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Getting "There First"

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posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 06:31 PM
So, i just had a the midst of, usually, being hypercritical, or finding fault, i just came to a conclusion. Maybe, I should do what I so rarely do, and share with you some positive thoughts. After all, it dawned on me, a problem, and surprised me that i did not know i was under the gun about this one as well. This will be, in contrast to criticism, or heavy conspiratorial tones, a light journey into just a little bit of mild introspection, a bit of a thing to pass on, a mild realization that we could all use.

As I was looking at things, it occured to me: how many things go awry for the simple fact of the pressure in life to "get there first?" I believe in this dawning that I found the anecdote to such a thing, and the reason it shocked me is this. I saw how the pressure was causing people to fail to discriminate the things that might cause, not success, but interpretation, not cataclysm but simple knowledge of stability. How often do we look at things and truly attempt to decide before us what it is, and whether its really necessary, not simply what the tone is and how it might make us want to lash out, and make us do "the same"? Is it necessary for us in the simplest of terms? Good. So, now that we feel better, what can we do to say um, "f that noise" in the simplest of terms: our selves and our personal lives? So humble. So simple. "F the noise" and now, i am going a little thing. Dont feel guilty because youre only watching tv as a background to: get the pulse slowed down so you can analyze this: what IS it? Have you looked at the people before you in these terms? Because if you do, you might determine that it is no threat. After all, we miss so many things when we are all trying to get there first, and the problem is mastery. We dont even have a clue what we are all looking at. How do you meditate? I have no idea. But take some time today to just say forget it and get the c*ap cut out. I mean that in the sincerest way as this was a dawning on me. Thank you..

posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: mericks74

Like the rush for spiritual knowledge while we are alive, when as sure as hell we're gonna find out what it is all about sooner or later?

posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 07:12 PM
I often get a kick out of, when someone is zooming through traffic, switching lanes back and forth, and I end up next to them at a red light a few miles down the road.


posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: Phage

Was the red light spinning and on top of the car next to you by any chance? Possibly in conjunction with a spinning blue light...?
edit on 28/9/17 by LightSpeedDriver because: Typo

posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 08:20 PM
edit on 28-9-2017 by mericks74 because: fef. .-

posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 09:37 PM

edit on 28-9-2017 by mericks74 because: onoo!-hahah..


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