with any hope of a return, let alone a regiment and all its equipment, food, water, spare parts, medical facilities.... etc. Impossible.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 03:20 PM
This is utter nonsense. There is no ability to remote control the mind. Pics/video or BS. I really hate what dumb professors at universities will say/claim just to get more $ in funding.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: Asertus

originally posted by: micpsi
Calling someone paranoid is just a cheap way of appearing to discredit Kerry Lynn Cassidy's research.

All right, here's more evidence of paranoia:

As for "research," how's this:
"Soldiers who are alleged to be going to Iraq or Afghanistan are actually being sent off planet to places like Mars to fight battles alongside other alien races. Those men and women will have their minds wiped when they come back. This is why we're having a lot of suicides with ex-soldiers. In some cases their minds have been wiped so many times they become unbalanced as a result. When they return, they don’t know where they’ve been. They think they’ve been to the Middle East, but they’ve actually been elsewhere."

--KC, interviewed by Sneaky magazine, 2014

Wait a frigging minute!


posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Tempter

Wait a frigging minute!


According to KLC, yes. And all the immense training facilities that have obviously been constructed are so secret that it's quite a surprise that Kerry knows about them. I mean, who's going to tell a blabbermouth like her about something TOP SECRET?????

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 07:25 PM
She’s right.

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